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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @DrugsBunny Great, I just needed confirmation that it wasn't you, just found it interesting both your writing styles match up. Fantastic,, thanks for the confirmation, have a nice day!
  2. @Tyler Robinson Got yo drift. What's really annoying though, is why did Destiny involve himself into this video? He's willing to call this TechLead person a grifter, well, I get to call Destiny a Neo Nazi sympathizer. What? He did buddy up to Nick Fuentes despite clearly knowing his political and belief system of exterminating the Jews when he has enough power.
  3. @StarStruck In this video I tend to think and feel it's more likely he's trolling rather than being serious.
  4. @Leo Gura Oh, I didn't know it's allowed to use somebody's face in a clickbait title of a thumbnail in a video without their consent. Can I use your face then, for an upcoming video? I swear it's not a drama vid or anything. P.S. I heard in the USA, either Ohio or some other state you can sue someone for taking a picture of you without consent, is this true?
  5. I've been getting http error 500 for the past few days. Was there a problem with the forum? I was okay with accessing your website but not the forum...
  6. Destiny has made a video recently about this, although I don't know why he should involve himself in this: What are you thoughts and feelings about this situation? I find his framing of this situation manipulative.
  7. IS this you @DrugsBunny, @Scholar? It kind of sounds familiar with your writing style.
  8. I think this link to the consilience project is valuable at this point, before we go deeper into this discussion between users supportive of A.I and are okay outsourcing their visual art pieces, and users against A.I image generators and are not okay outsourcing their visual art pieces. I especially get that feeling and understand it, and it can effect the quality of conversation happening here as all sides facing this issue are spiraling downwards the quality of discourse, which is why this is important. Check out the website and go to the article on good faith versus bad faith discussions: https://consilienceproject.org/
  9. @DrugsBunny Fair enough and fair play, let's part ways, artfully agree to disagree today to avoid debate and arguing till judgment day. Have a nice day bunny babe.
  10. @Majed Plausible and possible, but not [probable and absolute, until we find another planet to go and colonize and terraform to our needs and standards.
  11. @Oeaohoo Ring of Power, The Wheels of Time, Star Wars, majority of western movies, comics, music videos being too woke cultured, to name a few, although it's largely stage orange big companies tailoring their marketing towards LGBTQ communities, SJW's and the loudest leftist activists screaming virtue signaling and victim shaming. Even Netflix is starting to get corrupted and a few writers made the actor in The Witcher quit due to them not caring enough of the source material, and others. Am I close enough?
  12. @spiritual memes Wait a minute, wasn't he also a user here a while back? is he @Aaron p? I remember the profile pic was him with a beach background.
  13. @eggopm3 Put that way, I can see why a discord of that type is problematic.
  14. @Nilsi I tend to type slower so that 2 minute minimum isn't an issue to me. @Tyler Robinson @Leo Gura What type of discord are we not allowed to participate in the future? Like the discords found in the streaming community, aka Destiny, Vaush, and so forth? Is it all types of discord? Asking for clarity, and I don't even participate in chat groups as my fingers are too slow and am not part of the chatter/streaming community.
  15. @Scholar Good for him, let this be an example of integrity.
  16. @Godhead That's fine, as I am wrong in the little details, but him losing his older brother and joining the DAP and other areas of his life back then played a significant part when taken as a whole. That and I was just using Stalin and Hitler as extreme examples of traitorous behavior which contrasts strongly to Senator Sinema's apparent betraying of the Democratic party.
  17. @DrugsBunny To be clear, and to clarify for the hundredth time, I'm not here to argue or debate a cultist rationalist/scientist filled with intellectual hubris, so I'll say this one more time and address each point you bring up in as good faith as I can humanly muster, without cursing. Yes, about 50% of my threads and mostly posts in other user threads in the political/career sub forum starts with 'depending on your stage of development, cognitive and moral development, ego development, personality typing, life experiences and other lines of development, and worldviews and beliefs systems and ideologies indoctrinated into your mind.', and other variations of that phrasing mainly because the issue being discussed and who is in discussion is relative, that there's much needed nuance and big picture thinking and holistic understanding needed before being reductionist with your view of any issue. This way of me starting is to frame myself as a complex moral person, and to signal to others here that I think more in abstract and complex patterns. 40% of my posts consists of me posting spiritual/paranormal topics in the spiritual sub forum. 10% involved rapping and freestyle rhyming, on the other hand, were me joking about, and I have a short list of users I rap about who are dogmatic, close minded and tend to have demonizing and patronizing language, and it also happens to include you as I found your judgmental posts close minded and insulting. Majority of my posts had little intention of demonizing or name calling. Yes, I am cognitively, morally, psychologically and intellectually superior compared to you because I don't engage with debates and arguing as strongly as you do to humiliate other users. That's your problem to resolve, not mine, only I can mention your blind spot and it's up to you to fix that psychological codependency of arguing and debating. Now that could be seen as me not fully engaging with a subject matter and maybe being a jerk, and that's fine, because as soon as you see me engage with a subject matter less, that's a sign that there's not much to continue discussing when a person's mind is closing down. For example when you stereotyped Senator Sinema as a traitor, it seems like a progressive caricature, so I was pointing out how you might have characterized her inaccurately as she may have instead discovered a political alignment more accurate to her, that of being a moderate Republican rather than a Democrat. Maybe that seems traitorous to you, or to those with different biases, opposing biases or even to those in-groups or out-groups, but personally to her that may not be betrayal, in fact remaining inside a political party that's less aligned with your interests is more traitorous than leaving and joining one with closer alignment. I've found it useful to peg and put other individuals and other groups into these modals for my own observations and personal heuristics. However, sometimes I can be inaccurate and that's fine as I continue refining my heuristics of stereotyping people and cultures first, then refine later on into more accurate mental representations. I will own up to my potential mistakes here, as I stated many times in the past I suck at arguing and debating, maybe I'm not as equipped at debating, but I'm not here to debate, I'm here to talk with an open mind and humbleness, while also having some fun. I actually don't have much IRL or internet friends as you think I have, so me stating your intellectual hubris is an observational statement based on your writing style at me and how you tackle topics here, it's just too dogmatic and argumentative for an open minded, good faith and charitable discussion, which I could be wrong for assuming. If you don't mind, with whatever remaining level of attention you have, could you clarify to me where I'm wrong, or being uncharitable or bad faith to you? Also, to @Leo Gura and @Carl-Richard, where in my discussion with @DrugsBunny and other users here am I being uncharitable or bad faith, or am I more good faith and charitable?
  18. @StormLight I like to think of myself as a concerned citizen of the world, and saying that how she treats children in her shoots are very suspect, especially when children can be groomed to agree to go along with it.
  19. @Oeaohoo I agree somewhat, the both of them are failed artists in the technology, economy, social infrastructure and political epoch of their time, mostly a product of the environmental and socio-economic pressures and changes. This is especially true for Hitler, given his earlier grief and dealing with the lose of his older brother, dealing with an overbearing father figure, dealing with the lose of his mother who he could seek emotional shelter and safe haven,, struggling to gain clarity for his passion for design and painting, and surviving WW1 and living the mass consequences of Germany's fallout and very high inflation rates. For a patriot/nationalist, nothing hurts more than seeing your home country humiliated like that. Plus a lost sense of direction opened him up for influence from the Nazi party that recruited him as their front man and speaker. Well, you are not the only failed artist.
  20. @Godhead I agree, I was using Stalin and Hitler for that specific user, yes there are degrees to being a traitor, along with it being relative to other factors. Universally most people wouldn't consider a child stealing a cookie from the cookie jar as a brutal traitorous snake, so I opted to use a more extreme example instead to compare and contrast claims of senator Sinema being a traitor or not.
  21. @Tyler Robinson Hopefully, if Leo is still interested in doing podcasts, he should do them partly with people like Lex Fridman, just to see how they would think, feel and react to Leo's takes and insights he has gained in his life. At least Lex Fridman is open minded enough to handle Leo, but his materialism and scientific/rationale bias versus Leo's bias is important to be seen in a conversation. Would it end up like Charisma on command podcast, and the majority of the viewers confused or demonizing Leo in some way? Likely, but it must be said anyway, after all Lex Fridman interviewed Daniel Schmachtenberger and some other spiritual gurus and intellectuals, so eventually it has to happen.
  22. Seems like an interesting video. What are your thoughts and feelings after watching: I feel like @Leo Gura is ready to be interviewed by Lex Fridman. Question is, is Lex Fridman ready for GOD?
  23. @DrugsBunny Notice here, your use of language to straw man those other users: Name calling, demonization, inflammatory use of language, accusation of a user being a conspiracy theorist knowing the consequences for that user, using hateful words, trolling via refutation and rebuttals, trying to debate and argue and generate heated conversations. You are so hubris that you even try to walk that fine line of what bends or breaks forum guidelines.
  24. @DrugsBunny Thank you, you just emphasized the weaknesses of those who are at Stage orange and are strongly identified as rationalists, atheists and scientists, who are hard core, hyper logical and full of hubris and full of being judgmental. The fact you claim that Senator Sinema is a complete traitor means you are at least a Democrat, if not a democrat liberal or progressive, and the idea of a member of your ideological camp leaving for some other camp disturbs you, that you needed to make a post about the situation as a coping mechanism, or to shit talk about a political figure for clicks and trolling is telling about how you are triggered by this situation. When I brought up Hitler and Stalin, I'm making a comparison of how different the level of treason is. Stalin made himself appear ideologically aligned with communism, until he saw an opportunity to overtake the party and lead it ruthlessly, thus betraying the principles and values of communism, which is an ideology that arose for the need to make everyone, the monarchs to the peasants, equal, but the principles of selflessness and love and equality were too advanced at that time that was rife with selfishness and survival and revolution, so Stalin defaulted to being a dictator out of necessity, which at the same time betrayed principles of communism. With Hitler, I meant that in the earlier parts of him raising to power, and even before that he felt betrayed by the then German establishment and blamed it on them, and the aftermath of WW1 brought huge inflation rates to Germany that basic survival was much harsher. Notice you are straw manning me and every point I'm making as if I'm the deluded one...but not you?
  25. @StormLight She into pedophilia and putting children modals into compromising photo shots. She should at least get fined, if not jail time for that BS. This challenges our western hemisphere bias of thinking only white men got to be Pedophiles only. Well, other men and women are capable and culpable too.