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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@KH2 But isn't he technically cuckolding himself? Isn't he using his open relationship poly relationship date and sex multiple partners as an excuse to cheat on his current GF/'wife' Melina? Wasn't he married previously married to someone and then got a divorce? Why was he divorced in the first place? Sorry Lex Fridman, you are a man in black and guinea pig to help us observe Desitny's faults and to show how much of a terrible human being he is: Bonus videos to help triangulate an intuitive speculation of this monster's character: -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Also, isn't Destiny a cuckold? If I'm not mistaken, he's currently in an open relationship, so he is a polyamorous guy, who's dating and is 'married' with Melina, who also is a poly and dates other men. So, what right does he have to judge Mr. Girl as a 'rapist', 'Pedophile' and 'Narcissist', when he himself had relationship difficulties with his first wife, and is getting cuckolded, a sexual deviant and autistic hyper logical and emotionally suppressed poly? This is a triple standard and not a double standard here, with triple the hypocrisy on Destiny's end. -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Another video from Destiny, slowly but surely getting serious... -
Basically, Twitch and almost all of streaming, in a nutshell, is designed to start and maintain social media and gaming addiction. It's a hellish system. Screw the streamers that perpetuate this cycle of abuse and drama chasing and drama creating, and feasting on video gamer's addictions.
@mr_engineer You are lost at this point, a blind anti vax with a craving for radical freedom of speech.
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I just hope that Elon Musk doesn't reverse the banned Twitter accounts like Destiny's or Trump's. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill Based, comparing Elon Musk, a visionary engineer that created Tesla and SpaceX, to Mark Zuckerberg, a computer and website developer who specializes in social media websites. -
@Leo Gura You know what, maybe this push back from OP, is to get you to make a video aboht the alt media at some point. Maybe. @mr_engineer What is your intent in this thread? To persuade and convince users of your point of view that alt media is better? Or to manipulate and exploit those who are confused or half half with mainstream media to go even more alt media?
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Scholar One thing I learned from BERSERK, a work of fiction and manga series by Kentaro Miura, is existentialism in the face of nihilism and cosmicism, so, even if in the future we face a Dystopian/Utopian nightmare of machine matrix and God like automatons of the cosmos, we still must strive forward pursuing our life purposes and meaningful lives. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@mr_engineer Gotcha, I'll leave you to figure out the right balance between censorship, cancel culture and de-platforming and regulation versus platforming, un-cancel culture and removal of censored speech, imagery and deregulation of laws -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Danioover9000 @Scholar @Carl-Richard One problem is that for me, Mr. Girl is a bit harder to read due to hoe he communicates, seems like I said in the past Mr. Girl is Narcissistic bit also part edgy, part empath and may have multiple personality disorder of a minor scale, due to how he talks and conducts himself generally in those videos. Whatever his stage of development, cognition, morality, personality typing, life experiences, and other lines of development it seems like he's intuiting a strange and weird dynamic, also because of his psychology background, that Destiny is abusing his open relationships as another way of generating drama and power projecting over potential female online streamers. Compared to Destiny though, he also is a harder read but in a different way. Because of his stage of development, cognitive and morality, personality type, state of being, life experiences and other lines of development and his worldview mostly consisting of him being a determinist, Nihilist, rationalist, atheist, hyper logical, neurotypical, autistic and having some degree of ADD, and his 12 and so years of arguing and debating and manipulating streamers that tried to take him down, he immediately went defensive and doubled down on this narrative that Mr. Girl is a rapist and pedophile scumbag while character assassinating those in his circle too, namely his GF and Lav, that could contact his entire social and family circle, even his own son Nathan!? Truly, Daddy of the year, bringing his 11 year old son as a shielding to straw man the hell out of Mr. Girl's character. SO FUCKING BRAVE! P.S. I like rap music, I listen to rappers, and this entire drama reminded me of the Tom Macdonald vs Mac Lethal. Mac Lethal tweeted at Tom Macdonald dissing his white people song, without naming him. That eventually lead to both making diss tracks at each other, and I remember in the first track, Tom was dissing Mac's parenting while being a rapper. Mac's rebuttal diss track flipped that and made it sound like Tom was directly dissing his daughter, but that's false because he only said 'his daughter' loosely referring to his child but really was attacking his parenting. Tom's second diss track was amazing overall, discrediting Mac's character as a Rapper, but also as a human being (OOF!), but honestly Tom could have been far more savage, in fact there was a savage flip and a few bars that I could have foreseen him doing, like "old ears, I attacked your parental guidance, kept it PG-13, so why you got to drag your 13-year-old daughter? Cannon fodder? Is that how much she is to you Papa? Cold weird mister, you the father of the year." something like that, and many more bars that would have been extra vicious. I stand corrected, Dest9iny is the bitch medusa: the mother of the year????????????????????? -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Scholar First of all, thank you for writing down the word 'questatements', is that how it's written? Yes, he has made his case for why he is the best person, although he then corrected himself by saying that his GF was the one who made the list, so maybe a deflection or obfuscation of responsibility, which is one common pattern for narcissists. Okay, so it's a moral claim rather than a legal claim he's trying to build a persuasive and convincing case, in his article, for why Destiny sexually abuses his power within his community, towards smaller orbiters, and to female users, some may have been dating Destiny prior. So, what is your take with the entire situation? And to Destiny and Mr. Girl? Do you think Destiny may be in the wrong? -
@mr_engineer Because this is your worldview and bias and double standard. You are too strongly identified, ideologically, and indoctrinated by Alt-right media and alternative media. You are basically a talking piece for those mind viruses, in a narrative, political and ideological warfare, a pawn/stone in a game of Chinese Go/Shodan/Baduk, yet you lack the necessary level of stage of development, cognitive and moral development, ego development and personality typing, state of consciousness, life experience and other lines and areas of development to appreciate how your mind is coopted, and is distorting reality, deleting challenging information and labelling them as misinformation from your POV, to obfuscate and suit your survival bias as an EGO, to serve under whatever collective ego you are brought up and raised up on. So, until you check out, study and practice Sadguru's inner engineering program, you are nowhere able to break free from the matrix, from MAYA, Mr. Anderson.!
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Also, should we cancel/censor Mr. Girl and Destiny at this point? The majority of their content is drama driven and designed to take away as much freedom of time and energy of the youth these days to be watching their content as much as possible. Look at how Destiny records his live streams; he starts from live debates, to live streams of debates and online discussions with other streamers that clock to hours long content, then records and stores them in his main YouTube channel Destiny and Destiny vault for the 4–8 hours long streams, and the Last Night with Destiny for content and video streaming literally the night prior or 2 nights prior, and eventually he divides to edits/clips of several or so medium to short videos of 20-10-7 minute clips and sends them to his DDG Channel. This is clearly taking advantage of stealing as much possible space from other types of YouTube content creation, from education to entertainment, because there's a limit to how many thumbnails fit in a homepage. Does this sound familiar? It should, because I levied criticism to react content creators in YouTube and similar social media platforms of making a video reacting to an original content without permission of most of the original content creators. Is all of this exploitative? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill Ye old faithful method: default to next generation. -
@Leo Gura @mr_engineer Sorry, but Leo's kinda right here. If you are a website owner yourself, you have to establish guidelines and rules of behavior and how you engage with writing your posts and threads about other users or other happenings in the world. Drug sourcing here is a rule breaker because it's illegal and can kill your website, and so does graphic pornography, so naturally you censor those images or texts. Nothing personal, we live in a society.
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@mr_engineer Wait, I thought you were entirely for no censorship? Why are you back peddling? Why is censorship about protests in Europe or Canadien truckers a bad thing? What about the Kyle Rittenhouse situation? Why did they censor some of those images? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@mr_engineer So, is it okay in our discourse to give descriptive, graphic details of terrorist actions, and show graphically disgusting evidence of how to mutilate body parts, and how to construct a drone bomb, in a public setting where it's live and broadcasted, for everyone watching regardless of demographic? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Forestluv Is that you @Forestluv? Welcome back from the long hiatus! @mr_engineer Fundamentally you are right, until it's contextualized relative to the potential harm and harms related to misinformation. That's when censorship becomes useful. Bad if you are the one censored with the harmful ideology, view and prescriptive claims that lead to danger and damage to others -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura Oh, alright then. I thought it was a coomer meme but whatever. Don't forget @Yarco and @KH2 then. ? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Gesundheit2 OH, I see, so you're the one who reported my profile picture. Well, screw you and Elon Musk for heavy trolling. -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard Destiny is so manipulative and a hypocrite that he even still reacts to Mr. Girl's content and makes a video about him, in Mr.Girl.tv, Mr. Girl's own website when Mr. Girl is doing a livestream interrogation stream with Mr. Girl's own orbiters. Does that even breach YouTube copywrite laws? Is that a justified copywrite strike? Did he even ask Mr. Girl's permission to upload a video of Mr. Girl's livestream on Mr. Girl's website? If you are now enemies with a person that allegedly falsely accuses you of being a sexual predator, a sexual abuser, why are you still making content about the person in question? Why haven't you sued for defamation and slander? Why haven't you contacted the FBI or other third party to investigate this alleged claim against your public character? Compare and contrast this to the other video: Why hasn't Mr. Girl, also, filed a lawsuit against Destiny for being a 'sexual abuser', for 'grooming' and 'gaslighting' female users? This entire drama is nonsense, both parties are too biased and require a third party to investigate these allegations being accused at each side. Otherwise, this entire internet drama is nonsense and a damage to actual real crimes that are being committed and to those audience members who are in the younger demographic or older demographic. For those reading, if you are being groomed or gaslighted on the internet, getting sexted, getting 'dogpiled' which is another form of cyber bullying, or cyber stalking, maybe go contact the appropriate authorities instead of making video content and cashing in on the drama? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
And this is why social media is mostly toxic, and why one must exercise caution and not wing social media websites. -
Danioover9000 replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Someone here Yes, there are left leaning libertarians. -
@BeHereNow Don't conflate money for LP, she has found her LP and niche in life to pursue as a career. What has any of her naysayers, critics, trolls, and haters of J.K. Rowling found, other than more drama and misinterpretations to chase around? Also, don't pity her, pity yourself first for pitying her.