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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @INFP RACOON BABY Mostly at stage blue because most Russians are patriotic to their country, have nationalistic views, with smaller sections of Russia's society being stage red and stage orange. Very few stage green, yellow and turquoise,and stage purple and baige.
  2. For those curious: And the following where he doubles down and defends his take:
  3. How did this thread go from talking about a war, to turtle steaks
  4. @hello1234 Why are you arguing all the time in this forum?
  5. @MarkKol Art depends on a person's state of being, emotional state, their cognitiive and moral development, their personality type, general and specific life experiences and domains of mastery so far, how each mind represents reality and how each mind has a hierarchy of sense making activity, like those who are more visual or auditory or kinesthetic in their sense making, and lastly images internalized over time. Art doesn't even belong to or is limited by himan beings. Even other creatures with a completely different mind can make art: Makes you think how Solipsism or Nihilism is ever connected to Art, as a whole and in it's many different forms.
  6. @Ananta Brilliant manipulation tactic, to lure out those who are disloyal to Putin from the inside.
  7. @Julian gabriel That what makes visions powerful, anyone's vision is their own first. I miss old Leo too. Have you watched the solipsism video Leo gave?
  8. Another great breakdown of Dr. K's ethics video:
  9. This was the most recent video of Mr. Girl reading internal emails between healthy gamer coaches. I made either a thread or post about the probability of Mr. Girl wanting a discussion with Dr. K, and the likelihood of such a discussion going sort of south in the past, don't know where it is, but I thought it's not gonna likely happen, but clearly the current situation is Mr. Girl is serious in wanting not just to discuss with Dr. K, but to even go as far as canceling him from being an online therapist to gamers, in relation to the suicide of Reckfull! Mr. Girl is , in my opinion and intuition, like the rough equivalent of Jesus Christ getting angry at the jewish priests in the temple. However, I don't know much about the situation with Reckfull suicide, nor have the feeling that Dr. K was obviously malicious. I get the sense Mr Girl wants Dr. K to confess his sins before him. What are your thoughts about this situation? Do you think Mr. Girl is trolling, or is Mr. Girl being serious? From a spiral Dynamics/Integral theory modal, do you think that because of the differences in terms of values, cognition, morality, personality typing/ego psyche, life domains and states of consciousness that Mr. Girl is viewing Dr. K as sort of the bad guy that is more responsible in part for Reckfull's lead up to his suicide? Do you think, from the perspective of ego development and shadow work, that Mr. Girl's reaaction is a projection of the differences in terms of spiritual development between the two? I'll continue over time discussing this because Mr. Girl, while not fully at stage yellow, lacks the systems thinking or conceptualisation of systems, it's values, it's higher order thinking, is having like a stage green emotional triggering towards Dr. K, whose also due to his spiritual development and study of psychology has found a niche of being an online 'therapist' for gamers. It's very interesting to me because Mr. Girl is very authentic, has a slightly different personality typing and morality, and if they ever will have a discussion, I think the discussion will become very heated.
  10. @Fleetinglife I think most of the video just shows the Russian military vehicles crossing over. Please, some brevity please! How hard is it to write a bit shorter and more concise please? I think it's a bad call to not let other people view that video.
  11. @SOUL Fair enough. I was pointing out the implications.
  12. @Fleetinglife You too? I can't view that video here in the UK as well. Was it that graphic?
  13. @Ryan_047 I was speaking to him, not you. @PurpleTree ...What?
  14. @Gesundheit2 What are you referring to? That aliens/reptilians? If so, that's really far reaching even for you. To me, it will mostly be because of the differences in terms of development, morally, cognitively, cultural value systems, collective consciously, psychographic and demographically, as well as various other factors like militarily, economically, narratively and other factors that make up a society and culture.
  15. @tsuki I'm open to it, but it depends on the nature of this alliance: is it mutually exclusive and beneficial? Do we take turns in leadership?
  16. @Scholar There's no disagreements, you are agreeing with me when it comes to various factors in a person's psychological development, their cognitive and moral development, their states of being and life experiences. If this was any other person besides Putin leading Russia, from the Kremlin or some other group, then you could say that the situation would be slightly different, but even here you would agree with me that it also depends on various psychological factors. Also, one's worldview, indoctrinated narratives and cultural beliefs play a huge role in shaping one's bias, so both of us could say that what led to Putin being Putin is the group and surrounding culture. We can demonize and condemn, but do so in a more self aware and conscious way, that does so without making us look worse than whoever we are demonizing. See? I think you mainly disagree about Hitler though, because to Hitler at the time, who was lost, what alternatives were out there for him? He wasn't aware of how to construct a better vision, but was supplied the vision he had, from those surrounding him.
  17. @Max_V I might've guessed wrong, I thought @Leo Gura was talking about the last video between Reckfull and Dr. K, and whatever happened between the time he and Dr. k logged off, and before his suicide, that something happened with his game, and Reckfull's vision being limited.
  18. @SOUL Very good post and points. My issue with Dr. K, when he brought up the predictive Doshas and how they can predict the likelihood of one getting Covid, is that he was saying it in such an open way, without giving written and/or verbal disclaimers about this shouldn't be a substitute for Covid precautions and treatments, that it did leave it very open to the suggestion that this modal is likely useful to Covid. I wouldn't have had an issue if he used some other examples, but he had to bring up Covid, and considering the misinformation lately with anti vax and such, and the lethality of the virus, that by doing this without some warnings and disclaimers, he's really not being careful and giving false impressions. And I'm not overly negative with Ayurveda, it has a place and time, it's not pseudoscience but pre science of observations of different bodies and their reactions to various ailments that are observable, I don't like the flippant way he presented that, as if it's no big deal Covid.
  19. @Scholar That does not mean that it justifies condemnation with little awareness of one's self and cultural bias. That also does not mean that the consciousness level of a politician is seperate from the consciousness level of the group/country and collective that that which that individual comes from. Just because Hitler was at the forefront of the Nazi party, doesn't mean he is the only central problem. A figure head and mouth piece is not the main issue, it's the monster puppeteers behind the person that infected him with their mind virus.
  20. @Max_V If I have to guess what @Leo Gura is really saying, is that Reckfull's vision for his life is too limited that he made his entire life about one video game he's making, which created the problem that if the game was finished, or cancelled, that there were no other available alternatives to pursue, that was what triggered the depression and suicide, the finish of that game, which was a problem because Dr. K in an earlier video woth Reckfull, gave him that framing, to stick to finishing that game. It was one of several mistakes in Dr. K's part that lead to his suicide.
  21. @hello1234 Why do you want to debate, instead of having a discourse?
  22. @hello1234 So you want everyone to agree with your perspective, and you want a debate?