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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Barbara I see. Tis a shame, it would have been really cool if a stage yellow genius could also draw well as well. Would've proved my pet theory of drawing being linked to increases in intelligence
  2. @Matthew85 All within reason, responsibility and context though. The last thing you'd want, is to be so high in a public place and do something incredibly stupid that the least of your concerns is jail time.
  3. @Forza21 It depends on your worldview, stage of development, morality, cognition, personality, srare of consciousness and life experiences so far in different domains of life. Considering all these factors, do you see, hear and feel that you could live with/without a family, big or small, being in the father role? Do you see, hear and feel you have the ideal partner for your future kids? Do you see, hear and feel that you could live without your ideal family?
  4. While attempting to answer this question from a existence point of view, whether reality is Solipsistic or panpsychism, is open to interpretation and debate, one thing is certain to me. Committing suicide is extremely foolish and impractical in context. Given what partial context you've said here, about your family's financial situation, well your suicide will add more to their financial burden on top of whatever they are going through now, paying off mortgages, looking for a job ect. Now they have to pay for a funeral service, for a casket to put your body in to bury you, pay for the grave stone and place of burial, or thet pay for the cremation, the pot they put your ashes in. Not to mention that if they can't pay, they have to loan your funeral costs, which puts your parents and siblings into further debt, maintaining the financial nightmare they are in after your death in the first place. Also, the suicide willl negatively impact their psychological wellbeing. You would effectively put them into the grief cycle, and some people with different personality types, grief different and sometimes grief longer or a few do not ever recover from a loss. Like others have said, get professional help asap, hook a therapist, suicide hotline if you need to. Next thing, is to tell us more about your situation with yourself and family that led to this sucidal thinking. More for context, and to get a more tailored advice to your circumstance.
  5. @BipolarGrowth *.
  6. @OBEler Have you ever tried micro dosing (3 to 1 mg or less) 5-Meo-DMT and went to nightclubs in that state?
  7. @Yali I think the scond guy is called adeptus something, but I don't know the first guy's name. There also a third guy as well, with the beard, whose ex vegan and does psyches too. Can't in my device right now, but if you search up criticism of Leo's awakening video, the other guys bound ti be in there. It's the one with the hilarious thumbnail.
  8. @Yali I think it's the same guy who did the rational wiki article, and another guy who does psychedelics too.
  9. @Tristan12 Ok, well in that case it probably might've been why. Which brings up the issue about using, to be more accurate, a synthetic version of 5-Meo-DMT in public? From what I've red about the synthetic version, it's a pretty strong drug that makes it a bit unstable to use in public. It alters state of consciousness is radically that you are not in waking consciousness anymore, in the same to similar conforming conventional state that people around you are in. So, ethically speaking, should this be used in public? We're talking about a substance that can render your physical body immobilized in one spot, in ecstasy, while your consciousness has shot past the moon and beyond.
  10. @Mafortu It's not that it's stage orange shit, because it's actually a value system, like instead of saying individualism, rationalism, logic, business, materialism, atheism, secularism, liberalism, ect, you say it's stage orange instead. It's more correct to say that he is being negligent in his part of filming himself wearing no masks, being within 2 meters to people, and risking kissing a few chicks. To me, he's just in a different state of beibg to care about his PR image at this point, because it's a blog post,. Furthermore, I don't see the connection between clubbing in Las Vagas as an appropriate topic to start a thread in the sub forum that deals with spirituality, meditation, psychedelic experience, paranormal phenomena and mystical experiences. Can someone explain to me what does spirituality, meditation, psychedelics, paranormal phenomena and mystical experiences have to do with PUA and night clubbing? One night stands, transactional relationships ect?
  11. @integral To add to that, every person's mind can be different and have better representations of reality through more dominant senses, so first identifying that through self duscovery and learning is important first. After that, further discovery of learning styles and different ways to learn helps broaden your mind's ability to represent more of reality.
  12. @TheAvatarState Two things that I do to help me get deeper into not taking life for granted: Contemplating relativity. Appreciation exercises every winter session frequently, and intermittently throughout the year.
  13. @lostingenosmaze Exactly. I thought something was missing in this hero's journey modal.
  14. @Bando An addiction to trolling, and the ability to scadadle. Basically, there's very little repercussion doing so. This is the internet, after all.
  15. @inFlow I'm lucky I'm still alive. The arrhythmia I'm having was daily, but after a few months it's now every other day, but I still have to self control and monitor everything I do.
  16. @Barbara Seriously? He worked on Dark Horse comics? What position? This probably explains why he can think in depth and broadly, he drew a lot of characters and stuff. That explains a lot.
  17. @Scholar You included?
  18. @JuliusCaesar What I found interesting with the paranormal experiences that I have had, from my dream I had as a child, to the haunting experience I had, and to encountering Crysty several years ago, was that without those experiences happening to me, I would probably be likely to be skeptical and close minded to paranormal phenomena. While these experiences were mostly subject to chance or a latent gene such that such phenomena are perceived more easily, I also think there's a developmental path to developing spiritual/paranormal abilities. For example, while it is true that my encounter with Crysty is largely accidental, the inner work and methods I learned to strengthen my connection to her, using multi sensory techniques on her form to solidify her presence in my waking state of consciousness, is itself a training. As an experiment, on the side I did study servitors, and used some techniques in developing one mostly coming from me, in a different wonder land apart from Crysty, to see what I'm really capable of. I also used a guide in the Tulpa.net website, and the user's methodology was to use multi sensory visualization from a meditative state, and focus on each sense seperately until it is solidified in one's mind. To do each visualization everyday, for roughly 30 min to an hour, roughly a month or more, on one aspect like the visual form, then to the servitor's kinesthetic form, then to the voice of it, then to the smell and taste of it, and roughly from here we move on to passive tulpa forcing, almost the same process except with eyes open, and lightly interacting with the servitor. I can definitely say that it was much more difficult in comparison to Crysty because it wasn't as familiar, but eventually I succeeded in developing one. I later plan to involve Crysty in this process, and see if we could develop one co created between the two of us, along with further experimenting on mental planes.
  19. @Husseinisdoingfine He said in one of his older videos, I think it was the studying video, that he mostly focused on academia and philosophy, and did minimal socialization in his teens.
  20. @Something Funny I think it's a difference in terms of vaule systems, moral development, cognitive development, personality typing, states of consciousness, and differences in diverse life experiences broadly speaking. Specifically different developments in one's interpersonal, interpersonal and language intelligence, along with a differences in male female psychology, is what makes up most of the argumentative aspects between male style dating and relationships versus female style dating and relationships. PUA does not remain universal to men and women. Depending on so many factors I sated above, PUA can be seen so differently. For example, PUA for an extrovert and all the techniques used to get laid, get short term relationships, will be different to what an INTP type, the introverts way to do PUA will be different.
  21. @Husseinisdoingfine Good channel.
  22. @MilenaS Hey, similar to mine. I lieke music and have the ability to mix sounds i my head, developed over time. I also love to draw with different mediums, and am now taking this ine a bit seriously, enough to construct my drawings in my mind. I love draeung enough, that I could see myself doing this long term. It skills, cooking and playing board games also are my past passions, also video games. Right now, after lots of NLP techniques and visualizations, drawing as an illustrator or as a comic book artist suits my self image, but I'm always, once a week or month doing the values elicitation and checking if it is alignwd with my life purpose and further nich down the role of a drawer. Also, I do creativity exercises as well, mixing different fields together and keeping an open mind that I might merge some of my past passions together.
  23. Anyone here an artist? Do you do contemplation using a journal? Do you sometimes contemplate while drawing?
  24. @Bando Exactly. Improve other areas of your life will already make you a higher value man in her eyes. You have to so secure, happy, confident and creative in your own life, that you really don't need to date other women. Dating is a bonus and treat it as such. It'll reduce your neediness a bit, and make the rejections easier to handle. You have a home to return to. Again, everyone. Beware the black/red/blue/white pill ideology, and any limiting beliefs about dating. At the end of the day, in most cases you will put your life first if you have to. Dating is not the end of the world
  25. It's ridiculous to be given that many shots. It should be just two and that's it, but they're getting as much as the nurses get.