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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @How to be wise No, I'm not Russian, I'm looking at this from a bigger perspective, and yes, Russia shares some of the blame at a bigger level because they were the first to launch a series of missiles at Ukraine, and Ukraine responded with their own missiles, a most of them destroyed the Russian ones, but a few missed and landed in Poland, killing 2 people and injuring many more. Of course, no one or no country would blame Ukraine outright for that accidental missile, but who's going to compensate for the damages? It's going to be between Poland and Ukraine at first, and if others wish to step in, they may, but really, this specific issue is between Ukraine and Poland to sort out. Is Kyle Rittenhouse guilty of murder, or is it justified self-defense? OR is the police systemic racism and BLM rioters to blame for causing the event that drawn in Kyle and the three others into that conflict?
  2. @Hatfort Can't wait to see a high energy Trump next speech.
  3. @Romanov I think Poland should be right in getting outraged by Ukraine's missile strike, even if it was an 'accident'. Let's see how NATO, Ukraine, the USA and Russia handle this situation, and see how Poland would respond.
  4. It's also like the drama unfolding between Destiny and Mr. Girl. Is Mr. Girl to blame for his narcissistic and strange mind, accusing Destiny of being a sexual predator by grooming female online users, who already have or are likely to have their streams? Is Destiny to blame for also being narcissistic and manipulative due to him being a debater, a determinist and sociopath, and due to him having an open relationship/polyamorous relationship and having this tendency to farm drama and farm views? OR is the entire online dynamic and how online systems set to maximize drama to blame? One thing's for sure: Blaming is way bigger of a problem than we like to think at first, as most systems do have ways to maintain and sometime create more problems than solutions to encourage and support blaming the other than taking accountability.
  5. @thisintegrated They should fine Ukraine for millions of Euros in damages to Poland afterwards. Even if Russia is to blame in the bigger picture, it was Ukrainian missile that fired onto Poland and not Russia's own. Both sides are deep in multiple layers of lying, and both should be held accountable for their actions. This is like Kyle Rittenhouse case all over. Is it self-defense, or did Kyle Rittenhouse have intent to murder and hurt the three left leaning protestors/ rioters/looters? Or is the entire policing system and BLM and how the media sensationalized George Floyd's death to blame far more?
  6. @Tyler Robinson I don't know, but I just know one thing: Mushrooms are frozen white and dead in winter.
  7. @Carl-Richard Nice observation! I also agree with your take, and my take prior and outside is more in context to the streaming: Clearly Destiny has way more in terms of influence than Max, so in this regard I'm slightly in favor for Max in this situation as being the less manipulative and Narcissistic than Destiny, not that Max has very little or no narcissistic or manipulative tendencies, just that the greater of the two evils, or two devils here is Desitny way more so than Max. Just that if Max actually has intuited rightly that Destiny's sexual or general relationships are off or strange, how he gone about communicating that was a bit wrong to me making it way more than it may have been. This whole drama war is a storm getting much worse.
  8. @TheNovice Actually, a decent rap song, even though it's got the mumble rap vibes to it. I personally would prefer one of them spitting more fire, more lyrical punchy bars about magic or infinity or whatever.
  9. @Roy Well, the internet is still largely a wild west. No governing body yet to govern all of the internet, from open source and vanilla to the deep web. Until we have a digital governing body, most can and will find ways to twist and bend guidelines, like Destiny, who shares videos without warnings or disclaimers that topics covered may be offending, sexist, misogynistic, racist, or pure drama farming. Only cyber-crime and crimes that use the internet as a vector are where the real-world governments focus, they're efforts.
  10. @Jannes Yes, look out for the subtle psychological addictions you form when a tool you use is more beneficial to you all of a sudden. Only dangers I could think up now, are if the sample is contaminated, or if the sample has expired, and you not tracking the proper dosage for the micro dosing. Like, if a small dose range is 1-gram, micro dosing is less than that, and you started at .5 gram, then stick to .5 gram. If you feel like slightly lowering the micro dose, okay, but if you feel you need to up the dose by .1, okay, but just be aware if a micro dose is starting to affect your daily activities. Best to stick to .5 or a .4 in this case for months, for a specific purpose you have in mind for the micro dose. Don't Willy Nilly micro dose on a whim, but with purpose. Always pretest those psychedelic substances at micro doses in your home, be familiar with how it affects your actions before trying them out in social settings, for example overcoming your social anxiety.
  11. @UnbornTao Yes, Newton and the apple is a good example, but that insight was predicated on Newton thinking about the nature of gravity and mathematics, and a lot, before the apple hitting his head had the impact it needed to give him the insight.
  12. @thisintegrated Good video makes a bit more sense now what Elon Musk is doing, and ultimate what people want. They just want drama, as drama is addicting and distracting.
  13. @Heart of Space Very cute video. I don't know if there's a deeper meaning behind the video in relation to this thread...but still very cute. ??
  14. It's getting worser and more heated: I just feel sorrier for younger demographics caught up in this drama.
  15. @Haribo What is thinking? What are things? What is through? Contemplation is not the following: construction, reading, writing, speaking, listening, figuring it out, problem solving, convergent thinking, rationalizing, What contemplation is, and things very similar to contemplation: Deconstruction, questioning, answering, open mindedness, fearlessness, self-inquiry, questioning with focus.
  16. @Carl-Richard Agree that Destiny is a powerful person only as an online game streamer and debater, luckily, until he starts to extend his power more to other contexts outside streaming, maybe into politics or other fields. What's scary, whatever type of Narcissist you are, all Narcissists will keep on striving for more success and more attention and more power, and society rewards Narcissists especially sociopaths and psychopaths who can handle external pressures and are high performers with high positions in society like politicians, CEOs of companies, and so on, creating an asymmetric power dynamic between the few with power and the many who don't or have varied levels of power. Combine that with fake empathy and genuine lack of empathy but outwardly appearing understanding to those people, they are dangerous to deal with as sometimes you can't tell if they're lying.
  17. @Max_V @Carl-Richard There might be some projection going on from @Heart of Space partially speaking, but I intuit, from experience and study, that there's something going on in there that is telling of who Destiny actually is as a REAL person, less so of his online persona.
  18. Hope you enjoy the talk: What are your thoughts and feelings of this discussion?
  19. @Heart of Space Especially the Melina and Destiny segment, so rich in body language to compare and contrast to, and her subtle reactions to his words and vice versa, so telling of a lot of stuff not being said. For example, in the last minutes in the Melina and Destiny segment, 3:28:50 to 3:29:00, Lex asked 'there's not childhood stuff trauma?' Destiny's reply, 'uh it's all sorted, done.' Melina raising her eyebrows, in surprise. CLASSIC GIVE AWAY.
  20. @Heart of Space I agree partially, as I'm into reading body languages, micro expressions and tonality, from head to toe the body sub communicates way more than the verbal as non-verbal communication is more primordial than verbal communication. I agree with parts of your description about Destiny being a bit petty and maybe thought himself too highly as a high performing employee, maybe he is high performing in his head space more than the other coworkers and boss. I agree with your assessment of his pettiness and stubbornness and lack of humility and arrogance as I've seen those leaks in his subconscious communication. I might not agree with the exaggeration of his arrogance and childish anger, seems like he has a lot of repressed anger that he masks behind that facade of an online debate bro streamer. The Narcissism I do agree, and nobody should look up, model their behavior from or form a Para social relationship with Destiny as he's too manipulative, but the takeaway that's safe is his way of debating and arguing in a precise and clean rhetoric.
  21. @The Mystical Man Well, I relapsed a few days ago, so, like @Yarco, I keep my promises and changed my pic to the coomer image. I'll still get right back on the No Nut November and finish the remaining challenge. @StarStruck I was also going to bring up Napoleon Hill and sexual transmutation. It's a good basic self-help book, Think and Grow Rich.
  22. @Carl-Richard Great point. If Mr. Girl actually had genuine concern that Destiny was actually a sexual predator, grooming female users IRL to be online users or streamers in Destiny's side, I think a normal person would try to build a case and sue the person in question. So, apart from Mr. Girl being Narcissistic, I don't know why both sides are content with this bickering back and forth of allegations when one side if genuine could go lawsuit.