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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Carl-Richard Why not? 'm not fully liberal, nor fully conservative. I'm a chameleon, depending on contexts I can be more liberal, or less liberal, or more conservative, or less conservative. I can imagine myself a bit more conservative when I'm getting canceled or censored.
  2. Speaking about Destiny, what happened about blacklisting Mr. Girl, and never mixing your content with his Destiny???Can't resist the urge to comment and react to content of Mr. Girl???
  3. @Romanov Obviously it is bad optics. Mr. Girl has a history of not caring and having below average capacity to manage his optics, rhetoric and even manipulation tactics. He likes to be more edgy and trolling in his communication, as his goal is to have challenging conversations and make the listeners uncomfortable, make them triggered into thinking for themselves. In fact, it is this attitude of being edgy, trolling, sensitive and empathetic that made him over react when he saw Destiny buddying up to Nick Fuentes who's ideology is Nazism and white supremacy through joking and humour, and called him out on making Nick Fuentes the 'friendly neighborhood Nazi'. It is that stream, and his over reaction and emotional distress that triggered a bunch of alt-right grifters allied with Nick Fuentes to mass report his channel for having an album, one of the songs about pedophilia. That got him ultimately canceled and his channel taken down.
  4. @Carl-Richard I'd be more conservative if I'm getting canceled left and right. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong with calling him more conservative, maybe he's a cornered liberal.
  5. @Romanov Destiny watched and explains that entire debate here:
  6. @Romanov Because he didn't just give that joke on a whim, he gave that joke because Vaush wasn't engaging with his hypothetical of the acceptable age ranges that Americans can date young women.
  7. @Carl-Richard From what's lately happening. After his declaration of war against Destiny, he seems to be more blacklisted from most sites, and only has his .tv one running.
  8. @Romanov Why? Can you tell me what where the lead ups to Mr. Girl joking?
  9. @Romanov To me, you have cherry picked parts of the video, and given me a more bad faith, uncharitable frame of Mr. Girl. The reason why he gave that hypothetical, and Mr. Girl allowed himself to then start being more edgy and joking around, is because he sensed Vaush rapidly being more close minded, so he took the opportunity to be edgy and mess around with Vaush before he gets kicked out. From what Mr. Girl said, the reason why he wanted to talk the Vaush, was because there was a video of his debate about CP, and capitalism around it, which ended up getting clipped and edited, which is why he wanted to talk to Vaush.
  10. @Carl-Richard So, he's more liberal minded? Makes sense, although when someone attempts to criticize him, he gets defensive and more conservative, especially when called a Narcissist. So, is it just context sensitive?
  11. It's an interesting program, might be useful for generating more interesting questions. Are there other programs that are free?
  12. And this is probably why Leo Gura decided to change his thumbnails for the videos, simply due to easy edits and clips taken out of context.
  13. @Osaid Maybe for the heated debates and arguments, but I think it's relative to each person. In my case, because I still can't effectively debate and argue technically seeking out discussions and initiating debates in a friendly way might help. Just going and practicing the Socratic method, that alone usually does most of the heavy lifting of attacking other positions and defending your own, by asking simple and different types of questions. Of course, many other ways to develop the good life are much better. Better living and improving yourself and your unique qualities than trying to persuade and convince skeptics, although arguably speaking, the experiences of using rhetoric, Socratic method, and the process of convincing and persuading people isn't a wasted experience and skill set. In a different context, that soft skill might be handy in marketing yourself, or talking down a potential fight, or just overall confidence in verbally defending yourself in conversation.
  14. @Carl-Richard As Mr. Girl sometimes says: "Without using spiritual and religious terminology, philosophy, metaphysics and epistemology and psychology can you describe to me what reality is?".
  15. @aurum Aye, are you the user that has the profile picture of a guy with the beach and shore?
  16. What is religion? What does Destiny actually stand for?
  17. @aurum I'm worried about some spelling mistakes and grammatical errors here and there you are making. Is it the auto correct?
  18. @Brent Rothwell How long does that roughly take? 3 years? Should it be short or long videos at first?
  19. @Danioover9000 To add more detail to this, I still have an LP or mission/vision statement that's here: generalized purpose: Understanding life, to be a creator and contribute to the world. Specialized purpose: To be a graphics designer, illustrator, architecture, writer/comic creator, and indie dev for maybe visual novel games. Domain of mastery: drawing characters and environments in many perspectives, using mostly pencils/pens. top 10 values: Competency, understanding, consciousness, creativity, independence, uniqueness, excellence, health, beauty, enlightenment, spirit. 5 feelings a day: serenity, happiness, excitement, optimism, pride, confidence, creativity. my top strengths: Appreciation of beauty and excellence, curiosity, love, gratitude, hope, kindness. Zone of genius(work in progress): Imagination, visualization, 3d thinking, video game thinking, chess, writing and constructing stories, drawing, rapping and freestyle rapping. My role modals: Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Bruce Lee. My goals list is long, so I won't include them here. Here are a few questions: Should I revisit and modify my life vision, my mission statement? I'm feeling less aligned with some of the values and slightly less of the emotions I want to feel. Should I keep brainstorming to go outside my niches? Or do I hyper specialize into a broader niche, or hyper specialize into a well established niche? For example, the Fatal Frame game's creator wanted the scariest game possible, so he used parts of his personal life, of seeing ghosts as they appear to him, and in a time with fixed camera angles in console games, he decided to use the concept of a camera, to change from 3rd person fixed angles to 1st person shooter, through the camera, to take a exorcising picture of ghosts. The game design resulted in an actually scary and suspenseful feeling of horror for gamers, because they don't have enough film reels to reload the camera, so they have to observe and wait and time a 'fatal frame' to use combos against ghosts for max damage, but sometimes it's hard to get the timing and fucking hell the ghost designs are creepy and scary! Should I go the similar route of Andrew Tate, and hustle my life purpose into manifestation?
  20. Please post what your thoughts and feelings about the short comings of Lex Fridman. During his podcast with Coffeezilla, he made some interesting remarks of another peron, using their face in a thumbnail without their expressed permission while make 'false' claims of their character:
  21. @Leo Gura Maybe it is a joke, or it could be serious in TechLead's eyes. I don't know enough either. I know enough, that in a few places in the USA, a person can legally charge a person for taking a photo of them or their face without permission, aka photo bombing or photo crashing, yeah? I guess I'm fixated on this issue because I've experienced a different kind of scam/theft involving identity, so I'm extra sensitive to any subtle thefts. I also like my face, and don't like the idea of someone using my face in public without asking. It's like I used your face, without letting you know, in a reactionary video, whether it's negative or positive context. in a public space, gaining monetization and free marketing from using your face in a click baiting title that may be misleading. Does it bother you a little bit?
  22. @Stovo That's his worldview in general, and in some contexts it can be useful if your competing against those who also want to outcompete and out value generate you in your specific niche. I think it's more likely he's conversion to Islam is a publicity stunt, he's only doing that for more marketing and attention.
  23. @Oeaohoo Technically, all that is still relative to one's stage of development, cognitive and moral development, ego development, personality typing, life experiences per area of life and other lines of development and circumstances. Also, it depends on one's mind, what worldviews it has, indoctrinations in it's upbringing, shadow aspects from it's family, and self bias and preferences and what senses it likes to process more. So, If I'm a conservative, I'd view relativism with some close mindedness and defensiveness, because relativism follows with it moral relativism, which can challenge and attempts to detach moral absolutists frameworks, traditional and religious moral constructions enforced culturally throughout times and generations. However, if I'm more liberal minded, I'd view relativism with some open mindedness and less defensiveness, as the moral relativism that follows is antagonistic to the traditional norms and absolutist/traditional morality, which is bias opposition to this view, especially if I also identify as progressive/socialist or even communistic. Plus, If I'm a business minded stage orange person, I'd view this for the potentials and efficiency of how this relativism can increase my productivity and profits, and how I can set up these transactions to leverage that. If I'm more stage green values, I'd view this relativism as good for the down trodden, and a force against the bourgeois class of rich and their moral mechanisms. If my value set is more stage blue or even stage red, I'm going to try to control, manipulate and exploit this relativism for amassing a following that I can gain a cult following, and benefits from. Also, If I'm cognitively different, if my mind is more Schizophrenic minded, how I think of relativism will be more different than the normal range of cognition of the masses, my mind would likely more literally interpret whatever interpretations of Relativism. If I have a bipolar disordered mind, then I'd be talking and thinking more in the lines of Kayne West, jumping and abstracting several topics without properly resolving each thread idea.
  24. @Stovo Relatively speaking, I don't see too much wrong in him having more stage red values, but it's more stage blue and orange. Also nothing wrong with the overreaction, at least we know more when some people react or not.
  25. SO! Returning to the main theme of this thread, should Lex Fridman have used TechLead's face without asking for permission? Is it legal and ethical?