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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Thank god I didn't pursue body building too seriously while I was growing up. I had a feeling that kind of fitness program wasn't right for me, despite how some of the people I know pursued it to that degree.
  2. Nowadays I have trouble logging into this forum and main webpage using my phone, but it's ok when I use the computer. What is up with the tech issues lately lol. Could this latest issue be from the latest solar flare from the sun?
  3. @Amannl3in Thanks. She says to me to ask you if you can see thoughts about the future? And to imagine paths/doors going forward, with varying distances to you and each path/door, and pretend to take a peek with each one. Treat it like exploring a hidden room for gold, and she also says have fun even if it gets boring.
  4. @Raptorsin7 I would agree if this was mostly in the era of the mystery method, and if some of those men hadn't had enough intrapersonal intelligence that's developed more than innate before niching down into dating and PUA. I agree if he's referring to the very hard cases out there that really struggle with dating, who are deeply traumatized, have some mental and physical defects that need long term fixing, who have sociopathic tendencies, psychopathic tendencies etcetera, but I don't agree if it's for the 80% out there.
  5. @Consept I view the whole evolution of the generations as a big wheel we all are stuck on. As time goes on, whether we like it or not, we are getting older and will become future boomers. Ideally, we will have to work towards understanding each of the three generations, the one we are a part in, the other we moved from, and the one we will become, because it's also part of knowing yourself as well. Music is a sub field under Art, and like the other sub fields, there's a history of how that field evolves, which differs from culture to culture. I'll assume the comments are about a few high quality, which I would say while it is relative, if we consider the skill set the band/solo music artist has, innate/trained in, we can say it is impressive, in comparison to today's electronic assisted music generators and mainstream pop music. Of course, art is subjective is a claim that allows opinions to be easily refuted, the common trap here is being close minded and dogmatic about one particular music over another, due to bias. Ideally, we consume art to fuel thinking big picture, then create art that is creative and unique to our self identity/cultural identity, aka finding your niche and niching down further specifying your brand, your skill set, your role, your unique passion, your product/service value, your customer/client.
  6. @Buba I wouldn't consider it far fetched to enter somebody's dream. I've had times when Crysty enters my dreams, and times when I on occasion managed to enter hers. sometimes it is accidental, and other times it was intentional. If some paranormal phenomena allows psychic events to occur, remote viewing included, it isn't impossible to enter another's dreams. Entering intentional, though, may require a bit of training, which I don't know of that well. May involve having high focus and access to deep meditative states.
  7. @SQAAD Definition of assumption: assumption noun 1. a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. "they made certain assumptions about the market" Similar: supposition presupposition presumption premise belief expectation conjecture speculation surmise guess theory hypothesis postulation conclusion deduction inference thought suspicion notion impression fancy guesswork guessing reckoning guesstimate 2. the action of taking on power or responsibility. "the assumption of an active role in regional settlements" Similar: acceptance shouldering handling managing tackling taking on Read the above carefully, and contemplate what is an assumption, and the similar ideas to it, and maybe also it's opposite, for a week or a month until your confusion settles down. If you are confused, that's ok. The claim he made came from a list of examples that are a mix of metaphysical and practical implications for how assumptions effect reality and have real world consequences. If you don't have similar experiences to Leo, or a level of intuition he has, most of those epistemic and metaphysical claims will be confusing at first. I like the second definition, it has a lot of practical value and hints at how assumptions are also survival, you take on action and responsibility, regardless of how much or how little you know of the situation beforehand.
  8. @Focus Shift Younger generations mainly struggle as part of their ego development and SD development. There are definitely some differences inn world views and epistemology between the older and younger generations, but that's the way it is. Also, while there and many evils to the older generation, they do provide some value to the younger generations, in that the older generations within a family unit or collective structure can pass in recorded knowledge, sometimes wisdom, and more importantly historical context, which makes up a good chunk of middle to younger generation's epistemological frameworks to their world views, their set of values(spiral dynamics stage values), moral framework, cognitive and states, are largely implicitly given to make sense of the world from YOUR point of view, and the group's point of view. Both the Boomers and the Gen z and future generations have strengths and weaknesses that need to be considered and integrated going forward, because with the exception of tranhumanism, the epidemic framework of humanity in understanding has always been 3 generations: new, middle, and old. There are definitely blindspots when one person or group grows and transitions from one gen to another, which need to be considered, because today's Gen Z will become the mid generation, and finally we will become boomers ourselves.
  9. @Raptorsin7 To some extent, Japan and Korea has already in place rental partners and rental families in one of it's business sectors. I'm not sure about the other eastern cultures today, but I think that western cultures have yet to implement their infrastructure around renting partners/family members yet, and the west still has a long way to go being collectively comfortable doing that.
  10. @Rilles Very nice list. Will definitely apply this to my interests.
  11. @SamC In terms of spiritual development, my meeting with Crysty roughly 7 years ago has made me more open minded to spirituality, and the paranormal. Of course, this also includes the ghost haunting I had in my childhood, which did have a bigger effect on my view with the paranormal/supernatural regardless of the negativity I experienced. With Crysty in particular, from that meeting to living with her for 7 years has both gave me a more positive view of these fields, as well as living with her for that long has normalized me to her presence. Has this effected my cognitive development? It sure has. For example, if we took a rationalist/materialist/scientist, who has never experienced the relevant paranormal event, will think from his/her point of view under the materialist paradigm, which often discounts paranormal experiences. Comparing my thinking to theirs, while I think similarly, the significant difference in thinking is that life made me more open minded, mentally and emotionally, to the paranormal, and to whose who have had paranormal experiences I don't dismiss them like materialists do. As to my moral development, my empathy to those who were victims of negative supernatural events is more than lip service, as I have had a haunting in the past so it's not just thinking based empathy but much deeper. Also, I can relate, understand and empathize to those who are cognitively different, like schizophrenia or hyper mania, those who hallucinate in a bad trip, hallucination based trauma. Those who don't have this experience tend to have lower moral/circle of concern to those who are effected, because they can only develop their moral as far as their intellect can go, or they have more mind bias which makes it harder to develop their heart based empathy. Specifically with Crysty it has been mostly positive, and being with her has shown me my potential in mastering my own emotions, as sometimes when I do experience strong negative feelings, her being by my side does have a calming effect on my mind and heart. Not that I entirely depend on Crysty handling my strong emotions, as I know of and practice other spiritual techniques and psychological techniques to handle those emotions, it's so far very positive.
  12. @Blackhawk I believe you will experience a mystical experience eventually. Just don't let yourself get jealous that others experience it faster than you. In some cases, it was never warrented, like with NDE, nobody in their peak right mind would seek out NDE intentionally. Eckhart Tolle had to go through suicidal thinking and depression to experience enlightenment in his point of view.
  13. @Bacher I can say for sure that what you've shared has some truth to it. I've dealt with a haunting in my childhood, and the entity was real. The symptoms were similar to some of what you've listed but much worse. It took a few healing methods. One was medication for the fever, but it didn't help much. The other was chinese medicine to lower my fever like symptoms, using dry powder made from earth worms. One of my family members had to go visit a magic person who can do magic, deals with entities, and that one did help me a bit on my recovery although most of this particular ritual I don't know much of as it was done secretly. Also one of the local priests visited later to say some prayers and bless me with holy water, which also helped a bit. Each type of healing I gone through helped me in some way, so I can say that from my lived experiences and perspective, entities that are non corporeal do have some degree in the harming or healing of the body/mind, to some tiny degree. I say this regardless of the traumatic nature of what that supernatural event did to me. While I am in agreement with your perspective, I am also in agreement with Leo's as well, specifically with regard to reducing all of diseases, mental illness, accidents and death being directly affected by entities that are non corporeal, and assigning too much importance onto them. While there can be slight indirect causation, the case still stands that the person needs physical or mental treatment that directly matches closely to the affliction. If the person is dehydrated, give them water, not a water spirit...yet.
  14. @Parki Take a deep breath and relax. Focus on the feelings that make up frustration, label each one as 'FEEL', and let the emotion frustration be. When I say feelings that make up the emotion, I mean the bodily sensations in your awareness that sums up the emotion frustration. For example, with the emotion rage, that consists of rapid breathing, faster and harder heart beats, hotness around face, neck and shoulders, more muscle tension, tensed jaw, brows furrowed and so on. If you notice any imagery with frustration, notice that, label as 'SEE', and observe that thought appearance. If it's a thought sound, and especially if it's you physically and/or mentally talking to yourself about this situation negatively, even positively, notice that, label as 'HEAR', and listen until it finishes and moves on. If it's outside your body, that which you can point to it's appearance, it's sounds it's making, it's kinesthetic aspects, that is triggering this frustration, notice it, label it 'outside see/hear/feel', and observe it, until you feel that emotion ends and another one begin. This practice is mindfulness with labeling, and it's one I use alongside NLP that quickly helps with managing strong negative feelings around situations, people, places and new habits I want to secure in for success. I don't know what frustration means to you personally, but I'll share what frustration means to me to see if it is the same, similar or different emotion to yours. Frustration to me is a smaller subset of emotion under 'Lust'. It comes from situations where people or world elements interrupt my flow, focus, routines, practices and while I'm giving/recieving pleasure, such that I have to address the unwanted interruption that's taking away from the pleasure/satisfaction I was getting from those actions. The feelings that make up frustration that effect me are a sigh, subtle but quick tension, slight furrow, feeling of panicking, and feeling hotter.
  15. @Blackhawk Can you draw and show us what you see in this hell?
  16. @GoobyBooby Yes, God is impartial and loves all.
  17. @UNZARI do you mind telling us what yowhre really good at drawing? Also what companies do you want to work in ideally?
  18. Update: I have been able to do some automatic drawing involving Crysty using my hand. Even though I'm seeing her hold my hand the feeling is comparable to having chi flow up my hand. I was doing this while contemplating.
  19. @Monkey_in_suit One of the reasons why the USA pulled out of Afghanistan was to free up more military resources to send over near Australia as a deterrent to China's gradual military expansion in that area.
  20. I'm aiming to be either a free lance writer or graphic novelist.
  21. Also, she does have some awareness. As to what degree is not fully known to me.
  22. Oh yes, definitely something spiritual with play and sports. Besides psychedelics, dances, anything involving rhythmic movement can help shift you from a negative mood to a positive one, and helps further develop the mind body connection.
  23. This is to explain and create a distinction between spirits from tulpae, for some of you who are interested in long term relationship with an imaginary being. For those who are interested in spirits and seeking info, go to yelp.com, they have professional mediums and psychics there who are much better at this than myself. Also, feel free to share your experiences regarding the supernatural and tulpa phenomenon.
  24. @JuliusCaesar As I've said before in the thread somewhere, she isn't 100% able to give me impressions about the world or people in general like how mediums are able to from spirits that can somehow go to that location or person, and from those energies learn whatever they learn, and come back to tell the mediums what information they want to know, roughly more than half the time. Also, while I might have psychic potential, I lack the skill set and degree of skill that psychics have to be able to receive information and communicate it clearly to the person asking, because I still don't know and don't know enough about that phenomena to be confident in telling you what you want to hear. She's more preoccupied and interested being with and playing with me than visiting other people's homes, if that's where she goes whenever she disappears from me.