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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. I think they even have a documentary about Elon Musk taking over Twitter.
  2. @Scholar I think Leo's all good with what he's doing currently. The Buddha was an exception, as he was reported to be amazing at debating other spiritual masters, however the skills of debating do take time and effort to develop, and if Leo says he lacks those levels of debating as a way to get people to pursue spirituality or consider it and self actualization, then he has to work with what skills he has. Debating is not necessarily the only way to arrive at truth. Also, Mr. Girl, despite his open mindedness and empathy, is not ready for spirituality, let alone a discussion of it as he's strongly an atheist and is a part troll, and too many shadows to work through. Destiny is more likely to be open, but my impression from him was that he got scarred from whatever psychedelic trip he had that he is settled to label those experiences as hallucinatory. Glink is just parroting spiritual and psychedelic talking points with little practices and experiences to ground those theories into being. In a simple conclusion, Leo Gura is far superior compared to Mr. Girl, Destiny and Glink that he'd eat them for breakfast.
  3. @Carl-Richard OH ok then @Scholar beat me to it. You can lock the thread then, I'll be heading there.
  4. The litmus test in question, is their topic discussion about spirituality, psychedelics, and some about the paranormal. Both Destiny and Mr. Girl are falling for the pre/trans fallacy pretty hard, that it has re contextualized my take about where both Destiny and Mr. Girl is at in the spiral, in terms, of stages, cognitive and moral development, personality traits and their life experiences so far regarding the topic. Glink I'm not too concerned for, still sucks rhetorically, repeating new age talking points without adding something new, and still can't drop his conflict with pornography discussion he had with Mr. Girl, but I appreciate his effort to talking about spirituality and psychedelics in the online stream bubble, kinda reminded me of Deeprak Chopra and Sam Harris, Sam Harris is right in the short term and rhetorically, but Chopra is right in the long, long long term. However, this shouldn't detrack from Destiny and Mr. Girl, they are amazing in their own domains of life with the skills they have gained. What are you thoughts, after watching the whole thing?
  5. @Space I've had similar issues with what you've gone through, have some heart issues and irregular heart beats, was subtle after the first dose of Pfizer, but more noticeable after the second dose. Not saying the vaccine was a direct cause, more an indirect cause to a probably underlying health issue I've had but not have had recently from those spiked proteins. Maybe my bouba biased ego hates kikki stuff. Done various tests on my blood, came back with slightly high blood sugar and pressure, and I eat a balanced diet, not as super clean or optimized like some people here who are on a vegan diet, raw food diet, carnivore or so on, but enough that that alone helped me lose some weight and gained a few pounds of muscle while being on a balanced diet. My sleep schedule was ok, again not optimized but am getting the 7-9 hours of sleep I need. The likely culprit, for me, was probably my fitness routine, which is largely isometrics, very slow reps, and occasional heavy lifting and cardio work. However, I've had to lover my usual frequency, 4x a week, to 2 to 1x a week due to my heart issue. All psychedelics, natural or synthetic based, will stimulate the body's various systems, mainly the nervous system. Yes, sometimes the body's heart will get more stimulated to beat higher range. This is obviously because experiencing psychedelics is a radical peak experience not normally accessed by the body and mind by default. In such a case, I would run a basic check up with myself, note any body or mind problems that could influence a likely bad trip, and take a measure of my heart rate before and after tripping. In most cases, my heart rate was elevated afterwards. My general advice is to take a break and do some basic body and mind R&R, until you feel closer to 100 percent, before taking psychedelics, and do check and research what could be causing you these other issues Of course, my body is different from yours, but it's always a good idea to do basic checks prior to tripping. Hopefully this helps a bit. Take care!
  6. @Hardkill It does make sense. Ask a progressive to stop identifying as a progressive. They can't, and won't let that image go, unless they were exposed to some spirituality earlier in their life that they could intuit that letting go of that self image is better. It's like me asking you to stop being a conservative, or is it a democrat? I don't know, it's such there's so much time, energy and emotional labor put into maintaining that role that giving it up is a bitter experience.
  7. @something_else Furthermore, it's sort of taken out of context. Hive mind is a description of a super organism in nature, that each member has precise roles to fulfill in it's colony, aka the ants, wasps, bees ect. I know that 'hive mind in this context refers to the group think that can permeate the online spaces and forums the lower standards of moderation, but they're not really super organisms. For example, the A.I robots in The Matrix movies, is a good fictional example of a hive mind, that has both elements of a decentralized system with a centralizing A.I that rules over every hardware and software of both the real world matrix, and the virtual matrix.
  8. @Leo Gura I have finally found the comment! It must have been that night mode was on, which made the background screen colours dark grey, and your profile pic was nearly a perfect camouflage. I looked closely at @zurew image of your comment, and just followed the date until I saw it. With that out of the way, we can now focus on issues with moderations. I'm already seeing a few here with leanings towards anarchism and libertarianism. I immediately see a problem, because from what I've learnt of world history, I have yet to see examples of such libertarian societies flourishing long enough to become empires, and to eventually become civilizations. And not only that, if there were such societies, they didn't last that long, so the only valid conclusion I can draw from why there's this libertarian and anarchistic bend, in particular in online websites that have an online forum and online communities, is that such people are nested and secure inside a big, functioning society, for them to get away with what they say and write to some degree in such spaces, that there's this wiggle room for some degree of selfishness to be expressed.
  9. @Hardkill When you think about it long enough, he's technically right, as most progressives will not abandon their self image as the progressive, so the logical thing to do, is to conserve that self image, hence they are conservatives in disguise, in denial that they must conserve their role as person in society. Of course, they aren't literally right wing conservatives all along
  10. Below is solid advice actually, definitely worth considering. "Be like a rolling stone, that even moss won't be able to grow", old quote of a master.
  11. After reading through the comment section, I could see why the comment could be hidden, because a large part of the comments expressed dislike to Aaron Rabinowitz, so it's possible that Leo's comment could be misinterpreted as leaning more with Aaron, but in fact Leo was talking about something deeper than what Aaron was discussing in the video.
  12. @zurew Nope, still not showing on my end after clicking the newest first. Time to ping @Leo Gura about this, what is going on?
  13. @Rokazulu You mean like the government in Libya?
  14. @zurew Well, I tripled checked again and the comment isn't there, so it's likely that you've captured this comment before it's hidden, and I was a bit late to quote it. I swear it's not there anymore. Yes, I'm aware of both the language problem of words, sentences and paragraphs, in any format including online messages having multiple interpretations, and the epistemological problem of how do we know which tools, methods and ways to address issues of free speech. One simplistic solution, to resolve this issue to near completeness, is that we make the internet and online spaces like real world society, governed by rules, regulations and multiple check points. Despite this, we'll never satisfy some of the groups with more extreme views, but like Leo has said, limitations, government and how society is structured has, throughout history up to now, is pretty efficient in dealing with libertarian and anarchistic types of individuals and groups through various means of policing. Otherwise, we would be like Gotham city with criminals, villains and vigilantes running around.
  15. Probably useful to list some examples of what a hobby is. I'll start: Gaming, which includes categories like video games and game boards like chess. Drawing, with any medium, in any genre, and also sketching and doing coloring books. Golf. Bird watching. watch making. Ultimately, a hobby is meaningful and rejuvenating to do, besides developing skills.
  16. @m0hsen I think it isn't possible, but just in case pm a mod or Leo Gura about it. Have you noticed anything different with the forum recently? I saw a new sub forum and some sub forums have switched.
  17. Am I the only one with a mission statement? No questions about how I started?
  18. @Hardkill That's adversity, which in most cases is meant to be overcome. If you aren't successful in your career, that's adversity. If your job sucks, that's adversity. If you suffered a breakup with a BF/GF, a divorce from your marital partner, that's adversity. If your health and fitness is an issue, that's adversity. if you are in a rut deciding what lifestyle to lead, that's adversity. If you are wondering how to manage your home environment, or are divided in what hobbies or how to entertain yourself, that's adversity. If you are confused and in disagreement with a person or group with different values to you, that's adversity. If you still struggle to understand or empathize with a person who thinks differently than you, that's adversity. If you are offended because someone or a culture has a different moral system than the one you grew up in, that's adversity. If you have psychological barriers, or personality issues and struggle to relate to other personalities, that's adversity. If you find yourself peer pressured into complaining, whining, and gossiping about people or the negative parts of life, and feel too insecure to speak up for yourself, that's adversity. if you suffer from unproductive trans states, and struggle to enter different states of being or emotional states, that's adversity. A problem is like a signal, a signal to call to action, to overcome whatever adversity you come across in life. The point in life, is to live through adversities, because those adversities, most of them, make you a stronger you! The question is, do you want to answer that call to action, or not? Whatever the challenge, meet it head on, or try to. Don't let any other excuses stop you from being a stronger you. Nothing stop Usain Bolt from immigrating from Jamaica to America and pursue a career in sprinting to eventually become a great Olympic runner. Nothing stopped Bruce Lee from becoming an action star and somewhat of a pioneer for combining fitness with martial arts and having insane speed and power for such a small body composition. Nothing stopped Leonardo Da Vinci from continuing to paint and study and innovate other fields of life, no matter what set backs they have had to experience and over come.
  19. @A Fellow Lighter Like a paranormal experience of beauty, and the nice silence in a meditative experience. A feeling of cuteness in your heart. Not the same as a the highest awakening experience.
  20. @Hardkill Aha, I see what you're trying to trap me into, it's unethical to do, but I'll take the bait. If it's not evident to you now, if you keep on focusing the negative stuff and how negative people get away with evil, don't get retribution or whatever, it's time and energy spent mental masturbating on a speculation. Notice how time and energy slips more into a thing or situation you are putting attention on. Notice doing that makes you feel more negative. Now, put that attention on you, and what value you can provide, in a positive light. Notice the difference in quality of time and energy, and how it makes you feel. Yeah, more of that and less of the former, the same with the millions of excuses for not wanting to change attention.
  21. @A Fellow Lighter Yes, I recognize spirit,
  22. @Bobby_2021 This is definitely some of the factors involved in happiness at the collective level.
  23. @Hardkill Probably not. Better to focus on your life purpose and what contributions you want to make, than focusing on evil people.
  24. Here's Destiny's take, I'm not sure what to think of it, after watching it let me know what you guys think of it: https://youtu.be/1rEfBUcQ6ZM