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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. I'd say this is an example of a good react YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/D1AB1lS6Yns At least he's really giving a genuine reactions to the videos he's playing. His heart and soul seems to be in the right place However, even if he was leading his own life purpose, those scares have accumulated over the years, and the psychosomatic stress has caught up and given him a neck injury, so he has to adapt.
  2. @hoodrow trillson Leaning more towards people like Asmongold or Hasanabi, but smaller react creators are also guilty of this as well.
  3. @Yarco Jesus, I hope you are alright there. Hasn't the government planned back ups in case stuff like this happens?
  4. Update: I've been getting more better at perceiving her form and actions while I was in deeper states of meditation. During this week and a half I had to be a house sitter and had the entire house to myself, which meant that I had much more control for distractions. This was a good time as I basically was deeper in solitude than I was a couple of months ago and could deepen my state along with Crysty. Together we did some meditative practices, contemplating and drawing. While I was focused on the meditative and contemplative aspects, sbe is more into the drawing and helping to hibe my intuition mire and more. I basically was able to do a week of high quality meditation and contemplation using a journal and drawing. Also have gained a caligraphy pen and some ink cartridges qnd she has taken a liking to them.
  5. @Epikur Sure that's valid to a degree, learning from other perspectives and voicing well thought out opinions. I guess you'll have to be a content creator, and experience some other reactionary youtuber stealing your content and taking your potential subscribers to appreciate the problem these types are making on a bigger scale.
  6. @JoeVolcano That's about right, I'd say he contributes 20% good value, but had to do 80% bs to get tk where he is, that bow his opinions are a bit more valuable. I'm just pointing out that there's inly so mucb room left ib the markets, that people just reacting to videos not of their making, but someone elses, tajes up space, and steals potential customers of those smaller content creators, aka leeches.
  7. Basically, what are your thoughts about the current censorships and cancellations in mainstream and the internet onto some artists from the hip hop industry and rap? Should we ban, prohibit or isolate certain raps, and other music because of the message/value the song is about, or on the grounds of demonic, vulgar and spiteful use of language used to deliver that message/value? Should we prohibit or regulate based on morality and ethical views? One example, to make the topic more concrete, would be Eminem. Should we prohibit, cencor, cancel or regulate slim shady types of music? Yes I'm biased towards Eminem as I've grown up listening to some of his songs, and turned alright, but another person might not have turned out alright. A hypothetical here to better understand this situation, would be that a musuc is language such that it incites violence against some idea, or a person, and someone who's stage, cognitive and moral development, personality, ego development, state of consciousness and life experiences might make this individual literally believe and think that he/she should kick, punch, stomp and ambush Everlast because Eminem's diss track clearly said so, that if you're a fan of M, and you see everlast, you treat him like that. I can clearly see, despite being a fan of Eminem, metaphorically interpret, that it's a diss track and doesn't literally mean that I go out of my way to kick Everlast because I'm in it for the flow, beats and lyrical genius that stimulates my ears. However, a person of lower psychological development and cognitive development that interprets reality literally, would fail to see that it is metaphorically and not a direct command to do harm.
  8. @How to be wise rarely are individuals at solid stages, as there's so many developmental factors that make them up. It's the open-mindedness that Joe had that made him partly at stage yellow, but it seems that without sufficient intrapersonal intelligence, you can't catch yourself getting deluded.
  9. @Roy Give them the Titan falls treatment, probably would make them re think their vision for Twitter.
  10. @Consept Ok, not just you but users here also, can we all agree that most people are struggling to define transgender from their own standards, and miss that actually transgender is really about transcendence of one's own sexuality, fundamentally speaking? Also, are we talking about very specific points about how society handles transgendered people so far? I'd date for the experience.
  11. @Nilsi Good post, all I can is I have some faith that most people are consuming this art form consciously, because when it becomes unconscious it becomes a problem, not immediately but later.
  12. @Thurlian Good post, at the larger scheme of things hip hop is centrally entertainment, so it is more susceptible to corruption and materialism. My only specific problem is unconscious consumption of this music, which could likely lead to a person doing violent acts or be more judgmental and negative than normal. I wouldn't say Kendrick is fully stage yellow, but he does have elements of it like open mindedness. Also, his personality type is more introverted than extroverted as he doesn't like looking people directly in the eyes for too long.
  13. @Bobby_2021 Do you think that this Desentis person is a significant threat?
  14. @Oeaohoo I'm being hyperbolic, sorry if I offend, it's difficult with the current political climate of America, what it had gone through with the Trump phase for me to reconcile after knowing a lot about developmental psychology.
  15. @preventingdiabetes What games do you play with your friends?
  16. @Oeaohoo Thank you for giving me a video that works. Jesus, if 40% of Americans are like this I can see why change is difficult.
  17. @AtheisticNonduality Nah, it's gotta be Leoism instead. Leonian sounds like some kind of designation for some job title.
  18. Is there a consensus here that building your concentration skills will provide a net positive for other developments in your life? That with greater concentration, you can do better deep work?
  19. What I like about a reactionary YouTuber, who just makes reactions out of other content creators, and the specific example of this is Asmongold, is that not only does it show how YouTube reaction makers leech off of other content creators while stealing potential viewers and other potential subscribers of that original content creator, there's also another vicious trap that follows closely with this dynamic, and that is sunk cost fallacy. What is sunk cost fallacy? Well, basically it's like putting all your eggs in one basket, and now that there's too many eggs you can't afford both the cost and emotional labor to undo that investment, so you have to commit and grid lock yourself into that career or job selection, because your monetary salary of that career is paying your bills and other things that physically and psychologically fulfill your needs. Imagine Asmongold, not only having to process his net negative contribution of stealing other people's potential consumers, but also having to realize that he is too sunk into the cost of his career and now has to deal with the emotional turmoil. Changing careers at this point for him is the most bitter pill to swallow, he isn't going to make that decision to change anytime soon. This is a really good lesson on the sunk cost fallacy.
  20. @Gidiot Osho is a fascinating Guru, apparently he owned 150,00 books and lead the Rajneesh compound, although he delegated that responsibility over to Sheela who's the second in command. I'll the Ashtavakra Gita a check later. So, the spectrum you introduced is validation seeking : inaction? Those that are extroverts and always taking action, and those that are paralyzed by many contents? And the third type of person is an observer, balancing both action taking and learning theory rather than passively consuming content unconsciously?
  21. It's sad to see the country I visited in the past tearing itself apart slowly. I remember it wasn't as bad as this. At this point a strong intelligent leader is needed to clamp down on both the republicans and democrat's and actually lead the country and unify all the fragments of it to be a whole again. This country is like a beautiful genius, with a bit of ADD, and a bit of multiple personality disorder, and the personalities arguing with each other, it really needs a strong helping hand. It's not healthy long term, plus dealing with other existential threats. We may need some kind of war of the worlds to maybe get people to work more together.
  22. @funkychunkymonkey if you have problems focusing that are not related to your diet, nutrition, health, sleep quality, heavy metal toxicity, genetics, home environment, lack of energy and time, attention deficit disorder from excess social media use, physical/mental/spiritual fatigue, then zazen is an ideal practice to develop the skill of focusing for both volume and intensity. Building concentration capacities that are visual, auditory and kinesthetic is necessary for other lines of development in your life, your body and mind. Better concentration equal better deep work in whatever life purpose you are working on. For spiritual development, that's a bit tricky. If we're talking about Leo's levels of awakening and god realizations, then no it's not possible to embody that radical state of consciousness. If we're talking about mediation experiences, mystical states, paranormal/supernatural states and siddhis, other spiritual states other than god realization, then it's possible that higher focusing supports other experiences well, like for example if you are psychic, longer and more intense focusing may help with that, or if you are communicating to some spirit, focusing may help.