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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Husseinisdoingfine It's a sick feeling to deal with, like knowing that somebody plagiarized your work. Keep working on that vision and find another angle if you're still into this field, or prepare for another career change.
  2. This is amazing, I see potential in this helping nerve functionality and issues related to nerves.
  3. I see it didn't take long for this thread to derail.
  4. @Michael Jackson What do you mean? I see very few problems related to admin or the mods in general in this forum. Me and several others here were treated more fairly than any other forums out there.
  5. @How to be wise From start to 56 seconds in is Joe Rogan saying his views and three edited cuts, I think this was a part of a long episode or multiple episodes. The rest were right wing media takes, one CNN take, and some random right leaning politician I think. In general, it's Joe's open-mindedness that gives him that stage yellow aspect. But certainly this edited and clips of videos, by TheDC Shorts makes him seem more right leaning than normal especially since this clips of Joe is followed by other right wing stuff. However, if you had children, I think the reaction is understandable.
  6. @Preety_India If this was a bill that passed in some rural area, or a state were religious like education is had, and the country is more right leaning, technically that bill fits well with that kind of society, but in a more progressive dominant state it doesn't fit well, like in Scandinavian countries.
  7. @Bobby_2021 Going off topic a bit, what's interesting is that it's possible to develop alter egos or other roles in your psyche that you can switch to other you basically. The main problem is that this was negatively developed and internalized enough that it's harder to unwire, and if those egos are sexual identities then it becomes tricky.
  8. @Preety_India I'm more leaning in favor of the bill, if this bill fits in with that society. I'm also in favor of modifications to policies if needed, based on many other factors.
  9. @Something Funny Because naturally the more confused you are, the greater the chances of putting yourself and others around you in danger, generally speaking. In this context of sexual confusion, I think it's less likely, but there's gonna be a lot of psychological stress I think. The only bad thing about sleeping with multiple sex partners, is that you don't exercise safe sex with them, which sex education prepares you a bit for, and other things as well. A different topic aside, on some days, I sometimes like to think that if society gave me either the tools to find my own life purpose, or knew my to an accurate degree my latent potential and or prepared me much more in getting life purpose, and I happen to have the skills and development for that purpose, it would've been so much easier. Sometimes while it's exciting to go and discover purpose, it can be stressful and give you more grey hair than a mediocre job can. It can be difficult.
  10. @Preety_India There are a lot of reasons why. One I think is that children don't get shocked when they find out that other gender roles and sex orientations do exist, I think this is the main one, and there are other much deeper reasons as well. But it all depends on which society this bill is introduced in, their stage of development, cognitive and moral development, demographics and psychographics, common personality types, states of being at the collective level, and many other life experiences and infrastructures of that society. I guess ideology, narratives, history of that country/culture, economics, mainstream marketing, technology and many more societal factors. like I've stated this bill fits well with most Scandinavian countries, other European countries, and maybe with Canada and the USA. However, there's no such thing as a bill that'll make everybody happy.
  11. @thisintegrated He's mostly stage green, with open mindedness enough that gives him that stage yellow aspect, but he's not perfect in his ego development as he does have shadows of past stages to still work through.
  12. @BuddhistLover This what I mean about being judgmental and dogmatic, and not about making distinctions. As long as people keep behaving similarly we will be making slow progress societally speaking. Keep in mind Leo used to follow Peter Ralston, who was a really good fighter in the past.
  13. @Hardkill I don't know, more context is needed to determine if the ban was good or bad. An example of this is if the ban was a prohibition style, and wanting to revert the education system into a more traditional religious fundamentalist system. In sucb a system to unilaterally impose bans of safe sex education and sexuality would likely lead to nation wide sex repression and suppression, which can lead to unhealthy catharsis. On the other end, we also don't want to show too openly and too much either, in a reckless way that could lead to more perverted people later in life. Ultimately, we don't want to normalize behaviours that are hentai like in the education system, which is the deep fear of traditionalists and conservatives in the right, without suppressing sexuality that the left also fears, but we also want to normalize conversations and teachings in education settings, which is already a visceral problem for some who are parents to even think about and probably for some adults who care for children's wellbeing. We also have to accept that no matter what solution we propose and provide, we cannot make everyone happy with it. Who knows the full consequences really? Maybe this could cure the Incel red/blue/blackc pill problem that a growing number of young men are experiencing, because they received more sexual education at high school, and know theoretically how to fuck properly in college, and got sexual techniques and laid early to not make a big deal of it in university. But do you see what level society has to be to handle this delicate problem?
  14. @Yarco I agree for the most part, at puberty and above can they teach sexual education along with gender roles and fields related and relevant a bit later. Below that is questionable for a teacher to teach that to elementary and primary schools, as they are still strangers but because they are at a teacher role and those are students, it's clear to see the discrepancy in power and authority. A teacher is like a second extension of a family unit in that way, so it's likely that students, most, will just listen and take in information without thinking critically about what they just internalized. Of course, policies and politics and the collective consciousness of the masses are very interconnected. Scandinavian countries for example, despite their violent history, might be willing as a people to teach about genders and other sexes today, as they are for the most part stage green countries with some stage yellow values and systems. When you see transformational dilemmas, that is just part of that group's development. Another tricky issue with sex education, is how do we know when to teach more or less as a society, in the education system? Taken to it's ultimate, extreme implication, is that we are essentially trying to cram a diverse and charged topic into curriculums, but that topic is both pornographic and intimate in nature. How do we determine the standards of how to pass on sexual knowledge and integrate that into a normal curriculum? How do we teach both the theory and application of that safely? Do we make it mandatory? If this is not treaded carefully, it can backfire very quickly, as this takes a delicate hand to be able to manage this issue. The how to do this is a tricky problem to solve. We want the younger generations to have healthier sexuality and teach sex in a safe way, but we don't want to teach too much or too quickly and early that it causes traumas and identity crisis sexually speaking.
  15. This is a good example of art and science in synchronicity. You can be more intuitive and less scientific, you can be more scientific and less artsy, which is decent, but you can't be greater than that without the two synchronized with one another: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/04/mind-blowing-ai-da-becomes-first-robot-to-paint-like-an-artist
  16. @Someone here and Is decent advise. Just follow the suggestions and you'll have decent results. Advice on my part would include self introspection of your sexuality, sex preferences and limiting beliefs around sex, how sex and your ego interact, is it mainly coping mechanism?
  17. @thisintegrated Actualized.org has if not one of the best teams of mods and moderation policies I've ever come across compared to typical social media forums. Yes, I'm biased as this forum is my first, and more time and energy spent here than in other forums, but seriously good moderating had here. Only few problems with mods in the past were misunderstandings and my sense of humour, that's mostly it. If you behave yourself and conduct yourself the right way, very few mod related problems if ever would happen.
  18. @ZGROPIUS I personally would call that quote more judgmental than making distinctions and discernment, but as to if the author really meant it is up to debate. No, that's not what you do with making distinctions. You make distinctions by exposing yourself to more experiences related to what you want to do, and contemplating knowledge you learn, and applications, and comparing and contrasting and making interconnections, visualizing the problem and brainstorming solutions, and so on with many other ways. It's not helpful to strawman this author's and my experience as well into some little box. It's part of free speech, and freedom of expression of one's opinions worded in certain ways. That's what you artists really value as well right? Expressions? While it is partially true that some scientists, pragmatists and utilitarian's sometimes voice negative opinions, meanwhile artists, idealists and like minded people say far more aggressive opinions about pragmatists and logical/scientifically minded people, so when does it stop? When artists start to learn to actually be practical and not only fantastical, and learn to see from that side's point of view, POV, otherwise what's the point of learning linear perspectives and non linear perspectives in your early art classes and other art subjects? Why should a general statement from some random stranger trigger you? is it because it doesn't fit neatly into your world view, or? How about chill and learn to be rationale for some time and see if there's some value instead of being similarly dogmatic as the person that triggered you?. It's also possible to be both intuitive/emotional and creative while being logical, rational and scientific. That's called vision logic, which is where the few geniuses were at when inventing new stuff. That's a more healthier relationship between logic and intuition. Work yourself there.
  19. @ZGROPIUS Discernment, not judging. Discerning and making distinctions is what you do if you want progress in skills.
  20. @DrugsBunny @zurew Name one straight forward reply from Demon mama, to any one simple questions. Name one time where Demon mama actually stuck to one argument point ever? At this point she exhibits some of the dark triad personality traits like narcissism, sociopathy and Machiavellianism when she can't even answer honestly and straight forward without Gish galloping to irrelevant points.
  21. Already thinking that something is full of something is paradoxical.
  22. @integral The opposite is also true as well, lack of or too little information, images, sounds and feelings in that art field, and the lack makes it extremely hard to make an objectifiable standard for good or bad art and in between. Enough standards and contexts surrounding that art, makes it easier to discern your own progress in that field of whatever art field.
  23. @integral Art is completely subjective and constructed? At this point in my life, the constructed part is much more obvious as I've always designed stuff in my head before putting it to paper using pens or pencils and contemplated it deeply, but is it completely subjective? Maybe when art is still in the abstract domain, but when a whole, or part of art is more and more contextualized and niched down into some field, then at that point it's now possible to build standards for 'good' and 'bad' art, and degrees in between because there's enough contrasts and comparisons to make in that field. I'm not sure it's completely subjective.
  24. @Arthogaan Enough about me or any users here, what about you? What do you do for a living?
  25. @Jon_Bundesen Most of the time, hobbies are not a waste of time, but maybe if such hobbies you treat like a full time or part time work, and spend too much time and energy that it effects some other parts of your life, then it's arguable it's wasting a bit of time and energy, so schedule times accordingly.