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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Nilsi Nice list, was gonna list them too, plus Leo Gura, Bruce Lee, Arnold, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Nikola Tesla, and some ancient rulers of history.
  2. @Carl-Richard This is very true. In fact, as a ratio it is mostly the case that most intelligent humans are a priori and indoctrinated and imprinted by however they're upbringing family structure and cultural upbringing is, which then creates a deep assumption of reality, which then creates the need to use logic to layer a meta program that defends those deeply indoctrinated ideas of other people and world.
  3. @Yarco Another great share!
  4. @Max_V Wonderful share, thanks! As good and healthy stage blue as you can get, great to modal parts of his perspective. To those getting too triggered, ruminate on this: Why are you addicted to drama making?
  5. @Nate For example, my LP is understanding life, creation of images and sounds, and worldly contributions. There are so many career paths, domains of mastery, and ideal mediums to express that general LP. personal values, character strengths, feelings each day, zone of genius, and the hundreds of goals you make for your year end resolution are mostly what makes you uniquely you, that act as hints to how you further refine your purpose. Some other person might have the exact same LP as me, except they express it through music, through the hip hop culture, pop culture, and specialize in rapping, and I specialize in making images and animations. Another may narrow down into martial arts or speed running games.
  6. Part 1 of this video, for more context:
  7. High quality posts guys, please keep it up!
  8. @Leo Gura OMG, that's expensive! But if they have a lot of material to cover, and condense 10 + years of business knowledge, I can understand.
  9. @SelfHelpGuy Both, depending on your stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, state of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development, worldviews and biases you are indoctrinated with that distorts this statement as 'true or false?'.
  10. @something_else I generally see that increasing in that sub forum. It's unfortunate.
  11. What's delusion is relative to one's worldview, stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality type, state of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development. The greater the differences, the greater the close mindedness and dogmatic responses.
  12. A brilliant showcase of Destiny's weakness: philosophers and socialism. And in such bad taste too, Jesus Christ. I feel sorry for his ADD levels of focus: and the video of their debate:
  13. Every reading, take notes. Interesting observations, and lessons to be learned here: This is why we need healthy integration of stage red, blue and orange, to balance off excess limits of stage green angst.
  14. @EternalForest A classic, timeless issue, of the differences of male and female psychology.
  15. @8gates What I think happened, is that a few users that were stalking Andrew Tate, are so addicted to stirring up drama, attempted to ruin his career and are somewhat successful in impacting him in social media. Typically those addicted to chasing validation and attention hoarding are usually the ones that ruin forums. They usually are at stage green, and have values that are shared by SJW, left wing activist types, who are too vocal and emotional about issues like environmentalism, animal welfare, the welfare state, and humanitarian rights, specifically some that come from the extreme end of feminist ideology that have some stake at discussing anti patriotic views and men to women issues. Typically these are of a lower cognitive development that most can't have an open minded discussion of differing perspectives, especially perspectives that they are in that are diametrically opposed to one another. It's too emotionally threatening, which closes their mind down and makes them dogmatic and demeaning, and while they do have more moral development, they are too sensitive to have a mature discussion. When a small percentage of these types are extroverted and like to be more vocal is when we have activist types despite whatever life experiences and state of being, and other lines of development, because of their worldview and bias, will weaponize facts, truths, generalize and distort information to serve their tier 1 perspectives, while denying themselves any chances to empathize with the other side of the issue. I also think these developments are multiplied by technological development as well. For example, the internet and it's various websites and forums act as echo chambers that ferment and breed many types of ideologies, and due to how quickly one can spread their message through social media sites compared to the past, exaggerates an issue to proportions that wouldn't be possible in the past. We can easily mistake a riot in a street, through short video clips and audios and digital news media, as the entire county or country that the riot is occurring in, is collapsing and the social order of that country declining. However, that riot, in reality, is just half a mile by half a mile area squared, and isn't as strongly effecting the economy, social infrastructures of that state or country, it's just the massive puffing of facts that fear monger us into thinking that it's that bad when it isn't.
  16. @something_else Of course, this website is a little bit male oriented more than female oriented, so, like I've said to most users in the past who really don't like this forum or website, find another one that matches your tastes, or make your own, or accept that changes are gonna be a slow pace here.
  17. @Leo Gura I agree, maybe on this basis it justifies Andrew Tate being cancelled from Facebook and Instagram, as the company is transitioning to stage green more than stage orange over time, they can't afford a few who have influence, who speak more stage orange/blue values too strongly. Also, this is ultimately the board's or the CEO'S decision, to cancel or not to cancel, as they own Facebook and Instagram digital space, and falls on private ownership legalities. I think it could be that. While Andrew Tate's political views of certain people are cringe, and his humour cringe, I will miss seeing him spout nonsense. At least he keeps it entertaining, when he was streaming with other twitch streamers.
  18. @Oeaohoo Dude, why are you salty? I buried that feud you started with me with my rhymes yesterday, so please behave, before you flip that egg on your own face even more, trying to play mind games like a wild bore on me, boring. @Nilsi I think it mainly has to do with Rebel Wisdom, more so than Daniel Schmachtenberger.
  19. @Arthogaan Is this actually a popular question?
  20. Tai Lopez! The Lamborghini guy, and the guy that memed 'more knowledge'! At least he encouraged people to buy more books, besides whatever scheme he was selling.
  21. No, Andrew Tate does not encourage beating women. The only time it seemed so, was during a marketung video of him complaining aboht his 'ex girlfriend Claire' and him mimicking a slap. This entire thread, despite differences in development, reeks of drama and stage red shadow repression. It's a similar reaction when Mr. Girl one time discusses his past relationship with his Mom nearly sexually abusing him, and his relationship with his ex GF and furrent GF. Most people seem like they are not reqdy to hear that, and would rather dramatize than actually engage with the perskn in question.
  22. @8gates I think Andrew Tate is a hot topic in social media today, due to him heavily marketing himself as an alpha male business guy who smokes cigars and has a Maserati. It really depends on what worldview, stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, state of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and the meta modal you hold of the world and people and through which your mind filters reality with. If you are a stage green SJW type, cognitively binary thinking predominate, moral absolutist, extroverted personality type, who is a progressive atheist and feminist, with limited worldly travel and knowledge, and mostly lives in NY, USA, who consumes pop culture and left wing media, will most definitely interpret Andrew Tate differently than a person who's stage orange/blue and a percentage of stage yellow values, who has greater cognition and has minor schizophrenia, and moral and empathetic circle, who is more introverted, and has travelled to several countries, spoken 4 languages, holds religious and spiritual beliefs, is conservative and consumes right and left media outlets and alternative media and grown up in a European and western culture, is also different compared to a young male with stage blue/red values, who has bibolar disorder, who thinks in literal meanings, whose circle of concern and morality is to himself and his family, who has anti social personality disorder, who life experiences growing up in only Mexico, having to deal with poverty and being part of gang culture, holds traditional male values and speaks only the Mexican language. Thses three perspectives are going to interpret Andrew Tate very differently than you think. From what I've researched about him, he is part scammer and con artist, part insecure in his masculinity, and part traumatised, trying to heal and cope with the traumatic event in his childhood in his own way. If it's true, it's good to know he opened up an orphanage to help those children, but unfortunately I have to still doubt the legitimacy of his claims. If he has provided some value to you, I can understand, as he is somewhat of a role model to those young males who are socially stunted, malnourished and suffer from socially related panic attacks and autism, emasculated by circumstances and society, and the bitchy Claires, the cheating hot chicks and gold diggers here and there. Unfortunately, as far a providing a hyper masculine solution, that solution is very short term, and only fulfills the first half of being a man, and being masculine, while down playing and distorting and lacking any value to help develop one's feminine qualities such as emotion intelligence, vulnerability to those who are trusted, and developing healthy intuition and holistic thinking. Also, many more types of women out there than the one's that reflect red pill ideology and hypergamy.
  23. @8gates Man, gonna miss him shit posting on social media, what a shame. I hope he gets therapy and some help with his bitchy ex GF Claire.
  24. @Oeaohoo Negal or Hegel, despite being a late bloomer, anti doom and anti-gloom viewer of realist-passivist views, followed still the raising progressivist movements. Probably I had a helping hand in that mad man's mad insight, let me explain the story: When he wrote of the state, in his bed, he had a bad stroke of luck, a stroke, and a flash of life before his eyes, in his dream, truncated him to his past life as Ecclesiastes, and saw a hot Goddess called Claire in Ancient Greece doing naughty divine polygamy things, before rebounding to the future, Nostradamus style, 80o0 nautical miles, on the backs of naughty Sirens this time, scried too far, saw Andrew Tate, explaining hypergamy, complaining, and mansplaining, how Claire dumbed him like a cold éclair cake! The jarring experience of once getting pervaded on, then red pill spiel shocked him and sent him into my arms, where I had to calm, disarm and charm him without harm, using my dark arts as the hot witch god! Too dumb founded, scarred, and drugged by my rugged rainbow pills, I instilled in him my wisdom of God in my catty choice of language, while laying the foundations of spirit with my whimsicality styled de-spirited lyricism, Being nice, divine, and devilish, I showed him the modern day pleasures and relished the lasting impressions in his fragmented state of mind, how he processed my magic horse radish. Reddish cheeks and maybe scarred and imprinted schisms in his conscious mind into a dreary ugly mind, not even Timothy Leary would mind, as he's busy doing bass and drums on Ram Dass's Dyke over dosing on whiskey and rums! Because I'm extra sick minded that day, I ex-spelled him into the right time frame, aiming for his safe landing on a body of water. Unfortunately the shack wave had bodied Schopenhauer, who's at a soap opera, in that hour, KA-POWED! Him into a crowd, injured, had to take copious amounts of my magic pills for life, while mounting costs for life, plus compound interest, probably also the source of his bitter pessimism that time. However, I'm so sorry, and I'd like to take the time, to apologies, to those following this narrative, who forgot to swallow a pinch of salt, to no one in this fabled story of mine! Why? After all, you all are baited into my imagination ball, appalled by this dance hall, inside my Assassin's Creed story line, which I lye done in my bedding, deem, to be, and decree, my ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGNTY OVER THEE! As the only hot witch roaming these streets on this bedded wheelhouse, housing tricks and treats in my eternal Halloween gallery, lyrically, with my card game skill: polymerization. Mesmerized? Riddle me this origin, apothecary + astrology, who am I? A wild witch doctor, which pops the canary's blind mind eye, so pupils can see beyond space time astronomically. I know, phenomenal, my magical polytonality seams the fabrics of time...with lime sorcery. So! In conclusion, if anyone feuds and colludes against me, feudal to modern style, it's no use, cuz I'd Oreo-Hoo-Toe them with my feet-thigh-foe-and-thumbs cupping up cappas, coated in odors of English black pudding, slow cooked, be it alive or be it dead, gonna render flesh and blood to a dry husk, and whisk and grind away to make my coffee roasted bread! Wow, those trippy lines rhymes with @Oeaohoo that time, how funny and pun pun, this lyrical murder, don't mined my Thunderdell thundering away, still miles away from hitting Ya way, giga-giga-chida-chida chad! Mad? Sad? Relax, lad. I'm just joking Mat-but-no-Damon. @NK13 Hegel's a decent philosopher, but don't get trapped into mental masturbation. Less philosophizing, more practicing being, like me.