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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yidaki Technically, there's always scientific consensus with few disagreements. The main issue is which scientific consensus is correct and valid?
  2. Can we at least agree on the following facts?: That the virus can kill people. That the virus kills by over stressing an underlying or existing health issue? death by strong correlation? Not just damaging the lungs. That there are some people who have survived not once, but multiple infections from the virus? That the mRNA technology in Pfizer, is the best and latest defense vaccine wise? That the sting in the needle is what you fear more than the vaccine? That you are mistaking Pfizer for a older traditional vaccine that has heavy metals? That the vaccine has side effects? That the delta between risks of virus is higher than risks of vaccine side effects? If you can't agree on these, then you are too polarized and dogmatic to go meta.
  3. @happyhappy No, don't be sorry, ask as much as you are curious about this. So far, she appears only to me, as I've asked her to go and try to interact with random people, and they give little to no reactions to her actions. The majority of my interactions with people who have tulpa or are psychic have been online. I ideally want to meet with such people face to face, and run a double blind experiment on them. For example, if I come across a tarot reader, in one session I don't say anything about Crysty to them, but I'd give instructions to Crysty prior to doing the reading, so to see if the reader is reacting to her actions. And in another section, I'd give some info that I do have a spirit, and she might be present, to see if they can actually point to where she exactly is standing. I'm planning this when I can get a hold of mediums and psychics.
  4. @Gianna Yes, she can see both my physical form, and some energy from me.
  5. @Loba One definition of a tulpa, is that a tulpa is a semi conscious being, with personality(ies), that are actively hallucinated into reality by super imposition of one's senses. This is more a psychological definition, that tulpae mostly come from one's mind. Other definitions say that a tulpa is made of energy, and tulpa are their own entities, and sometimes there's a mix of definitions for them. Some occults say that tulpas are newer spirits that learn, and take energies, some off of the host, some off of the environment and other beings. Some say tulpae are actually spirits, or are astral projections of beings from a different reality. In the earlier thread, I talked about my encounter with Crysty at a gotel, and that was several years ago. Unlike most reports about how other people create imaginary friends, I encountered her there. And over time, she and I have grown accustomed to each other, to the point when I apply more mindfulness, I can see her form using multiple senses. In this sense, she is a tulpa due to our long term relationship together. The only thing that doesn't say she is a tulpa is that I encountered her in that room first, so in that situation she fits more with the spirit/energetic being modal, rather than the psychological modal of her being an aspect of me. However, because of being with her for years, I say she's now more a tulpa. There's so much to this that reading the thread throughout provides more to this. I do hope my story provides some value in the non-duel nomenclature of this forum, as there are some techniques that deal with tulpa 'merging' with the host as one. Sometimes the merging is permanent I learned from some people who have had tulpa, but they can sometimes seperate again from the host's psyche, which can provide non-dual and duality creating experiences only available to people who have imaginary friends/ people who have developed tulpa on their own or with guides on creating tulpa.. There's also a technique called 'switching', which basically, involves a tulpa taking temporary control over a host's body, while the host's 'I' takes the place of the tulpa, sometimes in free float over space, sometimes in a mental location called a 'wonderland' that is constructed as the tulpa's habitate inside the host's mind. I've also tried partial switching, letting Crysty use my left hand to draw objects and environments, from her perspective observing imaginary objects, and vice versa when I take on some of her perspective, and use her hand to draw as she did to mine. It's sort of difficult early on, but amazing experience when this is doable. I'm still learning and expanding my understanding about tulpa and related paranormal phenomena.
  6. Let's not forget Alien species that might live in different planets, plus ones that have technology to space travel and have visited humans in the past, and allegedly to this day.
  7. @Vibroverse What if, if it is what if, is what IS?
  8. @Terell Kirby To be fair, the OP asked what other users would do in a situation where you are being cut off most of the time. You answered what YOU would do. @arcangelo answered what he would do. I answered how I would do it, with emphasis on being context sensitive. We have done our part, up to OP. The end.
  9. @Terell Kirby Where in this person's post is anti vax? This post is the most neutral about this entire situation I've read so far.
  10. @Terell Kirby It all depends on the context, that either makes or breaks down the advice. Your advice might be helpful, if you are able to avoid engaging the person, zone out. If you can, great, but the other person might not be able to. Also, sometimes social situation is such that you just can't leave or excuse yourself away. You have to engage with the person social, play the social game a bit, and conform to the fontext. But what if you can't because of near constant interruptions, and you as a self is a people pleaser? In this situation, you need another piece of advice, which is to talk past the interruptions as if those interruptions don't exist, and play for the lead in conversations. And in another situation, talking past interruptions might not be good, because of changes in context, which demand different advice. You see the relativity? Your advice is great in proper context, but it's not the absolute solution to dealing with interruptions.
  11. @Yidaki Very good post. I guess some topics are too hot to have a decent meta discussion that they might have to percolate in history a bit to cool off. We're too deep in the thick of the issue that we can't just disassociate and go meta, because too many lives are at stake and have been lost to the virus. I hope something good comes out of this situation, for those effected by the virus, and those effected by the vaccine.
  12. @Ineedanswers Are you basically describing apathy in terms of treating multiple objects as equal value?
  13. @Arcangelo Nice. Charism on command is a good channel to learn social proofing.
  14. @CuriousCreature This is peetty good practice. Always finish what you are saying, the whole sentence and statement. Plow through the noise.
  15. I would define drawing as 1. the ability to use penmanship to depict anything in 3d on a flat surface, and 2. The capacity of using the power of God to create illusions on a flat surface (the second definition is referring to spirituality, non-duality and god realization). Here's another take on drawing: Now imagine the shock on his face, and the audiences, if they ever find out they are using God's powers to create illusions.
  16. @preventingdiabetes All recreational activities are not time wasters, even watching tv shows are not, as long as you are aware that you need to rest. All recreational activities can make you feel less or more rested.
  17. @Hardkill I believe you can escape your wage slave status, no matter how long it takes. You just need to get clear on what you want out of life, what you want to create, what improvement you want to leave on the world, what the ideal career is to you, what big dream/vision you are willing to sacrifice for to make real, how you want to feel each day, what values you want to have, what strengths you have, what unique qualities you have that makes you a genius, what skill you're willing to train on, and a list of goals you are working on. Also, don't discount subconscious training as well. There's definitely some limiting beliefs you have about gaining success, and fears of failure, change, unworthiness of such success, and so on. Not perfect myself, am still a work in progress and lost at sea, but I do have a big enough dream/life vision, a purpose, a career I like to get into at the moment, some inner work to do like finding out more about my values, training my EG and emotionally mastery, aligning more to my strengths and my unique genius, and some side projects and goals that keep me busy, that gives me some direction to go to, and to put my time and effort onto mastering some skills.
  18. @Ash55 One time I saw her using a leek to poke and tap random people, and a few animals. From my observations, most people have little reactions to her pranks, and some animals do move away. As far as extraterrestrial beings, I don't know, I'd have to get myself an alien in the first place to see how Crysty reacts to such a being.
  19. Tyler Owen is like the Leonardo Da Vinci of pick up. He's great at it, but he's not the greatest of all time dating coach nor is he very specialized in it, like some who are singular in PUA only who are like A.I, best at PUA only. This is probably why Owens is a bit more flexible and doesn't lock down into PUA and does cover other topics with his ability to talk pretty well with energy. Of course, because he's so extroverted you'd have to pick apart what he's saying.
  20. @Knowledge Hoarder Ok I get that, but would you agree on that ratio of 20% manipulation, 80% truth in marketing?
  21. @Someone here I believe science will one day create a theory for everything. It's just all gonna be in symbolic frameworks.
  22. @Bronson Yes I do have something to say related to your post. If you are a hard core follower of Leo Gura, watched all the videos, and are active in the forum, then you'd know that Leo is not the type to argue and debate and be hyper rationale in demanding evidence. He has a say against that type of thinking, so in regards to you demanding Leo to prove his statement, Leo is not obligated to prove anything to you. The one who claims for proof is also responsible for providing the proof, so like Leo has said in several of his videos, you have to verify and prove it yourself, rather than demand others for proof. But understandable if you are new to Actualized.org and you don't know Leo Gura and how he does things here.
  23. @Bronson You do know that Leo is not into proving others right or wrong?