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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Leo Gura So, does this mean that your take falls more in line with what Destiny's position in regards to the algorithm shadow banning certain content creators based on words used and views expressed? Because I get the feeling that Destiny while debating this guy from counterpoints complaining of getting conservative views shadow banned by social media, for instance in this case twitter, doesn't want to appear to agree with the guy by writing off his position, but how he justifies his own position about shadow banning is that it doesn't happen at all, and seems to want to say it's more the fault of how these conservatives market and promote themselves. But Destiny also is in the wrong for how he's framing this situation, as anyone who knows him and has researched Destiny knows, that he himself has been banned multiple times in Twitter and Twitch for saying phobic and racist jokes and for inflammatory language and has a very biased and skewed view of this situation. Like you've stated, social media companies control for and against certain views for their own survival and for attention because what your Brand is associated by has severe consequences, and will downplay and downgrade topics related to endorsements of Racism, Xenophobia, Phobias towards LGBTQ communities, white supremacy, Nazism, Sexism and misogyny, based on how the content is written and communicated. Destiny being dismissal of shadow banning existing is to me a bit bad faith and downplays the significant effects that social media has for not just younger minds but all minds that consume social media content, which to me I expected from him given how he also benefits from this dynamic greatly, but less so than conservative guy. I think the overall debate and argumentation of the entire stream was mostly bad faith and uncharitable framing from both sides of this issue.
  2. @axiom He's right when replying to me, so I don't see the problem here. It's actually the case that most conservative brains have higher activity in their amiggdala, in their reptilian brain that is strongly associated with survival and fear than most liberal brains. And Leo Gura is mainly a life coach, philosopher and spiritual teacher, not a scientist or into academia, so it makes little sense.
  3. @r0ckyreed Basis should always be harm and negatives discovered so far in studies and ongoing research of such events, and who or what group designed those social media sites. In this specific case, Tok Tok was designed by Hue Wei, the Chinese company that has almost ALL OF IT'S EMPLOYEES/EMPLOYER A MEMBER OF THE CCP IN CHINA. If this isn't a big red flag already for an American citizen or American congress and other governemnts not aligned ideologically to communism, and the potential espionage that can occur locally to politically/globally, because Hue Wei complies with giving user account details to the CCP when asked for details, unlike in the USA where companies can deny access unless certain conditions are met. then the country is in much more greater danger of information getting stolen, and misinformation/disinformation campaigns in the information and culture warfare.
  4. @r0ckyreed About time. Might as well increase bans for Tik Tok not just in the USA but in other countries. That social media site, along with others that encourage short clips, are responsible for the degradation of our culture, cognitive development like attention span and ADD/ADHD, and moral development, negative developments in Narcissism and neurosis in our psychology, taking away our normal ranges of states of being, robbing us of the potential to diversify and enrich our different areas of life and other lines of development. Government and congress should involve themselves far more in regulating Silicon Valley and all other social media websites.
  5. @Dryas If I took your face, put it into one of my thumbnails, gave a mostly negative take about your career and life in general, how would you think and feel? Would you still stay honorable, keep good faith and charitable and address only the argumentation? Probably not, if it seems slanderous to you, and I'm defaming your social standing, fame, career, job, relationships, sex life, fitness and health, home environment, hobbies. I'm also attacking you regardless of your SD value system, cognitive and moral development, personality, state of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and I'm being bad faith, distorting you to your weakest form, generalizing you in a negative framing and making other people who would be interested in you, to leave you alone and blacklist you, essentially I'm deleting you more and more from society and the internet.
  6. @Arthogaan How do you know that he's completely click baiting? What about Lex Fridman using TechLead's face without permission, in a negative framing of that edited clip with him? I wouldn't totally agree if I were you, maybe TechLead is partly right that there's some foulplay at work here.
  7. @Roy What would your thinking and feeling be, if Coffeezilla started investigating Leo Gura and Actualized.org, and the suicide that happened here? How would your opinion change of him if he started making critique videos of Leo Gura, but made it a bit more of a rant? Calling him a scammer and crazy self-help life coach, and fake spiritual Guru?
  8. @Jannes Basically, the mind of a schizophrenic/multiple personality disorder, versus the mind of a OCD/autism, scaled up to government/culture. That's one way to explain the difference between democratic governance versus authoritarian dictatorship governance. One is far more centralized, the other a bit more decentralized in power.
  9. Ultimately it comes to this: Are you for or against premarital sex, in your own country? Yes or no, and why? Are you for or against premarital sex, in a foreign country? Yes, or no, and why? The final, most important question: Why are you projecting onto Indonesia's decision, when you yourself have never set foot there at all, and lived inside the USA bubble or some other western/eastern culture in another country? Why is it a big deal to you, when you're not in it?
  10. @Valach Welcome to the band wagon! This is how artists have felt when the A.I. program can generate images via prompts. Expect musicians, remixers and rappers to feel similarly when an A.I that can sample and mix way better replaces their job eventually. Also expect the worser part of this, that the companies that operate behind pag walls or registration, and a few companies that make available their A.I prohram and all their database that stores some of their data, to eventually turn around and take your content and say sorry, that is now our property and anything you do will violate our newer termsand conditions, and be copyrighted, when beforehand tjose companies were ikay letting you use their A.I. Hopefully something good, or something beautiful comes out of mass use of A.I generating programs, but that's a hopeful outlook.
  11. @Thought Art Can you give an example of a Dave Chappelle joke?
  12. @spiritual memes If it can happen in a game, or a god simulation game, it can happen in real life, just with so many factors and different dimensions and other reality bending and breaking stuff. If it is God's will to kill off humans for a better form of sentience and life, then it is so, just like with dinosaurs. Not sure if the next superior species would be silicon based lifeforms, or skme type of Alien from another galaxy. World Box is a pretty decent mobile game that does just that, it empowers you to practice your godly craft, and you get to create your own terrain pixel forms, along with villages and see them grow into civilisations. You can also do cool stuff, like send a meteor strike, or control the weather, even go Tulkien style and include Dwarves, Orks and Elvesand other magical creatures. Real cool game. Buy now before the A.I program deletes us all from existence.
  13. @spiritual memes I believe you can.
  14. @Tyler Robinson Specifically with hjm reacting to Lex Fridman and TechLead? Yes. Especially lately, look at the thumbnails. The past year? Yes.
  15. @Tyler Robinson I feel like Destiny is the victim of this digital age design, taking into account his potential SD value system, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, ego development, state of consciousness and being, and other lines of development, worldview, belief systems and ideologies indoctrinated and imprinted into one's mind from their upbringing. He is the victim of his circumstances, and now he is the human mushroom that spreads it's spores to reproduce the mind virus that has been operating in Destiny's mind, infecting his iddeas and worldview through the internet.
  16. @Scholar OMG I want to cry, I can't believe the nerve of this artist using A.I program to 'resurrect' Kim Jung Gi like this, and then try to make it a publicity statement. Jesus Christ, leave my fucking idol out of this shit: https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/kim-jung-gi-death-stable-diffusion-artificial-intelligence-1234649787/
  17. Destiny: 'the conservative mindset is fascinating to me.', proceeds to bad faith, manipulate and give uncharitable takes to a stream that he joined into: Highlights everything wrong about bad faith communications, and this is just in the streaming community, there are many other real world and online communities that engage with bad faith and uncharitable takes. An insult to Leo's new video on the conservative mind: That's more like it.
  18. I think TechLead made a valid point when a YouTuber uses your face without permission. I can understand the feeling and I actually don't like it if strangers used my real life face without my permission as well. In another example, to bring up a similar context for me to make sense of this issue and for relatability, if an artist used parts of my work that constitutes as the 'heart' of my work, or my entire work and claimed they are the ones who made the art, or made claims whether they credited it to me or someone else, but gave a badly exaggerated critic that's hateful and bordering onto slander, then hell yeah I'd FEEL REALLY PISSED AND ANNOYED! Almost that same thing when an A.I. program st4eals your artwork without crediting it to you or claims it for it's own and badly distorts it, I'd be angry man. That's my fucking life's work you're shit talking about.
  19. @StarStruck Why? Also, is that enough justification to dismiss his claims against Lex Fridman?
  20. @MarkKol Wait, he's a millionaire? In cryptocurrency?
  21. @mmKay So Coffeezilla is a YouTuber, who's life purpose to be a journalist and expose those are scammers and potential scammers? Yeah, just like a thread I did or participated in about hackers exposing Indian Hackers in India, while videoing it and making content, I'll state this what I stated there: This vigilante life purpose is SHALLOW AND WAF! There's little value generated or provided other than the content creators themselves, wait for the catch 22, relying on said evil doers or evil problems to begin with. If said world problems or evil doers went extinct or are resolved in other ways, that results in the decrease in the markets of your field of interest and may even result in said life purpose declining in relevancy. I also already hate this YouTube Channel, and the person. Screw this person, as the 10 minutes are never coming BACK!!!
  22. @Arthogaan DESTINY DOES THAT SAME THING!!! He makes his titles and thumbnails click bait too! So now this justifies him commentating shit he doesn't know about TechLead?!He is a to-the-core HYPOCRITICAL DOUBLE STANDARD, who got cornered by Mr. Girl addressing him buddying up to Nick Fuentes despite Nick once did claiming to be a Nazi himself, a NAZI! Destiny buddying up with a NAZI, and writes it off as a justification of him trying to 'infiltrate' Nick's community to persuade and convince parts of Nick's community, when it's more likely he wanted to exploit and manipulate parts of his community to join his despite risking mixing alt right wing ideologies into his community. Mr. Girl brought that because of the scale of Destiny's community, and him running a PR of making Nick Fuentes the friendly neighborhood Nazi, that it makes it okay and normalizes people like Nick Fuentes to join online communities and social circles instead of rightly ridiculing them of being bad faith uncharitable actors of a past ideology that killed over tens of millions of people, Jews, the English, Americans, French, Canadian soldiers that fought in WW2. That justifies some defensiveness and conservative attitudes towards Nazism and very similar in structure ideologies to Nazism. He even threatened to kill those of other races and even Jews, which Mr. Girl is partly a Jewish person. Despite Mr. Girl attempting to warn Destiny, he sweeps it under the rug, and acts like nothing happened or isn't surprised that his 'friend' then blocks Destiny, refuses to talk to him anymore to join up with KANYE WEST! To be very clear, if TechLead is actually a Grifter bad fiath uncharitable actor, and so would be Mr. Girl, I'm not defending nor condoning their worldviews, positions, actions and behaviors as such, but Destiny is not to be trusted after that event. Also, really good website most of you are sleeping on: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwienOD0vff7AhWEYMAKHRXBA7wQFnoECBAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fconsilienceproject.org%2F&usg=AOvVaw1ImyY7BeMECTNDN040KHot Especially on the good faith/bad faith communication, which I'm guilty of here a bit, but see how it fits with the people I've mentioned here.
  23. I really don't like Destiny saying something that isn't his business at all. Just because Lex Fridman and Destiny are mutually benefiting each other to some degree, that doesn't give him the right to say something with him not knowing who TechLead is. Call him a Grifter, great, I get to call you a Nazi Sympathizer. I hope YouTube kicks him out the same way Twitter and Twitch kicked him out for spouting fucking nonsense!
  24. @DrugsBunny Sorry, I meant how he speaks is similar to how you and the other user writes here.
  25. @Arthogaan Grifter, and grifter humour?