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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Kid A I've been through similar, and it's not a fun experience. Hang in there, buddy, you'll eventually get a GF, like me. Keep dreaming, visioning, and vary your approaches. Success gonna happen at some point.
  2. @Preety_India Thoughts are fictional.
  3. @Thought Art Yes, normalizing those conversations, important, but not the behaviors.
  4. @Roy I agree, without spirits, or actions, or connecting anything to thoughts, thoughts by themselves not only are not immoral, but lack any attribute of reality at all, as thoughts originate from nothing. 'There are no good or bad thoughts, but thinking makes it so'. By William Shakespeare.
  5. Without mentioning god, spirits or actions, how can a thought by itself be immoral?
  6. @ZGROPIUS Ok, sure, alright, fine. You do you, I do I. If someone thinks they're always right. Such talks derail to wastes of time. If this rhyme is nice, leave a like and bye.
  7. @thisintegrated This reminded me of a song about magic. It's magic, magic, magic. Or something like that.
  8. @Vynce Buying art supplies, like sketchbooks that are large, medium and small, and other specialized sketchbooks, and other mark making mediums like pencils with different grades, full graphite pencils, pens like ballpoint, rollerball and gel pens, markers, fine liners, brush pens, charcoal pencils, compressed charcoal, willow charcoal, black and white and color pastels, water color materials, acrylic paints and so on. Also a note book on how I draw and what each material can or can't do, what each feels like, what are the visual effects, and another sketchbooks for technical drills and for creative experimentations. Art books from other artists, and digital art pen and pad, and a few art software. Best investment for me, because it's mostly in alignment to what I like and love of reality: drawing and constructing symbols. And others related to self help, those help too. Books about life style is also interesting.
  9. @Bobby_2021 There's a bit more involved with sports in general, but I do agree that it's mainly about competency and competitiveness. If you personally value competency and competitiveness, then sports might be in alignment with those values. If you have a balanced mind and body bias, or more body bias, then a sports hobby or taking a career that involves some kind of sports might be ideal. With more thinking about Leo's position, the main problem with reducing sports and combat sports into it's just genetics and body composition is that it factors out the training and skill development involved into performing those movements. Another problem is that it's subtly discriminates those who actually are passionate about what they're doing as well. Such people do exist that like and love to do sports, so what are we going to do about those people with a body/kinesthetic dominant mind and intelligence?
  10. @vizual Likewise, such a negative post, so judgmental.
  11. @IAmReallyImportant Not completely true.
  12. @zurew I'm one of those conservatives that is open minded. You are right a few do exist. However I think I'm done with interacting with you, so take care.
  13. @bejapuskas What? I was giving a user who asked me to provide a negative example of many more examples of what is being asked. I'm not out right denying that LGBTQ people don't exist in such places, but that they must hide who they are in such places that still are authoritarian regimes that rule those places, and more less developed regions with less developed government that'll punish people with such sex orientations to preserve whatever stage blue/red values and morals of that society. If you want to debate me or have a heated discussion about this issue, I'm not interested, take it up with the user who asked me instead.
  14. Why is this a high conscious resource? Has the standards of what is considered a high conscious resource gone down?
  15. @vizual True in the forum, but 100% wrong in the real world.
  16. Wait, I thought other minds don't exist?
  17. @zurew A few places like the Middle east, with very strict traditional hierarchies and a few more.
  18. @IAmReallyImportant This is partly true, given that the source video of the OP is a video about clips of public figures saying stuff about the no gay teaching bill. However, it's absolutely wrong to say that psychological developmental modals like Spiral dynamics, Integral Theory, Ego Development and Carl Jung's Collective shadows modal is bullshit. They do have a wide variety of ways of application, you just need to think bigger and more creatively to make those modals work!
  19. And it's not like I don't have skin in the game, or rubber meets the word or whatever the hell the analogy is for having relevant and personal experiences. I'm partly gay or bisexual, and in my mother's side I have a gay uncle whose married to another man, so it's not like I'm purely abstract and philosophical in my talking. In the various schools I've gone to, primary to elementary in the UK, middle to high school in the USA at the Washington DC area, and high school to college in Quebec, Montreal, I've seen bullying that is sometimes related to gayness, fatness, shyness, and meekness and those who behaved in a weird way, and a few times am unlucky in this department. I'm not in favor of the bill, but I won't force a culture or society that's not ready to teach different sexualities to teach them, especially dealing with children to adolescents who are, typically in ego development, are impulsive and sometimes manipulative. How do you teach such a material to those who are rash and exhibit a bit of stage red values to stave blue values? How do you teach without being perceived as creepy in your behaviour? That's tricky.
  20. @Knowledge Hoarder I agree and feel similar in regards to your view. I also feel like I don't know and uncertain with such a policy and applying it unilaterally, across states and countries and cultures because it absolutely depends on the stage, cognitiv, moral, collective being and shared livelihoods of the population, it's demographic, psychographic, history, narratives and political ideology of each culture. Places like in stage purple/red/blue societies lkke in the middle east and Russia, will be in favor of this bill, but places like Scandinavia and the UK will be in opposition to sucb a bill, due to other developments in each place.
  21. @zurew Do you think we should teach attraction to schools as early as primary schools?
  22. @Knowledge Hoarder Ok, should social programming be and allowed to pass a bill restricting certain sexuality ideas to be taught in schools as early as primary schools?
  23. So back to topic: should Florida rightly ban homosexual ideas and theories in being taught in schools, as early as elementary school?
  24. @zurew Attraction mainly comes from genetics, biology, brain wiring and body composition, but there are other ways as well.
  25. @John Iverson Are you referring to visualizations and positive affirmations? If so, yes doing those practices can buildup skills over time. For example, shadow boxing helps build offensive and defensive skills, if your imagination and memory of seeing, hearing and feeling those movements are as close to actual reality as possible, meaning that you can get a more better punch or better at adjusting guards or slips or footwork, all in combination. I would refer this type of visualization and affirmations related to it as specific, simulation visualization, because you are mentally rehearsing an action. At fiest I was bad with shadow boxing because I'm less kinesthetic and more visual and auditory,but after some time of consistent practice, I can nap and spar with imaginary partners. Also, imagination of an ideal outcome or a big achievement can generate motivation, like seeing your ideal body after a workout. Or after visualizing writing a book, now see bigger and see yourself signing autographs at a library, with a line of people happy to see you. If I'm struggling with a specific technique in writing or drawing, I visualise doing the technique fully with my senses repeatedly, then practice a few times in the real world.