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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Leo Gura Be honest, where you under the influence of drugs when you posted that pic?
  2. @Gabith More discipline and consistency actually. After that, we can start loving the forum.
  3. @JosephKnecht OMG, don't get me started on the what's art or not! I and some had a back in forth about A.I generated art, I may as well throw photographs under the easy peasy lazy art variety. I don't consider it art, but I can see how it might be art, and some effort when you gotta take 1,000s of pics and edit some of them. But, it's not art. A painting is much more art.
  4. @OBEler Don't tell me I love to drama when I said I typically don't, especially when you have a pic of Dark Souls and you dying often bro, c'mon.
  5. @LSD-Rumi Technically true, but when you are trying to lead by example, you just don't set a good example by going against the rules you put in place. Yeah, it's harmless fun posting a naked chick without blurring identifiable features.
  6. @Jannes C'mon, yours was a link to a porn website that hosts porn videos mainly, way different than naked pics of chicks, within the forum section. ? Maybe next time, un-link or don't link to any porn websites, just talk about what genre of porn you like and why for you...without the explicits.
  7. @Tefikos It hurts the website's integrity, imagine somebody screenshots the guidelines page, then screenshots the blog post of the naked chick, and boom, easy drama over some other platform. Plus, not blurring the chick's face, a motivated thirsty guy can easily find out where she lives, and other safety issues with posting such reckless posts. So, am I to obfuscate when something happens?
  8. @Lila9 Exactly. I'm just surprised that this can land a pan when you post a naked picture, or link in this forum. Maybe he needs to take a month break as self-punishment or discipline, practice what you preach yo.
  9. @OBEler No, check the blog post and you'll see why. I hate dramas, but I love listening to the Queen.
  10. This one I really like, it's got a nice jingle to it. Eminem doing a Rap God version 2.0, except when he's on pills and alcohol apparently. ?
  11. @Danioover9000 The more you ignore, the more of a wild bour I will go.
  12. @Razard86 Why you gotta do that?
  13. @mmKay Like a domino effect.
  14. @StarStruck Theoretically, they did a myth buster video, if Minecraft was real, and you had diamond weapons and armor, it wouldn't be as epic as you'd functionally think, Bling factor is still there though.
  15. @Medhansh Fun fact: a full set of armour, made of diamonds, is more likely to break than a set made from iron/steel.
  16. I don't know who what when where and why, that's how my mind likes to rhyme, deep inside, rhythmic beats, rhyming beeds, on a mic with big mac in one hand, mac in cheese the other, also wear my hearts out in my sleeves, as tell tale as my heart can be. I know, now, back then, when a UFO hover craft, shaped like a flying saucer egg, drips a sauce, yellow-orange light inside my Mo's wine, above her dormitory, during a storm, alien genetics tac toes into my mind, fitting it like denin jeans inside my witty baby skull bean. I can still see it, where I was, like the sounds still here, between my round ears, hearing my Ma's dorimafasola. fueling my soul as Ma and Da and Sa and Ra rears me, slightly abnormal story compared to norms, back then, also a toodler boy, close to void, wisdom old yet golden, somehow know deities shower me with their delight in me, till father time slices them magical memories, chiseled me with space time limits till I was meshed in flesh, leashed in pleasures and pains, passions and hates, deep in dualities, ties livid till devine memories fade. "Quirkle Squirkle Lurkle" says the what mouse, "Where Squirrels lurks, turns turtles, Quirk perks: quickie murders, squirts the ugly duck girl, quack-quack." Says the Myrtle CAT, who? GOD, who and what says this quackery? Quick, phone and ask Dr. Seuss for that blue steroid for my throat chakra, to reign in my insanity...what? He's busy eating Swiss cheese burgers, on an asteroid, getting massages from a masseuse? Ok, don't mention my exploring into my in-sanity. How do I know, and did all that above? Pre written, or off the dome? Yes and no, Rome wasn't built in one day, guilty free slaves, hey, how did I leave my haven here, to end up in another dimension? What a dilemma, don't mention this to the drones, or the Reptilian and Greys, also the CIA, or else policia will come, and I have to seem polite and nice and tell them why the Black Cats are at it again, playing rats and mice in alleyways, and explain why, in plain English, half a mouse lies on my carpet, and how my adopted kitten's innocent despite the red smears on her lips, nose and whiskers. Thank god my garping on and on about my day drove them away, phew! Not now, but a second later, my best friends gonna drill me into giving her griled cheese sandwich, driving me into those manic episodes, featuring a Pepsi soda, with a fillet fish burger, added tarter sauce with a bunch of starters, side of griiled cheese and homemade chilli sauce, Netflix and chill with aliens and predators, subconsciously recording everything and somehow getting feedback, while my bestie listens to Drillmatic and Black Slim Shady while downing some Bailey's. Hey, cute lady, night time, dim the lights, let sleep limp your framing, and sheep counting daze your day away. @Leo Gura
  17. Good documentary on the fighting industry, shows both SD red, blue, and orange, old and new ways of business around fighting, and how corrupt the industry can be, and how each end demonizes the other to justify their own survival:
  18. @StarStruck It's depended on various factors, such as your stage of development, cognitive and moral development, psychology and personality, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, from the individual level to the collective level. You asked two questions: Most people who are extraordinary grew up in difficult circumstances with a lot of pressure from their environments. Do you guys think that is the only way to be extraordinary? To me, I think this is an assumption, I think you meant some people, as most people on average lead mediocre life and situations, some in lower class lifestyles and some in upper class lifestyles, each environment and in groups to out groups in these environments will inform and influence what a person is. What you're likely referring to are people such as Manny Pacquiao or Bruce Lee. Both are born and raised in some degree of poverty, influenced to some degree by these conditions, and eventually overcame the pressures placed by such circumstances. However, most people, placed under their circumstances, would not successfully overcome such odds, as each person's development, internally and externally, will be unique to each individual. The question really is how do you get to un-spoil yourself when you are spoiled? Have the intention to develop yourself into a strong human being, by first acknowledging where you are at in your development, and your circumstances, and be willing to barter and negotiate your way into higher stages of development. Face each transformational dilemma head on, and learn from your failures, while learning, researching, contemplating your LP. Get really clear where you are at and engage with whatever tools that's available to you in that stage.
  19. @Carl-Richard While I don't mind watching content from VICE, I'm noticing the drop in quality from them, and how they just focus in on the worser aspects of a group, situation, or an individual's circumstance and not give a balanced, nuanced take. If the situation or person happens to be left leaning in nature, they'll paint this situation or person in a better light versus a situation or person that's right leaning. They also covered beforehand robbery of successful Instagram people, and they didn't cover and go deeper as to why they attempted to rob such people, just poor robbers=bad men, rich social media influencers=victims. ?
  20. One major benefit of Nofap, is how much more nervous and tense you are. That's useful if you know beforehand you got a harder fitness routine, or fight night. Some of the greats in boxing and fighting do practice a temporary form of sexual abstinence, so that they got that extra pent up energy that'll carry them throughout the fight.
  21. Psychedelics and spirituality have in common: Both are sitting still, and both get excited. Difference: One is human, the other a plant.
  22. I'll be listing vids about critics of hip hop culture and how it's many forms of entertainment slowly rots our brains into a tame like docile state of mind Although, to me, it seems this is mainly coming from the subculture that is gang culture music and whacky, corny sounding rap music or dirty rap music, stage orange hip hop industry, as the hip hop culture, worldwide, is musical art, it's good to see from different perspectives on why hip hop, modern versions of it mainly, are corrupting the youth, specifically their cognitive development if they consume too much hip hop:
  23. @aurum I think it's possible to date someone whose a stage yellow thinker too and get titillating pleasure, from wondering what goes on in your date or significant other's mind. Maybe it's the long, wondering staring, or just hearing the back and forth of the communication of ideas, constructing each other's ideas, like two systems thinkers together playing a more complicated Jenga.