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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 Yeah, I agree, you and me are truly stage yellow system thinkers, that I the admin and you an app, meanwhile most people here are truly yellow bellied twinkle-twinkle-little-stars napping on Banshees, Jeez. In this limited domain, I have unlimited Brit lion mane power that burns bright yellow. Jesus. Maybe we were insightful enough? Dude, we're still dealing with nine inch nails inside our eye lids to be righteous in our own violence! In my opinion, go and make Onision cook some onions like the minion he really is, while practicing your violin skills to be the serial killer of ear drums. I think that Andrew Tate is innocent until proven guilty otherwise, so it's unwise to be conspiratorial this time. All this due to lack of Bugatti's or a private jet or H3H3'S insipid remarks of his character, justified? We'll have to wait until all fools like him run the world that future time. Christ. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Another interesting video, both are deluded: -
An interview by Lex Fridman to carl Hart and his views about psychedelics, hard drugs and society: What are your thoughts and feelings? Is his self bias at work here?
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 Ah, I see. In which case, I'll wait and see what courts say. I don't like Greta and H3H3's takes about Andrew Tate, they're only based on what was marketed by Andrew Tate and short footages of him saying crazy shit. If his business was making apple pies and strawberry cakes, then it's a piece of cake to realize that they're mostly offended conditional virtue signaling to their fellow online progressive cults because they wouldn't have anything to say that's negative about him if his doing bakery stuff, in a less hustling way. I feel like the only stage yellow person here, stuck in between reds and greens. Reds are like "STOP! Or I dominate you!", and Greens are like "Go and BE COMPASSIONATE ALL THE TIME! WORLD PEACE! HE'S SEXIST BECAUSE HE MADE ME WET!", and I'm yellow, very cautious about escalating the cultural wars and information warfare because calls to good faith charitable steel manning of each other's perspectives are now called hate speech and trolling, Meanwhile, we all conveniently forget that Stage blue makes up 75% of the entire world, meanwhile stage orange is second because some countries or societies have much more or much less material and security in terms of economy and social infrastructures that makes capitalism work better, also all words don't rhyme with orange. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Magnanimous No. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
So much he said and she said in this entire thread! Do we have any solid proof that he is guilty of sex trafficking or not? -
Happy new year!
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Ulax Agreed. It depends on many factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, 9 stages of ego development, personality types, states of consciousness and the quality of your qualia and emotions, life experiences and other lines of development of different areas of life, worldviews and paradigm lock, ideologies indoctrinated into your psyche by family and culture. Not only are these at individual level, but can scale up with varying levels to the psycho-socio, socio-economics, historical, geographical, technological development, information ecology and information and culture warfare. This, combined with how easily a mind can distort, delete, and generalize memories and information to suit one's self biases, this becomes very complex of a problem, involving many parts of your entire life together, interconnected to other problems as well. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Twentyfirst Destiny actually defended Andrew Tate on the specific slandering and defamation the E3H3 guy was making against him about his alleged sexual trafficking and other shady stuff, saying that he is being investigated, doesn't mean that he's EITHER INNOCENT OR GUILTY. I'm expecting, unless they have actual solid proof of his alleged accusations against him, he's walking. Hate the guy for his shady character, and scam practices with the affiliate linking, but you better have hard evidence to back up these claims, and not being offended by Andrew Tate's marketing. AND THIS IS AN INVESTIGATION! -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Like two badly outdated programs that need to be updated 100 times more, or even obsoleted to a hyper alien technology, the main problem is their stuck inside a box of their worldviews of the scientific and materialistic community, paradigm locked into this lens they cannot fathom just how simple and stupid their assumptions and hidden assumptions are of reality! The Universe is MENTAL, fundamentally a gigantic mind of GOD, INFINITELY playing with many forms of earth. These hard core scientists and materialists piss me off, even though I appreciate and benefit from their findings and discoveries in tech, this does not give them a pass to disrespect the universe like this: And stop competing with Curt Jaimungal, with the aliens and UFOs topics. -
Danioover9000 replied to shahryar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Osaid I agree, most modern day people have very little understanding, empathy and appreciation of what a stage purple to red society is like thousands of years ago, so many different factors technologically, economically, historically, materialistically, culturally, and psycho-socially speaking we developed farther up the stages, cognitively and morally, states of consciousness in I and we. -
Danioover9000 replied to shahryar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It all depends on the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and ego development, states of consciousness and emotions, life experiences, other lines of development in other areas of life, the world views that contain belief systems, value systems, and all ideologies indoctrinated into one's mind by culture and family upbringing, all narratives the mind attaches meaning to during a narrative, ideological, and political warfare. This is also tied to information ecologies of the time that have epistemic and metaphysical implications, information warfare with disinformation and misinformation, simple to complex deception of others and the self. Most of what I list can lean more to an individual scale, but can also scale up to the collective and how that native tribe, warring factions, empires, civilizations, mafias, countries and nations are formed historically, geographically, and are formed by the limitations of geographic/weather and climate conditions/biosphere such as wild life diversity that can be tamable for domestication and animal husbandry/hydrosphere resources in their environment, which can influence economic, technologic, historic, psycho-socio developments. All this the mind can also distort, generalize and forget pieces of information to suit it's own biases and preferences. @shahryar What it seems to me is you are conflating Spiral Dynamics, which is a modal for human cultural values development, for a modal that also can map for spiritual development. This conflation isn't accurate and is wrong. If you want to use complex modals, you may have to use Ken Wilbur's integral theory, 9 stages of ego development, the big 5 personality traits and Myers Brigg's personality typing modal, both later modals are academic and typological which can offer a more richer explanation of one's character and personality as an ego. @Leo Gura and @Carl-Richard, can you explain why a thread that is more about the issues of whether Mohammad is spiritual, mystical or not, is in a sub forum about society, politics, current political events, and governance? -
What are your thoughts about the social media website? What is it, and how do we improve it further?
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek Horrible and terrible from your point of view? Asymmetrical comparison. The hall of fame feature is equal to the high quality threads and posts collected above each sub forum, with an additional thread per sub forum for very low quality posts as well, that are deconstructed and reviewed. Why is that bad to you? I think it can clearly show how I or mods think and feel about those posts, from high to very low quality posts. I can't, because I don't know, and know enough about myself and how I'd construct this new Twitter. And you also don't know either, other than what you're reading so far to go off on. So, you can either choose to trust me and make your account now, or don't and let this opportunity go by. No, I'm not a Elon robot. Maybe my writing is too rough and a bit lacking in quality and consideration, but I do believe that my Twitter is healthier. Otherwise, can you suggest an alternative that is better than my ideas of a new Twitter? -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@ThermalTide Why would you want Twitter to be less restrictive? -
Danioover9000 replied to Alexop's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Stovo Hoe do you know about this social programing, by state funded pre school programs, is a good social experiment? What makes it seem good to you? Important to note, this is Sweden, and Swedish culture, which is similar and different to American culture, which means that all political parties within Sweden will be qualitatively different than what Americans think of their political party, or what UK citizens or EU citizens think of their political parties. -
Danioover9000 replied to Alexop's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Alexop Oh, so the current Sweden's government is conservative, and they implemented extremely liberal migration policies? Can you elaborate this conservative party and why it decided to be more for migration? And because of their extreme implementation of migration policies, they lost votes in the September elections? What was the previous party for the Sweden government? -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek In our new Twitter, I think it's a great idea to set up a hall of fame for good posters and high quality content providers. Also, a hall of infamy, for those who post bad postings and content of low quality and continues lack and disrespectful behavior. Hall of infamy will only be for the most egregious of our band wagon, for perma banned members. A trusted moderator will be there to explain to the general users, if asked, and will explain why they got banned and the series of events that leads to that perma ban. Of course, another trusted moderator, and finally me the admin, will review those explanations if they contain any sensitive information of the new Twitter websites like security codes and so on. Same for the hall of fame, a review and summary for each one and why they're successful to us. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Eyowey Clearly because you were talking about topics that were dodgy, and Elon Musketeer, with his musketeer minions, corrupted Twitter, obviously promised false lies about your freedom of speech, and instead the algorithm shadow banned you. Well, the good news is, our new Twitter is way better than that musket and will go some way to try to rehabilitate a sick birdie peacock such as yours. However, the bad news is, shadow banning will still be here but because it's solely based on content and words that are fads and trending in views, so make sure you at least tailor your content a bit to gain better traction and traffic, but you will receive a warning for posting shady content that's conspiratorial theories, and anything that's breaking forum guidelines. Ignore that and continue, you will get more warning points and have a public icon of a shadowy idiot next to your picture. Continue still, you get to be temp ban for a month. Continue and it's straight to perma ban, you account revoked and marked into algorithm and A.I that it will know about your second account. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura @Hardkill Nope. Our new Twitter's improved algorithms and A.L will immediately flag and either temp ban or perma ban and be reviewed by trusted moderator.. Also, forget making alt accounts, the A.I already knows, from IP to writing style that it's you. Also, if anyone's wondering, yes, I will also kick out Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman and anyone who's ideologically similar to them, and extend an invitation to maybe Jimmy Wheel and Daniel Schmachtenberger to make their accounts, and any future Skype or Omegle live stream talks annually or seasonally. -
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill I mean, it's either economic sanctions, or threatening to bomb them from orbit. I just don't know enough to see what's an effective leverage to get Xie and the party to clean house in China, get their stuff in order, instead of causing worldwide grief. We'll have so many Covid variants, we'll eventually name one an alpha covid, or omega covid, or sigma covid, or giga chad covid. Maybe kiddie covid? I predict at kiddie covid variant is gonna be the docile form of covid. -
@NightHawkBuzz So what? Make yourself useful, and make your LP exciting and passionate! MAKE IT MEANINGFUL TO YOU!!! Stop with this doomer Nihilist mentality. So what if it's billions of others? That's like saying "So what if there's billions of potential GFs? I know one who might become my GF one day, but what's the point? It's meaningless the pursue a relationship!". Okay, since you are so beta passive aggressive, can I screw your GF in front of you? Is that enough to get yourself out of your head for once and into your heart and balls?
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Eyowey A caveman only existed 100,000 or so years ago, vert different world of today. Very brutal as well, it's a dark world full of rape, pillaging and death. We live in a society. It can't be helped that the technology is shady. Some processing and storage of this vaccine it needs some shade from the harsh light, and proper security and storage facilities. It's a bit expensive to produce, in time and effort, so credit is needed where it's due. I don't think these sheds containing these vaccines are an ideal social hang out for people, not enough space and too cold. -
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill I feel like it's one of these situations that the Xie guy and his party are too stubborn to change quickly enough or accept outside help. China's biggest cultural value is this idea of saving face, and of avoiding actions may bring embarrassment and shame on them. Well, to them, admitting that their vaccine is inadequate, admitting that they may have accidentally leaked covid from the lab, admitting that they could've improved conditions around the wet markets to prevent further diseases, all the way to admitting that they screwed up with adopting communism from Russia, that's now all a very big and embarrassing thing to admit, so, they decide to not admit, lie multiple times, lie with facts, and lie with a bold face. At this point, an ulimatum might be needed, and put bluntly. The west can offer it's mRNA vaccine technology to China to help it, and if they still refuse, well, they get an economic sanction, and they get to die by diseasing themselves to death, while the majority of the western cultural hemisphere and some eastern cultures get newer vaccines and slightly more improved versions. If we have made a technology that has proved successful, then why can't we make further improvements later? Even if there's some possibility that Covid future variants may bypass our current herd and inoculated immune systems to the virus, we have proved that it is possible to further improve in vaccines and methods to handle this virus. Hell, the cold and flu season is probably slightly more dangerous.