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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. I know this sub-forum has been updated to include family, with the list of relationships, sexuality and dating, but it just feels that maybe we need to make another sub-forum to just be dedicated to sexuality and dating, while the relationships and family is in another sub-forum. @Leo Gura please consider maybe separating the family/relationships from the sexuality/dating topics please. I just feel strange, to type about kids in a sub-forum that talks about one-night stands, lay counts, short-long term BF/GF relationships, sexualities, how to have sex and watch porn. I mean, if OP is asking me how to raise sexually healthy children, how to teach children to date, or manage relationships intimately or socially, I can see how quickly it'll get personal and heated. I know of some things that I did when I was a kid but am not sure if sharing here explicitly is past pg-13 rating. I'd say, if you are a parent, very broadly and generally teach them how to self-massage and explore their bodies. Having said that, from personal experience at nights, I didn't need much encouragement to explore myself. Any reprimands you might do to your kids, slightly tone it down as they will associate hate and negativity to that experience. Ideally, you'd help yourself and deal with whatever dating/sexual issues in your psyche, before raising kids, as you are very likely to project those issue onto them, immediately corrupting the raising them to a healthier outlook part.
  2. @Devin Hi kids, wanna see me stick nine-inch nails inside my eyelids? Basically, both the city and countryside, and much more. The more life experiences they are exposed to, the smarter they become.
  3. @ThePoint I used to think video gaming was a waste of time, until my mind can see more in 3d because of my accumulated experiences with camera angles, fixed and adjustable, in video games, which I now use for other areas of my life. The golden ores are a metaphor, or what's most important to you, that your intuition is pulling you to, that feels like the right direction, despite years of built-up toxicity in your body and ideologies and beliefs you hold in your mind preventing smoother communication with your intuition, what fear barriers and resistances your mind voices towards going there, despite that critically toned voice tells you. Well, while it is now mostly forgotten to your conscious self, it's now a part of your subconscious mind, so if and when a situation happens in the future that needs that piece of information, it'll resurface to be of help to you. No, your mind places importance on the book it thinks is of use, not the brain. The brain is a simple organ that is subservient to the mind, only collects sensory information and processes it through its many neurons. But don't worry, brains don't exist anyway, it's only the mind that thinks it does, to obfuscate being more responsible for its survival than it already is.
  4. @EugeneTheSage I see. Do you mainly do 3d modelling of characters or buildings? Is it related to engineering and architecture, or is it more CGI rendered animations?
  5. @ThePoint Ok. It may be considered to you a waste of time, but to me I see overwise. After all, you don't know what time has in store for you, maybe learning from that review and anime may reveal those hidden golden ores.
  6. Was this thread inspired from the thread above?
  7. Some freaks of nature of strength and skill: This boxer, BTW, hits heavy bags that weigh 400 + pounds, so that when infighting, he can generate tension and contraction against heavier boxers, as he's a shorter heavy weight boxer himself.
  8. The one and only, @Leo Gura. Just look at these videos below: Have you ever seen another human being communicate to you, in such an explicit way, that you are GOD? Apparently, only the prophets and sages that majority don't know, worship, or kill off early. These types of people are special, in that they are like angels that can communicate to something you won't or can't directly communicate to yet, but they somehow can. I think this qualifies these types as freaks of nature somewhat, for example the Buddha, as the majority aren't accessing those types of divine communications.
  9. @Razard86 I love both the anime adaptation and manga of Death Note, so many lessons to learn from it besides power corruption.
  10. @ThePoint Before I give my view, I want to know some specifics first: For the couple of hours, you watched Anime, what anime was it? What genre of anime, and what was the story and characters about? Are you referring to the modern anime adaptations, or the anime of the 2000's, 90's, 80's and 70's? Because the level of skill, work, quality and detail of modern anime compared to older anime are apparent. For example, a Seinen anime film series/movie will be different to a shounen/shoujo anime or a Chibi anime. Also, what videos of anime you watched? Was it anime review channels? Anime critic channels?
  11. @flowboy 1. This is fine. I suspect that because the leadership position is newer to me, that'll make me way more controlling. 2. This is just how my mind constructs timelines; the bigger parts are how it mentally represents realities through my 6 modalities, each modality made up of sub-modalities that I can place my attention and modify such to see/hear/feel/smell/touch/emote a certain way. I can clearly see my past, present, somewhat my future. When I zoom in and focus on an ideal future outcome, those 5-10 years can feel like 6-12 months, or 1-7 days to me. Zooming out and other sub-modalities related to disassociation has almost the opposite effect to me, that I can view a scene in slow motion and make that 1 min feel like a week. I was contextualizing on being and becoming an Art Director, and that's an ideal to me. However, worst case scenario being that I won't ever achieve the Art Director position, that's fine to me, as long as I'm still able to draw and make art, and align that somehow with my career or job, that's fine too. Also, I'm recently playing around with making visual novels, and seeing if that could potentially be lucrative to me in the long run. Addressing the bullet points: 1. Yes, I like to manipulate as it's a habit I picked from chess and other games I play, and still am working to unpack this. 2. Yes, a leadership role is more stressful to me. I can say that, because of 'teamwork' assignments I did in my schooling, it wasn't fun, and found that then the best way for me leading members of my team, is to smile, and clearly put them to their assigned tasks only, and don't bug me until it's finished or make more apparent my displeasure. Being part of a team is less stressful as I just do whatever tasks are given, and that gives me more breathing room. I'm just not the over achiever type of personality. My introversion is strongest the more people are involved. 3. I also don't have a positive view of salespeople and marketing, which could contribute to my negative view of networking and pitching. Yes, probably more limiting beliefs to unpack.
  12. I'm posting this to know, for those that have watched the whole video, your thoughts about it. Also, extreme synchronicity, as when I've been freestyle rapping, words like 'exquisite' and 'sublime' are part of my main rhyme scheme 'I', 'u', along with 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o'. BTW, nice thumbnail. Is that from MidJourney too?
  13. LOL! Tik Tok might get sued after all: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/tiktok-could-face-27m-fine-for-endangering-children/ar-AA12freP?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=5632e8730c1b4edbafc86ac81f83a17c
  14. Jesus Christ, I was being too nice in the past when I said that Tik Tok isn'y my thing, and that it's a waste of time for me. I didn't know Tik Tok would be as fucked up as this: Say what you will about Donald Trump, but I have to agree with him here when he really didn't like this website, besides it being from China and that Hua Wei was possibly using this website to gather more intelligence/make the western younger generation dumber. This website is certified illegal and should be severely restricted or taken off the internet and fined. This is absolutely unacceptable; I wouldn't encourage my worst enemies to spend time there. Your thoughts? Topic too triggering?
  15. Mega thread of CD's that you love to watch. I'll be posting on this weekly or less if I discover, either on YouTube or on Netflix: Love Between Fairy and Devil. Once Upon A Time In Lingjian Mountain.
  16. @Starlight321 Another video of this Grand master Wolf, giving a basic explanation of Psi abilities.
  17. @bammy32 Generally, if part of you providing value looks like a making a video talking about topics like Leo, or if you're making an animation that features spiritual themes but different context and elements of the story, or you're making a webtoon, or you're making music songs or rap songs that about anything like dissing spiritual topics and making fun of some concepts, or whatever you're online work is if you're solo, freelance or indie, ALWAYS post in your own website first, before posting in other social media platforms. Always make sure your main source of income/salary is IRL, or your own website. Otherwise, you always find yourself tip toeing around their policies, while stunting your creativity and range of expressions possible. Also goes without say, develop a big and compelling vision that is unshakable, that if people start falsely accusing you, and copywrite striking you, and try cancelling you, you can persevere through those BS and continue your work.
  18. This video shows the reactions of two cave dive experts reacting to Palawan compression divers. Observe how each resolve their shock and confusion:
  19. Fishing industries, especially from the western hemisphere, over fished in areas around Palawan, that these fishermen turn to compression diving. Not only is it ridiculous, and shows one of many negative aspects of hyper capitalism preying on foreign territories of their resources, but also how far some groups will go to in order to survive and feed themselves or their families. What are your thoughts:
  20. @Aaron p Yeah, amazing...a robotic program demonstrating its visual understandings of GOD and spirituality, in five minutes. Meanwhile, humanity still busy in Tik Tok...
  21. In my view, parts of the journalist's view in the video are a bit sexist and racist, or ethnocentrically negative towards western male/female dating dynamics, comparing them to Asian culture's way of dating. Classic stage blue idealism of dating and stage orange/green shadow of dating in particular. Maybe the Journalist was a victim of getting rejected or dumped by a player? I don't know so many questions. ? In my opinion, though, men on average will be crazier than women, and be more misogynistic and sexist than women. Even men on average will have more edgy behavior when driving cars and get into more accidents on average than women. Broadly speaking men take far more risks than women, and women on average are more cautious than men which explains why men have more car accidents, despite in my personal experiences I've been a passenger to a few women that drive that are too cautious, or can't manipulate the gas pedal smoothly, which made me feel like I'm on a boat.
  22. I don't know what else to title this post, so I'll stick to it. What are your thoughts about the view expressed in the video below? While the internet has made it easier to hook up through online dating, has the internet also influence male/female attraction?
  23. @Myioko Yeah, I know this guy! He's pretty good at drawing forms from imagination and making them believable. That might be for later, but I'm thinking more like being a Mangaka, like the guy that made Berserk or something to do with graphic novels or visual novels, for example. Or a cover book artist.