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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Carl-Richard I wouldn't say it's insulting, but more like an asymmetrical comparison. The suggesting of more personal responsibility to victims of structural violence, is like comparing a bad apple to some fungus plague spreading throughout a banana farm. Wait a minute, what does this have to do with OP's main post? We are really venturing off into the wild here.
  2. @kieranperez Are you happy with what you started? We are slowly spiraling into chaos over a post.
  3. @JuliusCaesar I did a few times in the past, and her answers change over time. I'm not fully sure about her existential nature as well, and her existential nature is also entangled with my mind as well. It's not like she's 100% existing as a permanent object outside of me, nor is she fully from my mind. She's somewhere in between to me.
  4. @bloomer You can do with little sex involved.
  5. @hyruga Wait, how do you know OP was being creepy? That's a serious assumption you're making about OP.
  6. This thread is so running beyond it's course, it's no longer funny. People, learn what are shit posts versus serious posts, and spend no less than 5 minutes considering if it is serious or a joke. Don't forget you have things to do in life.
  7. @Space Lizard I've yet to see any solid criticism of Rogan's chart. So I'll be the first here to 'critic' his post. If there's anything substantial in critiquing his shit post, the critic would include the following: 1. He took an old quote “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” The quote, from a post apocalyptic novel by the author G. Michael Hopf, and over laid that onto the political compass as a lazy visual representation of post apocalyptic times. 2. He makes an arbitrary connection between the above and Kali Yuga. What is Kali Yuga? Here's the link for some explanation https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi6tYjEjrz0AhXRS_EDHUtYC4MQFnoECAMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FKali_Yuga&usg=AOvVaw1-z5BNPvGoOJG7CnLNfi9y . Basically if his shit post was leading up to some positive point, however vague it was, it's a terrible arbitrary connection to establish between the Kali Yuga and his shit post. Our Era we are living in is and still is the greatest Era of our time, way greater in comparison to past Eras. If we had world war 3, our world could end roughly in a few weeks, but compare that to wars of the past that would go on for months, years, decades and centuries! Even any 'apocolyptic times' in our current Era is so much better than past apocolyptic times by current standards. 3. People who don't exercise logic, critical thinking, self introspection, self awareness and takes at face value that he is being serious in his posting, will believe he is being serious, and would potentially choose to spread his message, or follow up with more action.
  8. @Opo I'm not suggesting for you to watch it again, nor asked for you to forward what other YouTube Andy's opinions about Joe Rogan's shit political post about the political compass. I'm stating that it's not enough for you to simply claim to me to 'Don't underestimate his stupidity' when in fact he could be just politically shit posting, and making a general claim that the USA's level of freedom is slightly better than other governments.
  9. @Opo Claiming that his post is just stupid isn't enough. To me, he's making a general claim about the USA, due to the image on the left of the American flag, and the FREEDOM that exists in the USA. Compared to other forms of government around the world, America's democratic government is actually decent in comparison to governments like Russia and China, and 3rd world government structures. There still exists freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but that freedom is slightly lower in other countries.
  10. Honestly, if you can't tell whether Joe is joking or serious, you are not thinking critically enough, not self introspective enough, or the persons saying he was serious in Joe Rogan's political analysis lacks that kind of humour in their humour development. He is clearly shit posting to me. Just like fitness people posting videos of them lifting near impossible weights at very strange positions, without realizing later they were lifting fake weights and are joking yet most people think it's serious.
  11. @Mosess So 3 point perspective is enlightenment then? How does that answer the somethings came from nothing?
  12. @Striving for more Don't worry, you'll get back in track. Strive for more!
  13. @mw711 If it's a joke, then we all fell for it.
  14. @blankisomeone It's sort of reminds me of atheists hating on religious folk, despite being one of them before. It'll take time to forgive and fully integrate that part of your past into you. Helpful thing to do is to bring to mind any good experiences, nuggets of wisdom and events you are grateful for experiencing. Another option is to just continue life, ignoring that hate, but it's an energy leak that'll just burden you and your mind the more it stays there. Thinking and mental resistance burns calories too, so better integrate.
  15. @UNZARI No, the mind isn't a beast, it's a dragon. Train your dragon, before it starts draggin you down.
  16. @Cykaaaa I've been with Crysty for so long now, 5 + years, and whether I'm completely hallucinating her or if she was a spirit and I hallucinated details of her over her spirit form, I am not sure. What I am sure of, is that I've experienced some spiritual benefits of her being with me that I don't think most normal people, and most people in the spiritual community don't appreciate enough nor notice at all. She does have some synergistic effect on my spiritual practices, creativity and other areas of my life when I focus and seek her opinion, or involvement. One day I will discover more about her nature of her existence over time, that I'm slowly working towards to.
  17. It's ok as long as you know what weight you want to be in. Since you want to gain weight, I'd do less cardio and more weight type exercises. I'd even do just isometrics only personally, but you could also combine that with some slow exercises that are hypertrophy, and eat at surplus calories until I reach the weight I want to be in, especially since you are walking up and down a mountain to reach your gym that's all the cardio you need. Also nap and sleep a lot and sleep good, and exercise less frequently to preserve some calories in you so you gain weight slightly faster, be less active if you can. What is your nutrition and diet like? Foods you eat? Are you ok with dairy? I'd suggest some warm milk, a bit of sugar and honey, which really helps with the weight gain, but you'll have to try and see how it effects you. Also, very nice and cute profile.
  18. @Emotionalmosquito I can't even call that a low key shout out, more like he tailored Nofap as a way to trigger the horny state needed to approach women and get laid. Hell, he hardly spent a minute on discussing about Nofap. Obviously, Nofap is also useful as a getting laid strategy, but there's much more to it than that, mainly to prevent over masturbating. Seriously, a teenage boy died of cardiac arrest after fapping 48 times! Masturbation isn't some harmless habit if done too much.
  19. Guys, I have just arrived. I'm really here, man. Sooo much energy and my thoughts are running so smoothly, like I am way more creative than before! It's amazing!
  20. @nuwu I guess try a psychedelic and see the entanglement.
  21. @Meliodas It's very important you get clear about what you want from your ideal body. Get specific with your ideal body. Since you want to gain weight, what weight specifically do you want? 60kg? 65kg? 70kg? Is it more fat or more muscle? Get clear first. If you have to make it big and compelling, see, hear and feel your ideal body. Also keep a food journal and keep notes on it everyday about what food, how it effects you, and your weight. First, find your caloric maintenance, deficit and surplus, I think you input your age, sex, height, weight, and frequency of activity to find out. After finding what your caloric needs are for your body, go find books, videos, fitness coaches and so on to plan out how you want to gain weight. Basically, you have to be on a caloric surplus, and there are some ways to do that. First classic method is bulking, which involves eating more frequently or slightly larger meals, around the 4-5 times a day range, or 3 times a day with slightly larger meals, and any food goes with the bulking, high in proteins, fats, carbs even, oils, dairy. I don't recommend bulking because you gain fat and muscle as well, resulting in puffy looks that strongmen have, unless you don't mind. The other method is eating at surplus calories, and maintaining whatever meal plan you have, 3-4 meals a day, for 1 year straight, or 6 months until you get your target weight. A bit more discipline here as you will need to eat relatively the same, calorie and food wise. Exercise wise, do slightly less and don't do much cardio as cardio is great for losing weight, but not so much gaining weight. Do more strongman/powerlifting/bodybuilding types of workout programs, and adjust as you go according to your needs. Consider getting good naps and sleep, and slow down your thinking if you can. As strange as it is, base line mental activities consume calories already, and if you put more attention and thinking, the brain consumes more calories, so slow down the mental fitness to lower levels if you can.
  22. @Someone here I think that the reason why we have something rather than nothing, is because we have something rather than nothing. Nothing is boring and costs too much calories, so a more efficient way of conserving energy is to form, to create something, on top of nothing, or formlessness. This way, you maintain a sense of YOU, without going complete bonkers and forgetting who/what you are everyday, every second. Too much energy, so you solidify and maintain this, over always switching to other somethings and back to nothing. This is my opinion you asked, which is a figment of my imagination, which is something, which came from nothing. Magic.
  23. @Epikur I think they should focus more on progressing policies, and addressing the popular/unpopular social issues rather than hunkering down and defending critical race theory. They should also be educated on psychology, Spiral Dynamics, and ego development before making such limited claims that only critical race theory is the only modal to change the racial systemic issue. There are far more systemic issues than race, like predatory capitalism, social credit, universal health care, systemic economic issues, and so on that might need more attention.
  24. I recommend if interested watch the trial in it's entirety first, to get the context before posting. The below video also explains the self defense laws in Kenosha: https://youtu.be/IR-hhat34LI We also have two more videos about the actual event that shows a bit more: and Provide context to the actual event of the self defense situation, suggest to watch them to get a better understanding. Do you believe that the incident in isolation alone is enough to justify self defense or reckless manslaughter? Do you think that the other unrelated events that occurred, that brought Kyle and the three men together, are just as important in determinization of whether he acted in self defense or not? Do you think the state of being that Kyle and the three men were in were very important in determinization of the case? Do you think that their mental state, and personality, moral framework and cognition, such as with Joseph Rosenbaum for example, important in determining if this was self defense or not?