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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yarco I've had my mission statement for roughly 7+ years, and seen little improvements and accomplished only a few small goals, but I never was aware about a domain of mastery and ideal medium to include into my list, so am definitely going to change my list a bit, from the ground up. Am also gonna retake the LP, and get more details out from my visions of my life. If I have to dream walk into parallel universes to find out, so be it. Very nice looking mission statement, thanks for sharing!
  2. @Realms of Wonder Was there a time when you felt nervous playing live?
  3. @jd1279 I guess it's a worry of America being gradually becoming a fascist nation, which is a low probability. Also, Leo is living in America, while some of us here live outside of it, so we can talk and take different sides because if we don't live in a country where this issue isn't felt directly, we don't appreciate the danger of this ideology taking root.
  4. Travelled, to several countries, and experienced paranormal events, glimpsed no-self too, in a nutshell. Also free rapped while humping a pillow. Don't drink too much alcohol, ever.
  5. @Michael Jackson Consider that every insight is, by default, self defeating.
  6. Sorry if this question is dumb, but can anyone explain to me what is 'domain of mastery' and 'ideal medium'?
  7. @Akashic So basically, is this to copy Leo's path, but as a writer in YouTube?
  8. @Realms of Wonder Nice and simple looking mission statement, I like it. Can't figure out how a person can just perform live on stage in front of hundreds if not thousands of people, and play an instrument. I had a piano and guitar, and despite my musical ears I couldn't bring myself to play live, never mind play them as a hobby. How do you perform live and practice daily?
  9. @Yarco Ok, I need way more detail in my mission statement? Thanks again, I'll be revising it much more. Mind sharing your mission statement?
  10. @How to be wise UFOs are a cool thing to see, no disputing that.
  11. @Carl-Richard Agreed. Apparently people who are not religious, don't believe in some god or force, don't go to a church or some social gathering, and be social, tend to suffer a bit more, even develop more health problems. The more strongly a person identifies as an athirst, non-believer, secularist or skeptic, or just say identifies to logic biased roles, the stronger the suffering, it's bizarre.
  12. @Someone here Relief and calm, although depending what I fap to and how, I can also feel more positive or more negative along with the relaxation and calm. On the same day though, if I fap another time, I'd feel more tired and weaker around my throat, chest, balls and phantom pains around my body if I fap too much. Also brain fog for even fapping one time. I go between using porn and/or using imagination, sometimes just stroking without sexual thoughts or images. However, I've been on Nofap and did to about 30 times, most of them were weekly and a few I went past a month, and when I eventually relapsed it's a bit different from when I fapped a day or any other 2-4 days a week. This Nofap challenge I went for 15 days until I had to fap to relieve myself from blue ball like sensations. The first one didn't give relief and made the sensations a bit worse, so I had to take 15-20 minute break before fapping again to clear a bit more out., at this point I only felt a little bit happy relaxed and calm. An hour later I fapped again, which this time I felt I returned to somewhat normal levels of when I felt like if this was a daily fap. The pros outweigh the cons for me here, so it was worth the discipline needed to do Nofap.
  13. What are the main takeaways, in your view, about this situation:
  14. @Someone here 1. Sure, the majority of mankind had dictatorship-like governance, until such a structure hits a limit, the limit being that some Dictators abuse their power too much, and mislead their kingdom or empire and made bad calls, and when mistakes are made it's difficult to hold a dictator to account because he and his group have centralized power onto them. However, I think you've answered your own question in your last paragraph, making this thread null. Wait a minute, just Christianity? Aren't there other religions that were as bad if not worse than Christianity, that caused some empires to fall apart?
  15. @thisintegrated So, there's nothing Netflix could do to penalize Disney or Amazon for copying it's streaming services?
  16. @Carl-Richard That's great! Had my enlightenment in a five day intensive. Didn't last long though.
  17. Is there any feedback on each part of my mission statement, and what's missing or more needed? Also, here are some more of my year end resolutions: To create a book and some stories. To create a piece of art. To create a website. To study personal development. To have a lean, healthy, energized body. To mediate for hours a day. To contemplate an hour, using drawing as part of that. To build deep focus, and concentration skills. To self inquire. To master my sexuality. To be unconditionally loving. To be unconditionally happy. To become a great communicator. To be more social. To be more funny. To draw from observation. To draw from imagination. To draw different genres of manga. To draw in any medium. To wake up at 6:00 am every day, from a sleep state to an excited state, using multiple alarms and shaky body movement to wake me up more, and to sleep at 11:00 pm everyday. To exercise and train 6 times a day, flexing, overcoming isometrics, yielding isometrics, isotonic contraction/extension for my arms and legs, for 3 sets to one rep max. 3 times a week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) of 'tension pulsing' isometrics, and one minute and higher push ups and pull ups, with some cardio on those days like 1-2 min jog or shadow boxing, again for 3 sets of 10 reps, reps here is each max to 80% tension I generate from an isometric position, then back to baseline tension. I had also a goal of losing weight to reach 130 pounds, I weighed 155 pounds 5 years ago, now I'm 128 pounds I want to also go for 15% body fat, gain some muscle mass but really to gain much more strength and speed and to consistently get stronger and faster. To nap either at lunch time, or 5:00 pm everyday, for an hour straight, in order to maximize my recover time mentally and physically To do tai chi, chi gong or self massage and hatha yoga techniques to help me relax much more, for additional R$R. To become great at chess, Chinese Go and to become more intelligent in other areas of life. Please give feedback if there are problems with my mission statement. Thanks.
  18. @thisintegrated Sounds good. If Netflix niches down a bit more, it'll be harder for big companies to keep on copying them. Also, couldn't Netflix have had a protection against this? Like they trademark their services so that if some company tries to copy them and their streaming services they could sue them. Couldn't they have done this, and technically be able to sue Amazon and Disney for making streaming services exactly like them?
  19. @Consept I think those free absolutists just want freedom to say opinions at 100%, but haven't seen far enough that sometimes freedom of speech effects freedom of actions.
  20. I occasionally visit the forum and the blog posts, and come across the latest one that Leo Gura has posted here below: https://www.actualized.org/insights/issues-with-moderating-free-speech and he made a comment under that YouTube video below, to which I began searching for but I couldn't find it: https://youtu.be/4nNk7fvxiGM So, a few questions from me: Did rebel wisdom hide the comment, or was it YouTube's algorithm? I bring up rebel wisdom because even for channel, it's understandable that whoever saw Leo's comment didn't have the wisdom to see it for what it is, but I also bring up YouTube because it's algorithm would pick up on comments that contain negative wording and hide it. Also, what are you're thoughts on online freedom of speech and moderation?
  21. I'd say it depends on the person's value systems, cognitive and moral development, psychology, states of beings/becoming, and life experiences so far, along with genetic makeup. In this case, Elon Musk is hyper logical, because in most of his interviews, he looks left quite a lot, even sometimes turning his head to the left when thinking. This means that Elon's cognitive patterns are hyper logical, rational and I'd say autistic, which filters a person's reality differently than most with are not as left brain active like Elon. He also has an upper class upbringing in South America, which seems to effect his morality about other people. because similarly to Trump's parents, he has absorbed this attitude of competition from his family and inherited their stage blue/mostly stage orange values. I don't know fully his personality traits, but he exhibits introversion quite a lot, which means he has a lot of compartments and mental boxes to categories different parts of reality. Given his life experiences it makes sense why he treats people on the left more differently than the right political spectrum, likewise with employees versus employers. He could also be trolling as well, which given the nature of the internet he has fallen victim to.
  22. I can confidently say that TR and this Mike person, is actually a bit worse that TYT. Crooked Media is a much better YouTube Channel, some of it's podcasters still remain respectful and address the message more than the character of a person, good example for progressives and dems.
  23. @NoSelfSelf To help with my procrastination and laziness, gain more energy and to be more creative than normal. Also more health related as my frequent faps is giving me phantom pains, aching throat, brain fog, some erectile disfunction, and for some reason effects my heart and breathing. Also not my first rodeo with NoFap as this is like number 20 in my attempt, 15 of them I lasted a week, 4 of them a month and the one was about 2 months. Also, to feel a deeper sense of pleasure when I inevitably fap. No fap from normal states of consciousness compares.
  24. @Einsteinonacid And this, is why, the internet is a dangerous place. anyone can post a meme for a laugh, but if you slow down and think about it, the meme hides an underlying negative meaning that ridicules and stereotypes those it targets.
  25. @BuddhistLover Yeah, he has found his life purpose of being a professor and psychologist, and puts the majority of his free time into that career that other parts of his life suffered a bit, like his health. Can turn people off of finding a LP if this is the reaction I'd get from some, if not most people when sharing something meaningful. Yes, in this context it was a political talk about ANTIFA in a right wing podcast, yes this deep wisdom went over TR Mike's head, and initial reaction was I think a nervous/ridiculing laughter, but after that further laughing I 100% disagree with and condemn as they at that point are ridiculing laughs. Not only that, but very bad optics from a left leaning podcast, makes progressives and democrats look real bad. Bad example for others too.