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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Raptorsin7 What do you like about his way of pushing boundaries specifically? Becauss I think that his style is much less about pushing boundaries and more about being non partisan and centrist while having a dry self deprecating sense of humor with a bit of trolling, in so far as I've seen his interactons with Vaush, Rose, BookSmarts, Stardust and Destiny, this is the style I intuit from him. He is also not that interested in optics, manipulation and rhetoric and more interested in triggering some kind of reaction which creates self awareness of one's blind spot on specific hot issues. Objectively speaking, we have to create a few categories in regards to handling Pedophilia: one catagory is those who have a natural attraction to children, yet are tame and congruent with their society around them that they are highly responsible in how they handle their sexual urge, for example masturbating in private. Another catagory is Paedophiles who have natural attraction, but are less tame and incongruous to society around them, and either have less responsibility in handling their sexual urge in a healthy way which can lead to catharsis, or don't care and choose to express those urges, aka the pedophiles who are more sociopathic and/or psychopathic, which creates the sub category of psychological development and personality traits/typing. Objectively speaking, if their behaviours are significantly self monitored by themselves, or are managed by outside, then they are in the first catagory which are benign pedos, whuch means that standards in treating such cases would be lighter. However, if they develop across to the second category, and are born with those tendencies and are traumatized in childhood and haven't processed the childhood abuse out of their system, and either have the desire, intent and a history of offense, then in the second catagory our prescriptive approach changes into harsher treatment of such hard cases. Your subjective experience unfortunately is inferior to the objective approach in handling this issue, because the way you are asking how this issue should be handled is at the collective level of institutions, organisations, court systems, which is largely governed by consensus reality, cultures and objective agreed upon standards using the secular modernism framework. Just because god is the highest love in the infinitum domain, does not equal all Pedophilia is good in the relative domain. You are conflating God's love to being equal to relative treatemnt of a finite issue. This is like taking Leo's premise about all of reality is good, then adding a specific finite issue, and concluding from that that all aspects of that specific issue is good. That is a valid argument, but isn't sound and tenuous at best going from premises to conclusion. You are also confusing and conflating the relativity domain to absolute, by saying how this struggle is contradicting the claim that reality is all good, which is like making an apples to orange comparison, except you are comparing an apple to an alien planet, which has many layers of contrasts and isn't the same catagory at all.
  2. @Porphyry Fedotov It seems there's a growing trend with some podcasts like Joe Rogan, Infinity waters, and Russel Brand being slightly against vaccine side effects. I don't know if orher podcasts are getting to be like this, or are leaning to pro vaccines, but for the majority of it being coincidental and merely the trend, a small aspect of it might be those that have experienced side effects.
  3. @Harikrishnan @Swarnim No, they're scheduled to be replaced with smart, nano tech, metal alloy mercury pipe lines. 100% true.
  4. @Federico del pueblo The main problem I find with this test, is it's too simple and sometimes too open for me. In the test it gives a statement and below that a disagree neutral and agree metric system. While answering I felt unsure if I picked the right one, because I sometimes re imagined the context of the statements. Also, when it started to cover for each parent I immediately felt defensive about the test even more, and now I was having recall more distent series of memories relevant to that statement. When it got to covering for the intimate partner, I don't have any intimate relationships before, so I was caught in a cognitive dissonance there that I had to use Crysty as a stand in for that, and how I rated each statement was more frequently to strong or very than an agreement or weak agreement. I think that's what it would feel like and think like to have an intimate relationship. I think the exposure to and practicing spirituality, and experiencing no self may have skewed how J answered the emotions part, because I didn't feel as strongly emotionally anymore. It's not just regarding people but even friends and family. Another kew factir, I don't know about attachment styles at all. I know developmental psychology, the big five personality test, C.B.T, R.E.B.T, Myers Briggs personality typing, Spiral Dynamics, Integral theory, ego development. However I literally don't know Attachment style, and I think this too is what could have skewed my results a bit to 'secure'
  5. I got the attachment style secure. However, I felt like it's inaccurate to me because I don't socialize and express a lot of emotion to other people outside my circle, family and friends. I guess because I got most of my needs met, but not the higher needs. I also went fast with this quiz to answer as close to instinct. Gonna be taking this quiz multiple times to be sure my attachment style is actually secure. Something's off lol.
  6. @Vido Video was disorienting.
  7. @Arcangelo This is a horrible feeling to have every time a person wants to post. As I've said in the past, as long as you word your posts carefully, you shouldn't fear getting banned perma or temp, or have that thread locked or get warning points. It's just that people post short flashy attention grabbing posts, and it's those that usually get flagged a lot. No name calling, inflammatory remarks, insults, arguing, and it ok. This all started when Leo threatened users in general that posting anti vax, black/blue/red pill stuff, and conspiratorial theories will get banned in such a blunt way. I think the threat was misinterpreted, and users misunderstood Leo's current way of issuing warning points first, and almost nobody here understands the order of punishments and how they are administered and adjudicated to users, that now there's an unease as to how to post. For example, this forum is my first forum I am moderately active in, and I lack any other experience of forum interactions to draw from how I should behave, nor am I active on any other forum in the internet. Literally this the first forum for me, I don't have enough experiences to intuit how I need to interact in a forum, which is probably why I sometimes want explication here because I literally don't have enough experience in other forums to draw from. Zero. That's why clarity and being specific and detailed here is important to me here.
  8. @tashadwoodfall If she chooses to leave me, then it means that I've shown her enough of my life, and how others interact with me, that she would feel confident and secure enough to go out into the world and lead her own life. For me, it might cause multiple problems, like experiencing emotions like loneliness, maybe depression, but I would likely eventually overcome those feelings, and be happy for Crysty wherever she is, if she leaves and never comes to visit, or if she leaves and visits me occasionally. I don't know why she fundamentally wants to stay and be with me. When we first had our encounter, I was lonely, and not in a good place in my emotions and mind, all while I was in a holiday with my family at Niagara Falls. For some reason, she found me interesting enough to stick with me and uplift me with her presence and stories, and I found her interesting enough to allow her to be with me, because this phenomena is not alien enough or shocking enough that I would reject it right away. I had experienced a haunting in my past which opened me to the paranormal, and shocked me of course even if I was too young to understand how dangerous that haunting could entail. Whoever that entity was, it communicated it's desire to have me with it. I suggest reading the earlier thread for context to the haunting, and how it resolved there. The reason why I told that was to provide a background as to why I didn't fear Crysty, because I had this experience of non-physical entity. She makes me feel happy, confident and creative in myself. It's been several years, and our interactions can sometimes go deep, sometimes lead to interesting conversations and activities in my mind. It sometimes feels like there's no end to how our relationship evolves from here. At one point in the past I struggled to interact with her outside of mediation sessions or in solitude, but as time progressed I start having easier times of interacting with her in general, and much more in the mind. And my part in this relationship, is I'm not too sure what exact value I provide to her. I sometimes feel like she's providing more value to me in this relationship than me providing value to her about me others or the world I live in or the world in it's entirety, so it makes me better myself in terms of mind and body to get to explain stuff to her about others and reality. I guess that the best value I can provide to her, is to show her the max potential of a human being, and lead the good life or my version of the good life.
  9. @tashadwoodfall Bad idea generally speaking. Maybe explore spicing up the sexual experiences, like scented candles, scented oils, toys, maybe role play or a vid 5-10 mins before the actual sex. Explore ways to tease him along with you, build up the tension, The little 1% improvements on how you build up to sex, and actually having sex is helpful. Now, going back a bit on you considering asking him to watch somebody having sex with you, well you could set aside some time to imagine that in your mind. visualize it and see how you think and feel at the end. Set aside what we are telling you what to think or do, and observe how you feel in the visualization. It might be a possibility that this could be related to your sexuality, kink, or you fetishizing some aspect of reality, which is worth doing some self introspection on, or talking to either a Psychoanalyst or a therapist if after self introspection you noticed this is a pattern that is rooted in your teens or even in your childhood, which could be related to sexual suppression.
  10. @BlackPhil Nice podcast. It's a shame this legitimate doctor is censored for trying to have a discussion on the vaccines. I don't get an anti vax view push from him, more on trying to have an objective discussion on vaccine risks, but people just attack him like he's some ideologue. Shame.
  11. @BlackPhil I think Leo's just watching out for anti vax ideology, red/blue/black pill, conspiratorial theory creeping in to this forum and rooting too deeply here. Only time will tell if time and spirituality humbles Leo more. I think in 5 years, Leo will have a softer systemic view on this whole situation. Prior to his specific health issue like SIBO, he may have not taken that issue seriously enough, but because he's living with this condition, he took it seriously enough to go explore all healing modalities to address that issue. I think it's a similar thing here with the vaccine, he just hasn't felt and is lucky to not experience a severe side effect to the vaccine. I've had flu shots in the past a few times, with little side effects. With Pfizer and mRNA technology in it, I felt a reaction in my heart to it, which is when I took it seriously, because now I'm more limited in life in doing stuff now because of it.
  12. @SamC There's always a connection between natural talent and developing an ability or training a skill. On top of that, there's the mind and body, therefore training processes that are more mind or more body based, and are interchangeable between the two, especially with Tantra and visualization. I've started a journal thread a while back on how to improve visualization abilities, and the overall thread dealt with mind based ways of doing visualization, per sensory system. However, there's also external ways of improving visualizations alongside mind based visualizations, like remembering more details of a memory of a place or object. Like the classic analogy to improvement, it's like going to the gym and building muscle, it takes time and effort to grow stronger, and time to progress through the learning curves. All things and services that are worth a lot of value, take a lot of time, energy and sometimes money to build up to providing that immense value. I've done self hypnosis and had a friend do hypnosis onto me, and it was effective, but it was less if I wasn't intentional in giving permission in myself to allow the hypnosis to happen. I think depending on the person's mind, certain hypnosis elements can be effective if it matches to the person's preferred senses, like a highly visual person is aligned with hypnotic visuals, vs a highly auditory person to hypnotic music, vs a kinesthetic person to emotional stimuli and physical anchoring.
  13. @AlterEgo To be fair, that's a video version of Leo Gura, which is slightly different from forum version of Leo Gura who's more aggressive and blunt to ideological speak.
  14. @SamC The same way I have internal representations of memories of images, sounds, and bodily sensations. Maybe my brain chemistry and genes are slightly different in that I can perceive and experience paranormal phenomena a bit more easily, like the haunting I had experienced in my childhood, and my current situation with Crysty. I can also imagine an object not here to be on a table, like an apple. Why are you asking? Wondering to what degree is this nature vs nurture?
  15. @happyhappy Other Tulpae? She says to befriend those imaginary friends in your mind. For other entities that are mostly non physical, like spirits, ghosts, aliens, be generally friendly to friendly feeling ones, and avoid those that feel bad. Basically put.
  16. @Yidaki Thanks for the share, Leo also shared that same website in his blog post on misinformation and information warfare.
  17. Sadhguru can look after himself.
  18. @hoodrow trillson By lurkers you mean Incels, or the lone types? IMO, value is what you personally find valuable. A value is also ambiguous, like ideals and noble truths. For example, competency, understanding, consciousness, creativity, independence, uniqueness, excellence, health, beauty, and enlightenment, and many more words that point to ideals, for me mean differently than what each of those ten words mean to you, even what your family or culture defines those words can be different to how you personally define those words for you. Could also be similar to what society tells you about values too.
  19. This conversation is much better IMO: Destiny being able to handle this discussion is a good example. Don't be like Vaush and get too triggered, be like Destiny, with his level of logic and some degree of open mindedness.
  20. @Carl-Richard Yeah, Vaush is not ready to level up to stage yellow tier 2 cognition.
  21. @tsuki Great post on the perspective of stage green.
  22. @Bronson I do take that into account, and I do have some understanding and empathy to those concerned with the vaccine, especially to the few who have experienced heart arrhythmia from the vaccine only. I just have less to those who push anti vax ideologically, that's all.
  23. Maybe his political views is valuable for 3rd to 2nd world societies, but not quite for 1st world democracies. They need modals like ego development and spiral dynamics and integral theory more.
  24. @vizual I'd say more 'western enlightened' than actual enlightenment. Great psychological insights, not so good political views.