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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yidaki I'd like to comment on what the video is, but it's not available on YouTube due to a copyright claim, so I'll just address on what you've written. Shows you how shady the show might be. I wouldn't trust a film, from a biased show like Daily Wire, from a guy who has this cocky attitude about his beard and glasses. I'm conservative, but even I know that his selection of people he interviewed is biased and based AF. Why not go to, like, Ken Wilber and Daniel Schmachtenberger to get a much better and well informed answer, then, like, look like you're randomly interviewing a bunch of people who're stage orange/green to stage green? What's nice about understanding, is that you can also attempt to understand the other side of a subject. I can play this game too. What's a real man? Also, what's a human being for that matter? Depending on how I ask, controls and influences the answers based on my preferences, biases, worldview, stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, life experiences, and other lines of development. There's also biases from religious/political/cultural beliefs that distorts, generalizes and deletes information that's contradictory to one's meta programming. Basically there is a lot of hidden assumptions and problems to Matt Walsh's approach. He's capped as hell dawg if he thinks his little series would leave a positive impact on society.
  2. Fantastic example of a person who's value system is mostly stage red, whose cognition is similar to a bipolar personality or borderline personality, Who's very extroverted and some degree of Narcissism, low empathy, low morals, who grew up in I think the West coasts in basically a gang and street culture, Whose environmental factors, life experiences and other domains of life where at such a limit, that he was able to take that aggression and put that into rapping as a Emcee: Warning, cursing, name calling, foul language, punchy freestyle. You have been warned.
  3. @zurew Well, I am guessing they would care, if they love their profile pic or what have you. I mean, this happened, outside this context, to a few gamers that have cheated, the devs would have their MMORPG character wear a traffic cone on their head that says "Stupid", and that feature stays with them by the way. Is the label temporary or permanent? What would be a better label to you, other than 'apolitical'?
  4. Definition of apolitical: Not interested or involved in politics, aka he took an apolitical stance. Definition of toxic: 1. poisonous, aka poisonous plants and toads. 2. Toxic substances. 3. very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way. 3a. Toxic behavior. The question: Is it justified to label apolitical besides a username's profile, and make it visible to other users? The reason why I asked, is because I've checked a few users here, including @Yarco , who has this 'apolitical' label besides his name. This doesn't make sense to me, because when I've checked what he's written recently, he does have strong political takes, that are right leaning and are emotively worded a bit, which is part of his writing style in the general forum, and he does peddle a few conspiracy theories, but worded them in such a way that he suggests against those ideas rather than promoting those conspiracy theories. I don't understand the use of making it visible to user's and labelling them apolitical, it's contradictory to what that user has actually posted. Apolitical to me means you have a non-political take, on a political situation, that is other than political, or is non-binary and non-polarizing, that is outside of that political situation, or has takes that are weird and/or different than. I also, when looking through his posts that are visible, don't see how they are very harmful and unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way. It's inaccurate to the definition point I've listed, so it must be some other reason than toxicity as the justification isn't enough. It makes more sense to me to label them 'toxic' rather than 'apolitical', if earlier there was a decision to make bans and warnings visible on the user's profile, like the color coding without going into specifics as to why they had warnings and bans and to just show they were warned. Then it makes sense in that context because there's already a precedent to make those labels visible, but instead the labelling felt out of place. To me and this is intuitively speculation, this is loosely comparable to when America was having a war against Germany and Japan, that they labelled and demonized the minor percentage of the American German/Japanese population given the situation at that time. I have no intention to throw shade on Leo Gura or any moderators who have made this decision, I just want clarity and understanding and a discourse as to why it is justified to make this label visible and why this is happening right now rather than 3 or 4 years ago, that's all. What are your thoughts about this situation? Please present them in at least a non-triggering way, thanks.
  5. Definition of real: real1 /riːl/ See definitions in: All, Philosophy, Economics, Mathematics, Optics, Currency, Numismatics adjective 1. actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed. "Julius Caesar was a real person" Similar: actual, existent, non-fictional, non-fictitious, factual, historical, material, physical, tangible, concrete, palpable, corporeal, substantial, unimaginary, veridical Opposite: unreal, imaginary 2. (of a thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine. "the earring was presumably real gold" Similar: genuine, authentic, bona fide, honest-to-goodness, your actual, kosher, pukka, sincere, true, unfeigned, unpretended, heartfelt, from the heart, unaffected, earnest, wholehearted, fervent, honest, truthful Opposite: imitation, fake, false adverb INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN really; very. "my head hurts real bad" Similar: very extremely exceedingly exceptionally especially Definitions of imaginary: imaginary /ɪˈmadʒɪn(ə)ri/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1. existing only in the imagination. "Chris had imaginary conversations with her" Similar: unreal, non-existent, fictional, fictitious, pretend, make-believe, mythical, mythological, legendary, storybook, fanciful, fantastic, made-up, dreamed-up, invented, concocted, fabricated, fancied, illusory, illusive, figmental, hallucinatory, phantasmal, phantasmic, dreamy, dreamlike, shadowy, unsubstantial, chimerical, ethereal, virtual, notional, hypothetical, theoretical, assumed, supposed, suppositious, visionary Opposite: real actual 2. MATHEMATICS (of a number or quantity) expressed in terms of the square root of a negative number (usually the square root of −1, represented by i or j ). Definitions of Ghost: ghost /ɡəʊst/ Learn to pronounce See definitions in: All Optics Electronics Literature noun an apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image. "the building is haunted by the ghost of a monk" Similar: spectre, phantom, wraith, spirit, soul, shadow, presence, vision, apparition, hallucination, bodach, Doppelgänger, duppy, spook, phantasm, shade, revenant, visitant, wight, eidolon, manes, lemures. What a Tulpa is, and some historical context in the Wikipedia page: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiM5JPSqc75AhVMOMAKHUN_B5sQFnoECAcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FTulpa&usg=AOvVaw1gLqYDkcIQTSUbPtAyMUAx So, the question remains, what is Crysty really? Also am able to have more coordination with what she's thinking, as I enter meditative states.
  6. @zurew I agree, that if all users read and follow the guidelines, then we don't need a labelling system or a warning system. However, it's unrealistic, as some users still bend and sometimes break guidelines, so those systems must be enforced to some degree. So, taking into account some users will write things that are closer in meaning to 'toxic', we therefore arrive, again, to the main issue: Is it justified to label 'apolitical', when it's definitions don't contain definitions of 'toxic'? Also, do we need to make whatever label we decide, visible to other users?
  7. @Carl-Richard It's really entertaining, even though most of the conversation was jumping all other, but I like they're discussing the ethics of life coaching. I was anticipating Leo Gura would crash the stream and deliver his bombastic wisdom of what a life coach really is.
  8. I present to you, to me, a high quality artist from Japan once again. Here are some of his tracks I listen too to trigger my story making mind, and to oddly inspire me to freestyle write and rap as well: This song to me is dream like to me. Pretty good, had me writing fanfic of some of the strangest stories at one point. Made me inspired to mix Bram Stoker's Dracula and other vampire stories with Steven King's IT. Nothing too drastic changed in the IT plot, other than a vampire child that's involved in the story, that's involved with the Losers gang in both the first and second book. I made the metaphysical turtle a bit more obvious throughout, and made this version of the story rich with different types of conflicts, from the girl vampire's psychological conflicts with dealing with her hunger for human blood, while trying to keep this a secret to the Losers. Both IT and the vamp girl kept to their territorial hunting grounds, but because of her developing friendship with the gang, she ends up having to deal with IT eventually. This one is sweet, short, and makes me feel a kind of upbeat love or romance vibe. Also made me inspired to make a fanfic of both Berserk and Madoka Magica, and The Flowers of Evil, for the characters, relationships and all that, with a bit from Bleach Fate stay night/the fate series with the world building. This one inspired me to rewrite RWBY, and have Salem as the main character, told from her perspective, of a time when she was human in an ancient civilization, in a golden age of magic, when the world was so young and filled with chaotic magic, of selfish and evil creatures and demi gods, born mostly of the selfishness of the twin gods of light and darkness, of her encounter with Ozpin and another character, of her developing relationships with them and going through her human life, of happiness, and struggles of overcoming lose and tragedy of her love, of going against the fate and selfishness of the gods, of failing a coup and her receiving the cruelest of curses, forged of light and darkness, that fate could curse upon her flesh and blood, while taking away everything she ever loved in her world, creating the true origin of what the Grim creatures are, and her journey to her eventual formation of the character we kind of know today, and the real relationship she had with a character that wields a scythe. My sales pitch sucks, but that's okay, and this song is what triggered me to imagine it that way, as the current RWBY sucks to me. Too many inconsistencies and sub plots that go nowhere. I felt Salem's, of all the other characters, had the most promising potential to be a very interesting and intriguing characters of that show. Also, literally should be the main antagonist, which is very important in any story.
  9. @zurew It's like if I labelled you as 'blue', is that accurate to you? And do you think it as the literal meaning of 'blue', and other words or representations of reality that match the qualia of 'blue'? Feels bad? Now, what if I started applying 'blue' to 100 and more users? And I'm doing this thinking they would think green and a dinosaur, and an ice scream, and stop wanting cars and cookies instead? Can you feel the inaccuracy of what I'm describing? What missing? That's what I'm getting at.
  10. @zurew I understand that we are banning temporarily users and ascribing the label 'apolitical' as a warning to other users not to engage with what's considered 'toxic' behavior in this forum. The main issue though, is that there's nothing inherent to the meaning of 'apolitical' that suggests you are toxic and should be temporarily banned from the sub forum. We are literally ascribing meanings of 'toxic' and 'conspiratorial' to 'apolitical' when no such meanings had existed. We are basically capping at 'apolitical' so hard, and doing this word a disservice in this community. For example, if you asked me a political question, I would give an apolitical answer that is at stage yellow, and run through various answers addressing it at different cognitive patterns, morals, personalities, life experiences and different states, describe you how relevant systems would get effected and so on. For something specific, like my political views of animal welfare, my apolitical take would be: "I look after my home pet, I think that if you cared about animals, that's great. I remember riding a horse, and giving it an apple. I also like ice scream, I have a really good animal drawing, I find them cute.", and so on, you know, apolitical statements that are not charged for or against, like, common sense responses from those who either don't care about politics, are not caught in this narrative and political and ideological warfare! What I consider not an apolitical answer to animal welfare would be like: "Well, animals raised in the farms are all right, nothing to worry about, and they are looked after" kind of a stage blue/orange denial and distortion response, and a stage green response would be like: "We gotta free the cows! They are abusing the animals! They are making them sick! they are deforesting the tree! Go fund the anti farm movement! #endanimalcruelty!", you know, a very strong activist type of answers. "Bootstrap yourself, you are lazy. the earth is round." stage blue/orange response to an economic issue and common sense world frame. "Everyone struggling needs welfare, for all, no matter what you are. The earth is flat. screw the establishment.", stage green replies to an economic issue, and what the world could be, flat, although that modal is mostly stage purple/blue. What I'm getting at with these inorganized examples of different value systems, is that 'apolitical' is like a chill and cool person to me, whose non-partisan and outside the box thinking, that's not too charged at either extremes. I'm sorry, but labelling a person as 'apolitical' is not invoking an image of a radicalized MAGA QuAnnon person, it's manifesting a cool, calm, cucumber like person, just chill, you know? I think we either need a better label, or get rid of this labelling system. Otherwise, someone smarter and more powerful than me, is gonna point out how ridiculous you look by misidentifying a person under the label 'apolitical'.
  11. @zurew This is a good and thoughtful post to me, it reminds me that I'm still a bit selfish, and despite my life experiences I've had travelling the world and meeting new people, there's a lot still left to the world than here, and that many systems, from small to big, exist and interact in many ways. What are your thoughts about temporarily banning and labelling those users as 'apolitical'? Is there a better alternative?
  12. @supremeyingyang Is it a temporary ban then? Does the label 'apolitical' temporary, or permanent? The main issue to me is just that the labelling is inconsistent to it's definition, as you have to mix in the definitions of the toxic and being toxic to make the word 'apolitical' mean more inside this online space than outside were it means something else. I'd rather not label because warning strikes are not visible to other users, so why label?
  13. @gettoefl Users that apparently posted in a toxic manner in this sub forum are reported, then after some reviewing, are given the 'apolitical' label by the admin/mod, and then are banned for some time. It's not self imposed, but given upon the user. At this scale, to me it's office politics/online politics dynamics, rather than at higher scales like mainstream politics.
  14. Npolitical sounds like a much better word to be labelled by. However, because we currently can't see if you're banned or had warnings, why should we label you a certain statues, make that label visible, but not make the warning strikes/ban strikes on you visible too? I think it's better to not label if possible, as it stays consistent with warnings and bans being not visible to normal users. What do you think?
  15. @DrugsBunny Ah, okay I see, my question has been answer. So this thread is done as far as I am concerned, and should be locked then. Goodnight, it was a good discussion. You have what you wanted @R&NAnarcho. GG.
  16. @Oeaohoo I know that you have segued with that user to discussing elite groups and hierarchies, but let's move back into the main topic again, which is, is it justified to label a username with 'apolitical' when their posts are written in a 'toxic' fashion? Is it more accurate to show 'toxic' instead of 'apolitical', to honor the definitions of those words? If not, do we use a color coding way instead? or are we better off not attaching them labels and just temporarily block them from accessing this sub forum? My reasoning, is that if you decided to attach a label, to a username, that is permanent, and is visible, then I should've also made warnings visible on the profile as well beforehand, to be consistent. Do you agree or disagree with my reasoning? Or is there an alternative? BTW, for those reading, I like Actualized.org and the forum. It's a nicer place than reddit or twitter and other online forums and websites. Yes, there's a hierarchy here, but it's way healthier compared to syndicates, cults, ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme. On average, we can have pretty good discussions here, provided that we are not close minded, dogmatic, and preach our perspectives, left or right of the political spectrum. How do you all feel, if you're involved with politics, with the word 'apolitical'?
  17. @DrugsBunny What do you mean I'd probably say that? It's a low probability for me to say that. The higher probability, for me, is to make a statement or question, is to further seek more clarification, again, why use the word 'apolitical' instead of another word, or coding system, when the word is almost the reversed meaning of what @Yarco wrote? So being politically charged equates to apolitical? Why not Toxic instead of apolitical? @Fadl seems way worse than @Yarco, and fits the 2nd definition of toxic behavior. I'd definitely do something about that user, but is it justified to use 'apolitical' than 'toxic'? it's okay to show to other users you were banned and are 'apolitical', but not 'toxic', but also not show you were issued warnings? No disagreement with what happen to @Fadl, he seemed he was behaving in a toxic manner to you. I just don't know if you could call him apolitical, like I imagine a calm person being apolitical.
  18. Guys, and maybe girls, can you please chill? I just want a stage yellow discussion going on here, you know, in a non triggering way please? Not to name names, but please can you tone yourself down? You might lock this thread accidentally.
  19. @Loba If it was me, I would be slightly more tolerant, provided that's it's a joke, or the are being subtle and polite about voicing their worldview and doing it in a non-political, non-binary and non-partisan way, depending on how they write their view on post. The situation with @Yarco doesn't match up with a person being apolitical, otherwise why did you just write such a strong, biased political take then??? What do you think is a better way to address this? A different word, or some color coding on their name?
  20. @DrugsBunny However, that doesn't explain why using the label apolitical is reasonable. By definition, the word is almost the reversal of what @Yarco posted, with his strong political take and strong language, it seems that you can't be apolitical with that type of emotional take. Also, I thought @Yarco was giving an example of treason as a hypothetical to justify, in his point of view, the situation with the FBI and Trump? But now the meaning is changed that he literally meant that the FBI was committing treason? I'm confused here, so you'll have to link those posts of his to show me where he did literally meant or metaphorically meant. I'm just saying, either case, his take is politically charged instead of it being apolitical, so it makes little sense to label him as apolitical to me. Another good example, of a person that's politically charged in their words, is what you just posted to me and another user here, using strong judgmental wording, that's far from being apolitical, and more closer to being politically partisan.
  21. @Oeaohoo I see, the word 'apolitical' is being associated here by their statues in this forum, as having disagreeable political views in this sub forum? To me, it's still confusing because nothing in the definition of apolitical, 'not interested or involved in politics' reflects @Yarco's current predicament, and I see that meanings that make up 'toxic' and 'toxic' behavior are also being mixed into the label of apolitical, which just rubs me the wrong way, because he had politically charged takes that're right leaning and he just worded them in a hard R way, that felt nothing like a non-political take. Either come up with a better label, or color coding on the username, because it's kind of corrupting that word's original meaning a bit. I read that when a person is labelled as 'apolitical' the label is permanent on your username? Is this true, that this is permanent? That's cap as hell bro!
  22. @Questioner Why are you begging us to provide proof to you that reality is imaginary? Why can't you validate it yourself?
  23. @Willie The bromance is strong between Destiny and Mr. Girl.
  24. Hello all, @Leo Gura had posted a blog about politics a few days ago, and it's not available in my country. If anyone knows the name or ULR of the video, please share as I would like to view it. If not, then could you give me a summery of what the video is about? Thanks!