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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @SQAAD Again, I keep reminding people this, but he is a comedian. Don't take everything he says seriously, he is likely joking. How about learn to become and be in that state of being authentic and comedic, rather than being negative and offended, thinking it's seriously meant.
  2. I have mixed opinions about redpill. Most of it is BS, but some of it does make sense, if we're talking about young adults here. Past that, plus more life experiences you have, it loses it's effectiveness, and becomes obsolete over time because the person is too busy dating, fucking and managing relationships to entertain redpill theories. This opinion comes from an Incel omega male, so take it with a grain of salt and pepper.
  3. @Tim R You're not a mod anymore? Whqt happened?
  4. @Superfluo Flexing and isometrics works for me, to at least preserve fast twitch muscle fibres and improve mind muscle connections. Size to me isn't helpful nor important, in fact bigger muscles can be detrimental long term, so my ideal physique is lean. Nutrition is important, but also sleep quality is even more.
  5. @Alex_R A mindset being considered toxic is relative to if that is the only mindset available to that person. For example, if cognitively you are thinking in constant negative thought patterns, inner sights/sounds/feelings summing up negativity, and are not aware of other ways of thinking, other mindsets, then that person will not be aware that their mindset is toxic, as the materialistic/pragmatic/utilitarian worldview isn't just a notion but an actual real world view to them. When a person who is more right brained (intuitive, holistic, emotional, non rational) personality traits, interacts with a rationale, pragmatic/utilitarian viewing personality, the differences makes it seem toxic, but it's only toxic from the POV of the artsy person, and vice versa, when some contexts come into play. Also, differences in value systems, moral development, states of being, and life experiences and other lines of development, are a factor. But that doesn't mean the pragmatic person is evil. That view has a place and time that is necessary to have.
  6. Art and business, to me, exists in a spectrum. At first, we can make distinctions between the two, but the too are interconnected such that either end empowers the other.
  7. I came across this video, and the channel, for people who like drawing, painting and art work involving a mark making tool onto a surface medium, might like the channel. https://youtu.be/TX4IdBPB_Ko What are your thoughts about this?
  8. @SOUL It's extremely important to figure out and understand not just an individual's ego development, cognitive and moral development, states, personality traits, and lines of development from different domains of life experiences, but also to understand a group or country's ego collective, and otger societal factors, that make it up. Otherwise we remain ignorant of that person or culture. How one understands these things is numerous enough to still work un creativity.
  9. @ZenAlex Don't forget the omega males and the delta males, also the romeo's.
  10. @Hardkill My take is that how Russia loses, if it's inevitable, is important. If Russia loses too much face, it will retaliate extremely hard, even risking WW3 and throwing caution to the wind. So, we ideally want to offer Russia a way to not lose too much face, so we have to negotiate carefully. For example, Ukraine being a member of NATO is threatening too much to Putin, the kremlin and some parts of Russia bordering NATO due to ideological differences, so whatever the aftermath is, when the USA and others are at the negotiation table with Russia, behind closed doors, making and stipulating that Ukraine can be an EU member, for the economy, but not a member of NATO, will give them a way to escape and save face. And if Russia is also concerned that the Ukraine will surpass it economically, part of the agreement might include some percentage that goes to Russia. This is one example, but whether it would be like this is another matter. In the long term, the USA should be more concerned with China and with the disputed claims of owning the Islands.
  11. @Hardkill Do you understand my position on this conflict?
  12. @Hardkill Probably not, maybe they hold a small part of it.
  13. I don't know nor have the entire context to base about said people who are anti alcohol or pro alcohol. Whenever I go and hear a person say they are 100% sober, and don't drink, and another person says they drink moderately, sometimes they take a break, and all this while being in a bar or night club, it cringes me, like why are you in a place that serves alcohol legally in a social context? I get preach anti feels, and feel a person is withholding a little bit more happiness by forcing themselves to be inflexible and rigid.
  14. Honestly I found this out a few minutes ago, and was considering posting it here. I haven't finished the entire video, but so far it's a good discussion. Here it is below: https://youtu.be/uM-GKRqKhEA I think, with how M. Girl's style of communication, his emotional development, his moral and cognitive development, his state of being, his lelvel of authenticity and edginess, and his life experiences so far, and his personality typing, compared and contrasted to Leo Gura, I don't think the conversation would go down well. The few things I think the convo might provide in value, is that it might reveal more of Mr. Girl's value system and how he might view the world and people in general, and same with Leo, unless Leo is willing to take more control of the conversation and guide it where it needs to go. I don't know how it might go, but it could be interesting, two people with similarly confrontational styles of communication, just one is more edgy and direct, and the other is more fluent and faster.
  15. @Preety_India This could be a sign for you to take a break from this forum if you feel too uncomfortable being here atm, as it did help me a bit taking breaks. I've also been on the receiving end of some of those complaints and a few did use personal info from my past journals or posts in the general forum against me, which is why I stopped using the self journaling in this forum and instead used physical journals instead, it's just annoying and juvenile behaviour. I typically straight away put em in ignore when I recognize some of them are bending or breaking guidelines to piss me off. I hope you take care of yourself.
  16. What happened? Is it the usual users? It could be the seasonal change, it sometimes makes most people edgy.
  17. @Emrie What were your reasons for not drinking in general?
  18. @A_v_E Maybe watch the video first for context and understanding, so that you can better share your thoughts.
  19. @MarkKol Hahaha yes, it's part of my character strength, appreciation of beauty and excellence, also some values in my top ten values. It's hard not to have high standards for the things, topics and fields of interest you have. I tend to think people who have medium, or low standards are just not into whatever field of work/interest they are in, not passionate enough. However, this all depends on many factors inside and outside context, like the value system the person has, their cognitive and moral development, their states of being and emotional states, their general and specific life experiences so far, and lines of development per domain of life. I love the monthly release mature mangas, as the artists in that part of the industry do put in a ton of effort to make the backgrounds and character design and story really good, and compared to other shoujo mangas or animes, the classic sailor moon series still has top notch colouring for it's time, so I tend to project high standards here related to eastern comics as well as western comics, but not as high as with chess, or snooker, or boxing, as while I like them, I like comics and video games much more. I guess it really comes down to which art you were exposed to first, and how much experiences consumer/creator wise in that field, that fuels the high standard.
  20. @PurpleTree How do you know???
  21. A great introduction into self help for novices and newbies to self development.
  22. @Knowledge Hoarder I'm not sure if the OP was intentionally belittling artists in general. It certainly seems that way if we are looking at art in general through the materialistic/utilitarian view, but I think this view is important for some part of the creation process of whatever art work one is doing, but I think the order in which to view that way is important, and viewing from the utilitarian way right at the beginning might be the improper time to do so.
  23. @KingCrimson It's not pointless to compare and contrast things. It's making distinctions between multiple things first, and later synthesizing parts or whole things together, to see what new stuff can be made, but it first begins by acknowledging the differences between them for a start.
  24. Update: I have finished one of the rooms we both were designing for the inner samedhi experiences, and the colour choices were good, like it's a feng shui effect going on.