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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Knowledge Hoarder Would this ratio to you be the ideal for you? 20% manipulation, 80% truthful in marketing?
  2. Continue doing what you do, and your approaches as you are. Just don't copy the advanced techniques that Leo does, because he had 2-5 years of gaming in Los Vegas that if you copied word for word would actually back fire on you. Do you know how to small talk? How to act social in your area? how's your speaking and body language? How often do you cold approach? At night? At day? Sober? Done mental rehearsals beforehand?
  3. Yeah, razing isn't my thing. Too much distraction, putting the health of one's ears at risk, too many people bundled together, it's not worth it. What my friend also been through in the past was also unfortunate that it left a deep hate that she still has to process.
  4. The guy that runs life mastery project is also one of my earlier sources of inspiration too, good enough morning and night routine. I had bad morning and night routines before trying him out. To those face palming, you can face palm all you want but we got to start modelling somebody at first, so watch out.
  5. @Hulk To be honest, he got me motivated enough to start reading books and to associate that with one day owning a Lamborghini lol. He was one of the earlier examples of a small business millionaire guy that made it a possibility to me. Nowadays I have out grown him a bit my understandings of spirituality, psychology and philosophical thinking, but he's one of many sources of inspiration for just that basics, like I can do as good if not better than him in terms of marketing and business don't forget that. But do be aware, that one day anyone would out grow Tai Lopez's value, so to me this is where the danger lies, forgetting that you will one day out value someone like him. So for those reading, dream big, have a juicy vision and take action.
  6. I've watched the movie as well. So much to learn from, while being funny as hell.
  7. @Ash55 Yes I did try to interact with her when I first saw her, mostly see through and non-physical. Still is for the most part non-physical physically speaking, but over the years I put attention a bit more, like mindfulness, and I can interact with her much better, like a person. I think she may have came from another dimension, as she has an extravagant personality and tells me stories about some places that has vegetation, and greenery. I also tell her some stories of my own too, so it's not certain for me if she really did come from another dimension. I assumed in the beginning that she may have had her life and maybe family, but that was when I was very open minded to her nature, and in that long list of things I was questioning and investigating on the side, her being some spirit or ghost was one of them, which isn't likely to me. Apparently she does, and recently I've verified in myself that she does 'eat', but it's energy instead of solid foods. I've done an offering of food in ceremony like settings, and tried various ones in different styles using a candle. I'm like Crysty here's food for you, and she would sit beside it and sometimes disappear. Other times she would appear beside me and I would designate some portion of food for her later. She sometimes visits inside my mind in one of the mediation sessions, with a plant, and she'd be sniffing the plant, then gives me some to sniff, and that's apparently how she feeds from a plant I don't know if that's her only way of consuming energy by smell, but It's amazing. You mean Aliens in general? Like Martians, or those other Aliens in the constellations? Not much, I'll have to ask later. She does appear to me to be able to travel through space, so I think she might know. Aliens apparently travel through space too. There are even non-physical Aliens that some reportedly have met in a psychedelic trip, so maybe.
  8. He's still going strong to this day though. Gotta give him some credit for persistence.
  9. @snowyowl The bit about the dinosaurs I wasn't intending to make a Tulpa out of. In that day and the day before I was looking at videos on dinosaurs, tried to sketch one out, so I think while in the deep part of my meditation my subconscious mind was probably trying to still figure out how to draw one, and Crysty became involved in that. It's interesting while it lasted. This is an interesting idea, I'll be adding this to the list to explore with Crysty. I'm currently doing a few side projects related to Tulpa making.
  10. I'm glad they have developed a more natural vaccine, although it's too late for me at this point.
  11. Update: I've done another deep level of mediation late at night. I clocked it in around half an hour to an hour of meditation, which on the mornings or whatever time during the day feels like that, but on the nights it feels much longer. I've been able to meditate at night without falling asleep during the process this time, and experienced many colours, but more interestingly places, like those times I've dreamed of going to places. Crysty was there and we did a good session of 'merging'. After that, my meditation started becoming a visualization session, and I was in some other place. It had elements of visuals, auditory and kinesthetic sensations similar to the waking world but more similar to a lucid dream. It looked like those environments like in a game called 'The Isle' where there's beautiful greenery. For some reason Crysty and I were designing dinosaurs in this landscape, I think this part was coming from my other interest in drawing dinosaurs, so I was either constructing one of them in front of Crysty, or Crysty was showing me how to enforce the 3d aspects of a dinosaur's form. We also moved on to various plants as well, until I slowly exited from that level, into my dark room.
  12. Not the ideal route to 5-Meo-DMT naturally, better after you're had hundreds of trips with other psychedelics. And I assuming that your friend's birthday party is at some night club, where they do rave parties? Are you seriously going to take 5-Meo-DMT in a rave party? If that's the case decline, and take the substance in your terms, in a safe tripping environment where you can focus more on the trip without multiple outside distraction. Especially after reading this, I'm starting to feel worried.
  13. @Bernardo Carleial I can to some degree relate to their struggles. I do have some difficulties myself in some social situations, and sometimes reading between the lines that I had to read books and videos about body language, tonality, speaking and so on to just tell apart joking and sarcasm from being serious, and observe people and myself more so sometimes. The bullying sucks no matter how subtle it is either.
  14. @Blackhawk In the interview it's not just Tom Delonge but Curt Jaimungal and others. Sorry if one person spoiled you from watching the whole video.
  15. In this video it's a re-edited video of another podcast video not in Curt's channel, talking about UFOs. What are your thoughts about the podcast? What would you have done differently if you were in that interview?
  16. Forgot to mention this was a re post that's edited from before. For the most part, they don't discuss in too much detail UFOs as some of it is still classified, especially around skin walker ranch. I'm surprised they didn't bring up Colares, the battle for Los Angeles, the roswell crash site, STAR gate although they briefly talked about that, brought up a bit about consciousness, not much about human abductions, or meta materials or Alien psychic abilities.. Basically a mix of rehashed talking points plus talking around points with little elaboration and challenge. I assume it's common in podcasts to not be too challenging or elaborate?
  17. @Phil777 Another benefit from semen retention, is for some men they stop feeling like their dying every time they ejaculate. Regardless if it's fapping, or real sex, something about the ejaculation and loss of sperm causes some men to feel really sick, ranging from phantom pains to strange sore throats/colds. To me this part isn't a placebo for the most part, you actually physically feel like you're dying much less.
  18. @mmKay Ideally, spiritual stuff stays in the spiritual sub-forum, and political stuff in political sub-forum, to keep normies from getting shocked.
  19. I'm having some problems in starting and maintaining eye contact, not just with women in particular, but with people in general. Does anyone have some advice in how they've overcome this issue?
  20. I forgot to mention that I have some partial blindness in boths eyes so I'm having to try to look past that dot to see faces as well.
  21. @itachi uchiha My thoughts on sufism, is to do it on an empty stomach and surround yourself in soft things. Those spinning dances if done right, you'll be falling over in ecstasy and bliss. However spinning to enlightenment isn't my preferred path.
  22. @Raptorsin7 I'd get condoms, and be willing to spend extra for high quality condoms if the normal ones impede sensitivity. Always pull out when you feel like you're over 50/50 of ejaculating. Unless there's more to the situation or other factors outside sexuality, then take a break from casual sex, or continue.
  23. @Roy For me, I've disliked their presentation style, but other than that you've put into words my dislike of them as ideologues.
  24. @fopylo It's a pretty good quote on traps, I assume spiritual related traps. Who was the person that said the quote?
  25. @Blackhawk Not worth discussing? The person or the topics?