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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Very entertaining, and also shows how powerful drama can be, Jesus almost everybody was swept up in it. What do you think of this video by the way?
  2. Oh god, the stage green bias again. Look, you smell of weed, get over it and fix it, and the dogs won't have a problem. AFTER THAT, if they're still looking you intensely, then you can interpret it in a new age spiritual way. But until then, just saying, you stunk of weed bro. Or it's the panther pet you take with you, maybe.
  3. Very interesting debate, I'll share my thoughts below, and I suggest you watch it in full and post your thoughts: My rough thoughts on this argument and debate from Andrew Tate. I think he has made several mistake, a a few blunders that not only costed him this debate, but made him do damage control afterwards. I've watched a few debate videos from Andrew Tate and in some of them he does keep a cool head, but I don't know the meta conversation between Hasan and Andrew Tate to have pissed him off on the later parts of this debate, it may have have to do with his arguing with that other pink haired old guy, but moving on. Since Andrew is such a proponent of the red pill, and first person experiences, he should have stayed largely consistent with this logic structure, that first person, subjective experiences are more important than numbers, facts and statistics, and 'internet science'. However, in order for him to do so, puts him also at a higher risk of losing a few argument points as well, such as the male/female car driving example, were he explains that in his personal experiences, women tend to drive worse than men, that the earth is round because he flew to the moon, and failing the emotional management control check when Hasan threw sneaky rhetorical attacks on his character. Now, one of the fewer ways of getting an attacking advantage, is that if you are gonna stay true to the first person experiences over facts, own it. For example, when Hasan says and puts him on the spot, he should have just owned the L, and do what Eminem does: flip it back on the opponent. If this was Slim Shady, or me in a dark mood, I would just quickly own it, mimic the schooling tonality, and explain to Hasan, that yes, ultimately to remain logically consistent, as a debate bro, makes me look like a sexist or Misogynist, own this part quickly, then flip it to him and say something like "However, to also use your logic structure and stay true to your framework, worldview and position of this debate, I would ultimately have to accept the position that facts are far more important over feelings, that subjectivity is below objective reality, therefore, when my close friend betrays me, all feelings of hurt, guilt, shame, embarrassment, are also invalid compared to the statistics and probabilities of a friendship ending badly. I also must extend this to positive feelings I would have felt when growing up in some thrid world country, fantasizing of living the American dream, that it was purely just the lucky numbers on my side, nothing to do with my obsession of living the dream, nothing to do with my lack of masculinity, while virtue signaling, while hating America while living the material success" say this while plowing through Hasan's statements too. I think doing it this way would have been an amazing attack from Andrew Tate, because I don't think Hasan could handle such a sneaky attack on his personal relationship with Destiny's 'betrayal', and being pointed out as a fucking hypocrite. I think that would have made this debate extremely heated, and as long as Andrew held his cool he would have looked beautifully in control of the frame work rhetorically speaking. Any other responses, Andrew could just reframe as him being more of a real man, owning both outcomes and especially feelings, as facts are over feelings, facts need feelings. Any attempt of Hasan to avoid and gallop away, Andrew could point out that he's being logically inconsistent, as he can't deny his lived experience of getting burned by Destiny, and betraying his home country. It's to me a fucking vicious trap, any almost any rebuttal to it, Andrew could just say that he's just demonstrating what a real man is, and even offers to guide him through owning his hypocrisy, like " Okay, Hasan repeat after me: 'Hi, my name is, my name is, my name is, Hasan, that man that got backstabbed, by Destiny, my best man. Also, I am a traitor too, takes one to know one, betrayed my Turkey too, quit cold Turkey, too hot for me, the eagle's better, also quack out virtue signals too.", and take the humorous lead. What are your thoughts about this debate, and Hasan's potential rhetoric to save face? Is my take on Tate's improved attacking too brutal? Also Tate could word it in a way that brings Destiny into the fucking drama too, so it's just interesting to me how this would have unfolded in the larger online community going forward.
  4. @hoodrow trillson Nice post, such a good example to set for those new to Actualized.org, Very green friendly.
  5. @Panteranegra When you smoke weed, you smell like weed, so of course the dogs absolutely hate that smell.
  6. @Jodistrict Agreed that there are other ways of fighting and conflict management than what Andrew advocates. I don't know anything about his Hustler's university program so I can't comment on it's pros and cons. This'll sound like an Andrew Tate tactic, but in my personal experience, I sucked at trade activities and nearly lost my hand, so for me it's not my ideal work as a man, and because of that shock and bias against trades related jobs, I would generally not talk about them nor market and encourage other young men to go to trades related jobs. There are plenty of other ways to improve your masculinity as trades isn't the only thing men only excel at okay? Ideally, if Tate was being consistent he would be encouraging young men to pursue a martial arts, fitness, chess or some other field, because he's so big on personal experience he would promote what works and not promote what doesn't, that would have worked for him. He's way of marketing and promoting himself works, therefore he encourages his way of marketing. The logic sucks, but to Andrew Tate it makes sense. Yes, go walk through life as a man, as a leader guided by intuition and not care for other people's opinions about you, but what if he's doing that, but his way is to be a high roller and hustler? Yes, there are thousands of other manly paths, but to Andrew Tate the hustler is authentic to him, what then? Also, a good video showing Andrew Tate's background, in Hasan's stream:
  7. Here's another debate, and xgc still acting like Andrew Tate NTR'd him and toke his GF or something, but he's more subdued here, maybe on meds: Your thoughts?
  8. I have found the old man with the pink hair Andrew Tate was debating with before Hasan: It was almost a 180, like wow, how strange is it? I guess this is what had exhausted some of his mental energy. Tate looked in form here way more than with Hasan, I almost felt like I had to moderate this debate.
  9. @Seth Dude, it's well known that social media rots your brain's ability to focus for longer and intense concentration. Drawing from observation trains those areas of the brain, other soft qualities like observation and patience and gives you better concentration, sense making and equanimity. Most Zoomer people will not put as much importance on training their skillsets that'll generate more more value or massive values in the field of drawing for example. They're more likely to zone out in their comfort zone over consuming pop culture shit and Tik Tok. I mean they can do them and whatever hedonism they want and even over consume, but they are screwing themselves and not me, their lose not mine. I just see how sad it'll be for drawing quality of young artists to drop after this.
  10. @Bobby_2021 I'll admit I'm not as great too, but I know a thing or two of flipping frames and putting pressure on debators thanks to me doing simple rapping. I guess it'll just take experiences and practice though fighting dirty like that, Hasan did have an advantage in that he's familiar and prepared for Tate, but Tate wasn't. GG Tate,
  11. @zurew Tee-hee-hee, can't wait. Ideally I'd like to see him convo with Tate. Imagine if Andrew Tate had taken my advice, it would have been very interesting. Also Mr. Girl, the elephant in the room, not just friendly neighborhood baby sitter, but personal rough trainer for women too. That'll be crazy yo
  12. @Nilsi Seriously have to explain something so simple? Where were you the last 4 years, not watching Leo's content? I may be a bit mean to him, and certainly he has good and positive takes on psychedelics and other topics covered in the video, but I think despite his stage yellow development, he's not really getting why psychedelics are not only crucial but very important for the evolution of the domain of spirituality. Consider the increasing ADD that social media has done to a good chunk of Zoomers, do you honestly think the baby generation can do serious traditional spiritual practices? Do I have to hit you with other mental health issues they starting to crop up and from suffer that prevent them from doing traditional spirituality properly? There you go, psychedelics is not only the new way for future truth seekers, but an easy preview of what you will get later, easy motivation starter, These stage yellow systems thinkers are concerned for technology degrading mental health are other domains of human life, but overlook the rather simple solution to that? Maybe regulating and mandating psychedelics? Maybe psychedelic assisted therapy? Maybe psychedelic schooling? No? Okay. I mean not to throw shade on Daniel, I mean @Leo Gura Wow, I had a feeling I was getting the Adayia Shanti Kali Yuga doomer vibes, but I wasn't as focused on Nate in this discussion but on Daniel. Thanks for confirming my intuition.
  13. @DefinitelyNotARobot Both are still hungry and craving humble pies. One day it'll be available to them, one day. Now let's see if Destiny reaches out to contact Tate, or Mr. Girl.
  14. @Nilsi C'mon, bro. You have to take into account, you know, Leo's latest mission and teaching? trying to combine psychedelics and spirituality? Yeah? Okay, yes he has talked about them positively. Cheeky attack was too strong of a word. I'll settle for cheeky then
  15. @Someone here The solipsism and Nihilism video, the former is what he took done, that one was very scary and hit pretty badly, nearly killed me. The what is anger part 1 and 2, because I suffered from anger issues, and had issues with his lack of empathy. Either the dark side of meditation, or the one with the paranormal. Just doesn't seem to have those paranormal experiences to talk about them, and I have had those and it's just weird. His spirituality and enlightenment videos and the guided neti neti video. Gave me strong depression that took several months to reverse. Every video of his dating advice, made me very insecure. I guess the moral of the story, is that this stuff's not for most normies
  16. @benny I wish I could take your attitude, and say the exact things to the younger generation about social media sites like Tik Tok, YouTube, Twitch and others, there are some over consumers, some moderate consumers, some who rarely don't go online. I'd love that mentality, except that big online businesses can and will still incentivize more frequent use of social media, even against the face of growing evidence of negative impact to their cognition, and length of attention span. I honestly get worried of my generation becoming more stupid and obsolete by A.I when they can't even answer basic world history and common knowledge: I didn't mean to make it sound like you were indoctrinating users, it's just some influencers do this a lot, and don't realize the extent of damage they are causing to younger minds. Kali Yuga here we come
  17. @Raptorsin7 What do you mean anyone? as in anyone of the online streaming community, that are young and are left leaning, or some other community of different age and political leaning? I don't like to be a hypocrite here as I kind of agree that direct experience is very important in some context, but in this case when saying anyone it's too generalized and I don't know which group of people you are referring to. Since we are now referring to a medium to large group of people, on average, which have a demographic and psychograghic averages, because of the large numbers I'll need to know which average and of what kind of group are we referring to here. If it's just 1 or ten viewers I wouldn't mind, but this is 100's to 1000's and more views. Also, if I didn't know enough of Hasan and Tate, I have to say that rhetorically Hasan looks to be more calmer and in control of the discussion. That would be my first impression. For netting a first time viewer, Hasan slightly wins here. Only for those in the know, they really know what's up.
  18. @Carl-Richard Yes, Hasan has the debate bro bubble guard up, not allowing an open discussion Mr. Girl style. I just, it's just me, but I just found a few ways that Tate could have man handled Hasan into a very heated debate. Update: I realized that Hasan is also the one entering into Tate's, or some other panelist's streaming, so actually Tate has the slight advantage of home turf if he did chose to escalate and flip the framing on top of Hasan's head, regardless of PR, and is obligated to defend himself. I mean he's the one doing the 'cold' approaching here
  19. @zurew I know that, I'm just curious of what alternative businesses you had in mind that would have proposed as a counter to that user's post of a capitalistic business and an alternative to whatever Andrew Tate would be offering. I assumed it would have been a business that is less capitalistic, and more socialistic framework? a business that's roughly 50/50 social and capitalistic? please give me an example to help me understand your vision.
  20. @zurew Can you give an example, of a small business or company, that markets, provides services/values to customers, in a more socialistic business modal than capitalistic modal, without at all fucking over and manipulating businesses in similar or exactly the same niche?
  21. @benny It's great and all, but I wouldn't be encouraging this kind of thing. Instead of telling us to just use the A.I to produce images, you should be telling us instead to be drawing, or doodling something on paper or digital. I can easily see that this program, if that's all you're doing is just typing some keywords and making the A.I do the majority of the drawing, takes away the necessary time and effort of actually drawing.
  22. @KH2 Dude! That guy's username like had k and h and a string of letters and numbers, I just shorten as Kid#guy, I couldn't remember it all. He'll be Doomstick#Guy next time okay?
  23. @Scholar Of couree, the Buddha said it best, that all suffering comes from attachment to impermanent objects. The names, labels and identity markers, Thought images, thought sounds, memories of pressure, texture, temperature, and outer sensations are no exception to the rule, all that relative stuff is just more impermanence. Once any person self inquires long enough and deep enough, then gets the 'no self', or 'true self'. All that identity of I am this or I am that, or this way or that way, stops being too serious, and you kind of get the impersonal side of detachment, or kind of get the compassionate detachment of those labels. At the spiritual level, at the deep end of the pool, especially at the masculine side of spirituality, these issues like gender dysphoria, are little, to non existent. However, very few at at that level, and fewer still will appreciate the detached, impersonal nature of a masculine sided spirituality like that, as most people at stage green development, in the hippie and new age communities, in left leaning politics and SJWs, in the Millennial and zoomer generation, are mostly exposed to feminine spiritual marketing don't see how serious it gets, sees those very serious issues, as nothing more than trivial games. Sounds harsh, sounds psychotic, but that's spirituality at the deep end. On the brighter side of things besides spirituality, it does depend on stage of development, moral and cognitive development, personality typing, states of consciousness, life experiences, domains of life, other lines of development, and other areas of societal development like technology, history, infrastructures ect... Yes, there may be small cases of body dysphoria that is born, similarly to chronic depression for those born from holocaust survivors, and assuming there's an over lap of negative effect that technological development of social media and phones have, plus narrative, and ideoligical misinformation warfare, we have a list of options to go from trying to manage and lessen the evil effects of social media on self image of children and teenagers, but quickly I'd still go for the option to build the infrastructure necessary for higher quality mental health treatments, and sex change surgery, in a regulated environment, which will lessen stigma and encourage an increase of people and training to do the operations. I think this is necessary, because if you don't allow for an environment that regulates for this, and instead discourage sex change surgery, then it decreases the quality of surgeons available to do the op, leading to higber risks of fuck ups in the process, harder access to thses resources, and furthering and maintain stigma around such topics for generations to come. Especially the body dysphoria and stigma, are very complicated issues to fix, because body dysphoria can manifest slightly differently per person, also plus the over use of social media. We can have schizophrenic body dysphoria teens, or autistic or psychopathic body dysphoria children. We can have peole who are very extroverted, so they don't realise until later in life they were suffering from body dysphoria, or are extremely introverted that they are acutely aware of it, but don't share that suffering to the outside world. We may encounter someone with multiple personality disorder, have body dysphoria, and multiple internalized roles of the self, but it's only one of the personalities that has it and not the main one and the person has their way of dealing with the body dysphoria. All that, plus the latest pop culture trend, rap music, soft rock, Tik Tok post, mean trolling comments or whatever. It gets tricky to find the exact root cause suffering per person as each one really has different cognitive types and developments to negotiate and compromise with. Each person also has different moral developments. Regarding empathy I'd be careful here, as I do have some empathy but I don't have enough to exactly change my state of being, to become that person so on this point I have little for people suffering this particular issue. I notice a trend with MR. Girl, and how he weaponized empathy against some of the people he speaks to, and because of his relationship with Destiny, and he's ban from supposedly a transphobic joke, and Mr. Girl's past conflicts with hos mom and an ex and hoenstly any person resembling a female, we have to be careful to not mistake his empathy as genuine, it could be weaponized and is influenced by those events. And he loves kids too much, so don't be excited to cite him as your main source of evidence too. Be careful.
  24. @Raptorsin7 It's great you're open minded enough to give it a go, for a few months. I really love the fact that, besides me, Yarco and k!d#guy, 90% of users in this forum are disagreeing with your decision, and 10% are just super bonkers negative. I mean it's 50$ a monthly, the same price to pay for Leo's booklist, which btw Jordan Peterson still has his booklist for free. For 250$, that's 5 months of doing courses and being with like minded people, working in business skills mostly online, maybe networking skills are thrown in, and besides the schammy sounding affiliate linking, when you think about it it's just another clever way to externally motivate you to chase money and work harder on your basic survival. That price is the same price for the Life purpose course. Think about it, you guys are willling to pay 50$ and 250$ for the booklist and LPC, but not 50 a month for a business course, with cancel in the first month, and even be willing, in your mind, to go 5 months more to see it's value? C'mon, and that's just thinking it, not realizing the relativity of it. When I started following Leo Gura roughly 4 years ago, I actually had like most of ya'll reactions, a creepy guy with zero empathy for people with anger issues, and the thumbnail and arrogance was enough to deterre me from Actualized.org for several months. It wasn't until that YouTube recommended the channel, and I happened to be in a state of curiosity that I realized what an oversight I made LOL! I'm willing to bet some of you all are from twitch, and are like Hasan or Destiny fans there. If I insisted on my close mindedness then, not allowed myself to explore the possibility, I wouldn't be here and be watching the videos. The place wouldn't exist at all if I didn't see it. Like Bruce Lee said, take whats useful, discard what's useless. The mark of an intelligent being, is entertaining a thought, and then discarding it, by Plato.