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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. OMG, I can see the matrix and ghost in the shells future ot the world developing into. Gonna get out of hand so fast. What's next? Implanting chips that house your soul to allow body swapping, Alternate Carbon style? It'll be a beautiful mess of the world to live in for future generations.
  2. @BlueOak Which ties back nicely to the Ying-Yang concept, asymmetrical yet balanced. Sometimes leave it, sometimes word it, sometimes kill it.
  3. @Yarco Leo's moral judgments would put Eminem to shame I think he was specifically targeting the misuse of trolling, food, sex, porn, fame, you know, all the low consciousness activities. Certainly with enough skill and intention somebody can make something good out of it, but it might be that most people screw up along the way, that they become shallow, thus it's like stabbing god in the heart. Yes, GOD, and the devil, appreciates a masterful troll. Look at Eminem, the rap god, lyrical and musical genius that can destroy people with words. Brilliant display of skills. Mr. Girl too, trolling intentionally to spark conversations that become deep and lead to rabbit holes unexplored. Yes, Although this largely depends on one's value systems, cognitive and moral development, psyche and ego development, personality traits, states of consciousness and life experiences, on the absolute level this is acceptable to God. On the relative level though, we are subjected to dualities and trialities that make the relativity of creations and destructions more consequential and therefore must be managed such that we survive at the end of it all, and from this struggle we gain knowledge of what's good and evil, what's short term versus long term harms, and manage these accordingly or perish. Yes, in the perspective of someone from a stage red values system and worldview, they could say to you this is their form of highest love, except in such a case it's very common for a person to distort that spiritual truth/insight and conflate it for their own god superiority complex and melomaniac desires, which ultimately leads to their downfall sooner or later, which is recorded for posterity and to be learnt for the future well. As a motivational video, it's good. Another point though which I felt wasn't addressed adequately in the video, was the duality between a life purpose, or leading a passionate charged life, versus a mediocre, simple, minimalistic life. He over focused on the bad aspects of a simple life style, and skipped the fact that if it weren't for such a lifestyle to be this common, that there wouldn't be room for a charged lifestyle. Because everybody either lacked enough intent, attention, and perseverance, that it made a self actualized life possible. What if everybody stopped living mediocre, and all went after a charged lifestyle, all at once? That shocking increase for such a life, high demand would make it even more competitive and create high barriers of entry to live such a life, and conversely almost all the basic functions of society that need some people to be in job roles for, that would normally make most people's lives more convenient, would become far harder because almost all the human resources are now going after a life purpose and charged way of life. So, counter intuitively, if all the commons went after such a life, it'll make life that much harder for most and some, so this is why it has to be a few or some of the majority to go after a life, and most must temporarily life a simple, mediocre life for the sake of the some and few to go after a higher quality and charged life.
  4. What are your thoughts on the latest video Leo released? I'm tending to agree more with that video than less. However if I was being motivational and talking about the good life, and somebody tells me their satisfied with their life currently, despite having their job as a 9-5, in a career they semi want, with simple relationships with friends, family and few dates here and there, having one or two hobbies and a simple mediocre lifestyle. I would tend not to argue with that person. Reason being is that I can see that some people are built for such a life, and don't mind, and because of that we're left with some wiggle room to improve in our lives due to there being no intense demand for such a life.
  5. @mmKay Once upon a time, I took a stroll down town. Like an owl, my gaze set on some things foul. A crowd of corpses, corporeal and loud. pouring out like wasps, out the hospital. Auspiciously, my phone slips out of my hand, clang-clang. Blind as bats, built as ox's, I sprinted- Away like Ima spirited away-that the colours in my eyes and skin all Drained Away, fleeing from these monstrous mobs. Lobbing grenades at them made of lemonade. The astringent balls melted their carcasses As a mad hatter, I resumed my stroll. Into the hospital I go down, spiraling- Like the mad spiral wizard that I AM. TIME.
  6. @something_else Kew word here is 'most girls'. What if you encountered some girls, who maybe hide their specialty really well?
  7. @Ulax It's actually a good tv show, I'll give you that.
  8. The reason why I want to make a mega thread of mission statements and life purpose, is to have a place where there's multiple sources of examplew and inspirations, so I'll start off with mine: Generalised purpose: To understand life, to be a creator and contribute to the world through drawing and art in some way. Specialized purpose: To become a freelance artist, indie illustrator that illustrates and draws the natural world in a story narrative through genres like western comics and eastern comics, mainly through analogue mediums like pencils and papers for example and using the printer to fax the physical images into a digital software for editing and touch up. Secondary specialized purpose is to become a freelance comic book artist that does the cover art, that as a past writer can write a outline and the story near 80% complete, storyboards, pencilling, inking and editing the story and drawings through digital means. My ten year mastery plan: is mastering the drawing process and broadening my drawing and art fundamentals and skills for each area. This year would be focused more on using pencils to create more better sketches of natural objects and people, 6 months of realism and 6 months of stylish art, and go back and forth a bit mainly with pencils while participating in the inktober challenges every year. Each yesr I would swap a drawing medium for another and restart the cycle. My top ten values: competency, understanding, consciousness, creativity, independence, uniqueness, excellence, health, beauty, enlightenment. My top 5 feelings to feel everyday: Serenity, happiness, excitement, optimism, pride, confidence, creativity. My top 5 character strengths: Appreciation of beauty and excellence, curiosity, love, gratitude, hope, kindness. My zone of genius: Imagination, visualization in 3d, in colours, mentally adjust brightness, in different perspectives and angles, in pictures, in a movie format, having a mind's eye and musical ears, listening and seperating and combining different sounds. The least one is being able to feel different textures, pressures, and temperatures in my mind. Also having chess skills and visuals in checkered patterns. My year resolution goals: To make a graphic novel, 500 pages, cover art and back designed by me.
  9. @Carl-Richard You never know, if she's asking you over to talk and humour her more just to keep you talking cuz she finds your voice funny to hear, or she finds you entertaining, or to see what you'd do, or to be the middle of a love triangle.
  10. @kray Lazy, shallow, over the counter critic that any garden variety vegetable can give, just a 'I'm right and you are wrong and that's that' simplistic critic. Only good thing to learn is the thumbnail design which is a bit catchy, but that's me really being generous here. So many wrong things about this video it's not worth breaking down, technically the channel and YouTuber is a leacher and it's debatable to report the Channel for piracy and bullying.
  11. @Yarco Thanks, a quick question: What do you do if you discovered another source of passion? For example, as I'm working away my drawings and writing skills along with learning computer stuff, I in my leisure time listened to some music like rock and roll(hard and soft), disco, music like 009 sound system dream scape...which leads to, let's say a really good rap song, and found that while it's difficult to follow the rapping and rhyming verbatim, my mind's musical ears follow the vocals and musical elements and can reproduce them internally. Is this a good source to investigate further? Is this zone of genius at play?
  12. @Bobby_2021 You completely misunderstood what I meant, I'm not talking about boomers as wise old men. I'm talking about sages as wise old men.
  13. @MarkKol He's probably referring to my childhood haunting I had with that spirit and not Crysty. No joke, that fever almost killed me back then, all the while I was the only one to see that ghost in my house. I'm lucky to be alive today from those other occult practices, prayers from the bible, chants, channeling energy, and other weird spiritual practices in Indonesia that I was exposed to, because my mom took it seriously when I mentioned seeing that ghost. She also saw a few ghosts in the past when she was younger and saw one who attacked her sister by pulling her hair, because her older sister offended a boy and that boy visited a witch to curse her sister. It got that bad that a priest had to come to their family to exorcise whatever entity that was attacking her sister.
  14. @Antor8188 I don't know, nor you don't know enough. Be careful because this could turn into a false allegation or worse.
  15. @GrandeOrso Yes! Learn to invest in ownership assets like stocks, real estate and small business.
  16. @Bobby_2021 No, the wise old man is still a thing. All it takes is to look correctly.
  17. @Oeaohoo For example, you first lead by a combination of believing yourself at ridiculous levels, developing a valuable skillset that provides value for what group or culture you wish to lead. Take for example Eminem, who's upbringing is both low class and partly in rap culture. To appeal to such a culture, he in private and with some rappers trained and honed his lyrical music abilities such that he eventually became impressive, and provides values by being so controversial yet poetic to the ear. For stage red, Eminem is an acceptable and strong leader even though he lacks the skills of a criminal, but he's decisive and divisive enough to gain attention from stages blue, orange and green, with a few from yellow and turquoise. Nice analysis of him here:
  18. Good video: https://youtu.be/cwy9YUQ1Z_8 I may be a soft rapper, but I'm gonna be using freestyle rap as self therapy for me.
  19. @thisintegrated In your opinion, does this fixing differ from personality to personality? Like is it different fixes if one person is an introvert and the other is extrovert?
  20. @WokeBloke I can't, nor can he. It's almost pointless to define imagination, cuz then you'd still ask to define imagination . However, if I gave you my example, of when I was mediating and in deep visualization, when I look at my hand, it's imaginary, relative to being inside my mental body. Of course, you'd still ask for further definitions still. P.S. It's cool to have hyper real visualization, and see how your hand goes through your other hand. One of my techniques to lucid dream.
  21. I suggest watching the whole video below, Other than notice how the debate unfolded, notice how Vaush's opponent, regardless of if the historical points were correct, is using those historical events to bolster his position against Vaush, which ironically corrupts his aim of finding the objective truth. What are your thoughts?
  22. @Oeaohoo Majority of the time, people want to be lead whether they like it or not, even from those who say they'd like to lead, no they like to follow too.
  23. Joe's momentary take on Eminem's diss on Trump: https://youtu.be/IlXTyyFtiLc Do you think Trump could technically take Eminem to court over defamation and incitement of violence? If Trump is too triggering, replace that with you or somebody you know and like, and Eminem dissing about that person.
  24. Probably if you ask me, rap practiced in private as a therapeutic session, for channeling your hidden stage red shadows is also a good form of practice.
  25. @BlueOak Let's hope whoever replaces Putin is open to negotiations.