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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @mr_engineer Say what to Feminists? And what type of Feminists are you referring to?
  2. @Ulax So, what would you say to @mr_engineer to help him improve on his persuasion tactics? What are some examples that would replace what you think is him 'complaining'?
  3. @BenG That was a guess on my part. Is my assumption wrong? If so, could you explain to me what type of person joining this online community looks like to you? So, it really was a typo? If you don't mind, can you tell me if it's pieces or places or what would be the correct phrase and intended meaning you'd use?
  4. @mr_engineer What made you triggered against @BenG? Was it because of him misinterpreting what you've written? If what you claim is correct to @Ulax, that you 'don't have any stakes in this, I don't have an agenda to convince anyone.', followed by 'I'm still trying to make sense of how feminists get away with this level of self-delusion.' why would you use syntax and exclamation to suggest you were surprised and frustrated in the following 'On my end, this still is an open-minded discussion!'?
  5. @mr_engineer Could you walk me through your justification, if you don't mind? What did you mean with 'My attitude, my opinion is what matters.'? When you wrote 'You got a problem with that?!' are you joking or are you exaggerating a bit?
  6. @Ulax Sorry, what did you mean when you wrote 'Ah fairs my dude.'? Is it similar to writing 'Ah, that's fine my dude.', or 'Ah, fair enough my dude.', along those lines of words?
  7. @Thought Art *Respectful, and full stop, or period. (.)
  8. @BenG Wait, so when anyone finds this community, they are automatic saints? Oh, and is it piece, place or price? Peace? Pieces? Peaches?
  9. I guess OP is already done and gave up on this thread. Thanks guys, it's been a very fruitful and entertaining conversation, let's pick it up next time kay?
  10. @John Iverson I'd suggest you get yourself an investing for dummies book, and personal finance for dummies. It's a decent book that if you follow its advice strictly, you'll earn some decent returns on whatever you invest, be it stocks, real estate or small business.
  11. @Optimized Life To be a bit fairer to you and demonstrate to others how you've conflated the experience of rape trauma to the experience of false accusations and jail time, let's look at this from a different context and situation. The context is fitness, and the issue is which fitness programs or which ways to exercise. What you did, is you took the power lifter/strongman's fitness program, were they prioritize lifting heavy to very heavy weights, with certain types and ranges of exercises, and you took the bodybuilder/marine/navy training program for endurance, and conflated the intensity of the power lifter/strongman fitness program and falsely equate that intensity to that of the marine's and the bodybuilder's, it's no big deal that experiencing high intensity can be highly traumatic and stressful, look at the marine's and bodybuilders! The D.O.M.S (damage onset muscle soreness) and higher metabolic stress is far more concerning. The main issue is you had to downplay the negative effects of the stresses of the strongman/power lifter, and by doing so, you've written off the experiences of the power lifter and strongman and over emphasized the troubles of the bodybuilders and marines. Yes, in context to fitness, every type of fitness program is designed to increase some level of stress, in order for your body to respond and adapt to those stress levels, but that doesn't mean every fitness program is equally stressful and equally bad.
  12. For example: Some vids of people telling their point of view: Are you open minded enough and willing to learn from their views?
  13. @Optimized Life Or the thread would be locked or deleted on the grounds of your hate farming and trolling and triggering heated debates and arguing and encouraging close minded and dogmatic discourse. Nothing malicious or conspiratorial about that.
  14. @EternalForest You're welcome, happy to contribute something to this forum.
  15. @Thought Art Uh huh, and not to mention third degree burns in his scalp, the meds he's addicted to, the physical and psychological torture he was put under that made him decide to surgically change and alter his skin, and the pressures of being a high-profile artist.
  16. @Thought Art Because those authorities and expert have more knowledge and experience than me, and I do study body language/tonality/micro expressions in the face, You are just repeating talking points of those that hate Michael Jackson. Why should I believe what you say. Look at those two doing the interview in that video. Don't you intuitively feel suspicious of their communication? Or are you too biased against Michael Jackson and pedophilia to go deeper into understanding?
  17. @bmcnicho A part 2 is clearly needed, he said there's much more for him to say and cover. The video must be complete, and I get the sense that it's like getting stuff out of your chest for a while.
  18. Is this right to call this type of critique from mainstream gamers and average FPS player? Normie critique?
  19. @nuwu I'm sure he would, he used to love licking his own paintbrush, wetting it while it had paint on it...
  20. @How to be wise THIS! @Leo Gura,? I am skeptical of your claims your comment is still there. Go and screen shot please, even I couldn't find it with all the extra time I had. ?
  21. @Leo Gura These are a few reasons why I don't readily buy the Michael Jackson is a pedophile: and I think it's highly likely, that if he ever really was a Pedophile, he would be benign. I don't think he's the malignant type, and I think any degree of his attraction to children, stems from his abnormal and stressful upbringing in his family. It's common sense to me. Also, an interesting video, loosely related, but an example of how predatory the marketing and promotion of Rappers, although this version is a bit extreme given the type of Rapper this person is at that time period:
  22. @ZenSwift Common place journal video, but check these out if they're the ones
  23. What are your thoughts and how would you advice the following people:
  24. @Magnanimous None. Watch all of them at your own pace. Just go through the old and new content and follow your intuition on which video to watch and take note on.
  25. @Yog Honestly, if you can't survive the Socratic method, and can't survive a Destiny level logical reasoning line of inquiry, can't defend your assertion and argument about some field of reality adequately enough, you are a conspiracy theorist and blind believer of some idea, parroting their talking points. That doesn't mean to approach everything with a hyper logical reductionistic point of view, it just destroys most BS when you can't do basic rebuttals or refutations. Of course, there's many more multiple types of intelligences beyond logic, but logical destruction is a start to protecting and insolating yourself from silly pet theories.