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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Danioover9000 Okay, so back to topic: Do any of you agree or disagree with my framing?
  2. I get your argument and where you're going saying that Sweden, and societies similar to Sweden's level of development, would have a blind spot for and be more susceptible to increases in crime from policies regarding mass immigration. However, we can't just blanket statement and make emotional appeals to generalized groups of people and a generalized movement of people going mostly into your country, and some going out of your country. You say, and the social democrats in Sweden say, the problem is mass immigration. Okay, but which parts of that mass immigrations? Which demographic parts of that mass immigration? Is it just only gang culture? The reason why I'm asking, is because there are way more factors that go into increases in crime, other than just increasing the surplus of people coming into your country, not accounting how successfully they can integrate into Swedish culture.
  3. Nice find.
  4. OMG, what a waste of time. Nice work.
  5. @Harikrishnan My vision is that I, envision a brighter, fiction drawing story for me, while drawing yours and others off as non-fiction. It's superstitious! to believe that half naked Chimps built the pyramids easy, amid vast arrays of sandy dunes, I think we are in due for another change feud to update our education system. So of course! Mine is way bigger than theirs, from heirs to the thrones, to dead old bones wrapped in tissues. F to sweat drenched slaves, who have laid in their raving graves, buried and branded with issues, all together, sum up the sacrificial fumes of decomposition that positions me amongst the God hand composition, compositing my unholy godly rite! ?
  6. @Thought Art That's screwed up! LMAO!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????
  7. @D2sage My best guess is mainly two ways: worship, and mass hysteria. Not to mention any alien technology that could manipulate minds in mass. Likely, another interesting world effect, is other countries that were indifferent or hostile to other countries, would agree to a coalition to work together a bit more, and have a potential common enemy.
  8. @AtheisticNonduality For you and other users, to clarify, I know it's joking. I just was confused and want to talk about UFOs and bring up potential motives as to why they are here. Are they good aliens? Are they bad Aliens? Were some of the sightings just them taking a break from millions light years of travelling? Why bug and kidnap people? Why Aliens doing strange stuff to cows and other animals and humans in skin walker ranch area, and other areas in history? Why play around with nuclear signals? So many questions for the Martians.
  9. @EdgeGod900 It's not just the head concussions and cumulative brain damage you have to worry about, it's also damages to the ears or eyes, nose, jaw and throat and potential neck injury in the muscle of disk, it's the hits to the body, and which organ gets the repeated concussion, and the possibility of fracturing your hand while punching, and being hit hard and repeatedly on the arms that it would damage muscle, ligaments, tendons, or if the hit is hard enough, bruise or fracture bone on impact. Also, nerve damage is a possibility, look at Rocky Marciano and what his other opponents have to say about the numbness they felt getting their arms battered.
  10. On top of that, we also have the Colares report as well, which is another interesting event involving aliens and HFO of unfriendly nature. This event is interesting because of the steady progression of eyewitness accounts of those lights attacking people and killing a few from unknown radiation sickness. It got to the point that the local police were involved, and after some time of dealing with that phenomenon, their military got involved. Ultimately, when they were forced to call the USA military for assistance, the strange sightings decreased quickly over roughly a week, so that's interesting.
  11. @AtheisticNonduality @OBEler This incident occurred around the time when America was at war time, so incidents like this were taken seriously then. Nowadays it's mostly a joke, but I don't know how far a past event should be taken and made as a joke. Another incident involving a UFO craft, was when it was messing around with a nuclear weapon depot using its strange frequency...which nearly caused WW3.
  12. @King Merk What I meant, is that very few people are hard wired and built for specific things. Heard of the 9 types of intelligence? Some people have very hyper realistic photographic memory, that 90% or so of the population can't ever match. Some are musically gifted, think Eminem, and how many Eminem-like rappers are out there? Few that could match his skill and cadence and flows and other musical abilities. Some are physically gifted to become top 5-1% of the fastest or strongest of human beings, like Bruce Lee or other old school strong men, those that bend steel bars or do ridiculous feats of strength. I've said that out of context of the video talking about Leo and mastery. I'm addressing the top elite performing human beings, not the general population. But we could put Leo into that catagory, and say that he has a very high degree of intrapersonal and philosophical intelligence, that the majority just don't have as a default. However, this doesn't mean I discourage you and other users from mastery and deliberate practice and all that. I'm training and practicing my craft as well, I'm just saying that there are freaks of nature out there, that the general population can never emulate to. Nikola Tesla, and Leonardo Da Vinci, are amazing human beings that could visualize to hyper realistic details, that I have to be honest, as much as my visualization is strong and vivid, can't hold every part of a machine or a mental or visual memory I can draw from.
  13. @Space Thanks! Is the discord the same one as the wizard discord, or is it a different discord? I ask because I have an account already in the wizard discord so I might go through that way, but if they're not the same I'll just have to figure out some way. Or the A.I is screwing with me, there's that too.
  14. Despite my opposition to A.I. drawing programs taking away my drawing future, I am open minded and willing to enough to try out a program like this to maybe give me weird sources of inspiration. However, when I try to go to the Midjourney site, and sign up to use their stuff, their page keeps on redirecting me to their fucking sign in page. Can someone please explain to me what to do to sign in? Do I have to go to a different site? Is there a free open source drawing A.I out there that's easier to access?
  15. @Holymoly It's actually a tough thing to consider. Yes, grief is the consequence of love, but I think it's one of other consequences for being able to feel and experience love. I actually think apathy, and other emotions like laziness, boredom, humiliation and depression, especially depression, is the ultimate price for love. Other negative emotions, also thinking too, can be part of other costs, but I think depression would be the biggest price. Context sensitive is this one. Technically, lover's suicide is the greatest cost, but I think there are definitely other costs to loving. But that doesn't mean to stop practicing and avoiding love. Keep on feeling the love, despite the other costs, especially while you still can and will yourself to loving more.
  16. @mr_engineer Oh, thank you, for saying that I'm free, to be mourning for my Grandma Queen. But you see, what's concerning, is you assuming my skin color, brother, are you color blind? Don't lie about your vision to your grandmother, I'd give you, my Spec Savers coupon for your eye issue, so that one day you could save and savor in the specks of colorful dust I turn you in the rainbow rays on this I pillar, spectating the hate that'll burn you one day, vampire. So, is this supposed to stir my ire? Seeing a bunch of Laddie's dancing, minus a rainbow and Lepri cons, trying to queer in front of Buckingham Palace? Sorry, too busy having wild lasses bucking their jug jams on my ham loin, conjointly gyrating while I grate this Biebers into cheddar pieces, even Luigi would agree to mix them with Fettucine. Are your irises clearer now? The dire shit you are in, after joining in on trolling and attacking me? Bitch, wanna melt under my ire so much, into an iron board where I iron out your creases, from attire to eyelids? But, you see, I see what you don't. Calling me free to mourn slave masters, that made the Magna carta, while your masters still hosted their caste system, oh. While mine was invaded by Rome, Vikings, and Normandy, we had conquered and colonized the third of the world, with France and Germany following barely. meanwhile, yours were home to a conquest spectacle, many tribes fighting for leftovers, one empire playing rugby, comparting and parting lands per yard mile, by religion for a while, 3 times over, this quest campaign still running over time. Talk about a projection. I agree, probably this imperial civilization should have, long ago, left over yours to your own vilifying nation, multiple tribes fighting from start to finish, messier than a hoarder's leftover house. But, like a chick magnet, your home has bags of tricks to keep on attracting pricks from the world over. So sorry, this battle is over, game over, so fudge off over to my hell fridge, Cocytus, and deep freeze the cock out of your eyeballs, buster.
  17. love noun 1. an intense feeling of deep affection. "babies fill parents with feelings of love" Similar: deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment, devotion, adoration, doting, idolization, worship, passion, ardour, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation, adulation, besottedness, compassion, care, caring, regard, solicitude, concern, friendliness, friendship, kindness, charity, goodwill, sympathy, kindliness, altruism, philanthropy, unselfishness, benevolence, brotherliness, sisterliness, fellow feeling, humanity, relationship, love affair, affair, romance, liaison, affair of the heart, intrigue, amour Opposite: hatred 2. a great interest and pleasure in something. "his love for football" Similar: liking, weakness, partiality, bent, leaning, proclivity, inclination, disposition, enjoyment, appreciation, soft spot, taste, delight, relish, passion, zeal, appetite, zest, enthusiasm, keenness, predilection, penchant, fondness. verb 1. feel deep affection for (someone). "he loved his sister dearly" Similar: be in love with, be infatuated with, be smitten with, be besotted with, be passionate about, care very much for, feel deep affection for, hold very dear, adore, think the world of, be devoted to, dote on, cherish, worship,, idolize, treasure, prize, be mad/crazy/nuts/wild about, have a pash on, carry a torch for, be potty about Opposite: hate, loathe, detest. 2. like or enjoy very much. "I just love dancing" Similar: like very much, delight in, enjoy greatly, have a passion for, take great pleasure in, derive great pleasure from, have a great liking for. Definitions of pedophilia, from Merrian Webster and Wikipedia:(google apparently didn't define pedophilia in their first page, interesting). https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiOwKy9wpr6AhVMVsAKHaNGAt0QFnoECAcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merriam-webster.com%2Fdictionary%2Fpedophilia&usg=AOvVaw346icsr-PvX6NmJS4mEzeY and https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiOwKy9wpr6AhVMVsAKHaNGAt0QFnoECAQQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPedophilia%23%3A~%3Atext%3DPedophilia%20(alternatively%20spelt%20paedophilia)%20is%2Csexual%20attraction%20to%20prepubescent%20children.&usg=AOvVaw2VNerI_TA_AtMl-X6RxtWS So, I think that if we want to have a deep and fruitful conversation, we need to first provide some definitions of the topic or word we are interested in and discuss from there. However, I felt that this thread, from how it started, wasn't ideal because we didn't start off with strong and clear definitions for the topic and related ideas around it, namely what love is, what sex is, and also, epistemically, how do we know and what to consider what is or isn't love. Because we didn't start off clearly, the entire thread devolved into a war of semantics, which then opened up possibilities of other users derailing the thread, from talking about pedophilia and love and Leo's questionable blog post, to now talking about ex lovers, rapists, maybe pornography, while arguing for each other's unclear definitions and positions on the original matter.
  18. This entire thread is like the Mr. Girl and Desitny arguing about Nazism all over again!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  19. @Ineedanswers YES. A person can fuck, with little regard for love, and another person can love so deeply, that having sex loses its appeal.
  20. @D2sage Jesus Christ! Something definitely going wrong with how Sweden is managing these violent crimes.
  21. Sometimes you guys are so soft.
  22. @AtheisticNonduality Damn, too late, I don't know his YouTube channel name. Well, ladies and gentlemen, don't post a video if you can't handle my disses. I am shaping up to be the next Eminem, you all may call me 'Maltesers'!