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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Tyler Robinson I agree, it's healthy to critic constructively, but the attitude behind the critic is the unhealthy aspect. Like this video below: Edits are funny though.???
  2. @Carl-Richard Oh, is it free? Do I have to download anything?
  3. @Tyler Robinson Likely to encourage cheater's mentality or laziness, like just offload a lot of your work to robots. Of course, all context sensitive maybe I'm not a code guy, so it's nice to delegate that rote task to A.I, but for drawing or rapping I'd likely like to keep practicing and applying my own skills and actions and delegate less to A.I.
  4. What really scares and annoys the heel out of me, is that image making A.I programs might have an impact on my future career as a comic artist/illustrator/architecture. I worked and trained my drawing skills for those fields, years, and now A.I are potentially taking them away from me? Okay, maybe I defocus and look to game dev...oh look! Chat GTP and another A.I program that can make animations and games. Wherever I look to a field of interest, A.I just seem to also be there, invaded the field and cheapened the values and threaten to obsolete my future roles.
  5. Guys, I'm having problems with downloading ChatGPT. Can someone please explain how to?
  6. @Tyler Robinson Yes, most people should be protected from scammers, unless they bring the scammers to themselves though. To a degree, I agree with you that I also don't consider he is doing a noble mission. White hat hackers justify their YouTube Channel of exposing scammers or fraud callers via hacking and scamming techniques themselves, so, it's a double standard. Yes, I also intuit that his life purpose seems inauthentic, like he's pretending that this is his ultimate purpose on earth, whereas I feel that he's justifying his craving and addiction to investigate and journal about people's lives. Definitely ego rooted, although if that's his circumstance and conditions in his career and work development so far, well, that's where he's drawing his source of strength from. I also don't like how he moralizes. I also agree that scammers, and he used some quote i the Lex Fridman interview about scammers being born per minute or something, well, the majority of scammers are stage red/blue values mostly with some SD orange and above to be relatable and able to exploit and manipulate stages orange/green. Scammer's cognition and morality are less developed and both limitations of nature and nurture. Scammers are more varied in terms of personality, typically you'd find more extroverts and open minded scammer, typically in Ego development their ego is around impulsive(which are likely to do hard or red collar crime) up to opportunist(which is where white collar crimes are done from) and rarely above like Bureaucratic or strategic/construct aware. Typically states of consciousness are more conservative and fear based as they need to hustle and manipulate to gain more money and security. Life experiences and other lines of development may vary widely, but usually there's limitations and differences to the average westerner's and easterner's life. I also find Lex Fridman a bit suspicious, but less than Coffeezilla. He claims to be a computer scientist, when he partly hasn't accomplished much in that field. Now runs a podcast to interview strange people, for what?
  7. For starters, let me share an example of what I mean with strange skills, or unique skills if your more comfortable using this wording: Now, I have a few strange and unique skills unique to me, and a few more I've spent some energy and time doing every day, so how do I convert that into money, work and career?
  8. @DocWatts Very interesting, can this discovery cheapen the energy bill? Do they have a back up plan if there's a nuclear breakdown?
  9. @Pudgey Nice to know you did ayahuasca. Karma, as in the series of actions, or fate? Is this related to Samsara? Yes, most common people who strongly doubt ghosts and other paranormal and supernatural events tend to strongly value stage orange values, with their cognitive and moral development leaning towards rational and logic, their personality types leaning to the logician or sensor and introvert types, their states of being and consciousness tied to identifying as scientists, atheists, rationalists, skeptics, cynics, Nihilists, materialists, positivists, secularists, which limits their overall life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life. They're typically more left brained, and are indoctrinated by science, rationality, positivism, skepticism, materialism, and are conservative to strongly conservative to this specific topic of spirits and ghosts and other paranormal and supernatural forces and events, as even opening themselves to the possibilities of these existing is threatening to their paradigms, which is why they use lunatics, psychobabble, woo woo hippy nonsense, spiritual mumbo jumbo and other sophisticated demonizing name calling and labelling they use. Yeah, these types of people are hard to have a good faith discussion of this topic.
  10. Is PUA all of it weird? Yes, and sometimes depending on how low your social intelligence is, can appear creepy and sexual harassments like. I don't see the value of PUA or what value it generates for men. I'd rather you all over focus on your LP and skills training instead of dating. Dating is a specific socialization skills, and depending on your stage of development, cognitive and moral development, ego development, personality typing, states of emotions and consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development in different life areas, worldview and belief systems indoctrinated into you, and WHERE you are liberal/conservative, determines the probability of your screwing up in PUA. Before PUA or dating, go and implement basic socialization practices and just normal conversations first, for those who are very shy or creepy.
  11. The world cup is a scam, I refuse to see Argentina winning as fair play. There's definitely bribery going on here. Cheating andys the lot of them.
  12. @flowboy So, it's all about the marketing? In one example from his course, he talked a lot about money in way more than money out, about that if you're freelancing some business, for example makeup products, you have to be willing to lie a bit if you don't have their product ready yet, or something like that. Basically be willing to bend lie for delays just in case. I don't follow Andrew Tate because of the get women, raise statues, or get rich quickly, I follow him loosely because of his work ethic and ambitious drive, both of which I lack in myself. Unlike @Leo Gura, who seems to advocate for investing in AI technology early, after seeing a few videos on OpenAI's chat robot, stabledeffusion and myjourney A.I image generators, I won't capitalize on those A.I techs as aggressively. I will when I'm almost retirement age and my hands can't have the dexterity to code or the stability to draw, which then I delegate to the A.I, so until then it's 20 years of work ethic and training. 20 years of seing my fellow peers and almost dead seniors develop ADD and narcissism. I may be a conservative mule, but I will trudge onwards with the struggle for mastery. I will not let tinmen take away my LP yet, which I still am not clear on, but never the less I will continue.
  13. @Brent Rothwell Could you give me a few examples? And roughly how long until my Channel gets monetization?
  14. Guys, can you please stop straw manning each other? We're running out of hay stacks to feed the animal farm.
  15. @Tyler Robinson It's actually crazy to think that historically the right used to be for establishment and anti freedom of speech, like with Ronald Reagan or Nixon as presidents, and the left wing were the counter culture movement, humanism and anti establishments. Nowadays both wings did an ideology swap and now the right wing is for freedom of speech and deregulation of speech and the left wing is for establishment and regulation/censorship of freedom of speech. That's just roughly 60 years of political evolution.
  16. @Tyler Robinson I'm happy to discuss this bit here with you. The main issue with why your thread could have been locked is either the following: Against forum guidelines, how you wrote, mind virus. Firstly, the Jewish supremacy topic is either literally and is is related to, other conspiracy theories like holocaust denial, the Jewish Question, and more crazy and magical based conspiracy theories involving the elites like Greys, reptilians, adrenochrome production and so on. The reason why immediate action was necessary, and that Leo posted to you at the end 'Don't start talking about this crap', implying a warning state here, is because talking about conspiracy theories tends to encourage talking about conspiracy theories some more, and bring in related conspiracy theories, which end bringing in more conspiracy theory talks, and more people who like to talk and are identified to those ideas, and soon the entire forum gets poisoned with majority being conspiracy theorists, which also increases the burden of moderating and policing the forum more. Therefore, the strict locking down of conspiracy theories before it starts. Secondly, it may have to do with your exact wording in your opening post: "Jewish supremacy is everywhere throughout the United States. Why shouldn't it be challenged? Whats wrong in calling out the fact that most institutions of power in the United States have Jews everywhere in almost every position? Why is this challenging considered anti-semitism?". Jewish supremacy is everywhere in the USA? That's just bad generalization, which invites further generalizations and opportunities of bringing in related theories. Why shouldn't it be challenged? Maybe because of the 2,000 years of the right-wing demonizing the Jewish community, which forced upon them a nomadic type of culture and externalized their strong stage blue values and tight knit community and support and belonging for the majority of Jewish members? Maybe the persecution of the Jewish community in Germany under the Nazi party, which that traumatic event still carries with it a collective in group trauma past from generation to generation where part of Jewish children are born chronically depressed? Which created part of the Israel-Palestinian conflict? What's wrong in calling out all powerful institutions of the USA having Jews everywhere? In every position of power? Does that include Jews working in the white house? Is Biden in collusion with the hidden Jewish state? Are they also part of manufacturing adrenochrome as well, maybe the flesh and blood of the deceased are recycled to create more diamonds right? Are they also working with Reptilians and the Greys to finally realize their dream of 'God's chosen people'? See how crazier discussions dealing with conspiracy theories gets???? Why is this challenging considering anti-Semitism? I don't know, and I have limited research and knowledge into this topic. I'm assuming that anti-Semitism is opposite in meaning of Semitism, which is expressing a xenophobic/ethnocentric/racist view of the Jewish people? It may have to do with largely the alt-right conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and similar, and some alt-left conspiracy theorists mostly taking factual information and always exaggerating and making hyperbole claims, weaponizing these partial truths and corrupting them so much that it becomes offensive and hard to have a good faith discussion with steel mans of this issue. Thirdly, conspiracy theories are a type of mind virus that can spread very easily to some who are not doing well, and are lost. Conspiracy theories are like a negative, corrupting version of the life purpose, which is largely appealing for those who don't have a purpose or have gained clarity and understanding of their meaning in life and what godly purpose they are here for. So, at least I gave a summarized point from Leo's perspective from recalling bits and pieces of his video on what conspiracies are video, but almost all conspiracy theories are delicious distractions, fundamentally escapes from dealing with a harsh reality of Nihilism and meaninglessness to not know why you exist and what your purpose is on earth. In conclusion, don't be hurt or triggered your thread is locked. It is locked for good reason, and only I can give my best guess of what that reason is, until Leo posts otherwise to clarify why he did what he did.
  17. @How to be wise Sorry, but I've noticed your profile and post is positioned far left. Is the GUI okay, @Leo Gura?
  18. @Leo Gura Yes, most people are moderates, until the political and social situations makes them more liberal or more conservative minded. Most conservatives are too busy trying to survive themselves to understand, study, comprehend or even realize or have mystical level insights into the interconnections of oneness. My guess, by default, is when those conservatives are higher in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, mastered basic survival and tackled some fears such that they can be more liberal. It's insulting to double meaning insult conservatives. Obvious the first order offense is comparing them to animals like mules, which also has the tertiary meaning of hard working that sometimes compliments most conservatives as hard working, but the doubled second order offense, is that mules are offspring of a horse and donkey, and a conservative is typically against high immigration, open borders and generally have concerns with moral degradation with rapid mixing of different races, ethnicities and cultures, which insinuates that you are secondly insulting their political position by saying that the nature of these conservatives, like the nature of mules, is that not only you stood on the soldiers of giants but are also children of parents that some have mixed races and cultures as well due to migration, immigration, market trades and multicultural businesses and commerce.
  19. I think the YouTuber here, is definitely liberal. Or maybe a centrist? I don't know, I haven't seen any video on understanding the centrist mind or anything, so, I have to guess that he that he's definitely weaponizing centrism position here:
  20. @Rob06 I see, similar to Andrew Tate?
  21. @flowboy First off, thank you for giving me some suggestions. Just a few questions: Linking some of them creatively? Like, If I was a game dev or a coder for a few years coding character and environments, lost some passion and decided to change careers to a musician and quit job. After a few more years, musician career was a dead end and I quit because of toxic people, so I change to another career, file making. Less than a year I underestimate the challenges and responsibility, I'm laid off because boss was a dick, so I decide to go indie and start my own visual novels. So, when you say to link those creatively, you mean I can link my experiences as a coding guy, a musician, and film maker, and synthesize these skills together in some way, that I can make a new and strange visual novel? This is hypothetical BTW.
  22. @Carl-Richard Specifically, when I visualize myself in Mr. Girl's situation, when I'm getting canceled and censored and my YouTube Channel taken down because of a rap song I wrote, and having only one website that Destiny, my frenemy in this situation, has mostly helped in designing, I feel very conservative than normal, like I'd really like my own website and have little to do with other people in that situation. I feel I need to take shelter or something.
  23. Okay, so the important thing here is not if I'm or he's fully liberal, or conservative, it's depending on what extent and where he is liberal or conservative. So, for example: I think he's being very conservative in this specific situation. Why? Because before he written a lyric that suggests incitement of violence via planting a bomb under that president's limousine in a song before. Trump's response? To call the FBI to do an investigation on whether he's a terrorist threat or not, and Eminem trying to write off that it's a song. Then drops this freestyle in this Cyphor, and used the publicity stunt for his album that was due to release next month. My intuition tells me, that he's being conservative and was offended and threatened by Donald Trump's liberal reasonable response of calling 911 on Eminem that he made Eminem conservative. Also, the YouTuber reacting and commenting I also feel is very conservative in his view. I feel like I'm very liberal with this example because it has little to do with the main theme of this thread, but it was a liberal use of an example in context to the idea. Am I improving my sense making of WHERE is one person more/less liberal and more/less conservative?