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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @machiavelli Most minds operate frame by frame, all in one frame. There are some exceptions when multiple frames are somehow developed in a mind, but that's why most people dream one thing at a time.
  2. @Antor8188 Understandable. I don't know if you did do 1000 or 100 approaches or speaking from experience, but I've done over that, and let me tell you right now, there's NOTHING EASY ABOUT APPROACHING! That's a bold lie there, the majority of my approaches were difficult and nothing easy. It only got slightly easier when you actually go to places where that kind of attitude is acceptable, like Los Vegas. People who say it's easy just have a beautiful face, social circle, and/or good personality to leverage more. But yeah, Vegas is a really decent place to cold approach, and to play cards too.
  3. @Something Funny I don't know, maybe they drink because they have numerous pains and sufferings they need to numb themselves with. Maybe the loss of inhibition makes one more courageous than normal. Maybe the person loves the rum, or red wine, and it's related to a celebration, a celebration of something like a big accomplishment or a birthday, or maybe the alcohol is needed to lick one's wounds. Many motivations for many behaviors, like drinking, lower to higher forms of motives. I didn't mean to offend or assume, but it was unavoidable. However, be responsible whether to drink or not to. As long as one is aware that it is not motivated out of fear, that's all.
  4. @Jon_Bundesen It depends on What stage of values a person has both personal and cultural, the cognitive and moral development, personality type, state of being and emotional states, as well as general and specific life experiences and lines of development contextual to the hobby/hobbies/interests you have, plus the ego developmental stage you are at. A person who has more stage blue/red values, who's cognition is mainly visual and kinesthetic, who has lower circle of concern/lower levels of morality and lower levels of empathy, whose states of being and roles one becomes and identifies with, a more extroverted personality, an ego structure that is like the opportunist or the impulsive, life experiences are such, that that person will like and love to do martial arts and boxing as a hobby or even might pursue as a career, compared and contrasted to somebody whose of a different stage, cognition, morality, state of consciousness, personality and differing life experiences, boxing relatively will not appeal to such a person. The same person might love to do paintings or drawings, but the former person who loves boxing might not appreciate paintings or drawings, both people having different views of the hobbies mentioned. Focus on what value you want to provide, the kind of impact and contribution, ideally as a creator, first. This should be top priority and eclipse putting masters on a pedestal thing you are doing, and explore other ways of generating motivation in you and doing subconscious training.
  5. @Emrie HOW??? I understand if it's trauma related, but please some people don't view it like you do, and assuming they get it when they don't makes you look crazy to them.
  6. @itachi uchiha @Arcangelo What would a healthy feminism look like to you?
  7. @Carl-Richard Ah, I knew there was more to Nahm's ban. I thought it was mostly Nahm talking in riddles and that viewed as retaliatory.
  8. @LSD-Rumi I refuse to believe he was one of the traitors. I think it's like with Anana, a previous mod, who decided to reaign as a mod.
  9. @thisintegrated There's an audio version of it in the internet, you'll find it eventually don't worry.
  10. @Carl-Richard Really, what happened??? One minute Tim R is a mod, the next he isn't.
  11. @itachi uchiha Bruce Lee, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Picasso, and Arnold, and others who are still alive.
  12. @zurew For example, there was a video in some strength training website, about classic strength training, featured in national Geo wild/history program, and the video was showing how Eddie Hall and other modern pro strength athletes, could not lift a 100 pound dumbbell that had an inch in diameter grip, because they lacked the grip strength to overcome the thick handle, which was designed by one of the older strength athletes who had a much smaller physique, but despite appearances is insanely strong. But even that video was unavailable in my country!
  13. @something_else I think for some people it must feel really nice complaining about somebody else. All this user has done in the majority of being in this forum, is mostly complain either about a successful figure, or about Veganism and a bit of both. I wish I had some of that time to complain, to understand what's so appealing with complaining, but I have auditions to go to, and a few movies to star in, so I'm too busy for that. In fact, Joe Rogan could also be acting on purpose, for the views, and fool us into thinking he's genuinely believe in what he says.
  14. @itachi uchiha Yes, I think we all can agree that propaganda is difficult to break. Interlude, what's the story of your profile pic?
  15. We're soon gonna need VPN's and other crypto ways to view these vids. If you think age restrictions are annoying, wait until you see it's unavailable in your country, that's the real annoying one to deal with.
  16. @Yarco Ground breaking discovery. I can easily see how this could lead to further advances like time or parallel world travelling as possible in a few centuries.
  17. @SOUL A lot more identity and emasculation, and a lot less politics.
  18. @thisintegrated I was telling mods to advice you. Why you gotta jumpy concludy?
  19. @Arthogaan I'm a reporter, and a journalist. I also do paranormal investigations on a weekly or monthly basis.
  20. @thisintegrated That's great, good you found your solution to your dating problem. Mods, you know what to do.
  21. @MarkKol Also a factor is nostalgia and the gap of difference between current art and past art. I look at demonslayer or Boruto, and the factors like art quality, animation, line work, values, sounds, production, narrative structurex and compare them to past manga/anime works like Berserk 1990 anime/manga, or the Sailor moon and it's entire 5 seasons, and I can't help see current forms of art as inferior in terms of high quality and skill needed to produce mangas like Berserk, or animation and colouring like the classic Sailor moon series. It's like comparing this age of abstract woke artists to those of the renaissance like Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo, and their masterful level of knowledge and skill needed to paint or sculpt a masterpiece, and other inner qualities that needed to be developed to match that level of quality. Or, comparing badly drawn western comics or mangas that are lately cropping up, to works from David Funch or Alen Moore, or to Sennin mangakas that made Vinland Saga, Vagabond and Berserk. It's insane how much training is needed, and how little current artists appreciate past excellence when they see it. It's like a hidden jealousy that some of those types of artists are not aware of, or in denial, of the possibility of there actually being inferior and superior art works.
  22. @Ulax I think you meant the opposite, that society, mainly 1st world democracies, programmes young men that their needs are only met by becoming and being in tradition roles of men, or some roles related to either labour or knowledge work in an office environment. I don't think society encourages young men to become and be players and gigalos, in fact mostly the opposite.
  23. @SOUL It is important. Half of the males in this world are clueless in whether they are alpha, beta, sigma, omega, romeos, gamma and deltas. That's a serious issue, just like how black/blue/red pill, MGTOW, and Incels are serious issues and considered ideologies, well they are misunderstood. Misunderstanding is what made those issues crop up.