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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @UpperMaster Another saying is 'haste makes waste' from an American president, and 'the slowest always wins the race' referring to the rabbit and tortoise. Depends on the series of actions and whether your survival is on the line. Should I draw quickly many gestures and loose sketches of a dynamic scene? Should I take my time to detail the forms? Should I become faster in my waitress/waiter job because it's rush hour and there's a que forming? So many factors in the context to consider. So, what conext is SPEED and URGENCY an important factor to YOU?
  2. from these videos: So, guys, does it increase your testosterone levels? What are your anecdotal and scientific evidence about what these guys claimed? True, false, or stranger than fiction? Also inspired by a past mod that is an advocate for NoFap, I don't know your name, but you have inspired me to post this post.
  3. @The Mystical Man GG and GL.
  4. @NoSelfSelf Wait, so you want me to do the dating for you? What lessons and self discovery? I just don't see how it's more important than what I'm doing currently. I don't see the value.
  5. @Adrian Gonzales No, there's a big difference between spirituality, and minor to catatonic schizophrenia and struggling to manage basic life. What it sounds like to me, is that you've had a stronger form of schizophrenia, and was struggling the basic aspects of life like job, finance and career, had access to psychedelics and abused them to the point it made it much harder to live a basic, functional lifestyle. I wouldn't be quick to label it awakening or God realization, what psychedelics did you use, how often, and did you combine them with contemplation and meditation? Also, make sure the basics of your life are handled, 80% of your work should be on work, employment, managing taxes and bills, home environment, hobbies and interests, leisure, fitness and health, basic relationships with your family, friends, maybe dating life, and 20% on spiritual theory learning and practicing. Basics always comes first before spirituality, because any problems with basics will later be a huge distraction doing serious spiritual work. If you are diagnosed with a moderate or serious form of Schizophrenia, be especially careful, and ideally continue to seek professional help and continue your medication until you actually have a handle on yourself.
  6. Can't go around the affiliate marketing scheme he does though. How'd you resolve that?
  7. Interesting videos on Destiny:
  8. @Matt23 Yes, this is the more important takeaway of NoFap.
  9. @Leo Gura, can you please help moderate @Carl-Richard and @Tyler Robinson, my thread is getting hot lately...I just want a normal discussion about Destiny. ?
  10. I'm reminded of the art of war by Sun Tsu. In his descriptions of the many types of grounds in warfare, he talked about the entangled ground, in which, for example, when both armies are facing each other, and in the middle there's a river of water a person high or more, and strong, that it's advisable not to attack and advance first, because if you do choose to move through the body of water, the enemy force just has to march and stop you at the edge, preventing the second and remaining lines of your army from clearing the body of water. So, you make the enemy move first, and this becomes a war of which side eventually has to find the right ways around the river, and make the enemy cross the terrain that's disadvantageous. @Carl-Richard and @Tyler Robinson, you both are at war with each other, neither of you really want to cross the river, so one of you were really trying to get the other to cross and make the mistake. But by debating and arguing with each other, both of you just derailed my thread a bit and talking about the pedophilia is I can see too triggering for you both, so instead, let me offer you both an alternative, a ground where both of you can contest with roughly evenly: Should a public speaker, because he's the leader of his community, have the right to silence constructive criticism, when questioned of trying to enable, in a very subtle way, Neo Nazi ideology, and be seen being friendly with another guy that has Neo Nazi leanings?
  11. @Carl-Richard I wouldn't exaggerate that he comes across as the most consistent speaker in the debate sphere, he's easily gets interrupted by others, and sometimes he interrupts himself, with a 'I guess that' all the time. I understand what he's saying already at a deeper level, but I also understand how he still needs to articulate much better, he's sometimes too slow and gets distracted and easily gets emotional.
  12. @Tyler Robinson Another way to think about it, is in this hypothetical. Imagine a world that zombies exist and that there are things out there turning and spreading this zombie virus. Mankind suffered greatly earlier on, but over time persisted, evolved a bit and designed technologies, that pockets of humanity erected fortresses of concentric walls. Over time, many stories and theories of the Zombie apocalypse were created and distributed over time to various groups inside the fortress, yet almost none of them have encountered zombies at all, so they made a Boogeyman out of actual Zombies. Zombie hunters, on the other hand, are very few to few groups of people that go beyond the walls and hunt Zombies down and help with the outermost walls. They've seen it all, have experienced death and loses, have seen a few of their own get infected, sometimes they turn, sometimes they survive the infection but made them a quarter or less zombie while they retained most of their humanity. However, every time they would report what they experienced about Zombies and life beyond the walls, time passed by so quickly that new theories and stories were already circulating inside the fortress, sometimes they differ, contradict and conflict with stories told, and sometimes the majority of the population, due to confusion and stigma, dogmatize the Zombie hunters themselves. I kind of see that Mr. Girl is like these Zombie Hunters that he spent so much time hunting, out in the wilds killing Zombies, and survived so far despite carrying tiny parts of the Zombies in him, that he's a potential walking danger in the eyes of the fortress Denizens, and the elite that still want to manage and control the majority of the Denizens. He's misunderstood, wants to talk about these stigmatized topics, and people like him out there want to too, but are getting demonized and shot down, sometimes literally.
  13. @Tyler Robinson Yeah, I get the sense Max's psyche is like that of a minor case of personality disorder, part trolling, part edgy speaking, part documentarian and philosopher. He's just sometimes all over the place, sometimes cuts himself mid-sentence. With the pedophile attraction, at best I think it's benign for him. His relationship with his GF is also another odd thing, similar to the Joker and Harley Quinn. Vigilantes in question that mass reported him are alt right people, with fascist leanings, so not exactly angels. Actually, they knew of Mr. Girl before, but because he was buddies with Destiny, they didn't bat an eye, until Mr. Girl called out Nick Fuentes for trying to peddle Neo Nazi ideas, while fighting a bit with Destiny. That was when they decided to mass report him. Also doesn't help that he doesn't care for tailoring and making his rhetoric more understandable and clearer, making it much easier for others to distort what he's trying to say at the deeper and bigger picture level.
  14. @Tyler Robinson I thought he was banned mainly from the alt right groupies from Nick Fuente's camp mass reporting one of his rap songs? I watched Destiny before going to those groups and basically pressuring them to admit it was a organized mass reporting of Mr. Girl, mainly from his emotional attacks against Nick Fuentes.
  15. @something_else Agreed, although I can see how silly it is to make masturbation as the main cause of energy lose, it's not so clear with testosterone and nutrients. Also, that bit of science and biology is likely to have western biases, with secular and materialistic notions of what semen is. Compared to, for example, from the eastern hemisphere, Taoism/Daoism's sexual transmutation practices and theory, semen and masturbation is treated more with care and careful consideration, from how to masturbate properly, and how often as well, as the ancients then, because of primitive and simplistic standards of living, and higher demand for labor and physical fitness for every part of livelihood then, were keenly aware of and are sensitive enough to what effects their bodies. Yes, there's also limits to these biases as well. Some male bodies have less active and underperforming sex gonads, other male bodies have an excess of it.
  16. So, after reading through this thread, there seems to be a common pattern of thinking for the following, and due note these are my intuitive readings into most posts here so far: An anecdote vs factual duality. A reductionistic vs holistic duality. A Quantitative, scientific/logic bias vs a qualitative, emotional/intuitive and life experience bias. A joking/humor/making fun of/playfulness vs careful/serious/considering other perspectives/contemplation. Most posts and users here are unbalanced, and lobsided for both making fun of NoFap, and being more evidence and scientific based against NoFap vs for NoFap, and less humanistic, openminded learning and serious consideration of the opposing bias and not too open minded enough, not willing enough or either too threatened of and afraid of tackling the issue directly about NoFap anecdotal claims of benefits. I sense those that are quick to dismiss NoFap and quick to ask for evidence and proof are distancing themselves from genuinely finding out if NoFap is or isn't effective. It's like an immediate curtain is drawn down on the self when it's quick to ask for proof and being dismissive. Maybe because the Coomer mentality is too indoctrinated into a person's psyche that it doesn't want to uproot 10+ years of dogma, and face the possibility that you, as a male, actually have a serious addiction to pornography and masturbation? Is there fear in facing the possibility that there was self-rape involved for many years, and to face that is terrifying and shameful? Again, intuitive reading here. There's just a lack of dialectical exchange here, of those who are anti porn/anti fap vs pro porn/pro fap vs moderate and well-balanced sexual ways of fulfillment. There're of course extremes and centrist like positions here, and every bias in between, so I'd like for us to be more bias correct than bias cancelling.
  17. Here's the latest video from @Leo Gura: First of all, a very nice video, and made me rethink a lot of some of the left leaning ideas. Secondly, it seems the thumbnail is made by an artificial drawing program, so Leo's drawing ability may still be novice level and is content with capping his drawing at that level. I'm disappointed. What are your thoughts about his take on the limits of leftist ideologies?
  18. @Space That's interesting, because I think it's likely he's doing it partly to spite Mr. Girl:
  19. @Egodeathrow I'm already done several rough drafts going at Kanye West, at this point I'm beating Eminem if he doesn't make his mind up, I just need to get the productions and choose the music beats to match the lyrics.
  20. @Tyler Robinson Actually, half true. Either he's too afraid, or still wants the possibility to network with him in the future or is getting old. Eminem is 50 so it kind of makes sense he's mellowing a bit. He still owes a nasty come back at the Game. I'm also surprised as he hates Trump, yet Kanye is alright with him, and that alone didn't trigger a subtle shot against Kanye, but whatever, if that's the maximum limit of his integrity, that's it.
  21. @AtheisticNonduality What happened to the video? It's not available.
  22. @Epikur I can't even take you seriously anymore, I just thought terminate cliched myself about you.
  23. @DualityHurts I'm saying that he did not have you specifically in mind, but the entire audience instead with that chanting.
  24. @Epikur ? Can't take a joke, so reports me and gets mods involved. Oi, you asked me to demonstrate thought terminating cliche, I gave you that demonstration, so, that's a thought terminating cliche.