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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Purple Man Furthermore, that experience of Solipsism depends on the person's stage of development, cognitive and moral development, states and trans states, and other domains of life. If you asked a baby, a homeless person and other species of Solipsism, or tribal people, criminals, priests, business and rationally minded scientists, hippies and new agers, and spiritual masters from Zen Buddhism or other spiritual orders, the range of answers you will get is going to differentiate vastly from one another, the only consistent range of answers mostly comes from those who have a western culture background and study philosophy, to then have the information ecology to understand Solipsism on a surface level. In terms of cognitive development, Solipsism may or may not exist. For an extreme example, a person that has multiple personality disorder, in his/her direct experience no such thing as a consistent, only existing self exists and others are an illusion. To a schizophrenic's, with deeper hallucinations of outside elements Solipsism might exist for them. Solipsism has little value to those who have higher levels of moral development. To people who value humanitarianism, environmentalism, animal welfare, wellbeing of others, Solipsism has little value. It's those who have lesser moral development that Solipsism starts having more value as the person is less concerned and empathetic to others outside of the person's self. Solipsism further breakdowns due to having different personality types. To personality types that have a body bias, and are much more extroverted, find little interest in philosophical ideas versus an introvert type.
  2. Very nice share. I had a few insights from just THIS.
  3. I definitely second this. We need way more videos about healthier development more than advanced spiritual teachings, because if most of the advanced concepts too commonly have the infinity and GOD realizations, then it's a matter of time of noticing that it's becoming too repetitive. It's completely understandable that you are confused, but you don't have to be confused anymore, because 'I' am all that is maty.
  4. Hot off the oven! Watch and post your first impressions and thoughts about Mr. Girl's video!
  5. @Value His next video will probably be on March, and maybe it's about the basics again, like time management or something else.
  6. In an apocalyptic scenario assuming WW3 nukes, or extinction level events, then all of life, humans including, would be wiped out. We are too dependent and interconnected to nature that an apocalyptic scenario at global scale would very likely end all of life. In the tech Utopia, I think 25% of society worldwide would be at stage turgoise, 50% at stage yellow, and the remaining 25% would, from biggest to smallest, would be green, orange, blue. Red and purple societies would at this pojnt be very rare. However, at this point it's likely humanity, in this scenario, has advanced genetic engineering and trans humanism, and the majority would have undergone this type of transformation, so I assume what's humanity in this scenario would be different to humanity that we currently are. This might mean that in terms of cognitive and moral development of the population, would be much higher, and we might be able to adjust genetically to counteract more radical or dysfunctional cognitive processes of some impaired individuals, and morally we would be at a higher level in that we emphasize and do those adjustments out of concern, for both the person, and for others in the in group and out groups that would've been effect if this adjustment was not given. I imagine that individuals in this time would be able to switch and maintain more states than we would today, and be exposed to higher and more complex levels of technology and integrated internet that it's possible to accelerate each person's domain of life and domain of mastery due to more advanced holographic training for examole. There would also be stage turquoise and sgage yellow infrastructure to handle almost everg problem, both individually and collectively.
  7. Could you elaborate more about the moral issue?
  8. @Barbara For example, Leonardo Da Vinci could be partially at stage yellow, not totally. His upbringing is also different from Daniel, in that Da Vinci was the son of a maid and born out of wedlock, but in his home environment he had access to lots of paper, graphite and ink that he could draw whatever he saw around him. His childhood could have been the basis that accumulated in his advanced development in skills of a drawer, draftsmen and eventually a painter and forward development in other fields. I assume his cognitive development was accelerated from his drawings he did earlier in his life, which allowed him to have enough flexibility in his thinking, open mindedness, concentration, that he developed the visual representations of reality in his mind. His moral development is probably at stage green in his peak give and take, because his diet was mostly plant based, and he also had more empathy for animals around him, he often bought and released caged birds. I think in terms of his state of consciousness, I would say it's higher than those around him, but not enough that he's comparable to a zen master or Yogi master, but his ability to switch to other states and maintain one state is pretty skilled for his time, For example, his state of being switches to being curious and wonder, which helped in him being able to think quite a lot. I'm not sure what his personality type is, but introversion is probably the main one in his personality. Almost all of his success could be traced in his earlier years of drawing his surroundings.
  9. If Leo Gura was the one to also be in discussion with him, and articulate him about the advanced topics, as well as the hundreds of other basic topics, I think Mr. Girl might likely understand, but probably after giving his non partisan speech and slippery authentic communication first.
  10. Destiny shares his thoughts about the ongoing Mr. Girl and Dr. K drama: and Please share your thoughts about his takes on this issue. I'll share mine later.
  11. @Toimur H A short and good video on a process orientated view of goal setting, rather than an outcome orientated one.
  12. @lmfao Yes, the unconscious serves the function of storing vast amounts of information that is acquired through life experiences, direct experiences of doing stuff at every domain of life you have to some degree. Because information is so vast and gigantic, the mind has to distort and generalize to filter out relevant to irrelevant information, in order to maintain a sense of self to some degree. This is also where we find lower levels of intuition, aka the specialization type of intuition that forwards other pieces of information to the conscious mind undertaking the relevant process to an outcome. I also forgot to mention, that art really is relative and largely depends on the person's stage of development and value systems they have, their cognitive and moral development, their personality typing, states of consciousness and again life experiences so far in each of their domains of life. More loosely relevant is the hero's journey the person is at in each domain of life they are journeying through. All of this does shape art and creates hierarchies that scale technically and broadly with varying degree of value per creator and per consumer of whatever specific art field they are viewing and participating in.
  13. Done 2 in lunch time, and 3 in the afternoon. The last 2 was on the open street, and the first 1 was with her friends. Girl #1, I did basic approach, greeted and asked how are you while giving her my hand. Felt nervous but flipped that to excitement, and did mostly what I mentally rehearsed in my mind. She says fine, and my subconscious picks up she's not, from her face and body. Small talked about stuff in context, did a bunch of observation statements, escalated one moment by leaning in, giving a quick look down to her chest while in convo. Didn't get the signal I wanted, and smoothly ended the small talk with no number. Not that the number counted, I had the feeling the girl isn't right for me. Girl # 2, same as girl #1, except when I began with observation first and god hand, she gave me a nasty look when I gave her a compliment. I did observation statement from that, and flipped it around to her in a funny way, in a question back like "Oh, maybe you don't like being cute? Do you prefer being called minty instead? I think it suits you better...and I like the plant way more ". That eased her off a bit, and the convo started and it turned wierd when I storied about myself with humour. When she asked me what I do, I told her I did gardening and cooking, and loved plants, and she reminded me of the mint, she asked why, and I mentioned it really prefered the stir fry instead of the oven. Somehow she was responding pretty well with that, and I managed to get her number, but I decided to delete it and move on, don't like it. Girl #3 and #4, they were together. Yes, I managed to get both their numbers, because at this time I decided to go crazy with the non verbals and verbals, observation statements and atory telling to the ninth degree. However, 80% of that were lies, but I was surprised that I was successful in getting a stronger reaction from girl #4. Girl # 5 I decided to be a little bit creepy and depressed a bit, to play the doomer game. I actually managed to pull this off too. No number, but I got a lot of sympathy from the girl, because i was careful in how I told her a story, with lots of ups and downs emotionally. That's that. Only questions I have are where do you think I could and could've improved on my approaches? They were technically day games but the last two were at night.
  14. Joe has recently appologized and explained what led to his use of the N word. I can't link the video, but it's the most recent one, I think in Twitter or in YouTube.
  15. @Ivan D As a disclaimer, I would say it largely depends on a person's psychological development, where they are at in terms of stages or value systems, their cognitiive and moral development, the trance states and states of being they shift to, the personality typing of a person, and their life experiences so far in other domains of life, which introduces some degree of relativity here to be aware of. I'll reference to these later on. Now, the relevant domains of life that are impacted based on your input, is your sexuality and relationships in regards to your potential sexual partners, relationships with people in general, post nut or not. Now, briefly talking about how I overcame my addiction to pornography, is that I changed how I tthought about pornography, and see it from a meta perspective of how pornography is in relation to different parts of my life, and how it functions in society and history at large. Seeing pornography from such a perspective took most of the anxieties around it and reduced the feeling to a good degree. I also took action, the good old basic self help principles, for example brute forcing and self discipline. I also took a stage orange, green and yellow approach to my porn addiction, and over time, as I further developed myself spiritually and emotionally as well I found it easier to manage my cravings. A big source to this problem with porn addiction, also comes from the subconscious beliefs from stage blue religious households, having that as part of our indoctrination, and having experienced a past trauma, sexual or not sexual, that is unresolved and suppressed from the conscious mind, which distorts one's view of a healthy sexuality that instead of it being an authentic sexuality, it isn't. It's not that easy to change this in the short term, and these changes take place more long term. I would practice mindfulness, and allow myself to feel whatever I happen to feel. One rule I made myself follow, I'd fap only if I had a boner first, not because some hot chick walked past, or I saw a sexy advert, or had a sexual thought. I had to be a morning wood, a genuine erection Independent of thought or external stimulus. This also resulted in a more organic schedule of sexual release for me which is roughly every 3 to 4 days or once a week, depending on my buddy. I also have other mediums to fap to, sometimes it's vids, sometimes it's doujinshi, sometimes it's erotica, sometimes it's a chick, and sometimes it's imaginary. I also explore different situations as well and see what's attractive to me or not.
  16. @MarkusR It depends on the person's development tierms of stqges, their cognitiive and moral development, how well they can switch and maintain different states of being, personality type, and life experiences so far in other domains of life. When it comes to me for example, I'm still focusing on developing myself in adopting stage orange values more fully before trying to transcend stage orange and transition to stage green. I also have some shadow aspects from thhe previous stages of values to integrate into my growth, like some of stage blue, red and purple values. I value myself more as an individual and less as part of a collective at this time. I also have similarities and differences in terms of how I think, compared to how other people think in my family, and people in my general area. I have some mild schizophrenia, which effects how I think in relation to other people. That difference in thinking can sometimes make it more difficult to relate to others with more conventional types of cognitive frameworks. Like most people cannot keep up with how I think, but can't mentally construct representations of reality as good as I can. They sometimes lack the nuance and complexity of my thinking to keep up. While I'm more of an introverted type of personality, I can manage my states of being through different methods from NLP and spirituality techniques such that I can become extroverted like and maintain that being, but as an introverted personality type I can't sustain too long of a conversation in more active social settings. My morality, also circle of concern to other people is partly stage green as well, I do uphold parts if humanitarian values, animal welfare and environmentalism. I can to some extent relate to those, but not as strongly as an activist or care bear would, so most cases my circle of concern mostly gravitates to my family, and some of my friends. As far as the community that I'm a part of, I don't have that strong of a sense of community, which is because of some of my past experiences in my childhood and early teens growing up here that I don't want to fully be involved with this community I'm currently in.
  17. @Fleetinglife Yes and sometimes no. It's a cleaning agaent, but that doesn't men only evil people get killed, some good people get killed too.
  18. @Gregory1 Yes, financially speaking a living human being in a society has it's benefits and costs, but context is needed tk further determine the cost benefit ratio of a living being. Keeping a human being alive in a medical center is different from the costs of generally living in a 3rd world, which is different from living in a 1st world ect. The financial aspect is complicated, but at other situations it can be really expensive to bury a body because it creates some demand for available land, which is why graveyards and cemeteries exist, but we won't have enough land for burial at some point. Cremation is slightly cheaper, but they used coal fuels some electricity and oil to power up the machinery needed to heat up the remains, and that is expensive in another way materially. Another option is to cremation and converting the loved one's remains into diamonds, but that doesn't really make much money to cover the funeral costs because the amount of diamonds made would be at most 5 small pieces, and price of those diamonds are subjected to haggling and stuff, and the process is even more expensive to pay upfront. Go seek a professional and go to the suicide hotline if you have to. Personally, when I stop to tuink about the horrors of mankind and it's past history, and the existence of a hell the the other side, is mostly enough for me to kill off suicidal thoughts in my head and move on in life thinking posituvely afterwards, being grateful for my own life and my circumstances, bad and good in comparison to other people. Therapy is also good, sometimes pricey and emotionally laborious but it's great to vommit some of your negativity onto a professional.
  19. @K Ghoul That's gonna be a huge issue in the future, if skme people are not careful enough of low doses ot micro dosing while in public. This shouldn't be encouraged at all.
  20. @ShardMare Balance between basic self help and advanced stuff, that is enough.
  21. @Yali I think the number is 3 per week to vape DMT while clubbing. What number do you think it might be instead?
  22. @LordFall You have greatly misunderstood my post. I asked when this was in the meditation spirituality paranormal experiences sub forum. I wanted to know how clubing is connected to spirituality, paranormal experiences, mysticism and psychedelics, when the thread is mostly framed as PUA which should have been in the relationship dating sexuality sub forum, and just the OP. There are deeper and stranger states of consciousness that makes orgasmic states a joke, and depending on your development in terms of stage, cognition, morality and life experiences, alters how one values sex. Sex is tbe best thing is relative.
  23. @vizual That's true. Anyone who digs deep enough, not just the internet life of a person, but their entire life they lived and they do a compilation only on the bad and evil things, anyone would look like the devil himself. Anyone would be made to look like a crazy person.
  24. @Yali Have a guess mate.
  25. @Yali I'm guessing not every time he goes into a nightclub? What number do you think it is?