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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Shiva99 Not enough context to give advice, like the kind of career you're in, the job offered, salary, time frame, how many hours, work days, previous job you did, what your colleague also did, what your old office is like. So, I'll list some following contexts later to give some substance to my suggestions with what you might've done:
  2. I have recently got news that Netflix was gonna make a documentary on Bob Ross, and am planning on watching it. Recently on the Hollywood news on my google feed they mentioned how the documentary was a bit biased and portrayed Bob Ross inc in a negative light. For those who have watched it, is this true? And what are you thoughts and takaways of the documentary? I'm highly resilient to spoilers, so do tell me what you thought about it. I will be watching it soon.
  3. @taotemu It was good knowing you, through your posts though.
  4. Update: I had been doing some chi gong practices, and got Crysty to do some of them in one of our sessions. She and J managed to do a chi ball successfully, although the concentration was much higher than typical for me to do, because there's not just seeing her forms, but also seeing the chi ball and her chi ball as well.
  5. @coca Yikes, that's touth. While it's still true that most of red pill is BS, a few men here and there will have much more difficulty in dating and fucking, which might seem like it validates red pill, in fact it doesn't, it's complex and comes down to the man, and the few who suffer far more in this area of life. I hope you are not those few. Forget about dating and improve other aeeas of your life instead. Don't give these 'PUA red/black/blue pillers', or promiscuous women any more of your limited energy and time.
  6. And that makes ten threads criticising Leo.
  7. @coca Ok, that's nice to know. So, what do you really want from this thread?
  8. @Blackhawk The problem becomes double then. One, there could be some form of mental disorder at play to some degree, and they have formed an identity out of trolling and are maintaining that. Bais also factors in.
  9. @mandyjw Yes. There might also be other factors involved as well, like technology for storage and regulating meat consistently is more difficult back then. Other factors also can occur. Depending on which stage of development, and where you are at in ken Wilbur's integral theory modal, you can have many interpretations in this one context. For example, the pig meat being forbidden might also be because a rival tribes men cursed one of the followers of Islam, for stealing a pig, to be trampled by wild boars, and it came to be. Because of this, pig meat is outlawed because it means you are eating the vassal used by demons for that curse, basically eating something that killed one of your own. That's a stage purple magical thinking interpretation.
  10. @Breakingthewall I define non-existence as the same as nothingness, that which is before the big bang so to speak, and synonymous to the "void", because it's to avoid misunderstanding from where I'm coming from when I say non-existence. Firstly, from your point of view, you set the standard for your imagination to not be possible to imagine that reality was non-existence and suddenly existence emerges as a emergent property of non-existence. That, and not knowing how you define non-existence for you, makes this very hard to reply. Are you assuming that you can have 1 without first the 0? Secondly, while it's true that existence in now is undeniable, there are many factors involved in making that so, and other factors that could also make that not so. If you are faced with something horrible, can you deny and distract yourself from that? Thirdly, "if there is existence, there was never existence, due to the very nature of nonexistence(no exist)." is not accurate logic. the order is this instead: Non-existence=no exist, therefore, if true, therefore there is existence, which equals no existence. Even here, there is an error. This is like saying that 0=nothing, so if I see a 1, then there never was a 0, but that assumes existence of 0 came after 1, or there isn't a 0. fourthly, another logical contradiction. You claim that most importantly, there never will be non-existence because the current existence is not temporary, but then you say it doesn't last long. Are you referring to existence not lasting long? If you are, then existence is impermanent, which eventually means that existence itself will die, and become nothing. If not, and you're referring to non-existence as temporary, when what you're claiming is that the very bed rock of all of existence, nothingness, the void, is temporary, and not permanent, which contradicts current spiritual teachings about the world, and the nature of no-self as a temporary thing, which contradicts. In conclusion, I think we still need to contemplate non-existence if there's still difficulty in grasping non-existence. P.S. The main problem when I contemplate non-existence, is that I run into immediate trouble, that I'm surrounded, in me, and around me, with existence, or 'something(s)'. So many somethings, somethings that cause and effect other things, and many somethings that correlate with other things, with little evidence of non-existence. I see a lot of conflation with non-existence too, that it's also synonymous with illusion of the self, or the illusion of the world due to maybe the impermanence. Is this the case?
  11. @mandyjw Mainly because storage of pig meat was difficult at that time, and if you ate one that's slightly off, you'd get ill, and getting ill at that time, in those places, is very dangerous.
  12. @SQAAD Yes, we should kiss less animals even though we cannot avoid killing other forms of life. I believe I should kill less myself included. Wait, isn't this relative and depending on development?
  13. @impulse9 Mostly it is in America. It really is magical how they could convert plastics and waste into feed for the pigs.
  14. @Strangeloop Epistemically speaking, we know first hand and second hand other people's existences, from intuition, to sensory experience that include seeing, hearing, feeling, internal imagery, mental sounds, and emotions, and thinking up objects. We have a interconnected external world and internal world already, so in terms of that, we are already saturated with plurality and information. So, we don't necessarily have to fully rely on networking as the only way, which is why I'm asking the point about sharing channels anyway, because too much of that, plus only relying on external sources and copying, takes away from your unique individuality. So, how do you Express your unique individuality as a human being when the majority of the time it's just copying and sharing, but not pioneering. Like all youtube channels shared are cat videos of every kind, entertaining cat videos, educational cat videos, many types of cat videos, and that's so far what is shared. So, you end up making your own channel about cats, but because you have saturated your mind with cat videos only, your mental traffic is mostly about cats, which is a problem when you want to express yourself authentically with more than cats, regardless if that medium has or hasn't cats. Do you understand what I'm asking? Due to over accumulation, the intuition is now background noise, which is harder to receive.
  15. @Adamq8 Hey, this was the issue I was also contemplating several months ago, about non-existence. In that thread, I talked about how the mythology of Zeus's origin was pointing to how non existence came to be, and how it changed when existence came to be.
  16. Here are some examples of gesture drawing, but first a few list of features that make gesture drawing gesture drawing: 1. Draw loosely, depending in posture, draw more from elbow or shoulder. Draw also from wrist, and if you need to, from fingers. However, me mindful of too much tension. Relax. 2. Draw quickly. The reason why is because the faster it is, the mor3 visually dynamic the object is. For example, pick one hand, at arm length, stare at it and keep it still. Take the other and move it around in your field of vision. Notice the duality between the stability of the still hand versus the dynamism of the moving hand. 3. Line of action is emphasized, and what action the object, or multiple objects in gesture drawing are doing is the focus. 4. While gesture drawing is more associated with figures posing or moving, it can be done with still life and simple forms, and other compositions. 5. Because of the speed and relaxation, there's also the benefit of gessture drawing being a warm up before starting or continuing a bigger art project. As a practice, gesture drawing has the highest volume of work compared to other forms of art done by hand. Now here are some examples: Squares( in 4B for photo)
  17. I'm single, so no thank you very much.
  18. @Daniel347 The simplest way to put it to you, is to be 100% responsible for your loneliness, and understand that you make yourself happy, not people, or other places. I don't need much from people, nor do I need to travel much, because I can be happy in my solitude, while also can go and interact with people. But without dependence on people and places. I cwn rely on myself. This is the thinking pattern and feeling you want to feel like, very independent in yourself. How Leo got there, is radical for most people, including self actualizers. A lot of contemplating, research, reading, and so on. Taking back your sovereignty will take time, because of how interconnected it is with deep topics like spirituality, epistemology, metaphysics, psychology and so on. So always good to re watch and note take, and contemplate if stuck.
  19. A manga style gesture drawing.