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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Brutal examples of masculine love:
  2. @Someone here England, Netherlands or France. I'm for England winning against Neverlands in the finals.
  3. @DrugsBunny @Hardkill Can you two pack it in with the bullying of moderate centrists? At this point you guys will never ascend to Spiral Dynamics stage yellow with all this demonizing, name calling and inflammatory use of language, for somebody you hardly know. Come on, be respectful, senator Senima is not a traitor as she is a moderate, in Arizona as a purple political state. Communism, Nazism, Adolf Hitler and Stalin are way more accurate for being traitors.
  4. @DrugsBunny Depending on one's stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality, psychology, ego development, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development in other areas of life, along with beliefs systems and ideologies imprinted and programed into a person's mind from culture that largely shapes how every bit of information is interpreted. Because of the many asymmetries with their worldviews and how their minds are structured, is where I see the many differences. First off, she seems to have a values system that is stage blue, with some from stage green spirituality and perhaps some regression of stage green back into stage blue religion such as her referring to Christianity, holy spirit, Christ and so on to justify and simplify this large sets of asymmetries between her and Leo. She seems to be more conservative minded and moral absolutist than liberally minded but lacks the higher levels of cognitive and moral development to more understand where Leo is coming from. The key area of life/line of development she seems to lack significantly are in spirituality and psychedelics, although she stated she has done DMT, but only that and having not mentioned any other psychedelics, natural/synthetic, nor mentioned how often and how she does her psychedelics, and also similarly with her spirituality. Contrasting this, is with Leo's various videos on psychedelics and spirituality. Another thing I've noticed is from her body language, facial and hand gestures, that she is mostly genuine in her belief of Leo and his teachings being that of Lucifer and about demons, with some deceptive/defensive gesturing from face, hand and eyes when it got to the sovereign part and the sexual part. This could be her conservative/religious framework getting challenged and, because her mind perceived a threat, subconsciously it protects itself through subtle gestures. Note that I'm not suggesting she's mostly deceptive, but she mostly believes in what she says. I'm more specifically worried of a smaller relative domain, that of copyright and infringement of Leo's video, as she plays various parts of his video longer than 5 seconds without any transparency or water marks to protect from copyright infringement. Has she asked for permission to use some of his clips? Was she aware of breaching copyright? If she hasn't provided enough of a convincing or persuasive case of Leo being a devil worshipper and his teachings encouraging those to mingle with demons, then how can she argue and defend herself from copyright claims? On the issue with argumentation and debate of this topic, it still stands, that it's mostly fruitless and a bunch of mud fighting, designed with the purpose of keeping those locked in a gridlock of debating each other rather than doing the work and exploration needed to understand deeper and broader truths. And, it largely depends on what you consider as compelling/convincing evidence, and how persuasive your rhetoric is, which mostly centralizes around your survival and the survival of your ideas and the ideas imprinted into you, rather than for truth's sake.
  5. Arguable one of the most terrifying games of all time, from the story to the game mechanics it's almost always going to keep the players on edge. Here are a list of games: Fatal Frame 1 Fatal Frame 2, also in my opinion peak Fatal Frame: Fatal Frame 3, to me it's roughly in the middle of 1 and 2 in terms of quality: Fatal Frame 4, very low quality and bad, almost as bad as Nintendo's Metroid other M, also the point of decline for the Fatal Frame series in game mechanics because it converted from PS2 to Nintendo Wii, and given the soul drained wolves of Wall street treatment by big companies: Fatal Frame 5, slightly better than 4 in terms of graphics and a little bit of game mechanics, but that's nothing. Still no soul and at this point safe to assume the entire franchise is dead. But hey, Nintendo says it's much better at least they included sexily clad female attires, mind numbing super easy gameplay, nonsensical lore and story threads, ruining character development of Mio, and high frame rate graphics, because that's what really is at the heart of what makes Fatal Frame so good and I don't care about the original vision of the game I want more money and attention while marketing this game as family friendly. I wish a company or the customers sues me to death so that I wise up to my idiotic attempts at cash grabs, min-maxing, for profit and western marketing because I can't understand legal copyright issues between western countries and difficulties playing with the Wii and this game, so I hope I receive karmic retribution for not just Fatal Frame but all the other small franchises I bought and milked to death for mere cash grabs because I'm also empty inside: What do you guys think the lesson is here?
  6. @JuliusCaesar Yes, I tend to see this problem myself. I sometimes think that the ideal situation, is to vacate to that foreign country and see for yourself, but I do recognize that it's not always available to do, so here we are discussing.l
  7. @LordFall Is it all generally superstition? All BS? Or is there some wisdom in enforcing no premarital sex? Could there be some function that traditional values serve for the greater collective? It could be, but maybe it has to do with preventing rape culture from spreading? Maybe they're trying to reward socially acceptable behavior? I agree it sucks for the LGBTQ communities, but unfortunately the largest chunks of human history has been native tribes, Dynasties, imperial empires, civilizations expanding, and fighting and fending off threats to it's survival, which always in this scales of conflict emerge some cultures more superior than other cultures, which then dictates and enforces it's own survival standards onto it's own population, so, through this iterative process and trial and error it found that heterosexuality, for the majority of the time, proved more successful for it's survival than any other type of sexual orientation as those don't reproduce it's own populations. Adding to that limited resources of food and land and labor, it fuels the need to explore and conquer lands and assimilate other peoples into it's own culture. Community policing might be a better form of policing in the distant future, but I think it's a bit too advanced compared to state established policing, for now. May change overtime depending on the SD level of the population.
  8. @Sucuk Ekmek No, that's an assumption you are making that the average person mostly lives in cities. Parts of the world population also live in villages, towns, rural places. We are definitely not living anywhere near the USA, maybe you are, but not me, nor some of the people I know live ANYWHERE in the USA. You're assuming all of mankind lives in cities and the USA, which is false. Yes, you say you are being realistic, but where is that realism coming from? USA bias? The western hemisphere bias? English bias? See, based on your stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality type, ego development, states of consciousness and emotions, life experiences and other lines of development in your other areas of life, your worldview belief system and cultural upbringing, your mind is largely shaped by those factors and many more. What it seems to me is your mind has a liberal leaning bias and doesn't like an idea of enforcing no pre marital sex in Indonesia. What if, if you are genuinely interested in discovering why, that you find out something. For example, in India there's a large problem with rape culture, so, in the eyes of those conservative minded, enforcing a rule or law to encourage marriage before sex forces some of their male population to develop social intelligence, to behave and conform to their social standards in order to discourage rape and other sexual deviances that would put a tribe or a small village at greater risk of not surviving. Your 'approval' of whether Indonesia should or shouldn't enforce no premarital sex, is largely your bias and your cultural bias speaking. The question is do you understand that, and why not? I may have worded myself inaccurately. Yes, I don't know the entire situation as a whole, but I lived in Indonesia for a short time, and through my life experiences understood their way of thinking and dong things, so to me it's less speculation and more understanding from me, but it seems to me what you and the OP are coming from, is way more speculation than I am.
  9. Best to do your research and study, and even go vacationing to Indonesia. You better understand why the majority are conservatively minded, yet also be exposed to a lot of paradoxical ways of thinking about their world and the world in general. A news article ain't enough to give you the rest of the picture.
  10. @King Merk Better than paying child support for unintended pregnancy out of wedlock. Oh, and the stigma of being the child born out of wedlock is strong. Keep in mind how Indonesia's government is similar yet different to western styles of government.
  11. @Sucuk Ekmek Of course countries still exist, and so do stage blue groups, as they makeup 75% of the world. This is nothing new, nor worth being sarcastic for. I'm just guessing here, but there may be legitimate reasons why they want to enforce no premarital sex, maybe their population is large and they don't want children born out of wedlock. Maybe it's the larger percentage of religions there such as Islam, Christianity and Buddhism they are basung their decision in. There's not much we don't know about the current situation.
  12. @Peter-Andre Actually Indonesia is one of few countries, regarding it's geographically location, hosts a diverse range of tribes and cultures that contain ALL the Spiral Dynamics stages, from the native tribes that live in 3,000 plus islands, to Singapore, and every region in between, like Jakarta, Bandung, Sunatra, and many other places. Similarly to India, but very tropical and way more exotic plants and animals. Indonesia being mostly conservative minded despite the SD stages is not surprising given tbe history it has, and increases in population. Also, Indonesia has a mixture of religions like Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and depending on where you go, you'll find more or less.
  13. @integral Yes, rap culture did for a time, in the 70's and 80's. Although today mostly in the surface rappers tone it down and some rappers talk nice about gay people, there's a deeper layer of covert homophobia not just in rap culture but even in hip hop culture. For example, forgot the name of tbe black rapper that twerked on the devil in one of his songs, but he's open about his homosexuality, and most rappers were quick to shot him down with hate and demonising language.
  14. @Rob06 I agree, even though it's simplistic. Conservativism will never really go away as long as we have a finite world with limited resources to fight over. There will always be conservativism in whatever form it takes in every country and every culture.
  15. @Tyler Robinson I don't like the majority report, they tried making Destiny look bad.
  16. @Roy Sadly, it's not available for me to view. ?
  17. @integral Are there some benefits and justifications for them implementing this rule?
  18. @kieranperez Good for them! Even though this is a classic blue action, I don't think this is too regressive. There could be some explanations to this rule being implemented, maybe to curb down rates of population growth?
  19. @something_else What a shocking insight, never knew that lines + circles of development equal curly swirlies of evolution. Chaos theory and butterfly effect proven!
  20. @How to be wise Stage turquoise has spiritually themed values of that culture/individual. There are similarities and differences between Advaita Vedanta and SD Turquoise, but turquoise isn't non-duality. It's like conflating B&Q hardware storehouses with DIY and garages. Yes, in B&Q you have access to DIY tools and some more heavier duty equipment, but they don't do mega structures that tunnel the earth, through mountains or into the ocean.
  21. @julienw I can give you 5 years' worth of drama, bad faith, uncharitable takes of how Adeptus, aka octopus, the Takoyaki provider that's cutting off his own limbs and serving them up to you, and you munching on them hook line and sinker, that is worth 100 pages, or you can take my word for it: Adeptus is a YouTube Reactionary and drama creator and clout chaser, that's his fundamental identity as an ego of his career path and work of life, to make drama and reactionary content around psychedelics and make fun of other spiritual YouTubers or other people. That's HIS ENTIRE LIFE CALLING! So, what will it be: the 100-page essay, or take my word on it? Of course, Leo isn't above criticism as I also have some disagreements with him due to my stage of development, cognitive and moral development, ego development and personality type, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, our indoctrination of ideas and belief systems and even how our brains are wired and our minds are abstractly structured, that make me, me and make Leo, Leo, as some people sending death threats, character assassinate his character, debunkers, skeptics, rationalists, atheists, secularists, and the list can go on and on for Leo adversaries like to think. That's fine, but the reason why I'm emphasizing on repeatedly checking the description box and forum guideline page, is that just those says it all even to those who are suffering from some mental disorders or other extreme psychological phenomena.
  22. @Leo Gura Bret does have some yellow values in him, it's just with the Covid virus and anything related to Covid specifically is the pressure point that tilts him over the edge, plus his anti-mainstream bias that he has. Other than that, he's okay to listen to, provided It's ironic, considering that Destiny lately himself doesn't consider the centrist/moderate position to be more effective than a more polarized position, as an already polarized position lets that person take more risks than a centrist William Shakespear really has some underrated quotes; they can be quite profound.
  23. Felt like this was important to share here. Never thought Fatal Frame was based on true events from the director's life: Now then, time to get my tripod and telescopic scope, and duel wield cameras, Devil May Cry/Resident Evil 4 style.
  24. @julienw Have you read the description box of every video of ActualizActualized.org? Have you read this Website's forum guidelines? This website is not for the some who have strong mental disorders or are under strong negative emotions, this is a self-help, diversely sourced website that ranges from spirituality, philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, non-duality, science, history, personal development, ect. If you haven't, go and read the forum guidelines and make sure to read the description box before any of Actualized.org videos. Get clear to yourself what Actualized.org actually can and cannot do, so that you can better understand and determine if you actually need therapy or any other professional help that's outside the scope of this website. And stop eating the octopussy's Takoyaki, they're not good for you, nor thinking that Octopussy's Takoyaki is a valid and sound criticism even if there's a nugget of truth, that nugget is lost in a sea of clout chasing, reactionary, drama BULLSHIT, along with making false accusations, slander and defamation.
  25. @Epikur What is your take on this @Leo Gura, @Forestluv and @Carl-Richard? Seems to me there's a lot of factors going on here, one of them to me is that this Robert Wright guy is doing the pre-rational to post rational fallacy.