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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Girzo we can try to discuss about woke culture. The problem isn't the topic itself, but how it is communicated. If communicated in a debate and argument framing, in a debunk mindset, then yes that framing, along with implicit biases, differences in values, cognition, morality, psychology, states of consciousness and life experiences determines to what degree it could be toxic. Having a discussion where both individuals and others participating in the communication, in an open minded, non judgmental way, wlling to steel man each other's points, is far from toxic, in fact it's the whole pint of a democracy.
  2. @Consept Yes, I agree with that definition of yours, as it's a basic level of a trans person's self awareness, they have an internal image of themselves as a slightly to moderately different gender role than the biological sex of their physical bodies. My take on Transexuality generally, the second definition that makes it more metaphysical and spiritual and most people would be confused or lost in understanding, is that it means you are beyond sexuality. Similar meanings to transcendence, transformation, transpersonal, transpersonal psychology, trans-rational. 'Going Meta' also is similar as you are widening your scope to see much more than the context you were viewing from. At most, people would think you are talking about celibacy, or asexuality, but actually it's more radical than those two, as those two the mind has developed attachments to. A person whose truly transcended sexuality would be deeply detached to all things sexual and wouldn't be too bothered at all.
  3. here's the video; and
  4. @Consept I define it as a distortion of perceiving yourself as a self image and self construct, specifically the appearance of your male/female self image firstly. Secondly self identity, narratives you pick while growing up builds on top of that. Also Mr. Girl, If I remember, said all trans people are sick in the head and have a distorted image of their body. Is this true? Also, what does transsexuality mean to you, before I give my take?
  5. @Oeaohoo Haha okay, I heard Leo describe reaction youtubers as Youtube reactionaries, and leeches, so I thought that was the normal way of naming them, other than con artists and indecisive creators. I see the spiritual, metaphysical and epistemic ramifications if the majority of youtube content creators just react to other vids, but practically speaking, you're react video steals potential viewers and incentivizes watching the react vid over the original, plus stealing their limited space in the video website, as there's only so many views available and the A.I being misfed information to encourage react vids over original vids.
  6. A good video that talks about reactionary content: https://youtu.be/Irk8h0ax5aY
  7. @ZenAlex Lolo sorry, I didn't mean it to seem like I'm backing you into a corner. I'm just curious if you have a life purpose and vision of helping which community. Mine is drawing a lot, mostly anslogue over the internet, to impart something mystical to the viewer.
  8. @ZenAlex I'm just asking, if you had a similar vision, not identical, of being a leader, and an opportunity to create a community opens up to you, what would you do? Describe me what you envision your life to be, as a leader. Also, what would you do in this situation of being accused?
  9. @Raze Sounds like stage green view but warped by their ego development, in a demographic that's mostly on average impulsive to opportunistic ego development. Just because an individual or a group has a higher value system, doesn't mean they are immune to distortions due to cognitive biases and development, moral development, personality traits, states of consciousness and life experiences. In fact on average that age group has much less life experiences, states of being that are more rebellious towards families and authority figures.
  10. I'm curious, how many people here agree with this statement: "Transexuality is merely body dysmorphia?".
  11. @Carl-Richard Nice modal share. I'm also leaning towards trans people shouldn't fully lean on academic language as that can further confuse the situation.
  12. @ZenAlex If you had the opportunity the same as Teal, tbe same vision of starting a spiritual community, for profit or for other reasons, how would you do it?
  13. @Thought Art Agreed, she's gone quite far despite her circumstances, where most wouldn't want to be leading in front.
  14. @Razard86 Razard, man, relax, what, was, that, you, ask? Maybe 86 happy times I might hear your hazardous rhetorical question at last. Metaphor in bound, of course, a mad me, whack rapper, Azkaban certified, finds a @Arcangelo who hadn't posted for a long time. Old friends and rivals, like Leonardo and Michelangelo, excited, except I Picasso prism him into a Jello cubism-while he tried to euphemism me in a cubicle, but ubiquitously failed, sadly, cuz he's an old odd obtuse angle, past 86 degrees, useless post, so I phoned him and told him so and so to next time talk about Teal, or get nexted coldly. What was that?! You're temp's 86 degrees Celsius! Quick, you need some Reiki healing, maybe Teal'll do you a heal, for real, cuz you feeling ill, skin's starting to teal coloured I told you so, 86 times before, don't be poking that pen ink and choking that chicken on hazardous red pill paper material whatsoever, not even cereal gold diggers, never ever. You never know how much older your age can get, plus 86 thousand a year, payment pending still, no low pun interest though. What was that? 'Nah, we not letting you off the hook?' Maybe that right captain hook fishing punch line bent you left so much you're left seeing 86 year old you telling you there's 86 me's in front of you in the limelight, that punch line must've left an impact, I always leave a lasting impression when I punch the clock, 86's style, 8 mile fashion never gets old with father time's clock. So, half hazardly I conclude that if you're a Razzle dazzled fool don't start a dual with me, for I'm Rasputin, no disputin this feud you lose to me definitionally cuz you never mentioned Teal in any way, shape or day. Suspicious, I say, forced pious? Shdaow part perv? Yay. Maybe Teal'll teach and show you the healings rays, hopefully online not face to face in the face of this scandalous fame she's gaining. Hey, no hard feelings, right? here lemme release you from my hook lines you seem to be entangled into, still humble.?
  15. @KaoDeo Yes I have, and more, like for example vibrant colours that shouldn't normally be on that location. Scientists say it's hypnogogia, spiritualists say it's chakra energy or something like that, but I say it's amazing to see that for yourself.
  16. I'm just curious, but have they banned certain words associated with trans people, like transexuality?
  17. @Michael Jackson Gotta practice mu rap skills bro. Honestly the way forward is mostly online communities now, and a lot less physical spiritual gatherings, side steps the culty nature of the face to face between teachers and students to some degree.@Juan
  18. @Someone here versus @Arcangelo , someone here says stop beating the meat too much with sugary weed, while the other advocates for more sugar abuse cane barbecues, while adding on volcanic flavoured flakes to this triggering thread. Who won this feud? Who's next in the que? Who knows, I know, cuz I'm well fed with lyrics, I won, cuz my bar's be cruelest than the sizzling grill of this ripe sweet teen beef between the two of you, all the while missing the balance by a mile, that's what you get for denial of the importance of balancing the wildlife between thy eyes, short sighted and blinded by binary thinking tinting the windows of your soul so much so you can't behold the beauty in your own eyes showing the holiness that a holistic view can give you.
  19. @Arcangelo And some pages behave age 12, ages ago as of late, as young apprentices vying for attention waiting like shoes under hoes pipes, adding tension to already a pent up piss oge of a thread this is. 12 pages of 50 shades is more than enough given the shady mormon interviewee's eyes and hears and voice fluttery like a lady, no body language expert needed to see it as dubious ar best, no oxymoron needed. So obviously Arcangelo said makes sense like a Jello made of sugar cane eaten by a jiggly puff.
  20. @Raptorsin7 It's all part of the plan, it makes sense, the less frequent vids and less engagment, it's preparing us for the inevitable some day. At least for me this is something to note down in case I want my own website, look out for the crashes.
  21. @StarStruck Don't mind him, his attention seeking behaviour is a characteristic of hussian not doing fine today. Some Chameleons survive in the desert, and behave differently compared to their jungle counterparts, like moving much quicker to chase down prey, and they devolve their tongues unlike the jungle counterparts that kept their tongues to catch prey. They also have a different mating ritual.
  22. @Vision Negative visualization does have a place and time, it has it's usefulness but it's short term, I'd leave it as a last resort if I need to be brute forcing out of a very bad emotional state, or find myself in a complaining state or unproductive state. I reserve that negative visualization to only humble me or create appreciation, because some people are far worse off than me for example. Positive affirmations and visualization is the more ideal way to generate motivation. Just a few minutes or so of seeing myself box while telling myself positive things, and I'm motivated to exercises or to shadow box or drawing and more. Both the outcome and process of getting there is included in the visualizations as well. If you really want to supercharge this ability to visualization, go and study NLP. After I did that, I can induce massive amounts of motivation because I understood the inner mechanisms, and each elements that make up my sense making, and how to switch how I see myself, as 1st, 2nd, 3rd person and so on, and the sub modalities that make up each sense modality I have in my mind and my ability to contextualize across other contexts. For a small example, for me, 1st person viewing produces the most intimate connection to that short or long term goal I want, and after designing that vision how I want it, the last step is seeing it in 3rd person and creating this 'distance' as I dissociate myself further away, I see the vision going away from me in days, weeks, months and years, and find myself in the present looking at the far future of that vision. It both sobers me to the hard work required, and creates the additional desire to go after that which I see in the future and re-contextualizes habits and actions I had difficulty performing because say of resistance, to doing those activities in a smoother way. Also keep in mind it may be different for you, so it's worth the effort to learning how your mind works and judo that to your advantage. Balance is key as well. Remember: be strategic, decisive, proactive and visionary! If you also tend to forget your vision, it either isn't exciting and impactful enough, or you don't have actual copies of those images you can pick up every morning/night. Go and make a vision board, ideally draw those short term goals or print and peg them on the board. And go back into your mind to see if you can make them even more exciting.
  23. If ghosts and non physical entities aren't already strange enough: https://youtu.be/DQz5_TMG42g