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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @The Mystical Man Brahmacharya is exceptionally hard. 10 years of no nuttung???
  2. @Hatfort So Mr. Girl was right all along, and Destiny made the wrong move of buddying up tk Nick Fuentes.
  3. @DrugsBunny Of course I'm holier than thou, I have two vibes: one that's cute, the other sublime, which is mine. Abundantly full of myself, how can you ever fool myself? Abundantly clear that you're still stuck in rabbit holes, so I'll stick to my side of the lore. Bugs Bunny, if basic facts and politics are polarizing and complicated, why you gotta circle jerk me and circumvent and distort me into a whack job? Shaddup drugged Bunny, let me explain, plainly, why I can read the signs of Leo above me, like hieroglyphics in an aeroplane.
  4. @thepixelmonk Oh yes, now I want to eat more piggies and veggies. Give my brain more vibrancy, pork ribs and brandy flavoured pork bellies. Maybe pork jerky with some Jack Daniels, in a podcast with Jack Sparrow and Daniel Schmachtenberger, showing off how I BBQ my ten burgers, at mack ten, in zen mode, smacking timbers into hell's kitchen, with timbre and rhythm while Twittering how Twitter is screwing it's new twat witb fueds by deep fake accounts. What? Can't hats off of my own dome Nietzsche's Hog Day? All I want is a corn in the cob, bot some cob of webs while on cobblestones contemplating my milestones. Them glory days, of hogging my own limelight...with a bucket of limed fries.????????????????
  5. Andrew Tate's Tateism isn't really worth comaparing to Buddhism, just like east and west coast philosophy. 1. It isn't so simple to answer and draw forth a titanic conclusion from this fighting style: clown hustle, from this loser turned turtle from flipping birdies, forgetting that he still suffers from dandelion issues. 2. When you meet the Buddha, kill him. However, Tate ain't the man to kill IT, when he's full of ills, suffering, addiction, gaining all that money, wealth and material success, to hide how he's dick has issues. Buddha'll Valhalla him with his Budweiser, and ping pong his soul six fold over every realm with sutras.
  6. Another video about Mr. Girl, and a very interesting debate between Destiny and the other streamer. I feel like the other streamer won this debate on moral grounds and made more sense than Destiny. Worth watching and commenting on what you thought: To give credit, Wicked Supreme and Abrelevant did a good job challenging Destiny, especially Wicked Supreme. Really made it more obvious of Destiny's smear campaign agaunst Mr. Girl.
  7. 'Gun violence is like a natural disaster', Lex Fridman, MTI guy that studies computer sciences and is a genius. ?????
  8. Very interesting video, what are your thoughts?
  9. The funniest political rap music I've listened to so far:
  10. @Danioover9000 Between 1:45 to 1:50, I didn't know Tim Pool worked for VICE, so that's cool to know. The point he brought up with woke leftists being hypocrites is interesting, especially with VICE winning and award for their Charlette ville coverage, but when other journalists and news want to cover such extremist issues, those who are online leftist trolls tell them not to cover those issues.
  11. @bejapuskas Just a few critics. One is you very often write inside other people's posts, which results in the above, where I can't accurately respond line by line. Two, this is more subjective, but every time you do that it feels invasive and makes the person feels imposter syndrome.
  12. @Carl-Richard I know he wrote a measured response, I wasn't accusing him of being a jerk, I was saying in general, as a rule, for others to read, don't be a jerk when writing your posts. Sorry if there was misunderstanding.
  13. This video is very, very telling. Underneath all that joking are half truths about his life. This entire video is a tell, and in this poker game, Mr. Girl called his bluff correctly. Damn...
  14. Sorry, I feel like SD modal, in this thread, is being used incorrectly. My general advice is, if you feel like you are growing faster and integrating values higher than your social circle, and feel that they are holding you bafk from actualizing your full potential, consider leaving that cirfle over time.
  15. @RedLine This is an oversimplistic comparison between the two. Buddhism is way different than what Andrew Tate. 'Tateism'? So now Andrew Tate's hustle journey is selling philosophy? Really absurd.
  16. @A_v_E Some did a documentary of a Mangaka's lifestyle, so that may be pretty illuminating to learn. There's really such a thing as burnout and mental fatigue. Of course, other factors involved that I don't know as well could be at play. Regardless, I'll still be drawing out of love. God bless too, have a good day/night!
  17. @A_v_E It's a real waste. Both artists apparently died of heart attacks. Goes to show that there really is hard work in drawing and drawing does take effort. They will be missed by those who know them, at least they now are GOD level and will be drawing up universes.
  18. @Consept I think it may have to do with how both talk show hosts control the framing of their conversations, and how they communicate. The main reason why Lex Fridman can retain Kanye West in that room was because of his slurred and slow-paced speech, and easy tonality, also steelman's Kanye's view a little bit although that may have been too submissive from him. Compare and contrast that style of communication to Tim Pool's: high energy, fast pace, and more leans to a debater/argumentative guy. Tim only clarified about not referring to that group in that way to Kanye, and also only asked clarifying questions, to which Kanye wasn't having any of that. At least, even though Tim Pool's SD values are solid blue/orange and Lex's a bit more, Tim's cognitive development allowed him to identify and know what he's talking about and allowed him to articulate much better than Lex's, even though Lex's moral development is more, maybe personality wise Tim's more extroverted, ordered, maybe close minded than open minded, and Lex was a bit different in personality maybe introverted and more logical, although how both men express themselves in their body language, tonality and speech patterns is still unclear to me. Both men's states of being are slightly different, Tim Pool's being is such that he's more of a debater and sticks more to his view, while Lex's slowness in speaking allows him to be more introspective. Life experience of both I don't know as that may require me to do deep research into both men's lives, but I can safely assume that Lex was a journalist before the podcast and Tim I don't know enough. To me, in terms of moral integrity, in a moment of time, Tim outshines Lex Fridman's, Kanye's, Destiny's and even Mr. Gir's. In this instance he definitely has my respect. Still suffers from clout and attention seeking, but at least backs that up with intelligent questioning and real moral conservativism.
  19. @A_v_E Yes, I agree, Kanye is crazy. Also, rest in peace Kentaro Miura and Kim Jung Gi, both talented artists and mangakas in their own right.
  20. @Leo Gura Yes, clout chasing, and attention seeking is now one of the many common problems content creators face. Honestly, if this was any run of the mill average narcissistic joe, the antisemitism and flagrant racism and bigotry would be canceled and shut down, but no, this is Kayne West, the guy with the beautiful feminine voice, who's a billionaire. LAME!
  21. @Consept That's exactly what happened, Tim Pool gave slightly more push back than Lex Fridman. Despite Tim's right-wing leanings, he has in that moment much more respect from me than from Lex Fridman.
  22. The clip is taken from this podcast, if those of you are interested in learning about the full context of this particular situation: LMFAO, Kanye's face looking really good to be my punching speed bag. ?