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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Majed Firstly, *Full stop, or a period. like this(.). Secondly, Buddhism, Jainism and Shintoism, the two are good examples of stage blue, the on is a stage blue and purple. Jesse Lee Peterson, Jordan Peterson, and Andrew Tate are good examples of individuals with religious backgrounds that are at stage orange to blue. Hippies and New Age generation like Russal Brand and Deepak Chopra at roughly stage orange to green with partial religious backgrounds.
  2. @StarStruck Okay, for you and every here, here's the definition: insanity /ɪnˈsanəti/ Learn to pronounce noun the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness. "He suffered from bouts of insanity". Similar: mental illness, mental disorder, mental derangement, madness, insaneness, dementia, dementedness, lunacy, instability, unsoundness of mind, loss of reason, delirium, hysteria, mania, psychosis, craziness, crazedness, deliration. Opposite: sanity. extreme foolishness or irrationality. plural noun: insanities "It might be pure insanity to take this loan". Similar: folly, foolishness, foolhardiness, idiocy, stupidity, imbecility, asininity, lunacy, madness, silliness, senselessness, brainlessness, thoughtlessness, irrationality, illogicality, absurdity, ludicrousness, ridiculousness, craziness, daftness. Opposite: sense. These are the definitions I've provided; some I like and use in common parlance. If you or anyone disagrees, make the claim and construct your arguments for your case. Otherwise, your opinion is a figment of imagination. P.S. I love how the opposites are 'sanity', and 'sense', the functional parts of one's mindfulness and awareness in the normal every day, and the similar words of insanity are 40-50. ?
  3. @mr_engineer But you're making it personal to you from the way you write back to most of us. We're indirectly telling you that you're aging faster because of this.
  4. @Leo Gura Including the Last of Us 2?
  5. @The Mystical Man The Last of Us part 1 and 2, old school text-based games, click and scroll games, Visual novels to name a few narrative heavy games. Even at the metaphysical and existential level, stories are central to yourself identity and the world. Character and plot = GOD incarnated into a finite being, being inside a gigantic space called the universe, history and Akashic records and Samskaras and wheels of fortune/time, story making might be a part of the foundations of existence as many cultures do tell stories.
  6. Well, that's a trinity going on there: Gameplay, narrative structure and game design. All three ideally should be actively well balanced for the intended purposes in one designer's mind for a group, and that may take one or 2 of those three and emphasis more. When it comes to gamers, and gaming, game mechanics is the most active element of a game. Narrative and design are the attractors of a video game or other form gaming. I can definitely agree that scorn is very well designed in atmosphere, at the cost of some narrative and less active game mechanics. Keep in mind a very small team of developers were working on Scorn for 5 plus years, and only have access to limited resources, from equipment's to creative minds, so it's easier for us to make a judgement on Scorn after the fact, but while designing scorn it's very difficult to know more than you're limited by.
  7. @Leo Gura But aren't mental disorders and insanity similar? What's the key differences that make them both separate enough?
  8. @mr_engineer Dude, you too heated and triggered to have a normal conversation at this point. Go Netflix and chill, maybe go outside, smell the roses, touch green grass. This world situation will resolve itself, without your approval.
  9. @integral Also, it's called mind muscle connection.
  10. @StarStruck No, we first start by comparing Andrew Tate in the matrix, and Andrew Tate outside the matrix: This one seems way more authentic and honest, none of that restraint.
  11. @Antor8188 First, I'd grab a couple of dates that I ate and tasted kind of okay in rehab. Then we'd head to the mall, shops and hip hop around like bunnies all the ball and doll shops just me leading dates around till they ripe and dry from all the sunny D light of my insistence on touring store houses. At last, finally at Hollow Knight's restaurant, where ants work hard, rats grow fat, bulls and tauruses concoct cock and bull stories, while cats and dogs forgot GOD and watching IGODMIND videos, while bats go crazy resting, and turtles turn purple from waiting for their food. Good God, all this whimsy leaving me tipsy Topsy Turvey, must be all the BBQ Korean beef fish chicken Porks and shrimps, or the 200 dollars on that bill. To date, I have left the best version of myself to my wonderful date my white crane style Kungfu: with my dining fashion and dashing looks as I never looked back sprinting fast forward into the unknown...and teared the bill in half and paid the half.
  12. @LordFall So, it's interesting to you that people can't focus and get grounded, and do deep work? It's interesting that some people have scattered pieces of defocused attention spans damaged by the digital environment? I don't care for whatever lists of 'leisurely' hobbies you do on the internet, that's more excuses to over consume social media, the extreme example here is Tik Tok in question, no doubt on average the young are getting trained to chase quick fixes and expect quick feedback all the time on the internet. Yes, today's age, you get to replace tv watching with social media watching, still 6 hours going into what? Booty twerks and sped-up clips? I agree, the ultimate aim of the internet and social media, is to engineer multiple personality disorder, narcissism, and sociopathy/psychopathy, through inducing more and more novel chasing and quick fixes per post and per clip and click bait whatever. It's all to make the one person feel so entitled to almost anything they post that one person would get shocked with just a tiny push back. Yeah, self-esteem not a problem for most people! Notice it's most young people, not some 20% that do manage their social media consumption. I say TIK TOK because IT HAS INCENTIVIZED YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM AND OTHERS TO FOLLOW AND COPY THEIR VIDEO FORMATTING! VIDEO SHORTS! MEANWHILE, LOOK OVER THERE AND NOT HERE WHILE WE CLEAN UP SEXY POSTS AND VIDEOS THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN POSTED! As the new and steller example and beacon of light for all of social media, TIK TOK is already in a position to be that much more dangerous.
  13. I think, for the time being, it's probably a great idea not to go do podcasts at the moment.
  14. Part 2 coming soon. Should have titled it to 'All the sins the left has left us, for death, part 2'. I'm 15 pages in to listing all the left problems, and you guys call yourselves leftists, tsk tsk.
  15. @inFlow I think the psychic that reached to @Leo Gura was tailoring his explanation to him to make it make more sense, if you know what I mean. Let's assume Leo had played Dark Souls or some game where you die and respawn a lot. The analogy and metaphor would make sense. Advaita Vedanta has a similar modal of how consciousness gets bigger over time.
  16. @Thought Art Have you first watched the following videos:
  17. @Thought Art How do you know he is? And what proof do you have that he is?
  18. @BenG I know that this thread's main topic is about men's rights and the dark side of the me-too movement, but I don't know why there's a lot of derailing, trolling and inflammatory remarks in this thread. Can you tell me what's going on in this thread? I'm not trying to make an obscure point; I'm trying to gain clarity about why there's a lot of obscure writing in this thread. What do you mean about my head being funny?
  19. @something_else How do you know what state of being I'm in?
  20. @something_else Which decent humans are you referring to? And how do you know that most aren't motivated to be a 'white knight'?
  21. @mr_engineer Is this a rhetorical question said in excitement?
  22. @Ulax So, do lectures equate to complaining, in your view? Do you mean the educated, academic philosophical lectures, or the colloquial meaning of 'lectures'? If I want to bring some positive changes, what are some of those changes do you suggest to me?