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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Nice video of Destiny reacting to Sneako and Andrew Tate debate/discourse:
  2. @something_else So, if, for example, hypothetically, Epstein was into selfies, and almost takes selfies wherever he goes. Sometimes involves random people on the street in his holidays and travels. Some of those people have social media profiles, some have online small businesses, and few times Epstein wants to help a little bit of those people, by association. Now, bring to mind all the Epstein scandal, and all of the sudden those photographed by him, in his parties, in his plane, in his social gatherings in vacation spots, and those selfies randomly taken while holidaying. Should those who have little idea, and little association with Epstein, get canceled and banned from social media and have their online small businesses ruined and ridiculed, from association?
  3. @something_else However, by oversimplifying my issue as some form of gatekeeping is ridiculous. Life is a series of tradeoffs, and while it's noble to try to make one field of human endeavor accessible and easier to get into, the tradeoff is that some values like work ethic, patience, observation, skill, competency, understanding, beauty, excellence, are now more difficult to teach and train as those 'obstacles' and 'gate keeping elements' are no longer there, while fostering an attitude of the quick fix from just the sudden increase in convenience. Yes, I agree that convenience is increased, but at what cost? Contemplate that before giving me a cookie generic answer.
  4. @thepixelmonk Side tangent, but it's true. Leo's been experimenting with A.I. drawing programs and seems to disregard those artists that designed his thumbnails and is okay pushing some of those types of illustration jobs out of the market for more people to become artists. The problem is that it's like supporting A.I. programs that analyze chess and other board games into the market, and some to most abuse those tools and cheat instead of properly learning chess. It just doesn't raise the overall standards of quality of drawing and performance; it retards it a bit and encourages short cut taking and quick fix chasing than developing skills of observation and patience and work ethic.
  5. @aurum Also looking forward to his take on environmentalism, as the energy bill here and its cost is becoming more and more a drain in the UK's economy.
  6. @AtheisticNonduality Nobody is full stopping this thread!?
  7. @StarStruck I was obviously joking. C'mon.
  8. @Tyler Robinson I pick up on that too, when he talks about women to those men. I view it as Andrew Tate giving generic, tough advice to insecure young men, and view him like I view pick-up, it works for only a couple of years, until the young guy grows up a bit and survives his rite of passage from being a boy to being a man. At that point, those men that outgrow pick up don't need pick up, just as those men eventually will outgrow Andrew Tate. I'm sure he does, some people are that desperate and really struggle with dating and really want financial security that they'd extra follow Andrew Tate. That's fine, I guess how you view his face or other physical features may or may not make him uglier or sexier. I'm more aware of the marketed Andrew Tate and business Andrew Tate. The two to me are mostly separate, and he's definitely trolling SJW types and hardcore feminists. If you want me to be a man, I guess I can't talk you out of viewing me that way, from the bottom...of my heart.
  9. BTW, very good video @Leo Gura released this week: P.S. The motivation of starting this thread wasn't from progressivism reasons, it was a reaction to your flippant attitude on the death of England's Queen Elizabeth, But thanks anyways for telling me there were much less slaves in the past. Can't top Rome's 40% slave population though.
  10. Why is it a wonder? Is the civilization a wonder, when the majority of its constructions is done by slaves, directed by the few who had a vision against those who had weaker vision?
  11. @StarStruck I'd give him a chance, to let me drain his bank. Insecure in his ways, but secure day? No money procured that could cure his red pill addiction, even precuring cured Ham is better than the jimmies he wanks with his simp pricks too. Is this a D.I.S.S at him? Nay, it's a K.I.S.S of death, cuz I keep it simple, Simps, silver shining inside kindred eyes, in the mirror flip. Impish pimps like him pipsqueak too much, paints himself a target for Department, Informant, Social, Services, I own the owl birdie that whispered, word for word, how he got baled when Claire dumped him and told me a story that was a bit different from your Under Tale. Jeez, thanks Claire, for hurting and burning him, making him suffer a real rejection and lost, but what's lost in translation is the origin and comradery story of how he inspired a shy rough girl like you, long ago in Transylvania, saved you from creatures of the night shot up in your veins, fighting nearly to the death, in that bright night sky he really was a shining knight in armour, that act armored her against the Vamps later on. 3 years gone by, time really flies, despite the lies piling up, Claire really was enamored by you, perceiving you in this delusion of grandeur with your Maserati in a hero's story, really wanted your approval and love and trained per your instructions, from war to bedroom, so desperate for your acknowledgement she was your sword, without a ordered word, secretly piercing stakes into vampires and fought of Dracula when he tried to collect on your debts, gladly be Vlad the Impaler for your sake, whatever is at stake she'll take just to be viewed as Tate's fated mate for life, but a butt head like you were too narcissistic insistent in women being around you, busying and generating bling and green for you. One fateful night, in drunken stupor with your mates drinking Sake and Claire slowly approaching in exhaustion, you mouthed off how no women ever were your equal, leaving Claire stunned disbelief, even more so for her, covered in demonic bloodshed of both guilty and innocent, while she was passing the lobby, processing the denial. deciding tomorrow to start her own small business of what she does best, killing devils in the dark, ridding evils away from the helpless, just so to be finally an equal to you. However, your ego couldn't take it, another female Andrew Tate, so you both drew your machetes, one to conquer and quench this female rebel, the other to begin her conquest and quest for her own shining. Drawing one final breath, you both dashed forth, clashed blades horizontally, like crazed baseball players putting everything into their machetes, and yours snapped. Shit. milliseconds passed ans she realizes that her Machete might cleave off your head, so she raised it up nearly off the dome, like a soap bar, cleared cleanly your entire hair! Most of your male and female crew witnessed all this and were in shock too. "Farewell, Andrew, it's fate we part ways, but I'll still send you the cake I owe you.". There were so many things she wished she could say, but she learned from you that emotions are weakness, so she meekly strode with renewed purposed. Guess it's another BERSERK love story to end badly in misunderstanding: 23:45 onwards. Or the entire video as it's funny as hell?
  12. How do you know?
  13. Disappointing. The real victim in all this mess is the painting the artist worked hard to create and poisoned himself over time to construct. What a waste and tragedy, to destroy pieces of an artist's legacy and tarnish it's history.
  14. @The Mystical Man Yes, what problem is in her Tweet? What is it?
  15. More videos of this event: And my position on the Covid vaccine creation, implementations of covid safety policies, remain unchanged, which is, from a practical, pragmatic and realistic perspective: WHAT'S THE ALTERNATIVE? What's the alternative for individuals, to companies in charge for designing and creating these vaccines and policies? The anti-vaccine movement, and people too are too business oriented or too progressive/socialistic in their worldview, or too conservative, listen: If the big companies like big pharma, Pfizer and other big vaccine making companies gone "Well, actually let's take our sweet time testing our vaccines fully, and you know what? WHO maybe you don't tell those governments to you know implement measures against you know spreading the virus, let's take 3-4 years extra to just test and all! We got all the time in world", and EU'S like we got all the time in the world to point fingers and bitch about evil corps screwing up. NO, YOU DON'T HAVE TIME! YOU NEVER KNEW THE FULL LETHALITY OF COVID VIRUS! GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSES AND STOP PRETENDING EVERY VACCINE OR ANYTHING HAS TO BE CAREFULLY 100% PROOFED! This kind of myopic and ignorant thinking about time would've costed the world a billion more lives to be killed by the virus. Jesus Christ, I may sound a bit unhinged and triggered, but the level of lack of common sense as to expect every solution to have to be perfect and take time is delusion.
  16. @Tyler Robinson His sexiness and baldness, literally and metaphorically not giving a care for how he looks in the market, unapologetically masculine that is arousing, arousing to the flesh and to the suppressed stage red demons in your psyche. And his uncanny ability to use dark humor, which is spontaneous almost as if he's a comedian.
  17. This is an interesting video to share, it may have a mix effect on those who are pro A.I. drawing, or against it. Let's play a little game, called spot the difference, except spot the differences and similarities of their perspectives, and where they have blind spots about the potential benefits of A.I. drawing, and dangers of when it runs rampant by big companies and drive many traditional/creative artists that work a 9-5 in those art studios out of business and art jobs in their niche. I really wonder what their opinion on this issue is when their own family or friends get the boot?
  18. My quick thoughts, his take on the immigration issues is solid, and Sweden/Scandinavia/Norway should be taking notes on his take. Also, definitely agree that most progressives and extreme democrats or Socialists overuse the race card. Most cases it's a nationalistic and ethnocentric issue, and differences in religious and political nationalism. Definitely agree when people call you a Nazi or Fascist or Racist, those words are dirty and triggers close mindedness real quick. If some of those objections to Leo are why not, by female Progressives/Democrats/SJW's, well, what do you think and feel when I call you a whore or slut? Well, not a good feeling, right? I got called that, and whatever civil discourse I had with a person goes out the window. DEFINITELY agree here that we need to stop using dirty words to label our oppositions or other different perspectives of our positions.
  19. This one's extra spicy: Quick, listen before it's taken down!!!
  20. @Pudgey Interesting perspective, I didn't know there are a few ex red pillers that have a good critique of the ideology.
  21. @Jodistrict Of course! He's not supposed to be followed and emulated down to a T, Andrew Tate more serves as a loose source of inspiration for young men to go their own way, to exercise a bit more of their masculinity to penetrate into a desired field and a desired ideal. Also, he's more functions like an artist, that shocks robots like the most of us into waking the hell up and feeling more human emotions, negative or positive.
  22. @Bobby_2021 Maybe if it's Chadualized.org.
  23. @StarStruck I agree with every you've said. Women actually will sleep with men and exude masculine energy and can make them feel more human than yesterday and can feel safe enough to be more a girl around with. If they can't, sorry, at best that's a short-term relationship. Everything, except the 70 rotations of women. That's clearly a pimp business. ?