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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yarco Since you do consume podcasts, what would you say is its strengths and weaknesses? For example, a podcast like Tim Pool, I mostly consider a waste of time and energy, other than the occasional studying his worldview further, but Curt Jaimungal would be considered a high quality podcast overall, but sometimes it's a waste of time.
  2. @Arthogaan What do you mean it's healthier sign of stage orange maturing? I see businesses online just swapping tv for internet viewing, and nothing big has changed in the majority of viewers, just more near autopilot consumption of material.
  3. Here is the video that tells you how to critic Noam Chomsky: Now, that's his opinion and bias to critiquing Noam Chomsky. I'll provide mine about him and other sides. What are your thoughts about Noam Chomsky's position here?
  4. @Vladimir How's your night been? Got a good sleep? Nightmares? Pleasant dream?
  5. @Rasheed To avoid tired legs, you have to walk every day, for hour and slightly more, and less depending on your exercise fitness program. Learn to also walk in an amble state as well, nice, slow and relaxed walking, in fact if you do, you do slightly make whoever you cold approach, if they're also walking, to walk in your pace, so that's nice. If you suffer from social anxiety, or extreme shyness, that hour session would be very hard, but if you suffer from moderate to light social anxiety and shyness, that's enough. No need to go many hours of cold approaching, unless you're in Vegas and going to multiple clubs. Getting into state doesn't take that long, if you know and practice NLP and self-hypnosis, you can slip into states quickly.
  6. @Tron It depends on how much of a problem this is, to some it's not a big deal (you), to others it's a pretty big deal.
  7. @ThePoint Technically no, contemplation is a process of deconstructing meaning from words or concepts in your mind. Slightly different to creativity and the creative process, at least to me because the process is tedious and boring ? Something like brainstorming or word association, or other creativity increasing exercises are closer to developing your creative process. Maybe meditation is too, but not really contemplation, unless you really like questioning and listing them.
  8. @Leo Gura The coffee table is back! Does it come with free Kopiko?
  9. @StarStruck Yes, it is possible. Having fun without alcohol, is like sharing a honey with your bald cohorts, while watch some Netflix pornos with some popcorns. No, really? Yes, deary, I swear it's that easy, wearing bling to attract them chicks makes them dreary eyed for your French fries...dry sense of humor, unlike them juicy puns.
  10. If and when the discourse veers off course, when it becomes too political, is when Destiny sears him like a fine main course: Angus steak, prime cut to service the vice of the anti JP crowd. You think that Jordan Peterson's psychological ramblings gonna save him? I don't think, when he enters his abstract brambling that he'll out-rant his Destiny. Destiny is the best with brevity and revving his clockwork's engine to the max, pressuring JP till he petters out, at his own Leisure, with measured approach to boiling this Jordan lobster. So, what, Danioover9000, I thought you was a JP and Destiny fan? Man, I know I was a stan to those two maniacs, but thank GOD I outgrown these brats, so called grown-ups, one obsessed with his psycho rant lectures, while the over psyched for gaming ventures, a vulture of TWITCH. To which, I finally switched over to YouTube, past the psychobabble man, and the pathos-obsessed-logical liar, so now I can admire, in my Castelvania empire, how these two dire sickos wrestle deep in the quagmires, trying to stir each other's ire. This discourse gonna be fire, enough to heat up marshmallows above these twos' marshmallows.
  11. @Ulax No, I think most of the discussion would be normal, until JP enters his abstraction communication mode, to which Destiny, like how he did Mr. Girl, would bring him back to earth and incinerate him live.
  12. Isn't VR worlds just bigger versions of VR? With bigger goggles?
  13. @Max_V That's nice! Destiny was teasung the audience about who he might debate this week. GG JP. 6:30 pm?
  14. @Scholar Case closed! @Leo Gura and mods, you know what to do.
  15. @Yarco This is the beginning of your 10-year mastery process, from whacky Pikachu modals to Pikachu universes, here we go.
  16. While I am optimistic about other pieces of technology, I'm not sure with this VR world. It seems like a step towards further gaining realism in the digital world, further entrapping its users and admins into getting lost in the maps and mistaking the maps for the TERRITORY. How does VR world benefit me in the following: Do VR worlds make me more money? Do VR worlds help me train more skills towards my VISION of my career? Does having and being inside VR worlds help me socialize, develop relationships? Does VR worlds make me a better fucker? Does VR worlds make me more healthy and fit? Does VR worlds help me relax? Can I make it more entertaining than mainstream? Does VR world help me think in 3d and help me better manipulate the environment around me? Does being involved in VR worlds help accelerate my development in morality and cognition? Does VR worlds help me better do bias correction in myself? Does VR worlds help me further develop my values system? Does VR world have a overall positive or negative effect to my psyche? Will it make me more lor less narcissistic? Am I just distracting myself further with VR worlds?
  17. @DocWatts Yeah, that is one of many historical blunders that are felt to this day. So many consequences could have been avoided, if given enough information and wisdom.
  18. @Leo Gura Christ Langen is one of many examples, of even if your IQ is 250 +, that doesn't inoculate the genius against the mind voice. Technically, Charles Manson is a genius in how he charms and instills fear on people around him.
  19. @BlessedLion I was gonna post about him. Oi, he's my idol, and not yours! But yes, I think he's a good example of having both nature and nurture for his talent of music and lyric pattern matching.
  20. BTW, I have an artist bias, and bias for images, so what an insight is to me, is that it's pictures of varying degrees, small to big, mosaic and collage, that you make use of your sight capacities, whilst being inside, actual or imagined, the image you are having an insight into. That plus other main definitions of an insight.
  21. @Scholar Insight defined by pathway, differences or contrasts between form and nothingness. However, this is not the original definition provided by Leo Gura, going by the actualized blog of what is insight. So, even if you assume Leo actually defines insight as the pathways/differences/contrasts between form and nothingness, and not based on the blogpost of insight by google, the question still becomes, what defines pathways, differences, contrasts, between, forms, and nothingness? Also, going forward, which definitions of those do and are you going to use for this discussion, because, how do you know which meaning am I or you or others use when talking about pathways, differences and contrasts that make up insights? What kinds of insights you will have, are based upon what stage of developmental values you hold, cognitive and moral development you are at, what major/minor personality traits and personas, or the 'you's in your mind are, the states of consciousness and beings you can be, the life experiences you have so far with places and people, and other lines of development, plus ideas/concepts/beliefs from your upbringing and family values and cultural and societal values from where you came from imprinted into your mind. All holistically coming together, to create and generate the kind of insights you have, from the insight that you can draw a circle, to the insight that you exist only, and others/the world is not real. The insights that make you go 'oh! I left my car keys and coffee on the table' to Eureka moments of world destruction. Those types of insights are dependent on your entire worldview and sense making apparatuses in your mind, and how it generalizes, distorts and deletes information that fits with its survival agendas and biases. The differences between form and nothingness, and dissolving the form = nothingness, is a simplification and assumption of what actual could happen if you dissolved form, because dissolution has stages that are observable, to stages that are not observable to one's perception, so when a form is dissolving, it doesn't go from form to formlessness, which is actually the correct binary opposite rather than this form/nothingness, the dissolving form becomes another form, another something, and not go to nothingness or formlessness directly quickly. Addressing each example, first off that's an assumption that because you dissolve a form, that that causes truth as an effect of a form's destruction, for all 6 examples. Secondly: Form is duality. Duality is dissolved. The Truth is non-duality. (Or that the truth is unity and not non-duality) Form is selfish. Selfishness is dissolved. The Truth is Selflessness. (Or that the truth is non-selfishness. Another is that selfishness=bias, so destruction of bias causes a truth, that of un-bias.) Form is fear. Fear is dissolved. The Truth is Love. (Or that the truth is fearlessness, and not love, as love is not the true binary opposite of fear, fearlessness is.) Form is limitation. Limitation is dissolved. Truth is Infinity. (Or that the truth, after dissolution of limitation, is unlimitation, not infinity, because it's true opposite is finitude and not limitation.) Form is dream. Dream is dissolved. Truth is Awakening. (Or that the truth, is a change in one's state of consciousness, one that was being inside a dream state after going sleepiness state, becoming slumber state, then deep sleep, then dream state, then transit into wakeful consciousness) Form is ignorance. Ignorance is dissolved. Truth is Intelligence. (Or that dissolving of ignorance, leads to the truth of non-ignorance, or unbiased thing. and not intelligence. Why? Because ignorance is part of a surviving sentient being's mind, due to limited intelligence and physical/mental/emotional resources, must be selective in what and where it places attention into, as attention spent is calories spent maintaining focus and awareness into one limited are. This causes a large portion of your field of awareness to only show what's being placed attention into, so that your sense of self isn't overrun by the various objects and people around. Ignorance, then, is a function of the mind to safegaurd you from getting lost in the reeds, lost in the music or crowds and so forth.) After reading and re-reading your entire post, it seems to me you have a love and hate relationship with @Leo Gura. Your talking points are very similar to Buddhism or traditional Advaita Vedanta, and Leo may have said something you simply can't nor won't agree with, due to his different method/approach to practicing spirituality. This entire post is, therefore, you vent your disagreement to Leo, which is fine, but you are being sneaking with how you complain about Leo, and not consider steelmanning his point of view, but rather attack him in an underhanded way with all this.
  22. I guess some of the key questions here, is, does being a genius makes you immune to ego deception? Does being a genius give you a pass in life? My intuition, is that geniuses are even more susceptible to mind traps than an average mind.
  23. What are some artistic careers you guys do, that deal with images? Let's make a small list. Also, if you have a life vision, what changes did you make? For example, this is my list: Graphic novelist of fantasy books. Graphic novelist of web toons, western comics. Mangaka/Doujinshi artist. Illustrator of nature scenes. Cover book illustrator, for children books. Cover book artist for magazines or more mature books. Graphic designer. Interior/exterior decorator. animator. architecture. I've already listed my mission statement and LP statement here, so I'll briefly write my vision: to be a semi realistic illustrator of cover art, penciling and inking comic books, and colouring them. others is writing/editing, and web developing. I planned to go work for a company with the drawing/writing, and was 50/50 on whether to go freelance or work in a company, but after watching this: https://youtu.be/ac3l7vQb5hI I was like no, I'm more leaning towards freelance, or getting into comics like Dark Horse or similar comic companies like that, with the dark and gritty nature of it.
  24. @Devin That's fine too. I can see one tradeoff of staying in one area, that is the children will more quickly be less open minded and diverse in thinking, but in exchange they will feel more loyalty and sisterhood/brotherhood to that one community, so to speak. Travelling a bit more, living from country to country for 2-5 years, having your kids change schools and get used to that country's education standards about public schooling, I think makes them more experienced and open minded than most children that stay far longer in one area growing up. I'm mainly speaking in regard to public schools per country they enter, but border schools or private schools I don't know enough of to make the comparisons. Home schooling is an interesting possibility, but I know enough that parenting is already stressful enough and having to also be their teacher on top of being their parent, for some parents, is too much, but if done the children will have a greater sense if independence and independent thinking than their demographic peers. Of course, in exchange of travelling a lot, exposing yourself and your growing child to different cultures, being more multicultural, the exchange is that they may feel less loyalty, patriotism and nationalistic pride and origin to their original culture and heritage. They will become too open minded, and they may feel more confused as to who they are, socially speaking, as they have to many places. There are other tradeoffs possible that I'm not aware of fully so keep that in mind. Should I stay many years in one country, my home country, and raise my child mostly here before letting them adventure around the world? Or should I adventure around the world with my child, and expose them to many parts of the world and its cultures as they grow? I think, if you or anyone here is seriously considering parenting, should contemplate carefully.
  25. 'Can create any image of landscapes from memory' Kim Jung Gi 'Hold my Hite Korean pale Lager'