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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @something_else It could be related to MP3's or MP4's.
  2. @Tyler Robinson Yes, was okay accessing main website, seemed it was just the forum.
  3. @Leo Gura Woah, I hope everything's okay now. Is the data being backed up in the cloud now?
  4. @ivankiss The usual, watch some mainstream news and alt news media in YouTube, maybe listen to the radio, and/or read newspaper. Make sure you're not only watching/listening/reading from one or few sources, but from a diverse source across the political spectrum. You can ask @Yarco, @Carl-Richard, @Forestluv or even @Leo Gura for some pointers too, and other users who got apolitical.
  5. @LSD-Rumi I'm saying that as a good thing! Just think about how much fame and success can destroy you at the end, especially with higher volume of haters, trolls and critics, it's that crippling to be that famous. Fame is itself a trap box, so it's good that Leo's fame is this much and not as much as Kanye West's.
  6. @Kksd74628 Oh, good it's not just me then. I'm just wondering if @Leo Gura is having issues with the forum right now.
  7. @Leo Gura Correct. All schools should be teaching how to question properly.
  8. @Thought Art Sure, although I'd say it's mostly his arrogance with some of his actual dealings, and the PR image of being an alpha male or something.
  9. Interesting reactions to Kanye West's latest on Alex Jones show: P.S. This is outside the current context that the Reactor is framing Kanye West in based on what he did in the show, like a meta context, but the symbol Kanye West posted of the star of David containing the Swastika, remember that the Swastika was a stolen and re-interpretation by the Nazi party of the Buddhism symbol of world peace and compassion. So, keeping in mind what the original historical meanings of that windmill and the star, it's actually fitting that the two symbols are compatible to each other, despite the relative current framing of the situation. Of course, within the framing of this situation the Reactor is describing Kayne West as and his intentions so far, relatively speaking it's clearly a corrupted perversion of the two symbols, but just to point out how ironic that at the surface level, Kanye West combining the two symbols like this is horrid and disgusting to the Reactor and the majority of the population in the western hemisphere, but at a deeper spiritual level, it makes sense as to their original historical meanings, just saying.
  10. @LSD-Rumi Yes, hundreds of reactionary YouTubers taking swings at Leo, thank goodness he's not that popular.
  11. @LSD-Rumi He's just being uncharitable and bad faith towards @Leo Gura, given his SD development, cognitive and moral development, personality and psychology, ego development, state of being, life experiences and other lines of development, including the cultural values and ideology imprinted into him in his upbringing and worldview and belief system. His career is being a YouTube Reactionary, that's what he does.
  12. @Consept Nah, that's 100% SKIT BRO. By the Time I'm done with him he'd need a med KIT BRO, he'd be the bin for narcotic's Narcissism gnarly Racism that's not even every antisemitism, cuz he's the antithesis of real man: Sissy white feminized mail man, with an ailment of bipolar disorderly shipment.
  13. @something_else @A_v_E Don't engage with the adopted psycho guy, he has little to contribute to this little thread about Kanye West, he's just like him in terms of clout chasing, only here to bash on @Leo Gura whenever Leo posts something and add nothing to the current discourse. Don't give him any more attention please.
  14. Latest of Timcast, and their guest this time is Alex Stein, the guy that made Destiny look extremely beta in one clip:
  15. @Leo Gura I think Kanye West has become the bigger litmus test for most podcast people, for their integrity. I'd honestly, before Kanye West went full crazy, I'd probably accept a request to interview Kanye West, but after his bragging of racism, antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and flagrant Narcissism, I would be refusing for the majority of the time. Also, while we have this situation here, it brings up the question of censorship: how much freedom of speech is too much that we have to censor? Is it when Kanye West finally brags about pedophilia? Bestiality? Necrophilia? Cannibalism? Where do we draw the line with choosing to platform certain individuals and their worldviews, versus ignoring certain worldviews?
  16. @eggopm3 Proof Kanye West is crazy, and needs to be sent to Arkham Asylum, and to be deplatformed across the nation.
  17. At this point, if I'm being good faith and charitable, I have to assume the OP is trolling. There's no shot Andrew Tate's teaching anything that'll out value what Buddhism has to offer; I think what you meant was Leo Gura, the other bald guy, that guy might out value Buddhism, but ain't no way Andrew Tate gonna out value spirituality and Buddhism. Even in business and commerce he's a shady guy, and it's a 50/50 in even his own niche, even in his own niche he's a certain kind of lame man child.
  18. @Vlad_ Gotcha.
  19. @Consept Here are a few other perspectives on this issue, just that we don't get stuck in Destiny's manipulator worldview:
  20. @Ulax Sounds like he'll get along with Mr. Girl nicely.
  21. @Ulax The guy with the big sunglasses? Don't know him, but looking really relevant, maybe to overcompensate LOL. ???
  22. Interesting video of this on just the Kanye West segment: