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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @StarStruck To be clear, I have and still have problems with eye contact because even the normal length super excites me, so if eyes make you uncomfortable, look at other parts of the face. If the face is the real discomfort, look past the over person, in a subtle way.
  2. So, what is the main takeaways from the video? Positive Solipsism or positive non-duality?
  3. @Husseinisdoingfine Hypocrisy is sometimes hardest to spot early on, when everyone in the in group is agreeing with whatever mainstream/social media they consume. This really shows how difficult it is to develop into stage yellow and be there.
  4. @Mafortu Exactly. I get the feeling that he is taking short cuts to his vision. Even his vision is questionable, because from what I learned his wife came up wih most of the vision plus the business side. Also, another great video on this topic, that even Mr. Girl and Chud Logic had to get kicked out from the panel:
  5. @StarStruck It's a bad place to do cold approaches, because people you approach, in a gym environment, are in a different state, and sometimes gym is for some people their unwinding time. If you can't do a good approach, and come off as a bit cringe, then you will likely get a more stronger rejection than typical.
  6. Which comes first though: confirmation bias, or validation of an insight an otherness has had?
  7. @John Paul I disagree with your claim that all these things turn out to be imaginary. It's one thing to have that insight and interpret and internalise that in your sense making, but it's another thing to convert, externalise and embody that insight into your every day life, with your current developmental psychology, stage, cognition, morality, personality typing, states of being you habitually are in, and other life experiences and domains of mastery you have. Assuming you are more spiritually developed, this makes sense to you, but you still have to consider that in practice it's impractical to tell a person who struggles with relationships and dating, that the women and other people you are relating to are imaginary. It's open to being misunderstood, and abused by some who are desperate to develop their dating and relationships, because the distence between the mental gymnastics of justifying the use of this insight is actually verh short. Be careful about just parroting this insight, in case you haven't realized it, because that is the most disrespectful thing to do to yourself, to disregard your other areas of development.
  8. @puporing One of the works I want to do and consider, is mostly NSFW, which raised the issue of how do I market myself in such a field. The work is also a niche, and not easily marketable to a mainstream Audience. For example, I have several passions in my life, a few of them I have decent to above average skill in, like drawing, chess and video games. If I pursued the drawing, like becoming an online illustrator or comic book artist/writer, and go down the NSFW path, then I'd have a little bit of a problem being authentic in the marketing because of what I might specialize in. It's one of several paths I've considered, so if anyone here has that kind of experience marketing NSFW, I'd like to know more.
  9. @Yarco Thanks for the post, I mostly thought all the work has to come from me in the marketing, and forgot that there are other ways to market.
  10. @Bando What I don't like about this video, was how heavily PR it felt, and how passive aggressive he was in addressing Mr. Girl, which is understandable if whatever Dr. K says would be liable to be used against him in a court of law. However, I didn't like how, after Reckfull admitted he was diagnosed BPD, suffered from suicidal ideation and chronic depression, that immediately, Dr. K should've handled this with extreme caution and acknowledged the difference in both their cognitive, moral, values, sense making, states of consciousness and emotional states, and life experiences such that communication should be done carefully. But no, instead Dr. K was a bit reckless, and ended up subtly manipulating Reckfull's vulnerability, and did bend a few ethical codes when he should've kept careful. The whole situation, and my intuition of Dr. K, is that he was manipulative, and whether he was genuine or not, let's say he really wanted to help Reckfull, but the denial and cognitive dissonance is what's giving me the bad vipe of him. After a brief look up on Dr. K's background, I dislike him even more.
  11. @Preety_India That explains a whole lot. I had a suspicious feeling about that guy. I intuitively didn't like how he presented himself in conversations with his other twitch clients. It felt deeply manipulative, in a nice way, like white collar crime.
  12. @John Paul Well said, although I still think that success in dating and relationships depends on other developmental factors, more similarities versus differences in terms of values, cognitive development, moral framework, states of being, mental and emotional states, personality and enough general and specific life experiences between the two inside and outside dating and relationships. Even some genetic factors as well.
  13. @Preety_India buffer states mostly play a role in terms of both prevention of, and slowing down of invasion forces, mostly by land and sometimes by sea and air based on the strategic geographical locations. If you wanted to invade by sea, but I already have established control and defensive fortifications along a beach, then trying to establish a beach head would be more difficult. A more simpler example would be, if you and I were about to fight, but I had 2 men with me to aid me against you, and you didn't have allies, then you would expend far more energy to try and get to me, and worse, if I survived and still have energy, I still have one guy left, and you don't have to act as a buffer, then I can counter more severely versus if you have had allies or strategies defensive positions to retreat to defend. The whole point of an invasion is to gather more territory and resources geographically, along with expansion and other reasons. There's no such thing as a nuclear invasion, as there would be no pount in occupation of a country bombarded by nuclear strikes, not to mention nuclear radiation makes it far more difficult to re inhabit. So nuclear invasion isn't a thing. There were no buffer states that are land based in the Pacific war, but there were other logistical buffers like the Pacific islands that were militarized zones the Japanese then controlled that acted as buffers. The Pacific ocean and vast distance between the USA and Japan also acted as a buffer because if there were no fleet carriers, then refueling air planes and carrying out land invasions from sea were much more difficult. The USA had to first get control of the islands before invasion of mainland Japan and even then the thought of invading traditionally into mainland Japan was very difficult as the Japanese soldiers, and all of them, were willing to fight to the death, at which point the death toll for either side would be massive, and it would have likely strained both countries in terms of economy. Fighting a protracted war would be unfavourable more for the USA than for Japan. That is, until tbe discovery of nuclear power, and successful design of a bomb then nobody knew enough about, but enough to know that such a power would and should be demoralizing against a country. And it took 2 nuclear strikes against Japan, 2, before their emperor decided to concede to surrendering to the USA.
  14. Regardless of his take on Solipsism, can we all once again appreciate his level of channelling ability?
  15. So, instead of the problem of creative blocks, you have the opposite direction, of creative greed? Like there's too many to choose from? I used to suffer from either end of this spectrum, sometimes I had to take a break because the creative block was pretty big and tied to sometimes over focusing. Most cases I cam shift my state from being in a lazy stage to being in a creative state with some visualizations and or meditation, but when I really felt tired sometimes rest is even better. On the other end, I can have so many passions and I wants of creativity that I want to do several types of art together, fit it all somehow into a movie. That in practice is too big and ambitious for even me. How I handled that end was to approach it like an MMORPG, figure out what I am, what role I like to become and be in, what actions I like, and figure out how to level up almost consistently, in a nice pace of balance, like don't rush into an area of too high level monsters, and at the same time don't stay in the same dungeon grinding too long. You'll need to find the middle ground that can still swing at either end, but not too much, nor does it stay perfectly in the middle resisting pulls of the world here and there.
  16. Reading his writings is always been like solving beautiful riddles. @Nahmwill be missed.
  17. Non fiction: Tao of Jeet Kune Do. Mental Dominance. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Fiction: Stephen king books. Lord of the rings, to help with handling large discriptions of places. Manga: Berserk. Vagabond. Vinland Saga. Philosophical and spiritual themes.
  18. I also have donated and shown my support, but I think you need to check one of those links, it's a bit spammy.
  19. @PurpleTree It depends on the situation, and depends on who or what groups is doing the aggression. I'd stay open minded and flexible, and do whatever in whatever situation that's unfolding.
  20. @Antor8188 Most of the times cold approaches can vary, and sometimes worse depending on your if you have enough to pass the trait checks. I had a few nasty encounters when my trait check rolled low, didn't have enough INT/PER/AWA, and all it took was a joke uncalibrated. Golden rule, must always grind for EXP, and farm those trait points.
  21. @Shambhu A slightly better analogy, would be to say that Consciousness is a balloon that holds soap water and foams inside of it, of various sizes of minds ranging between an ants, to reptiles, birds, humans, to as far as a hyper alien intelligence mind.
  22. @Vynce I think in the long term, the situation will resolve itself, and a compromise would be agreed upon from sides involved in this situation. In the short term, because of people's attachment to their value systems they gained from their culture upbringing, their cognition, moral system, states especially related to fear and insecurity, as well as life experiences so far, this would be a topic that triggers the most, for those here who are from Russia, Ukraine, other neighboring European countries and the USA. I don't think this is the ideal time to be having this discussion without risking warnings and a ban as it's pretty easy to demonize, sometimes in a subtle way.
  23. @mmKay I've seen that video, it was very moving how all the community gave the memorial. Shows how serious and deep the online gaming community is.
  24. @Yarco Just because a person watches all the videos, doesn't mean they have resolved whatever personal development problems they had. They might have watched all the videos, but only did a few exercises.