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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Insightful27 You do so by socializing more, and calibrating your speach, tone, and body language to the person you're speaking to. Socializing a lot is enough to do this, which is why some men who are extroverted are great at social settings and doing stuff, they had just more time earlier to socialize. Being mindful helps a bit too.
  2. @Julian gabriel The main issue, is at some point in an artist's earlier timeline, they sucked at whatever field of art they are involved in. It's one thing viewing a painting or comic book, but another thing when it comes to making the pieces. For example, if an artist has never drawn with intention before or have drawn very few times, it's hard getting the sketch right, the perspective right, the proportions and divisions right, the lighting and shading right, the values, the gradations, the colours, the figure down right. Sometimes, you can have a very visual mind and can remember every detail of that object, but you can lack the skills to get that detail down to paper. It takes hard work, training, and intentionally placing your focus down to every little action you take, in executing the lines down onto paper. There are hundreds of books about drawing, which have exercises in them, and sometimes it's not enough to do them daily, at an easy pace, but I sometimes have to modify those exercises to suit a specific skills I want, and challenge my hand eye coordination, like getting better at hatching, cross hatching, contour, cross contours, shading, gradation, dotting, circling and so on at unusual directions. Another example is music. It's one thing listening to music, but another playing the instruments. At one point in the timeline, a person had to play each part of that instrument with placed attention to every detail of the action, until eventually your mind builds up sufficient representations of that instrument and sounds it makes that it can relax a bit and play, and enter the flow state. But until you do, your mind/body has to integrate that instrument down enough that the technical skills can sustain flow. This is what I mean with controlling the editing process, the technical aspects of art. That's controllable, and beneficial.
  3. @Insightful27 I'd be more aware of the situation, and calibrate. So, what you could've done differently, was to calibrate more to the social situation, and listened more to the non verbals. 50/50 in the social negligence part, unless you are autistic and don't socialize much at all. We don't know enough about your social life to say you're probably negligent, unless you think there's negligence. It's a misunderstanding. Wait a few weeks for this to settle down, then talk to her. Depending on what she says, is where you decide to axe her or continue the relationship. Treat this as part of your PUA journey, you'll have mostly failures to successfully calibrate and hook girls in. Leo has been called a pedophile, a crazy cult leader, a lunatic, and some tried to ruin his reputation. Other well known people have had attacks on their reputation, and some survive from it. Don't let it bother you too much because it'll pass.
  4. @mememe But you still need to control what you're doing while making art.
  5. @mememe Does editing count as art as well?
  6. @Yarco There's also fracking and sea floor mining as well, which also can have more negative impacts on the environment, especially sea floor mining.
  7. @Bernardo Carleial They gave you AstraZeneca, instead of Pfizer?
  8. Update: I've done a mediation session, and visualization using multiple senses on constructing another room on top of a green house Crysty has made. I'm slowly progressing my skill in letting Crysty partially control my other hand, and she did a bunch of drawings of various plants I haven't seen before.
  9. @lmfao Wait, creativity = insanity? Or does it mean something else?
  10. @Breakingthewall Thanks for sharing some artists from Europe. I'll check out their art work and compare and contrast them with western American comics and Eastern comics like manga.
  11. The problem I'm seeing with giving an estimation of a price here, is that we are making ASSUMPTIONS, which was covered in a video in the past. Notice how we are assuming a price, sometimes a price range, and we don't actually have any data on the exact Jordan Peterson lecture price. We have nothing to base our assumptions on the price, in particular JP lectures, unless someone provides a price he did prior. So, we are assuming.
  12. @PurpleTree I don't see a problem with you using the internet to practice your socialization, if social situations are that dangerous to you. I've had problems maintaining eye contact, and one way I improved on that is using the internet, and staring at each face I see, making and maintaining eye contact, from sexual to aggressive and other ways of eye contacts, and this type of training improved my socialization a bit. Maybe try out face cams and do some socializing through that. Let yourself be more perfectionistic as well.
  13. @Knowledge Hoarder Technically, throughout human history, we've been always uniting and separating. It's not just only uniting, but separating also plays a role in developments too. I'm not just critiquing you with muh complexity and nuanced systems thinking, but @Space Lizard and other users with blind spots in their moral, cognitive and stage of development, their limited states and life experiences with interactions with different cultures and lack of travels to different parts of the world. That's all I'm pointing out, and personally it's not a critic, I'm pointing out this needs nuance. Also, learn to handle a joke here and there. Jeez.
  14. Depends on which country, which currency and how well it is marketed. I don't know what the average price in dollars is to attend college/university lectures in general, or in pounds, or in USD, or in rupiah. Don't ask what it might be in bitcoin currency.
  15. For me, the most important part of being an artist, is improving on what the artist is capable of and can control, and that's mostly the editing process. The more I apply whatever art skills I have, mediums, I improve over time. This is mostly 80% of processing art is. The beginning 20% is intuition from the external world, ie other art works and other sources of inspiration, it's received by GOD, source, universe whatever you want to call it.
  16. @Arcangelo Guilt, shame, and the need to be right. Karma is coming, to those who are extreme and blindly push ideology into our braniums.
  17. @Evoke Or maybe it's the alarm bells ringing that this delivery of the message is inauthentic slightly. My intuition is that she isn't enlightened. There's too much misalignment with what she is speaking, versus what her body is saying. Doesn't mean the message is wrong, it's just there's not enough integrity between her and what she's saying, to say she's enlightened.
  18. @PurpleTree Well, it it sounds like you're over thinking social situations. Sometimes, that good to do if you need to be careful of what you say or do in public. It's not like completely let go of thinking about social situations, or how you can be charismatic or manipulate the social situation, because if you do surrender too much too soon you will expose yourself more to danger, and be at risk of public and social ridicule. However, be self aware that you need less over thinking, not to completely ditch thinking. I also have a similar problem, with being perfectionistic in social situations, because I had to.
  19. @PurpleTree I don't see you having a social problem. If you can write and post here in the forum, you can communicate to other people. If you are willing to engage with other users here in the forum, you can willingly go and socialize, which means you can train yourself to be social. There are so mant forests with many different trees, keep going until you find your own society of purple trees.
  20. If this is what you genuinely feel, and you have discovered this about yourself, that's a start and it's good, at least it's closer to your authentic self. Like others have said, exercise and martial arts satisfies the craving to hurt and/or kill in a healthier way. As a career option, joining the military, will depend on many factors, like one's value system, which ideally should be stage blue values like patriotism, nationalism, religion, love and pride of one's nation country, conservatism, conformity, these help a little being in the military because they will put you through a deprograming from being a citizen to being a soldier of the nation. Stage red to orange values are also valuable, at specific situations, but too much of either wouldn't help. You also have to be okey, with changing you cognitive development, from thinking of other people as human beings, to thinking of any men, women, children, at any time your subconscious mind cues you they are carrying a weapon, to think of them as enemies and targets to be neutralized. Check this in yourself that you are ok thinking like this. This also will effect your morality as well, because for the duration of serving the military and being a soldier, your sphere of concern will mostly be for your fellow soldiers, and less for the enemy and people on the other side of your weapon. If you are ok, being in states of consciousness that involve depression, boredom, fear, terror, worry, nervousness, loss, sadness, guilt, frustration, anger, then the military might be an option to consider. However, try going on a hunting trip. Go hunt a dear. That's also a good test to see if you could be a good fit in the army, if you are capable and willing to kill an animal. One more thing, whatever decision you make, make it intentional, and well thought out, well contemplated. Do not join because family and friends and social pressures told you to join, or it looks like a cool way to satisfy one's need for power, or to show off, or because you have a romantic view of the military. @Vivaldo
  21. @universe So when I know I have to do something, write a book or create a comic, that's not an obsession? I don't know why I'm here, 100% yet, but writing stories, drawing comics, and playing games is part of that. I'm not doing this because somebody told me I'm a good writer or drawer, or I need those to survive. I sometimes don't have to, and let myself take a break. On top of constructing stages, fans, libraries containing my future works, but I can also trigger lots of emotions as well. The end is the beginning, and the middle is both. I like the end and the journey. Honestly, you don't actually go to art conventions?
  22. How much of Jorden Peterson's regression due to both his declining health and old age?
  23. 25 + years old, non negotiable, and don't put psychedelics in tap water, very irresponsible.