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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yog I think 80% of it is sophisticated conspiracy BS, 20% of it Curt Jaimungal and whoever the other person was trying to make sense of this guy's crazy take. Jesus Christ, it's like Curt has a blind spot for these types of people. Just pm Destiny and see him rip these people apart in under 5 minutes of arguing and debating.
  2. @Asayake Best comment in the thread overall, with little needed improvements here and there, but a well-balanced take!
  3. @Optimized Life The biggest issues I have with this, is that most people take for granted that it is what it is, decisions have to be made imperfectly. IT IS WHAT IT IS, DECISIONS HAVE TO BE MADE! Pfizer could have spent the full 5 years first to test the vaccines before mass production and roll out, but what's the cost? MORE PEOPLE, OLD, MIDDLE, YOUNG, THOSE WITH RESPIRATORY ISSUES, COMPRIMIZED IMMUNE SYSTEMS, DIE MORE, FILL MORE HOSPITAL BEDS! So, Pfizer chose to cut corners, and try to compete with the rate of infection of Covid, and they did save more lives, not perfectly, but managed to inoculate the majority of the population. The cost? A small percentage of the population experiencing side effects. IT IS WHAT IT IS!
  4. @zurew I've taken your comment and posted it on YouTube, changed the language so it's a bit more PG-13, so we'll see if there's active flagging or blocking or something, because it's frustrating to try and find the original content in 600+ comments from the first hour, to day 3-4. It's ridiculous.
  5. @Leo Gura I've scrolled three the comments 3 times now, and it isn't there anymore.
  6. @zurew Can you please share a link and link it to exactly where you found the comment?
  7. @thisintegrated First of all, those claims are largely unsubstantiated and are repeated talking points of Socialists and Progressives and online trankies in Twitch. Agree with the media coverage, except Andrew Tate is slightly more successful with his marketing than Epstein. His 'sex-related crimes' are unproven and largely false and conflations of triggered SJWs. They make their claims of misogyny and sexism, and him being a sexual predator, but are largely unfounded claims. Clipping that one time he was in the British tv show, using a belt to whip that blonde chick is also not enough proof of him being a rapist either, as later that woman admitted to agreeing with participating in that BDSM. His cam business with Only Fans girls he was running, is nowhere near as exploitative as Epstein, and comparing the two as if is absolutely bad faith! Andrew Tate ain't into children while Epstein is, they're already different in sexual preferences that making them both comparable is lazy. Also, his business, under Romanian law, it's not considered illegal. Ethan from H3H3 tried this tactic of accusing him of sexually assaulting those girls and making them assertions with ZERO EVIDENCE, which triggered the mob to go cancel him, which is pure slander and Andrew Tate is in every right to pursue a legal battle against that loser. Not that uncommon, if you're an entrepreneur you'd be networking with others, marketing and selling your services or products to each other and to online or real customers. So, if you happen to be associated to a CEO, in a business context, does that give me the right to slander your name too, if that CEO happened to commit a crime? People can't stop talking about anything is a nothing burger. Get smacked by ten burgers and drown in some Jack Daniels stage yellow tier 2 wisdom and debate level before thinking that people can't stop talking is a justified argument for anything! ? Charisma, confidence, people skills, socialization =/= reputation for being predatory. Pick up skills =/= sexual predator. You need some help constructing your argument.
  8. @B222 If you just use it to market yourself and funnel the customers to your other businesses, then that's fine. Ethically I am not touching Tik Tok with a ten-foot pole. The program is blood program, designed by a group of terrible humans whose forefathers took part in the Taiping Rebellion.
  9. @integral Probably. I remember when Tony Robbins went to the military and did NLP training and visualization for a group of soldiers, their gun accuracy went up by roughly 25%. That 25% increase was due to him instructing them to visualize their aiming and firing at the firing dummies, imagining the trajectory and always landing it dead center of their target. Of course, if you disassociate, and take one level outside the context, obviously that slight increase in accuracy hinged on them having done basic gun training and how to fire their guns first, getting enough familiarity with their firearms first, even being comfortable identified as shooters. I think another book that covered this dynamic was called Atomic Habits, and the author talked about the three levels of habits, the 3 about outcomes, the 2 about the process, and the 1 and deepest level, WHO YOU ARE IDENTIFIED AS. However, this is no excuse to skip training, so, go do body weight training and barbells. And yeah, visualization can be applied to all human endeavors, it's amazing.
  10. @Tyler Robinson If I recall correctly, his series of bans were about 4, from Twitch, because of harsh language, cursing, use of the N word with no hard R, and the latest one was transphobic comments on Twitter, I think? Yeah, Now Mr. Girl and Destiny can build a stronger bridge between themselves.
  11. @Leo Gura Mr. Girl now has another Channel. Hopefully he starts to at least consider how he'll speak later on, as it all started with him going a bit too strongly against Nike Fuentes. My intuitive speculation here, is that Mr. Girl's part Jewish identity, even though he's mostly an atheist, was triggered, which made him give a more sensitive and emotionally charged take onto Nike's worldview, so much so that he was willing to hash it out against Destiny, because at that time Destiny was seen buddying up with Nike and that also probably triggered him. I think how they managed the mass reporting and reasoning it to YTV staff is to Mr. Girl's album and the song about him being a pedophile is an offensive song. However, it's just a smoke screen and Destiny went to them on stream and gentle called it out. Now Mr. Girl and Destiny have a strong common ground now: Both experienced getting canceled, now can deepen their friendship. ?
  12. Interesting video, by a professional artist, on the topic of A.I generated artwork:
  13. @Thought Art Here's one example:
  14. @Thought Art Conor WAY more unhinged than Kanye, Kanye at least still has good marketing and promotion than him, and a much better life purpose than Conor, or Conor Mcgregor.
  15. Kanye still making high quality music though. I'm fine if it's his decision alone to stop the meds, in order to produce amazing music, that's his choice going forward in his LP. Most of you all not familiar to rap culture, hip hop culture and hip hop industry, an Emcee is a professional rapper, that has to for the majority of the time market and promotion themselves to the audience. I think Kanye acting this crazy, unhinged is part of the image he wants to portray to his listeners, like Eminem, 50-cent, so on. If this is where he sources his creativity from, that's a tough place to work from and don't envy anyone in that position, so, despite any future fuck ups from him, props to his music.
  16. @Ethan1 That's the gentle, feminine explanation of why and why not to use Tik Tok for your LP. Here's the masculine explanation: FUCK TIK TOK AND THE BRAIN ROT IT CAUSES TO THE YOUTH!! Those who use Tik Tok for the long term, 5-10 plus years thinking it's an amazing LP, are deluding themselves. Content creators in Tik Tok are participating in spreading and infecting this mind virus called Tik Tok into children to adolescents. Recently Tik Tok was sued for hosting parts of its content creators twerking and under aged Only Fans. The Algorithm is sus AF, suggesting sexual content to your feed, again, without your FLIPPING PERMISSION! auto modifies your profile picture without your permission. and engineers the increase in chasing novelty and chasing quick fix gratification. Guaranteed to decline your mindfulness and focusing abilities if you over consume this app, and increase your resistance to personal development, discipline and peace of mind. Also guaranteed to develop narcissism in your mind too as your pretty profile picture can make you self-conscious, and pretty profile pictures of others further increases your lack of self-esteem and confidence. The Chinese businesspeople and HUA WUE that designed Tik TOK really know what to do to weaken people's minds, JESUS CHRIST! TIK TOK is a very dangerous app that preys on your reptilian brain and gets you chasing quick rewards while degenerating your moral integrity. If you still value your life, your human life, and those around you, tell them to abandon this vile APP IMMEDIATELY!?
  17. @aurum Banning fracking is a legit aim to go for. There's already not that much land left, and fracking is further creating weaknesses and small to large spaces inside the nearby land that increases the potential of sink holes to happen. Of course, going about it without careful consideration for who or what groups you are up against is gonna backfire. Also, the same could happen in conservative/republican parties and right-wing groups, a few do swing to the moderate-to-moderate left.
  18. @something_else Can't win an argument, so you resort to reporting my profile pic? GTFO. Whoever reported my pic, if any of you are reading, is dawg shit. Double standards as hell. You jealous or what?
  19. @thepixelmonk Feel free to keep assuming I'm just some person crying on internet and not a professional artist threatened by this technology. P.S. Whoever reported me for my pic, you dawg shit.?
  20. @Leo Gura The ban back then was because Nick Fuentes's side and those related to right-wing ideology didn't like Mr. Girl 'attacking' Nick Fuentes and calling him an actual Nazi, so they launched a coordinated weekly attack of mass reporting his content as being dangerous. Happened around the time when he and Destiny were talking about Nick Fuentes and him potentially sneaking in Nazi ideas. Destiny also talked to the same right-wing group that got Mr. Girl banned.
  21. @something_else Those chess players performing much better than me, by cheating using A.I. chess programs to pick the best variations. They're real chess players. Why does gatekeeping exist?
  22. @something_else If you're still pedantic and struggling, the key question I want you to answer, is, is it justified to condemn people for being associated in a brief moment?
  23. @something_else Hypothetically, Epstein comes to me, in a random street, in a vacation site, and we small chat and chat it up, says he's a social media influencer and I say I'm an online designer and wants a pic with me, maybe says he'd pay me for it and whatever. Fast forward years later, Epstein scandal comes out, I'm in those pics smiling with him and laughing. Now, is it justified to cancel me for sharing a moment with him? Justified guilty by association? And yes, I'd condemn him for those scandals too.