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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. This is how conflicts are sorted out around the stages of red to blue. Notice it's not evil, but rather it's survival.
  2. Since Leo is on the blog posting Vice stuff, I've decided to open a thread about their videos, starting with the more crazier ones they have. Feel free to share.
  3. Water is not unlimited.
  4. @Fearey Really? When someone has experienced growth, what happens? If you're into self help, and you do a pre mortem, what are you doing?
  5. @John Iverson OP stands for 'original poster', A.K.A you lol. I meant look up lucid dreaming techniques the other user was also mentioning.
  6. Like many others who have said, clarify what you value, and over time align your work with whwt you calue and are passionate about. A close second, is marketing and funding. You can rely a bit on marketing to generate views for your own online business.
  7. Sit alone in a dark room, in meditation. That's how I managed this fear.
  8. I would not date such people, and generally avoid these types as it's very likely the relationship will be co dependent, and suggest to get some help. If a current short term gf/bf relationship, I would give some emotional support, but still keep context sensitive and beware of emotional manipulation, especially if said partner is not selfish enough to be independent in their own life at least. This is why boundaries are helpful, as they signal that you can axe the relationship if they don't respect you and the relationship enough to change for the beter. And if and when you decide to end the relationship, don't feel too guilty, there's plenty people out there to get to know.
  9. @Nhobdy Well said. The lack of appreciation for how far we've come, our differences and adaptability is no small problem.
  10. The real issue about this virus is that it is contagious as hell, and worse than the flu that a lot of young and old people die, and you wouldn't know until after 7 or so days that you are infected, which means that whoever you came across in social situations in that 7 or so days, has the virus you passed on. This is why getting vaccinated, wearing masks, avoiding crowds and maintaining some distance from people now is more responsible than not, unless you don't care what happens to those you pass on the virus to.
  11. @Eren Eeager Well, we might end up creating a world like The Boys then, super heroes who are neurotic and have sidhis.
  12. Yes and yes to both, I have experienced lucid dreaming in both methods. The WILD method might take longer to master, because you have to have some experience with getting in touch with your mental body, and how it internally is felt through the senses. If you've done multu sensory visualizations, plus vivid 3d locations in your mind, that tackles the last bit of WILD. The earlier bit about seeing wavy colours and relaxation of the body can be improved by doing meditation exercises. I definitely suggest OP to try them out. Mastery of dreams is good if you are serious about consciousness work. The more self training you do to lucid dream, or keepjng a dream journal, has an overlapping benefit of spiritual work.
  13. @Ferretab This is not surprising. A person who seems to have come from a culture with a mix of stage purple/red/blue values, reacts badly to a school that teaches stuff with stage orange/green values to his own children. For a parent that is more traditional in programming, that fear is genuine. Yes, no ideology of any kind. The easiest way to be dogmatic is to ignore this one rule. Already people are getting a bit ideological in this thread. Come on, self actualizers, rise above it. At this point, anyone who has a similar view is aired is good for their programming, although you're right it's surprising. Depending on how morally, cognitively and consciously developed you are, along with how much experience you have in a domain of life, increases your open mindedness.
  14. @Karmadhi It's a good learning experience when it comes to knowing what the losing of inhibitions feels like in a drunken state. It's in the realm of possibility to lose that sober, but that takes other factors in development of consciousness to pull off well, including and outside of dating. Apparently some researchers found a correlation between alcohol and likely formation of certain cancers. I would definitely suggest proper moderation with alcohol.
  15. The last bit was a blanket statement for some who do, not intended to you specifically. Overall I agree that a carefully balanced approach is necessary, keeping in mind how a food effects the body and mind can widely vary. I don't agree with when one side says their diets the bestest, and then turns around and preaches that this should be all humanity eats in the whole wide world forever, and demonize people who eat differently. That's when it gets ridiculous to me. We are lucky to not reach a situation where humanity is too over populated, and we end up eating green cookies as the only diet available. P S. Bonus points to anyone who knows the name of the film this is based on.
  16. @impulse9 Thanks for the critic! It does look odd due to me not including a background, but at the time I was seeing how it looks when I use both pen and pencil using semi realistic style instead of a realistic xenomoph. The drawing was mostly from memory and imagination of a xenomoph, and yes the tail is the best part as I really slowed down to get the spinal pattern right. Seeing it again I could've made the spine along the torse a similar size but smaller than the tail, and overlap the last 1/6 of the tail over it's shoulder. How it looked in my head when I viewed it from above (camera 2 top view) was the tail was leaning left of the body and doing a slim s curve to me (camera 1 side view) and it was attacking something downwards with it's tail and right arm, while it's left was holding part of it down (front view camera) I opted to do that instead of have it use both arms to pin, as that doesn't look too dynamic for me.
  17. @Esilda Thanks! I do plan on sharing some of my progress here. It seems like HD pencil don't show up well when I take a pic, so it's gonna be either pen outline around a HD pencil drawing, or a 4B pencil, or a black colouring pencil.
  18. Yep. I play chess too, and nobody has beaten me over 4d chess yet.
  19. @SgtPepper So far, it's only been heavily processed and microwave meats that do have some negative impact on level of consciousness. Another is eating rotten meat, but this is variable as some tribes do live off of rotten meat and still survive.
  20. @Adodd *United Nations ? That's a very loaded assumption. Don't lump me up as a meat lover. I'm merely pointing out how relatively complex a diet is to raising consciousness in a person. Raising consciousness in a group through diet is a whole other level of complex. Leo, due to his recent health issues with veggies and fruits, has gone through many health methodologies, like fasting and carnivore diet temporarily to try and heal his health. And so far, they have worked a little bit for his health, and interesting thing is how he reports how eating meat only for now, has made him feel better consciously. Are we gonna just ignore his findings on how he experienced a raising in consciousness in eating meat only? This is part of his elimination diet and he does plan to slowly change back to a more optimized veggie diet, but in case you haven't heard, he did say that if that's not possible at all, he would rather eat meat only, as eating veggies and whatever GMO, pesticide, chem or whatever is in them nowadays, is triggering severe pain in him, and hampering his ability to shoot videos we all love to watch here. I am just pointing out how each side of the issue, not just the vegans and the meat lovers, and others who diet differently like eating insects for example, have different cognitive, moral, consciousness development and epistemic upbringings on their group's way of diet, or that particular person's diet. Each one experiences that particular food differently from person to person, and group to group. OP hasn't clarified the nature of how we should have discourse in this thread, but let's keep it civil and keep trolling to a minimum plz.
  21. On the other hand, this could easily turn into another addiction, and put the person at risk of short to long term alcohol damage. Also, if not careful with how much is consumed, can lead to situations that were avoidable. Getting drunk is not the only way.
  22. He also brings up some events historically where there was manipulation.
  23. This is correct. I'd go further to claim that SD is analogous to updating what narratives you like or don't like, and over time you build up a stronger and more complex vocabulary, to the point that when you enter into a higher group, you understand that group, but also not ti the detriment of lack of understanding the groups of stories you came from.