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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Frylock It's mainly because of it's geography and close proximity to China, that it has survived this long. The same can be said for America, with it's blessed geography and biodiversity.
  2. @Tobia The main problem that Twitter has is not enough moderations of a higher quality, not free speech. Making free speech as the focal point is a big mistake as that will only intensify hate speech and trolling in Twitter a bit more.
  3. @Husseinisdoingfine Do you think that legality is a personal preference? What do you mean when you say 'underage'? Like teens in high school? How do I know a person's, or my, neural pathways are getting messed up from pornography? If true, should everyone now need to install a science laboratory with advanced cutting edge computing technology that lets me now exactly how porn messes my or someone else's neural pathways? If a woman wants to be a porn actress, is that exploitation still? Do you mean every time it's filmed porn video, that it's exploitative?
  4. The most important thing to remember, is not to get sucked into ideological warfare unconsciously.
  5. @Seth Why? Please look after yourself.
  6. @Gidiot I understand, it's just that what makes a thought unhealthy or not self serving might need more context to make sense. Yes, it's debatable if thoughts can be self controlled, or silenced, until you learn about spirituality and mysticism and apply those mind silencing techniques. The question becomes if that person is open minded enough to be able to give it a try, and develop the ability but this is starting to go off topic a bit lol.
  7. @K Ghoul The one thing that stands out is that this phenomena not only has some different names, but is practiced throughout different tribes and cultures. So it's not just Tulpamancy or imaginary friends, there's correlating multiple historical contexts and factors that make up this phenomena. Another interesting thing, is the possibility of psychic energy and godhood. There seems to be different ways to 'train' psychic energy and channeling that energy. While the godhood is not an absolute but relative domain, there seems to be a progression of some sort, as the person in the video brought up karmic cycles, rebirths and soul progressions, like eventually no matter how many life times, eventually the soul in a different body will have cultivated psychic and spiritual energy as it passes and moves to it's next life and so on, one explanation as to why there are very gifted spiritual humans. So, this godhood progression at the moment looks like this: a thought form arises from nothing, has reflections of the psyche, other people and the culture and the environment. At5 some point in time, this thought form develops into a servitor, a more animate thought with slightly more sentience. At some point later in time, this servitor eventually becomes more sentient, has developed personality traits, can communicate more than just emotional signals or other privative and subtle mental communications, becomes a Tulpa. Then when a group of people focus on it's symbolic form or sigil, it grows in energy to eventually be an egregor. And finally that egregor overtime becomes some kind of god in it's own domain. This is all assuming this progression isn't broken by some destruction. I'll have to re watch to see other limits to this information of the video, other than it having some conspiracy theories about the Kali Yuga and stage blue to orange interpretations of this paranormal phenomena.
  8. @Focus Shift The modern world is both a blessing and curse, but thinking makes it much more.
  9. @no_name Studying these concepts made me feel more cognitively smarter.
  10. @Yarco True. Some people don't even need to be creative at first to make money, just save and conserve money for 3 years and a bit more, and you'll have more than $250 to purchase the life purpose course. Maybe Leo should make a basic survival course instead, before the awakening course.
  11. @thisintegrated Leonardo Da Vinci for his broad understanding and curiosity and multiple mastery of fields and level of focus, Nikola Tesla for his insane level of visualization and designing mechanical parts as if it's real, Bruce Lee for his insane level of physique and martial arts and fitness, and Yogananda and those that practice semen retention for their massive presence and supernatural powers from such disciplines.
  12. @vladorion This is also considered flawed logic as well. Just because sports is mostly about winning, doesn't mean anything goes, doesn't make a valid and sound argument. For example, in your chest analogy, the ultimate goal of chess is winning via checkmate, by taking turns moving pieces and by thinking. When a person struggles to calculate and visualize sequences and hold the chess pieces and board mentally in their minds, against players with a much higher rating, some inevitably lose the match, then play slightly lower rated players/play chess puzzles and do other mental exercises to improve their chess thinking, or, some tend to use the chess engines and A.I programs as reviews and sometimes while playing chess. Some tournaments have A.I based chess matches and sometimes tournaments. So, if you're equating trans and other gender roles in sports and combat sports as the 'cheating' or 'A.I chess engines' that give an 'unfair advantage' then, like in your hypothetical, there should be a section in sports/combat sports, that includes trans people, performing in the same weight division with other parameters as close as possible to limit further advantages in body composition, skills and genetics.
  13. @Brivido That's cool. Is this related to your life purpose?
  14. @Gidiot I'm just using their own words and how they describe thoughts in that video. Perfectly reasonable to use labels like bad or evil, given the subject matter of the discussion. On top of this is also the language and meaning problem. Unhealthy? Not self serving? Thoughts and thinking about sickness or health? Thinking about a dragon, or unicorn? About a couple? Who knows what is exactly meant, without the context tk inform use of what those words might actually mean.
  15. @mojsterr I got your attention, didn't I?
  16. @Blackhawk I'm serious. Qt the sqme time, it would trigger the 5hreat threshold far more than one at a time. Here are the facts of the situation: Russia has over 6000 nuclear warheads. Scandinavian countries don't, or are withholding such information. Putin and probably kremlin were triggered by the Ukrain joining NATO. That's one country. Imagine how triggered they'd be if 3-4 countries jouned at the same time. Especially Finland given the closer proximity to Russia.
  17. I'm vibrating in anticipation of this thread getting locked. Like seriously other conspiracy theory threads are locked, yet this one is taking a pass of some kind lol.
  18. @thisintegrated I don't think there's any option after creating the thread to alter the thread title afterwards, so literally once you create the thread, the title will stay the same regardless.
  19. @vladorion Ironically, this is the exact opposite for me, as I've had a haunting in my childhood, and am experiencing a paranormal phenomena that involves either a spirit or what some other users in the spiritual sub forum call a tulpa, and did some magical processes as well. But that's besides the point. My main gripe is the subject matter being conspiratorial and apocalyptic and fear mongering in a way, and the framing of this is a bit trollish from the OP, which then opened an opportunity for another user to come into this thread to play the skeptic/debunker, while the OP is now positioned as the reactionary, defensive, close minded woowoo guy, and the conversation oddly didn't derail the thread, but any fruitful discussion is out the window and it's mostly bickering wives tales to each other and I'm also in the middle of it. So, I'll let the wives sort themselves out like my best friend suggests, so have a good discussion of whatever is left of a good discussion
  20. @thisintegrated and @itachi uchiha , omg why are we even talking about low quality conspiracy theories? And in a trolling manner? Especially @itachi uchiha , what's so interesting about a spiritual fear mongering conspiracy theory? Is this allowed @Leo Gura ?
  21. @Value I think if those countries joined at the same time, it would definitely be a threat to Russia and raise the likelihood of nuclear war, but if those countries joined one at a time, over time, it would be less threatening. This is a better net benefit to the world, in comparison to the great net negative of a nuclear war world wide.
  22. I forgot to point out, that discussions about, and prescriptive approaches to how to do black magif in this forum, is a guranteed thread lock and ban for such a user, because I remembered one user who opened a thread in regards to Leo's video talking about his healing journey, and part of that involved him visiting a psychic person, who forwarded him to a specialist in evoking demons in the middle of Las Vagas desert. The user was assuming in dramatic fashion that Leo had visited E.A Koetting, the guy who is a black magician and occultist who has a Youtube channel talking aboht this stuff. Leo immediately shut down that discussion and speculation of wether it was Koetting or not, and black magic. This is also along the lines of fear mongering and conspiracy theories, so I'm actually surprised that this thread is survived this far. This should at least be a thread lock and warning to you.
  23. Related to this thread, Destiny talks about the don't say gay bill:
  24. @vladorion Well, maybe tone down the trolling a bit, and go and do some experiments, in your direct experience, to see if it's verifiable that magic is a belief or true, or spiral dynamics is true. And dogma doesn't work like that.