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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @SQAAD My thoughts about this is simple. You have already answered your question, making this thread mute. And you make your own hell. That's about it. Oh, and wake up, too.
  2. @Matt23 Ah, I see what it is. Zone of genius is more like intuition at first.
  3. @Yarco I was saying that the video games I did I went through the zones of it, were I sucked at first, but slowly got better, and finally did really well, and sometimes regardless of how I felt, I still could play certain games well. The point I was making there was that I was confused about the genius part, like was it after sinking in many experiences that I entered the zone of genius, or is genius referring to innate talent instead. However, this is one of my passions that started in childhood, and sort of persisted to today, with different genres instead. The storytelling was the next chapter, roughly after my video game passion was kind of cooling down and not taking the priority a bit, and this quickly developed into some level of obsession. I would read books, fiction, fan fiction, mentally create stories, explore writer blogs and take down how they construct stories, to the point I sometimes can write out stories when I find a pencil and blank book. It just became hard when I had to abandon ship when the story I made wasn't as good. Also, was annoying cringing over some parts of my writing as well. Lately it's now more the artwork, and the inspiration that comes with it. I definitely do need to contemplate more about these three passions, and combining them and synergizing those things I like, might be where my next biz idea comes.
  4. Relatively speaking, these simulations are getting better. From 2d spritz, to 3d environments, to a fps like view, to a virtual reality simulation. Next one might be a virtual world. What's next? A simulation that includes bodily sensations and focusing metrics? A mental modulation system that's matrix like? We're not there yet, but one day actual reality and simulation will have no apparent differences in between. That's the day humanity is screwed, because if a simulation machine is that good at replication, down to the detail, how else could we differentiate?
  5. @Joel3102 Millenials gonna milenial, that's par for the coarse. There's progress, no matter how slow. Beats getting executed or silenced and thrown in asylums for trying to improve society.
  6. @RedLine It's more nationalistic, with a bit of stage red. Keep in mind that Spiral Dynamics modals for developments of values a society keeps and changes to. However, the modal doesn't cover more than the developments of values, like how aliens might think or behave towards humans, or the consciousness of animals. Or geographies. Spiral dynamics only modals for changes of values in a group. It's when Ken Wilber studied it and combined other modals to it, producing Integral theory, that we now have cognitive development, moral development, other lines of development, and states of consciousness that we now could more accurately study a culture, group or society's development of values, but we now could use integral theory to map out not just cultures, but individuals and other sentient entities as well. For example, only using spiral dynamics to understand the bystander effect in that Chinese store, and how the other Chinese employeees reacted to a chinese man having a heart attack, we could only assume that the work sub culture there, and the work culture of the entire business industry that the store belongs to, has values that are both a little bit of red(dominance, power, manipulation, fame, self preservation...) and largely blue (Nationalism, patriotism, religion, bureaucracy, community, loyalty to one's group, collectivism to a smaller group). However, this still does not map out other factors involved, but only maps out the potential values being fulfilled in that situation, but does not cover the level of compassion or concern involved. Using Ken Wilber's modal, we could map out far more factors other than values that could come together to contribute to this situation. For example, we could focus on just the cashier, and say that her state of consciousness is such that it is limited to that of a robotic cashier worker, that she is under a worker's state of consciousness, and in the video you could see some self restraint of maintaining that role. From seeing how the cashier was resisting changing her state to a more emotional state, another state typical of helping others, we could then say that her moral development(also called circle of concern as well) is limited to only first herself, and to her group she is working under, which is very reflective of the conformity of stage blue collectivism, which is vastly different from stage green's circle of concern. Next, we could say that her cognitive development, also lines of thinking or thinking capacity, could also similarly be as low as her moral development. Her cognition could also be high as well, like IQ with concern to language, mathematical, logical intelligence or other types of intelligence, but other lines of development could still be low. CBT, Psychoanalytic, other types of cognition like cognitive dissonance and personality types, is also included in assessing a group or individual's cognitive development. On to other lines of development, there we start seeing how complex this situation really is, as most other factors spring from here, similar to domains of life. If we charted her wheel of life here, we could see how in each area there will be similarities and differences. Her career life might be high, but her relationship domain could be low, and say she suffered from trauma in her adolescence, which now negatively impacts her relationship outside the family, which also ties in with moral and cognitive development. Personality types , genetics and brain chemistry also factor in as well. All this can as accurately as possible, assess why she behaved the way she behaved in this situation. However, as complex as this modal of Ken Wilber is, it still might be wrong as well. However, you could keep on researching various modals, and come across say Carl Jung theory on the collective shadow, or Ego development, or modals about reading body language and astrology, and do independent analysis about this situation to each modal separately, and later combine that on top of Ken Wilber's Integral theory and Spiral Dynamics modal, and end up with a super complex level of analysis that you start sounding like a super matrix A.I and predict cultures to the 9,000 degree and other people's destinies and so on, A.K.A Spiral wizardry.
  7. @Matt23 Ah, great! Thanks a lot, this helped clear a bit for me because my mind was lazy and thought zone of genius is like as natural as breathing, like 7 billion people do, and other so easy and so instinctual things that it sometimes backfires on some of my trainings on the side. So, zone of genius is something that exciting to me, makes me alive and is sustainable to my mindfulness, like it's easy to focus, label and savor the sensory experiences of the thing I'm a genius at. Also, zone of excellence is like a years or so long habit built up around fields of interests and activities that also align with that self image as well. Just a few more questions for you to clarify and really nail this down for me: When you say you're like a 'social magnet, is this zone of genius coming from just innate ability of you connecting to other people? Or, is this due to 1,000 -10,000 hours of socializing with family members, friends, other strangers in field, which later translated to you connecting to people easier? Also, was this a mix of both external and internal motivation that made this sort of your zone of genius? When you said basketball was your zone of excellence, was there a learning curve involved? Was basketball your only hobby? Were there times that basketball got boring? When you said that the zones are like a developmental modal, is that for feedback later on, like deliberate practice and mastery? For example, say you wanted to be really good at conversations, and you somehow kept a journal to take notes on social and conversation techniques, or to keep a record of how a convo went, you could also use the zones to sort of see and track your progress? About the excellence and genius zones, do they sometimes combine? Like basketball is your excellence, but if you found something deeper with it that makes you feel more alive, is that also a zone of genius?
  8. @Husseinisdoingfine Ah yes I watch some of his videos. Good perspective on China.
  9. @StarStruck Could you tell me,in detail, how your cold approaches go? Or how you socialize with women?
  10. That's more like the bystander effect, but China has it much worse. They did a social experiment there, and if you are attacked, or are being kidnapped in daylight, all of them just watch on. This is deeply ingrained in their culture. They even treat each other worse than foriegners who live there.
  11. Once again, this is a general trend in most populations of men and women. Nothing personal and preferential to the individual is being discussed here, so take a chill pill, and join the chill movement.
  12. By the green individual not making a shadow out of orange, and integrating values and skills found in orange.
  13. @Daniel347 Basically it's like a line up. Sooner or later you're number will be up, and you get to experience something extremely significant about truth. Doing the work would accelerate this a bit sooner, but this is why to me most people will have varying degrees of experiencing consciousness, and most will not go that deep ever.
  14. @EternalForest This is good, solid advice. Way more solid than other advice here. If OP is still reading, one thing that makes the black pill seem very true, is that it revolves around the body. That's it, the body's limitations. People are born with what body they have. their head shape, their muscle tone(lean, ripped, puffy muscles, muscle sizes), their bone structures(tall, short, thick), their skin quality(dry vs oil skin types), different brain chemistry and genetics. All these, you have to negotiate around with, seriously, because these parts are the only ones you largely will have for the rest of your life, plus exceptions. The brutal reality, for men, is that the face, the skull, and their body composition, that they are born with, will play a factor in attraction. whatever physical qualities they have, and this correlates with higher volumes of rejection, which stockpiles negatives, which make it harder for men who are more uglier naturally. These men have few options, they compensate elsewhere, like developing personality and social intelligence, and try their best to manage with the cards they are dealt with, or they accept these limitations, and like the user said above, go on with life, and do something meaningful in life and forget about this area of life, which dating is one area of life that is skippable.
  15. @Runtz On second thought, nah. It's all brain chemistry and genetics bro.
  16. Although after some thinking, while 20% mamga is way excellence, being a mangaka is hard. You barely can call that financial independence, sometimes barely afford rent or food for more than one person. It's literally voluntary slavery to get the finest, minimalist style of art out there for not just Japan, but the world to see. Although I get how it feels to draw. Also, interesting insight that their art is largely a collective projection of their own shadow. Didn't know that. @lmfao I suggest reading the berserk manga first, then the 1990' anime version. The later anime adaptations start incorporating CGI, and the latest was so bad it's a meme. Eva a dope anime that I owned a figurine of the first angel, don't know where it's at. P.s. The guy that made Monster, has made a tv programme called Manben, that shows how other mangaka work in their studios, and he interviews them. Interesting series.
  17. If you have sufficient critical thinking, contemplation ability and love of research, history, knowledge, and so on, you don't need to only treat actualized videos as a tv show, just tune in and blank out. Go explore other sources of information, along with living life.
  18. @Jodistrict Basically, a real life matrix, a lot more sophisticated than in the movie.
  19. @thisintegrated LMAO!?
  20. @Human Mint And he lived a celibate life.
  21. This right here. You guys need to keep hitting girls to have any hope of a short term sexy relationship.
  22. @erik8lrl He is getting closer, as slowly as ut is going. Systems like this will benefit many people, for example: https://futurism.com/neoscope/brain-reading-tech-paralyzed-thoughts-words Something as simple as that, but magnitudes more complexity would do the trick.