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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Tristan12 I see no problem here, other than you potentially lying to yourself and avoiding improving the dating and relationship lines of development in your life. It depends on the stage of development(cultural value system of the individual), morality, cognition, personality types and lines of development(other domains of life, other life experiences) of the person, so if you're contemplated deep enough about what dating and relationships are to you, and whether it's worth your time to develop those lines, then your decision of putting dating and relationship development later in favor of pursuing career, health, fitness, home environment, entertainment/hobby, and spiritual development is ok. I'm 28 and a virgin too, and to me my development in dating and relationship is close to a non issue, for various factors to me.
  2. @SaWaSaurus Are you sure the OP and the commenter are the same people?
  3. My question to some who follow attachment style, what do you do to develop yourself towards secure attachment style? Is it personal development, and which theory? Is it spirituality, and which practice? For me, I've done enough spiritual practices and personal development years back, to be able to score a secure attachment style.
  4. This is getting very interesting. I've always had a feeling that this virus is some type of biological weapon due to how it is so infectious and the severe effects it has on the lungs, and the rate of variants that keep on popping up. However, I don't see a way in which China would be held responsible for this.
  5. @Knowledge Hoarder The OP claims that all humour is rooted in pain. Now that I think about it more, that's not quite right, because pain is nervous system signals in the human body. It's probably more accurate to say all humour stems from mental suffering, from how one's mind interprets the situation and subverts the not ideal outcome, plus a disarming mechanism in social groups as part of survival.
  6. @vizual You mean all types of humour? In this case, if you mean all humour, where does dark humour fit in with linking one to the divine?
  7. @integral Thanks for the video, good introduction to attachment theory.
  8. @bejapuskas I meant after taking the test and reflecting, and even while taking the test obviously. However, I have yet to find any value in the theory of attachment styles other than describing simple types of attachment styles to intimate partners based on one's relationship with the father and mother. Like how one is treated by the parents, is how one is informed of how to treat every other male or female figure out in the world is the gist I'm getting.
  9. @Zion My perspective on humour, is that in the relative domain, it's a set of powerful manipulation tendencies to put the other person on their place if they step out of line, and/or a way of disarming and de-escalating a situation, this of course is mostly within how human beings treat each other and not so much with other creatures with some exceptions of monkeys, maybe other animals in social groups or lone types. I think, based on my cognitive development, that humour is mostly manipulative and comfort generating, sometimes for other people, but mostly for your benefit. The reason why humour exists, is because we are social in nature, and we have evolved many ways of communications, and be able to abstract at higher levels. What you listed about the values of humour are correct, and there's many more. I believe your hypothesis is close, because when I sometimes am in pain, or survived past a stressful situation, my mind tend to make fun of the people and the situation, even the pain, as a form of coping mechanism to handle the suffering. Sometimes I make fun of myself, to cheer myself up. I think you are close with your hypothesis. I sometimes try to resist laughing or chuckling when I see in my field of awareness, somebody slipping when the floor was wet or icy, or having some kind of strange accident, or when a person behaves in a silly way that's too weird to me. Because humour is mostly relativistic, it can depend on the value system, cognitive development, morality, personality types, other life experiences and social intelligence of the person and/or group and which culture they come from. I can definitely tell you, this is true, because from my life experiences in the USA when I was an adolescent, interactions with people from Washington, their communication styles and use of humour is different from my experiences in social interactions with people from Canada, which is different from my interactions with people from the UK where I reside in, which has vast differences with people from Asian cultures like Indonesia, China, Japan ect. At the absolute level, I'm not sure, it might be not true that all humour is rooted in pain, and Leo's reply was from his experiences with psychedelics and other mystical experiences he has had, so that's that from his perspective. But some types of humour stems from pain and suffering, like dark humour. What is dark humour but making fun of horrors, darkness and tragedies of humanity?
  10. Has anyone here found any value in taking this test in terms of cognitive line, moral frame work, values, and psychological value like discovering more of your personality? I'm assuming besides the obvious like relationship development, have any of you found other benefits to this test?
  11. Update: I've done some drawings, and Crysty went crazy with my left hand while I'm trying out a set of artist's fine liner pens and does fast gestural drawings of flowers.
  12. The definition of an anti vaxxer from google online def: anti-vaxxer /antɪˈvaksə/ noun INFORMAL a person who is opposed to vaccination, typically a parent who does not wish to vaccinate their child. "experts say several diseases that are avoidable are making a comeback due to anti-vaxxers who refuse to vaccinate their kids" Another definition from Merriam-Webster: anti-vaxxer noun Save Word To save this word, you'll need to log in. Log In an·ti-vax·xer | \ ˌan-tē-ˈvak-sər , ˌan-ˌtī- \ plural anti-vaxxers Definition of anti-vaxxer : a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccinationSome self-identified anti-vaxxers are vehemently against all vaccines. Some are skeptical of specific vaccines …— Kelly McLaughlin and Yelena DzhanovaHe said, while he will not get the COVID-19 vaccine, he is not an "anti-vaxxer" against all vaccinations.— Steven Mitchellespecially : a parent who opposes having his or her child vaccinatedBefore the 2016-17 school year, parents who opposed vaccination, or anti-vaxxers as they are often called, could enroll their unvaccinated children in school citing the personal belief exemption, based on religious or philosophical convictions, for example.— Ana B. Ibarra and Barbara Feder OstrovShe said she's not a staunch anti-vaxxer and has her two children get routine vaccines except flu shots.— Scott WylandAs anti-vaxxers launch a campaign against a bill that would eliminate their ability to opt out of required shots, supporters of the proposal are delivering more than 21,000 petition signatures to the office of state Sen. Ben Allen …— Alexei Koseff—often used before another nounanti-vaxxer sentimentanti-vaxxer parentsIronically, probably one reason the anti-vaxxer movement has swayed so many people is because the vaccines for childhood diseases have been so successful. Most of today's parents have never experienced the damage they can do.— The San Mateo (California) Daily Journal link to Merriam webster https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjC_669o6j1AhXssaQKHcyJARkQFnoECAIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merriam-webster.com%2Fdictionary%2Fanti-vaxxer&usg=AOvVaw3OWMxAtDqo2viYgiGa-Gma So, after reading the definitions, what do you guys find similar or different from your own definitions of an anti vaxxer? What do you guys agree?disagree with?
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrwOvI_qf1AhVIZMAKHWjTC8sQvOMEKAB6BAgDEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2022%2F01%2F09%2Fkazakhstan-says-situation-stabilized-president-firmly-in-charge-after-unrest.html&usg=AOvVaw1LFbVcFPclhWiESYdvBlSB The link above is from CNBC on the Kazakhstan situation. The one below is from another source: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrwOvI_qf1AhVIZMAKHWjTC8sQvOMEKAB6BAgFEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dw.com%2Fen%2Famid-kazakhstan-unrest-almaty-residents-seek-bread-and-information%2Fa-60368997&usg=AOvVaw2u0-NO3YX0lMbT3idy57WW
  14. I'm happy to point out where your blinds pots are. Here's some of the guidelines you crossed over. " #1 Rule: Don't Be A Jerk No "debunking" and debating. Show a level of respect & humility. Demonstrate kindness, friendliness, and compassion towards fellow members. Show a willingness to learn and consider multiple points of view, rather than only pushing your own. Restrain your projections and egoic reactions. If we see you projecting your biases, judgments, misunderstandings, grudges, ignorance, and other egoic issues onto forum members, you will be banned." Read the below carefully before posting anything or pming anything to other users: "These are just the bare minimum quality standards expected of everyone on this forum. There are other implicit quality standards which are too numerous and subtle to enumerate, but our Mods will be watching you. So watch what you post. This is not a free-speech zone and we will definitely "censor" you and ban you if your presence here drags down the overall quality of the forum. If we see you repeatedly acting from ego with no self-awareness or ability to restrain yourself, you will be banned." If you think this whole thread is trolling, toxic, dangerous, misinformation and conspiracy theory because the whole thing is CIA funded, then report the thread and try not to be as toxic, trollist and dogmatic as the users you think are? Food for retrospection of your input here @Khr . Here's a video on Kazakhstan situation:
  15. @Khr Watch what you say. You are treading a very thin line here. What ever happened in Ukraine and Belarus, has nothing to do with Kazakhstan's current political situation. If you feel the need to talk about Russia and Ukraine and Belarus, make another thread about that, but don't derail the thread when it's mainly about Kazakhstan.
  16. @Fleetinglife I'm a wierdo free lancer, whose job isn't related to politics, MPs and Tony Blair as you make me out to be lol. I contribute my own way to the world, don't care about unsubstantiated criticisms against me, and part of my free time is spent in this forum, learning different resources, and personal development. My limited role in this thread, was learning about the situation, and pointing out to the few who're too passionate, maybe look at the forum guidelines again, tone yourselves down, and come back when you're not too heated up. Probably should have said that first then leave and take some action, but that's my sense of the situation, that to the few who are riled up, are only complaining and making this mostly about Russia and the USA, instead of mostly about KazaKhstan, it's society, it's culture, it's people. My role here in participating is done, so hopefully here's to a healthy thread discourse, or not.
  17. @Leo Gura , @Roy and @Carl-Richard , are you following what's going on in this thread? Isn't this a good example of derailing, name calling and dogmatism? I think you might want to remind everyone here involved that this is a personal development forum, and not some other forum where freedom of speech and individual rights applies. This forum, ya all are not free in some freedom of speech zone where you fully start demonizing the other. If you truly are too triggered, maybe go out into the world you are in and maybe consider taking some action out there, rather than complaining and infecting everyone here with your victim mindset.
  18. @K Ghoul Thanks for sharing what's happening in Kazakhstan from the inside. It gives more info to the unfolding situation.
  19. This a good analysis by Destiny about the mrgirl and vaush debate. Some of his points remind me of this place:
  20. @Gesundheit2 @Thunder Kiss You brought up a good point about how children do explore their own bodies and discover orgasmic experiences in their matrix of feelings. To add to that, some Sexologists share stories of when they were councilling couples who are parents themselves. One story from parents shared how they discovered their child sensually play with their seatbelt. Another, a mother, while reading a bed time story to her daughter, caught her stimulating herself while she red. The mother reprimanded her, but she wanted her to continue reading, but the mother left too upset to continue, and the father later had to tell her that it was not appropriate to do that with other people present. From a biological perspective, I think it's due to their skin being much more sensitive at that age, because the organism is still learning how to survive in its interactions with other entities and the environment, at the same time their brain trying to process information intake from around it, and the ego attaching simple meanings to it's surroundings at that time. This is probably why reality was so magical and vividly real at that age. The other point brought up by @Gesundheit2, about children desiring that not just from other children, but from adults, gets a bit tricky. I'll just say that it's very unlikely, but possible, that it could be the case. I also bring up a similar but unrelated point here, and that is children murderers and animal cruelty committed by children. If it's possible for a child, typically early adolescents, to commit a homicide to a younger or same aged child to them and to torture animals at that young of an age, then to me almost anything that is not too complex of an evil is possible for them as well.
  21. @Fleetinglife I'm asking because I wanted to know what their perspectiveon of this situation is. What about yours? What do you also think @Carl-Richard ?
  22. I've recently developed some heart palpitations. It has effected my fitness levels, activities, work and study capacity, my sex life, my stress levels, how I am with other relationships, a few hobbies of mine I can't perform as well before like for example dance and foot ball, and some meditation techniques I can't do without hurting my heart more. I will soon see a doctor for this. Meanwhile, if there's advice on heart issues, please share them to me so I can follow up. Thanks.
  23. What do you think about the current situation @Roy , @Leo Gura ?
  24. So the facts of the situation, is that Kazakhstan's government has lost control of the rioting, and the Russian government is sending part of it's army to regain order in that country?
  25. @Carl-Richard I definitely agree, that the value systems and social systems that make people hate pedophiles, in their sense making through media, mainstream news portrayals, need to be addressed. Like I've stated to the OP, there are caricatures and different forms of this issue that it needs the nuance to address both the many surface points to the root. It takes two to have a discussion, but actually @Scholar was debating me a bit.