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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @StarStruck Without the affiliate marketing?
  2. @LordFall I ain't gonna argue and debate some debased Lord that's Fallen for the crypto scam. If you can't understand the evils of cryptocurrency, currently you're in a crypt of your own making, ain't nothing cryptic about the increases of theft and stealing of crypto wallets, leaving investors left behind, grieving of the money they were holding. People like you inspire other youths to aspire and perspire to these liar's delights: Ponzi/pyramid schemes of the digital, the next wage slavery of the internet age.
  3. @Stovo Of course, it all depends on the stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality type and psychological development, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development. Typically, most extremists' groups are attracted to SD red/blue values and groups more so than SD orange/green/yellow/turquoise,
  4. @Thought Art No, it's a reasonable assumption: and
  5. @QandC Super Metroid, that's what alien love is.
  6. @Florian It's likely to be that such a person has multiple personality disorder and needs to seek professional help first, get this person sorted out first, before pursuing leadership roles.
  7. @something_else Good take, most progressives and socialists and tankies don't appreciate how humanity has a deep fear of rapid change.
  8. @Carl-Richard I am willing to bet, that Destiny himself hasn't been to those slaughterhouses, and saw, in his perception and experiences of how those animals are handled and killed. Largely why Daniel Schmachtenberger is who he is, is because one of those factors is his earlier exposer to how they handled animals. Vegan Gains is a very questionable person to be the spokesperson for Veganism though. So, ultimately, both these narcissistic dead-beat online game junkies mental masturbating to pixels in a screen, are just playing games at this point.
  9. I think on the moderation, Destiny might be right, as Mr. Girl's 700 comments were stirring anti fans against his community. In real life, that's like a big company that hires a new guy, and that new not only sets up a union worker's rights team, up front, but behind the scenes tries to orchestrate events to increase desertion, splinters and tries to make the company look bad.
  10. @Thought Art My first impressions: It's VICE, a biased alternative media source, that doesn't care for age restricting, censoring graphic content, and doesn't care to leave a warning or disclaimer when a subject matter contains graphic content of violence, physical attacks, drugs, even sexual imagery. If you don't believe me, check some of their videos. It's also biased towards socialistic and progressive thinking, so while it shares content that shares values with SD orange to green, it definitely has blind spots towards the lower tiers and higher tiers.
  11. @NoSelfSelf Good you fixed your grammar, although I still see 4 red underlines in some of your words, and one blue in the last sentence. Not like I've spent 10 years straight in solitary confinement in my house, I do go outside and try to be a person in shops, stores, cafes, mostly small talk. If there are millions of them benefits, could you list maybe 10 or 5, or even just 3? For example, one benefit of dating, is for the 'fun' of dating a woman, and to get talk to a female in a certain other than a general social setting.
  12. @Panteranegra 'How To Make Friends and Influence People', 'The 48 Laws of Power', and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Robert Green's 'Mastery' is another good one. Also, biographies of presidents and others who were leaders in the past goes without saying important to learn from. How did you get the purple Taoism emoji?
  13. @BeHereNow That's fine, that just means there's more work to do to integrate that view into you. Just be vigilant that it doesn't make you blindly hate JP, or other people with a differing opinion of transgender or transexuality.
  14. I swear, of mice and men, that I'm nice in kinds of pens. The only thing I regret, is the meanings that you don't get. Hopeful you get it, don't regress, don't you forget it!
  15. @BeHereNow Probably someone for you to study and emulate, in terms of being open minded and willing to learn stuff, not only is it Leo Gura or Daniel Schmachtenberger, but also Contra points, who not only is a YouTuber and streamer, but also a transgender person herself. Contra Points isn't a perfect person herself, but for studying and emulating her style, pick what works and what doesn't from her character.
  16. @Carl-Richard You got me. Although I don't recall calling a streamer 'autistic AND schizophrenic'. Was it in the spiritual sub-forum? That user was conflating Leo's advanced spiritual insights like GOD realization and awakening, but then mentioned that he was in a psych ward for 3 months roughly taking medication and how he had hundreds of voices in his mind about angels and demons, so I was triggered to post in that thread and make clear distinctions between the advanced spiritual stuff with the basic life stuff because I felt that he was conflating. Yes, I am a literal guy, and I might have mild schizophrenia. Apart from my paranormal and supernatural experiences with Crysty and my childhood haunting, and a few mystical and meditative experiences recently, and a few psychedelic experiences from holo tropic breathwork, I'm mostly a normal person, that has traversed to several countries, and played many types of video games. These combinations of life experiences have made my view a bit bigger slightly above average.
  17. @Carl-Richard Actually, the precise point of what got them the most hate from the internet, is a negative opinion of a comedian in some interview saying Nickle back songs suck. That's it. That really is what it took to spark the mass negative memes of Nickle Back, their songs sucks. Mind boggling! I think JP's behavior in Twitter was a bit rough but considering his fast raise to fame and worldly political attention, that also increased the number of left leaning young people to hate him much more, it may also have something to do with the lobster interview as well. It can be harder to imagine being on JP'S position, having to deal with increasing hate from the left and from SJW's/hippies in Canada and in America.
  18. @BeHereNow Is this the video? I do agree that's a bit nasty. For context, he came at Elliot Pager, and Twitter, because Elliot Pager and/or other left leaning extremists were mass reporting him on Twitter, which got his account banned: Also, not only does he have traditional/conservative values, but does have some religious leanings to Christianity, and Leo's take on his intellectual honesty and merit is on his psychology rather than on his politics. However, the question still remains: Can you put aside your bias, and assume his, and understand and empathize with where he's coming from? Otherwise, why are you here in this forum, in Actualized.org? To be close minded and dogmatic, or to be more openminded and willing to learn from perspectives not your own?
  19. I'll also keep on coming into this thread, and report on the daily my No Nut November torment, and any other findings as this is purely done for research purposes.
  20. @The Mystical Man If you lose, you change your pic to Amber, and if you win, it'll either be Ellie or Joe. I accept the challenge, and if I lose, I change my pic to Saint George the dragon slayer, and if I win, a PG 13 image of a Halloween witch.
  21. @Yarco Either way, if you lose or win, at the end of the month change your profile pic to the sun knight from Dark Souls.
  23. @BeHereNow It'll depend on many factors, such as stage of development, cognitive and moral development, psychology and personality type, ego development, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development, and worldviews and bias. Right now, you a transgender person, likely a socialist/progressive, that's your bias, judging and labelling JP, who's more a traditionalist and conservative, which is his bias. The man problem is that both you and his biases are different and conflict in several points, at tier 1 cognition. If you want to go higher development, you have to be more open minded and willing to learn from his POV, and be willing to seriously take on his worldview, and bias correct rather than bias conflict. Otherwise, if you're not that willing, then you'll forever get triggered by these culture wars between the right and left and triggered by him while your mind makes all kinds of distortions and generalizations to maintain its selfish bias. Try to imagine how you look, in the eyes of most normies, and some right leaning people, when someone comes up like they don't like their own sex biology and in denial of being born with male/female sex parts. How do you think a normal person is gonna think and feel when hearing a person say they don't like their penis or vagina? now imagine J.K Rowling's experience of getting attacked in a bathroom with one of these males that call themselves transgender, and how that's a legit fear in the minds of these normal people? Not just getting sneak attacks, but the idea of seeing their children and early adolescent boys/girls being encouraged/entertaining the idea of early sex surgery, imagine the horror and fear of those parents? The degree to which you can't or won't imagine the scenarios above, is the degree to which you need more inner work and growth to understand and empathize with those biases different from you. @Carl-Richard Easy, the Nickle Back rock group, still is the most hated and negatively mimed group in the internet.