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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Thought-provoking video, makes you think of what it means to kill another person:
  2. @Ulax What do you think it'll mean for the internet as an open source? more regulation and restrictions?
  3. @integral How do you know that all minors are into BDSM? I agree on that Gen-z has different upbringings than Gen-x and Gen-y, but not so sure about the sexual exposure part. What do you mean? Are you assuming I'm Gen-y or Gen-x? What gave me away?
  4. I don't if it's because most people's grandmas here treated you guys badly when they were little or what, having negative relationships with your grandparents, but it's really because of these following factors that make this nonsensical to you: You hold a different value system, you are cognitively and morally developed differently, with a different personality trait, living in different states of being and emotions different from a British citizen, and life experiences and other lines of development that are culturally different. If you live in American culture, or Canadien culture, or in Europe, you react differently to those countries in the commonwealth. You have a left leaning bias, that your upbringing is socialistic/progressive/democratic/liberal, your worldview is mostly modernism values. If it's hard to relate to this event, just substitute your political leader or role modal passing away, so that you can at least empathize similarly to what the majority of Brits feel. Again, let go of the trappings of monarchy getting changed in our generations, it's a stupid belief to hold onto.
  5. @universe Ah I see. Is it similar to when some artist that almost nobody knows, dies and leaves behind some work legacy that almost nobody understands how it's made, but can appreciate the finished work? Maybe 1,000 of years from now, majority of mankind has left the planet, or has died off, and some alien finds a picture, and foraging through finds a book, and a computer with some functioning internet, about Actualized.org?
  6. @Jacob Morres It depends on your values, beliefs, cognitive and moral development, personality, state of being, and life experiences so far. It also depends on whether you actually want to date or not.
  7. Riddle me this: When a thread derails, and someone's here, but not Nilsine shatter shield, with every word typed she/he ages like an elder, scrolling down this forum, who thought she was a Nidavitnashk, in a strange Yoga house, that trotted and teleported around like Bambi, in an enlightened forest of one, drank too much honeycombed ale. Who am I? The Lion king Guru, or the adept octopuss, whose too deep into Sub Nautica reenactments? Am I the psycho, or naught? too oblivious to the oblivion of your vision, with this obsidian meat? Obtuse, no use, this feud, hits mute, if you, tipsy too, U-turns, into, hip looping Hatsune Miku, in tune, with runes, I too, bring iTunes, sink dunes, into, me musing, you skipping, us fluting, our music, upping-our-case-for-self-discovery!! NOT drama, just hard-fought battles, for naught, caused I forgot, effect not but the parasites that lives inside that noggin of yours!!!!! ?? Is me forest of love, or Nahm? Nah, Neo's blown through his advice da bits Tada! And others who think like it, so now this matrix's snowing thin, with us thick headed, ice shavings over our skins, trying to define what's love or cute, how kawaii, a chiken full of love, or a glove made of doves? ? The quest to question still remains, after God realization, what's okay? Still the same outcome, that's okay, checked. Deep frying chickens is love is okay? checked. Jumped by a juvenile? checked. Dumbed by a dumb fuck? what the heck?!? So sorry, we are nowhere near solving this riddle. Thriller this is, it's time to BBQ and grill some cheese and meat, with skittles on the side, unwind, Netflix and chill watching CDs all night! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  8. I have a few questions, as I'm confused by the blog: Are you speaking about the same incident as the battle for Los Angeles? There's much more accounts of that incident, but this video will do for now. I'm asking, because the accounts of that incident from the video, and other articles are different to what you wrote in your blog. In your blog, you make the 'Aliens' out to have crashed into the earth from the shock of discovering mankind and it's evilly and stuff, but from multiple accounts of that incident, from the soldiers to eye witnesses from Los Angeles, they saw strange lights in the sky, some saucer-like shape, and saw the military artilleries open fire at them, which damaged a part of that space ship, which had them crash land into the earth. So, did the aliens die from shock, or did they crash from artillery explosions? And why did you make them out to cover up this incident due to embarrassment, when the cover up simple is because one: they are dealing with an unknown, and two: they don't want the public going into mass hysteria.
  9. @StarStruck Speaking of yellow chads:
  10. YES! What is money, why money exists, and how to make money! Cuz we all know our green paper friends is the only friendship that counts, and makes the world go around!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. @Kksd74628 I'd agree if it was written like this: No more voting on personality alone. Vote on policy and hard facts, not cherry-picked stats and sweet lies. Or, if that's really hard to do, put on a very educated dictator as president, skip the democratic formalities, straight to efficient rulership, make America not great again, but make America make fucking sense again, and none of these two parties or many parties system for a while until a lot more people are more educated and freer from pop culture and social media poisoning.
  12. @OBEler No, go find your Pokémon's yourself.
  13. @Guru Peter Jordanson It's not a waste of time to do some research and learn. You find some really good sources on this subject.
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/breakingnews/windsor-welcomes-the-queen-at-the-last-stage-of-her-long-farewell/ar-AA1209Ua?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=e6d338562ac54c8e9345c35fd3ebb232
  15. @Jacobsrw I think the point about artists being replaced by A.I is valid enough to contemplate and warrant further discussion. Just going out of context, and looking at what artificial intelligence did to the following human fields: 1. A.I has now replaced most aspects of the labor type portions of jobs in factories and manufacturing, look at automation of car and other machine parts for assembly, and computer components. In the past, most humans have and need to design these parts by hand, until technological development was enough that A.I and other tech aspects to it can be used instead of human labor. Addressing the first point: 2. A.I is now capable of reproducing parts inside a software, and then print them in a 3d printer. Sculptors that sculpt wood, and from clay materials, and plastics, would have been used to create those parts, but A.I is now capable enough to create hard plastic guns from a 3d printer, or some other design with big enough 3d printer. 3. A.I can now, with machine learning and neural networking, with access to enough databases, can reproduce music and remix sounds, that musicians and other sound artists could have done, for example Vocaloid is a voice synthesizer software, and other A.I making programs. 4. A.I programs that can draw an image, from user prompts, in under1-3 minutes or less, with which would have taken a painter or traditional/digital artist 1-7hours or so to create. This is still a new technological development in this specific field, but soon A.I programs with enough data, machine learning and neural networking will likely be able to produce more complex images. It's a huge competitive edge to be able to produce a product or service faster than your other competitors, putting aside collaboration. If it took you 7 days to make a video about your gaming playthrough, the click bait title, editing the audio and visuals for your video plus script work and presentation and persona. That's roughly 50 videos per year, 250 videos per 5 years. If I was a YouTube reactor, it would take me less than a day to react to your game playthrough video, upload my reaction video, then split and edit clips to create bloopers, highlights and compilations, which is roughly 30 videos a week, the original reaction video about 10-20 minutes, bloopers highlights and compilations 2-5-10 minutes long. That's approximately 300 videos a month, 3600 videos a year, and 18,000 videos in 5 years. Assuming that I'm more animate and lively in my personality, compared to how you present yourself in your original video, that's likely to help me take away more of your audience and potential viewers from watching your videos. Why should your followers and viewers watch your videos, when they can come to my channel, see the full content I'm reacting too, and enjoy that more than your original video? Even if I'm good faith and give a shout out to you, I'm showing them mostly your full content plus entertainment that is missing from your original content, incentivizing them to watch me more than you anyways. And the Algorithm, what would it side more: your fewer produced videos, or my more numerous videos? Also factoring in limited number of video thumbnails possible to view, even if your videos are showing 3 in the home page, my videos about your videos would be showing 10x way more, taking away attention from your content that could have been there. Addressing the second point: This is something A.I cannot do. However, if you are intellectually honest, you shouldn't really say that in the absolute sense, because most people thought capturing images with a device wasn't possible, but it came one day. Same with telecoms, thought impossible, but made possible one day. Shrinking of size of other pieces of technology, and the phone we have today, thought impossible, but look at nowadays, so many smart phones. This idea that A.I is incapable , for now, to not be able to connect, abstract and perceive other parts and factors that go into art work and creativity, is a huge assumption to make. People thought A.I programs that play chess and Chinese Go, are not capable of beating professionals, until one day they did. Who is to say that A.I. that generate images, will eventually correctly create images that are highly tailored to specific biases of certain cultures and collectives? What's missing is technological development that can house massive data banks, say images in this case, that it can pull from almost any digital storage system, local or open source, and through some type of neural networking and advanced machine learning, and access to many other data sets about human cultures and trends, can eventually produce art work that will likely be more attention grabbing than yours.
  16. I guess this is what is meant by the Dalai Lama "Europe belongs to the Europeans". https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjR1c2n9KD6AhWTiFwKHUr2CRoQFnoECAUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Feurope%2Fdalai-lama-europe-refugee-crisis-immigration-eu-racism-tibet-buddhist-a8537221.html&usg=AOvVaw15T6t3maLUhc_GrBEKDuP8
  17. @Tyler Robinson @Yali Off topic, but can mods check out these users please? I swear, the way they write, reminds me of a few banned users here. I thought double accounts are prohibited in this forum?
  18. @KH2 Don't be mad, it's just one of many factors to consider. You do what activities you find naturally appealing to you, that resonates with you. I'm just saying that tai chi or the Yoga stuff will come to you sooner or later, and you'll naturally do less of the more stressful combat sports or sport activities you do currently. It's possible to critic a field out of good faith, while being involved in that field to some degree.
  19. @KH2 Not so pointless of a topic. In fact, this is one way to determine which sport is higher or lower consciousness: what are the probabilities of getting injured often, is what makes a sport lower or higher conscious. Maybe this is one factor that's very important, because we only have one body, we can't body swap yet.
  20. @KH2 Nope, even golf has it's set of injuries, which are: ligament tear or partial joint dislocation of the pinky or ring finger if held too hard and hitting the ground too hard. Bruised or sun burnt skin if you don't wear a golf glove. Getting hit on the head by a golf ball, while an uncommon event, can and does happen. It happened to my Dad on the golf course, thank goodness it wasn't serious. On the driving range, beginners might hit the golf ball too hard, it bounces and sometimes ricochet off the metal framings, hitting a person. Plus throwing the golf club due to too relaxed grip and slippery surface of the golf handle. That's all the accidents, which doesn't include intentional harm done by golf clubs.
  21. I'm asking this, because for legal reasons imprisoning or killing a Pedo will be the same. So, the question then becomes, killing them out of hate, or love, or some other motive? Because the majority of you talking, despite go off topic several times with drama, are all in agreement that the objective result sstays the same, but are in disagreements with how to process that action internally in your mind?
  22. Okay, are we mainly arguing for the inner motives of these people? For example, this horse killed a person, and will be put down. There are many reasons why we should or shouldn't kill this horse, but we execute the action needed regardless. Is this what you're trying to say? That more people should, more out of love, than any other motive that is inside?
  23. @King Merk Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is no worse off. Common injuries in sparring and tournament matches are: Joint dislocations on the elbows, shoulders, and knees. Partial to complete joint dislocations to the fingers, due to gripping too hard, not letting go at the right time. Spinal disk impeachment from being stacked too hard. Increases in stroke and capillary bruising due to applying choke holds, at volume and sometimes at higher intensity, also risks of neck whiplash and other neck injuries.
  24. So, are we more interested in conflating love and sex together, or do we want to create distinctions for when it's sex or love?