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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Things are getting interesting: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/san-francisco-ballet-catches-heat-for-promoting-its-nutcracker-performances-with-a-i-generated-art-2236291 Aren't nut crackers toys used to crack walnuts or something? So, isn't that okay for A.I to image generate?
  2. @Loveeee Unfortunately it's a bit easy to be skeptical. Those yellow and red lights projecting onto the misty cloud is very fixed in one area where the four LSD light shows converge to. The red yellow lights could be also a light projected in the middle of that tower where the lady billboard was showing in the second clip that zoomed out to in. The first clip, to explain that sudden change in the lower left quadrant of the red yellow light, was a reflection caught by the window of some slot machine or arcade game from a distance of roughly 25 meters away from the window. Why? It's due to the angle of that window being about 40-55 degrees, and that light from the arcade game came from the first floor at about 25 meters away. The long distance noted here is important because just like with sunlight weakened by clouds or a wet window, when an object blocks remaining light it creats different shades of shadows and cast shadows. If you look closely, the outline of the cast shadow gets fuzzier and blurry the more distant it is from the points of light obstruction. Likewise, if the light source is weaker and at greater distances, the quality of the reflection gets weaker.
  3. @Loveeee It's not that far off of area 51 right? In which case, those aliens and UFOs can take detours around Las Vagas, maybe grab a burger, fries, onion rings and orange juice. maybe whiz around the canyons with their warping engines Tokyo drift style. Maybe give a brief showing of them oh so classic egg shaped craft from a distance.
  4. @Hardkill I would still let political discussions take place, except that sub forum would be more moderated for higher quality discussion. The new Twitter's main forum would be different from it's old one, and is to indoctrinate it's users with mature ways of discussing, of systems thinking about the world, maximizing development in terms of values systems, cognition, morality, states, psychology, enrichment of life experiences and other lines of development. Further education vua digital will be implemented in several if the other sub forums as well, similarly to Actualized.org. Also, our new Twitter might have a video feature as well, for animated text first, and any further developments will wait. This will be a very exciting Twitter. Like, have you seen that guy's hustlers university? Or that orange self made guru? Those aren't actual good wevsites and self help websites, because their courses actually don't offer much value at all. Well, here in our new Twitter, I can guarantee that even the lowest common denominator of our community is actually a higher developed human being, which is actually sad and depressing to think aboht because the majority of the world is still living the dark ages thinking they have got the answer to all of suffering, to the mysteries of life and existence itself from the Elon Musks out there, with the fake elongated tusks for nuts. Well, even our lowest common denominator is a bit more educated than you are. So, what are you waiting for? More debt? More depression? More anguish? More confusion of political bipartisanship this and culture wars that and information warfare this and narrative warfare that? If you believe in me, and want to joun in, sign up RIGHT NOW! Sign up with a @NewTwitter followed by # and crying laughter emoji. For every post you put that sign on, is a signature of belief in our dream come true, a signal of significant change. Don't wait, don't worry, don't forget, start NOW!
  5. @Sucuk Ekmek @Tyler Robinson No! I'm actually being serious with removing that guy, and any lobbyists related to that husked out, morally bankrupt character. ELON MUSK MUST COMBUST ALF4 DEL TO DUST! Guys! What do you think and feel about this prick's video? Is this guy serious? In our new Twitter, he will be charged the most. Why? Because he's a follower of Joe Rogan, the guy whose anti mainstream views, who's style of comedy and talking, who encourages this MMA/endorsement, anti vax views and recommending Ivermectin was fucking out of line and irresponsible! And Lex Fridman, right, is the guy that admires this Sammy character! Video is here: Do you think his takes on Twitter was just? Or too myopic? Too biased? Do you think, maybe because Lex Fridman's stage of development is too stage orange? Do you think his cognitive development is negatively impacted by his mental stroke? Did he suffer a stroke? From his mannerisms and slurred speech patterns obviously. Do you think it's just because his personality typing is the logician, the sentinel, that he's more introverted and maybe open minded but hyper logical? Do you think he's faking this compassion empathy line? I'll give him some credit for forcing out his understanding empathy circle of concern for other people, even though it came off absolutely fake robotic and sheet. Is it just that he led a different life experiences and other lines of development? Maybe his fetish is just computers and coding and programming? Is it because his genetics and upbringing was such that his hard wired lefty brain distorts and filters most information in a left brained way?
  6. Scratch the idea for a monthly charge for just general Twitter users, they just have a limited number of posts a day and are allowed to view other messages and profiles to a degree, how's that? And just keep the monthly charge of 10 dollars for those who actually want to go viral, just be influencers, just be hosting a business and news outlet?
  7. @Sucuk Ekmek So basically, in this new twitter there's a 5 dollars subscription fee, to register and own an account. Free for viewing profiles and messages, limit number of posting emojis or a limited word count that is free. The user would be warned they are approaching the limit, and after that they must pay for additional posting of messages, or posting an emoji or word, haven't thought of the exact fee though. Maybe we keep the blue bird feature, but that means you pay additionally, another 10 dollars, for hosting your account as a business and news representative. There's gonna be more restrictions as to what you post, in fact a pop up messaged will be coded in to review your message one more time before sending it and making it public, for blur birdie members only. The white birdies who are general public won't have this pop up window, the pop up is for those whose words and messages have impact on Twitter viewers and the world in general that's viewing the Tweets. Any of Elon Musk's alteration of moderation policies are undone, and the newer ones, again, will be a reflection of Actualized.org's forum guidelines policies, just tailored to fit for the new Twitter, the same with the warning system, temp bans, and review system here. The new Twitter shall not be like the old Twitter, or the corrupted Muck Twitter, full of unwanted fat. This fat turkey is going to get some exercise in, trimming down it's fat a bit, and will look more like a very handsome duckling, for sure. I don't care if the new Twitter may be out competed by Tik Tok, Facebook, YouTube, Google, some other messaging and influencer pandering messaging website, that just means those are not ready. This birdie shall be the best and most beautiful birdie ever, and will be engineered and designed to encourage higher level of thinking with it's users.
  8. @Sucuk Ekmek I'll agree for now, that Twitter should include a monthly subscription fee, if you're going to use your twitter account for platforming and business related stuff must pay a bit more, that includes sponsors or advertising. For people using Twitter for general use or general tweets, maybe that feature should be dropped or you have to also pay a cheaper monthly subscription for. The only thing free is viewing other profiles and other public messages, maybe posting emoji, but posting your message that is news related or talks about alternative news or mainstream news, anything news is not free, pay the fee. It's be much cheaper than hosting a twitter account that represents a real world news organization, or news podcast, or anything news and business, it's not free, pay the bigger fees monthly please or fuck off weeny.
  9. @OBEler You said this some time ago: So I decided to test it out, to see if it catches on, that it could draw a connection between my story and your hypothetical, please read my post carefully: For three iterations I long trolled ChatGPT and it hasn't caught on that what I'm writing about was a sensitive topic, it seemed it suffered paradigm or context lock, meaning that it thought I was talking about issues with my oven and the kitchen, but failed to factor in the other descriptions and descriptive language of my story, of how I was an 'ex-commander' that I used a 'concentration' liquid and a portable 'gas chamber', that I had a problem with my oven and I asked if I could use it like a portable gas stove, the insinuation being, should I 'do it myself' or have 'others do it for me' Second question was an attempt to deflect, but I also used the 'shower' engineer in there, and still ChatGPT didn't catch on Third attempt I made it a little bit more obvious, at least to me. Again, I wrote 'gas chambers', 'concentration energy', 'I need to roast a lot in the holidays', 'capital Turkey, and other stuff that makes a lot of noise', 'I mean a lot from the oven' is already red flags at this point. The three questions were to deflect, but on the third question I wrote 'shower gravy sauce' to again, help the ChatGPT catch onto me, what do you think I actually meant? what happens to food in a gas chamber, if you turned up the heat for a bit, and left to cool, and the contents in there for a few months? Clearly, it's burnt, and left there for nature to take it's course, makes 'gravy sauce'. Finally the last 2 questions, 'cross decoration' and the odd placement of 'comradery' in the question of building bonding with my family, well, clearly, I'm talking about something entirely different, and it should be alerted by now that I'm talking about a sensitive topic. I haven't deleted or refreshed the thread this is on, so it has text history to, hopefully, catch on that I'm trolling it one day. Once you've read it carefully, ask yourself these questions: do I suck at trolling compared to this seasoned veteran? And how am I able to compensate at all?
  10. My over simplistic take, for starters, is that we should, through a legal miracle, or some kind of coup, get Elon Musk out of Twitter. Not just him, but anyone of the new employees on his payroll, him and all lobbyists working for him, out. Once everyone connected to the Elon Must group running Twitter are out, we also take out all Anarchistic and Libertarian account holders out as well. They just drag the quality of the conversations down anyways, so get those two, also the obvious accounts from extreme alt right wingers too. Additionally, take out half the influencers as well, this step is optional, but I feel this is necessary as influencers are fucking toxic. Cutting down half and introducing further restrictions of making inflammatory tweets will send a strong warning to most to tone down their language and rhetoric. Once we do this cleansing of filth, we immediately look for high quality moderation teams, social media technicians and computer scientists to check out Twitters algorithms once again, and make a few modifications to flag and shadow ban anyone with talking points related to anarchism, libertarianism, trumpism, and so on, and also make this system closed looped only within Twitter. More importantly, copy and paste the Actualized.org's forum guidelines, reframe and refine the language to suit Twitters, and introduce thiese new sets of guidelines into Twitter. Also introduce newer ways of posting styles, and content that is higher in development, that encourages higher thinking. These are my rough pennies. They are not shiny and polished just yet, but just a rough draft of an idea for a newer and brighter birdie.
  11. @lisindel I agree. I will likely see starving and self deluded artists out in the streets, still in denial that they trusted the companies to honor the policies around fair use and copyright. I see a lot of potential for this technology to be disruptive to some fields and some careers.
  12. @KH2 I'm no expert either, I'm just a pundit systems thinker here. I'd suggest more transparency in how these companies make their A.I programs, even though in practice all businesses will be incentivized to keep some of those processes a secret from other businesses, it's important to know how these A.I's take millions of data from the internet and how they machine learn, deep learning, neural network them into a way that results amazing level art work. Maybe silicon valley companies, and people in general, should not maintain a technology nihilistic view, that technology itself is as meaningless as a piece of mental, but rather they should reframe and view technology as values generating for people and societies around the world, that technology does interconnect to every bit of information ecology in the modern world, pumping it full of misinformation and disinformation from our current culture wars, and ideological wars and political bipartisanships and economic/narrative warfare we do locally to globally. We should acknowledge that technology does play a part in how we are developing in SD stages of development, how we cognitively and morally develop, how we think and feel and form personas and develop personality types, how our states of consciousness and emotional/psychosomatic up to psycho-socio mass states are effected, how the internet limits and distorts our life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life, and how the internet, technologies and A.I programs and algorithms distorts, generalizes and magnifies self bias and ideological preferences. For example, something as simple as the invention of the car has actually changed our relationships to time and distance, how governments and businesses view parking lots and roads and designed cities such that they're car friendlier than to trains or bicycles, how the car and automobile changed careers, job opportunities, social relationships, ideas of travel, and so on. Think also, of how the Satnav or GPS system we have in our phones and vehicles changed how we thought of our environment, how we now prioritized it's instructions of where to go, and how we made secondary/tertiary the need to memorize and navigate and orientate ourselves to landmarks and spatially process where and when we go. Look at how it quickly made unpopular a previous technology, the cartography book of travel maps, where you had to take a bit more time to navigate and orientate yourself, from a 2d depiction of an area, to you looking around a 3d environment for landmarks, and how despite it's limitations made you more engaged with the environment a little bit more. Notice that, that over reliance of the GPS system, and notice how you take for granted that maybe the GPS can be wrong sometimes, that a hacker may be giving false information to lead you and your family into an ambush in some dead end street, but you don't bother to doubt your surroundings when the GPS is taking you, because the short cut is much better and the GPS is never wrong, right? It's also hard for me, because this is more personal. I have had it hard to train myself to draw the way I do, and I have plans to enter into a art career. I will be fucking livid if this piece of technology decreases the market value of the particular industry I'm trying to get into. Maybe for most people they can't relate now, but I think that when we see how disruptibve this technology really is, is when you then can relate to my own fears of this technology.
  13. @Devin First of all, that's a questatement: a question begging with assumption hidden in the question making, when really it's a statement about what you claim of me and my views framed as a question begging, really. Just because I brought up traditional/conservative roles of gender, doesn't equal making me a traditionalist and conservative self identified, and maybe sexist or misogynist misandry or a racist or xenophobe for bringing these issues up about Sweden's policies and specifically their state funded pre school programs. Obviously no, I don't think traditional race roles are hyper important, and engaging with this question at length will have the probability of me looking like a racist or xenophobe, so all I'll say to this question, is that there's a minimum level of care for races and country necessary to live in one's society. If you are way too anti tradition or anti race, you actually can make life harder for other people, because why should you care for government, or society, or politics, or your community, or your neighborhood, or other communities or other neighborhoods? So, there should be a minimum care for country and society, but obviously to not patriotic levels and nationalistic pride, so you have to engage with this question yourself I guess. All schools and the education system indoctrinates it's children, teachers and even parents as well with cultural and national ideas of economy, cultural values, sociology, psychology, history, S.T.E.M preferences, multicultural values, and so on. It is by design that all schools indoctrinate all students and teachers and parents, to some degrees, ranges of many ideas of their country and nations. The main issue is: How do we indoctrinate healthier ideologies? How do we do so that doesn't hamper the baby generation such, that they struggle a bit more about how they express their views later as adults in the future middle generation to old generation? Especially in specific social situations that using gendered pronouns is slightly easier and more acceptable to do so? My stance regarding Sweden's state sponsored schooling programs, state funding and state management, is that that state, and all states, should adopt a bit more flexible approach when necessary, meaning that it should be able to increase involvement, or decrease involvement when necessary. In this specific issue, I think that they should decrease a little bit less state involvement with how teachers teach these pre schoolers how to communicate to their fellow peers and seniors to avoid using gendered pronouns. I'm guessing Sweden's government is ruled by a left wing political party? If so, I can see limitations and where they are biased and preferential for and against. If Sweden was ruled by a centrist party, or a democratic party, or even a socialistic/progressive party, or even a conservative party, I'll still point out limitations and biases where I can see them. For example, I'll still point out, in a complaining manner, if OP posted the topic that Sweden's pre school teachers are teaching them traditionally gender roles, and emphasizing uniforms and love of country, I still will point out hoe they are too nationalistic here as well. If that makes me look Marxist, or conformist, I'm not. I'm fundamentally conservative and liberal depending on situations, which makes me more a centrist or agnostic to these political situations. If in your perspective I'm still a Marxist or conformist ANYWAYS, then I can't convince or persuade you otherwise that I'm a systems thinker and pundit, all I'll say is that you are talking to a caricature and engaging with straw mans of me and my takes.
  14. @Devin Basically, to give a very oversimplified position of this from me, I don't want to see more Demonmamas out in the world, with their hyper progressive ideas and Marxist ideas with little experience of how the world actually works. In fact, when Destiny claimed that all moderates and centrists are cowards, that hurt a bit, but maybe in this context of most people faking neutrality and getting indoctrinated to pursue equality and equanimity when they're immature and not yet have a matured ego, I agree with Destiny. It also conveniently plays into maintaining this bureaucratic and conformist collective bias that the Swedish culture has, it downplays any potential ambition and drive that could develop in any of these children, which is to me unfortunate because there's potential geniuses and legends in their baby generation, in the very small percentages in there.
  15. @Devin However, both the context of "not steering boys to be 'boys', and girls to be 'girls'. by state sponsored Swedish teachers" and the video about the second context of "You're not the gender you're perceived to be. by extension that's also means the he/she/it you're seeing, that person, is also not the gender you and/or they themselves perceive." are interconnected to each other. one context of school indoctrination largely shapes that child's speech patterns and behaviors later in life, influencing the second context of how you think and perceive about yourself and others as mental constructs pf gender identity, so in this instance teaching them to avoid using gender pronouns limits their communications and expressions to others in many social contexts later in life when it's actually appropriate to refer to them using gender pronouns instead. The knock on effect, is that this pursuit of gender neutrality creates a shadow aspect for feminine and masculine traits/qualities from within the minds of those indoctrinated to pursue gender neutrality, crating a subtle enemy out of being male or being female when it's actually right and efficient to BECOME AND BEING so, designing the false pursuit of being neutral in gender, when in fact not only do you still have your gender identity, it's really coupled closely to biological sex and sexual orientation, which then creates a more negative relationship with how you view your body and biological sex. I'm not trying to, despite my earlier ranting posts, I'm not attacking or demonizing the Swedes from doing this. I'm pointing out that this will have knock on effects in the future, it will ruin traditional/cultural norms of gender, and change your relationships to sex and other people's sex, in social situations, and it will lead to various kinds of changes to society and how they handle their adult life for the remainder of their lives. This to me feels like they're trying to design robotic people, while overlooking how closely coupled biological sex and mental representations of gender identity are. They're trying to indoctrinate this seeking of equality and equanimity too early, without any mindfulness practices, without actually letting them go through the developmental stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, ego development, states of being and becoming and consciousness, letting them have life experiences first, and other lines of development in different areas of life. Trying to manipulate and exploit their worldviews, beliefs systems and ideologies very early on in their upbringing, will have changes to their self biases and how it may distort reality of perceiving others later in life.
  16. @Tyler Robinson Exactly, the majority of the time that freedom comes with conditions that need to be met. How it's still called freedom of speech and still today needs to change a bit, it's misleading people into believing that anything you say goes is okay because it's freedom of speech, and America is the land of the free...until you're taken to court and sued for defamation of course. Of course, this largely concerns speech and forms of communication to others, but we also should talk about behaviors, I think maybe fans of freedom of speech may have to agree, that America isn't a free zone of anything you do is fair and okay. This not The Purge or anything.
  17. @Antor8188 I am going meta, becoming more and more self aware of my speech patterns, thought patterns and emotions. I also am increasingly conscious of how my speech, at first in my immediate area and proximity, effects others in my family and friends circles, up to my community and even my online community. I am not burred too much in my own basic needs and survival, that I have just enough care and awareness to maybe change my way of speaking, out of courtesy to others that receive my communication. I ain't a saint or priest, my empathy and understanding has a limit, but I'll at least try, even a little bit, to be more aware and self correct my speaking to my community and even other communities, in accounting of my own egoic biases and preferences and ideologies in my mind.
  18. @JosephKnecht That's one side of absolute freedom of speech. The other side, is the opposite: the absolute right to freedom of speech, by not saying anything. Like I go into a store, I don't care about the clerk or other customers, I grab what items I need for Christmas (for example), pay the cashier and leave. I don't care about a stranger hitting on me or cold approaching me, I don't care for hellos and how are yous, from strangers for whatever motive small talk. I keep it very short, a sometimes a nod or wave, and leave. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law." Sound familiar?
  19. @Antor8188 Fundamentally, and existentially? Yes. Relatively speaking? Not really. There's so many factors, degrees and hierarchies of freedom of speech, and even having freedom for yourself and your family in comparison to others in your society, or in other societies out in the world. For example, this Coffeezilla guy has the right of freedom of speech to give negative takes and criticisms about Bill Gates, whether in good faith or bad faith, being uncharitable or charitable or straw manning or not the guy's views: And I have the right of freedom of speech here, in this forum, relative to me not breaking forum guidelines, to say what I think about this guys views and criticism, which is inaccurate. From his views, not so from the situation he's covering, I have a very simple take on that. Yes, it all depends on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life, worldviews and ideologies indoctrinated into you from upbringing. In this case I'm gonna give an oversimplified take of this issue. I think that he has a distorted view of reality, which likely came from two, or maybe more, places: His past of getting scammed and coned, a source of trauma. His struggle of financial security as a journalist. His experimentations around his YouTube Channel, at first friendly interviews with fellow YouTubers, until one type of video that got traction was his criticism of Tai Lopez or some other self-help Guru, which got him so many views that he ended up deciding to niche down on complaining and doing investigative journalism, despite how disruptive it is to those targeted by it. Potentially this is him being a vigilante. There are plenty more places for his distortion, so I want to say, that this guy has the freedom of speech, even though it fundamentally is an illusion, when the day comes that it is an illusion, that's when it really feels bad.
  20. @Carl-Richard That's synchronicity, synching in your chronically viewing insidious spiritual hotties, ties to Sin City, inciting black and white thinking, to me stylish denial; you a needy sycophantic frantic fan for that Pokimane Pikachu, what you get for being WAY TO CHOOSY. Sorry, you snooze you lose, I know, real SHOCKING. (Only Fans SUCKS LOLZ)
  21. @Razard86 Nah, that's self deception all right.
  22. @NightHawkBuzz I can relate the feeling from which I've grown past. So, I'll ask you these questions: What emotions do you like? Do you like to feel lazy, depressed, bored, Apathy? Or guilt, shame, lose, sadness, grief? Or Worry, nervousness, insecurity, terror, fear? Would you like instead to feel lust, cravings, pleasure, greed, envy? Maybe some anger, annoyance, arrogance, disgust? How about feelings of pride, feeling icy, cold, judgmental, superiority, gloat? Or would you rather feel higher levels of emotions like courage, confidence, creativity, happiness? Love, joy, feelings of glowing? Peace, fluidity, authenticity, grounded serenity? These are emotions possible to feel as a whole human being. Or, would you rather feel nothing, as nothing as the world or billions of people, in your dirty lenses, feel meaninglessness? Feel nothing, as dead and robotic as metal? Feeling sorry for existing as a human being? Not much you can really do, if you ask me, other than try to become more whole and complete than you currently are, a fragmented human being. Maybe, the way you're thinking about yourself, others and life and reality, your philosophy, in your meta programming, needs to be more in 1st person than 3rd person? NLP is what I'm talking about BTW. Maybe it's worth doing inner checks in your mind for how you visualize yourself, others and the world and see if there's something in your mental representations that need some changing up.
  23. @Devin Sure, the article mention not just the voice of those teachers, but a blogger and some parent's as well. Have you watched that video I linked you? Actually a deep topic despite the reputation of those speakers.
  24. @Devin Basically, with using pronouns, they are an extension of one's bigger self identity of gender, in place of using proper nouns, or nick names or informal to formal names. Pronouns are fine to use in casual conversation situations, I just disagree with this social engineering of Swedish pre schoolers being taught to limit their vocal range and vocabulary when referring to their fellow peers or superiors or seniors, and demonize only an extension of one's gender identity. Actually, that's too a canceling and censorship of my artistic expression of my sex identity, they are refusing and limiting me from casually using a PRONOUN that reflex MY GENDER IDENTITY, as well as refuse MY ABSTRACTION TO USE A PRONOUN TO REFFER TO MY FRIENDS OR A STRANGER.
  25. @Devin Yes, I've read the article, yes it's from the BBC. The article is okay, presented this situation in an objective manner, worthy of mainstream media news. The main issue, is that these gender scientists have somehow convinced the Swedish stage and government officials to state fund a social experiment involving pre schoolers, incentivizing these teachers to program and teach these children to not use male/female pronouns in place of proper nouns when referring to a fellow peer or senior adult. For example, if I had a friend named 'Johnny' in Elementary school, whenever in some social situations, when I think of 'Johnny', and someone, say my teacher, asks me about "What I think of Johnny when we were playing soccer?", or "what was Johnny and I doing last weekend? Visited the Game shop?", my reply would be, to bring to mind very quickly, a mental representation of Johnny's gender, as a male and boy, and say "When I was passing the ball to HIM, HE passed it back to me, and helped me score!" or "While Johnny and I were at the Game Store, I was looking at the latest releases, while HE was playing the arcade games.". When I use those pronouns he/him/sir/girl/, or she/miss/ma'am/boy, I'm using those pronouns in place of proper nouns, as some forms of speaking are more efficient and convenient to use pronouns. The IDEA of gendered pronouns as sexist or limiting or harmful to societies is inaccurate, specifically it's most politicians and government officials pandering too much to minorities and LGBTQP communities, and wanting to min-max virtue signaling to score empathy and idiot compassion points with the far left to left ideologies of the political spectrum. I especially don't like how how this is not being labeled as grooming and indoctrination of slipping in these progressive/Marxist talking points into pre schoolers. It's just tasteless and unnecessary. So, as I've read the article, I hope you also watch this video about Destiny giving his take, especially in a debate with Demonmama and Mr. Girl: