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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@petar8p No don't you cheers me, you slimy dear. You are caught in the spot light, fight back. You make very clear what you are accusing me of in this thread, no passive aggressive BS here! Imma tell it to you straight, in no way was I strongly defending Andrew Tate, not as much as you are making me out to be. So, unless you actually have evidence clearly showing me defending Andrew Tate in this thread, shut your trap. False Gossiping is bad for your nose. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Ulax There's always value in any one's posts here and in other sub forums here, it's just in the eyes of the beholder if those are more or less valuable. That's part of mastery, earlier in one's life they're likely to dabble to several fields of interest, sometimes discover one is exciting and act in zeal, until the honey moon period phase is over, they commonly then leap to another field, until they finally find the niche they want to develop themselves into. It's like the fig tree and the fig tree strangler, when it finds the one, it develops the roots over time, until it eventually reaches the earth is when they really have mastered their craft. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@KH2 BTW, that book is actually a solid book, if anyone here strictly applies themselves to that book, there would be lightly doubt left in one's self esteem. Robert Green's Mastery, Eric Ericson's Deliberate practice, and Napoleon Hill's Think And Grow Rich, they're fantastic reading. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@petar8p What makes you think I'm defending Tate, snow flake? Where in any posts in this thread have I endorsed slavery and bribery? Drama queen much? Use of satire and sarcasm does not remove your idiocy any more than inventing straw mans of my points and views. -
@bloomer For the 10 Gs baby! For the grind, for the loot, for the EXP and leveling up! FOR THE CHOPPING OF WOOD AND CARRYING WATER! THERE'S NOTHING ELSE BUT THIS!!!
What are your thoughts about this channel? What channel, or it's owner is at what stage of development? What is it's cognition and morality? What is it's ego development and personality type? What is it's state of consciousness? What are it's other lines of development? What are it's areas of strengths and weaknesses? What are the beliefs, dogmas, ideologies of this person's messaging via YouTube video? My first impressions and assumptions: This channel is trying to convert me into thinking that big tech, and consequentially other big companies under neo liberalism and liberalism are the enemies, that progressivism/socialism is the future (although I highly doubt and suspect he's manipulatively trying to slip in Marxism and maybe even Libertarianism/communism) are the real enemies to democracy, fair use of internet and so on. Is this a correct assumption?
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
very interesting video, what are your thoughts? Around 1 hour 40 minutes to 1:42, he said utopia is Greek for 'no place, and it doesn't exist and contextualizes this relative to what he's talking about. However, Utopia does exist as a absolute, but not as you relatively know of it nor can it be contextualized into a neat little box for your ego. Great video nonetheless. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@KH2 I see what you did there. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@lxlichael You asked for what qualities are positive in Andrew Tate, I extrapolated from within his context those qualities and made them abstract and general enough to be taken and internalized into your mind, outside any specific context to be taken and applied to your personality. Instead, your mind is stuck in the Andrew Tate arrest of sex trafficking context, though I was advocating for this crime, and had a distorted view and assumptions of my intentions and loyalties. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@lxlichael Ambition, brute forcing, drive, cunning. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
As I have predicted, this thread has derailed. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Lyubov Nah, still the same as you've left it before, just some are more clever with their posting. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@abundance Or, those were him role playing BDSM with that blonde woman and brunette that consented beforehand. Context is very important in deciding whether those were real or role playing fantasies he's doing. Agree that it doesn't make him look like a good character, but that's part of his marketing campaign of looking like a bad alpha male guy, for the marketing. Not knowing the full context and being case sensitive, allows a lot of speculation that's unnecessary. Highly likely this would be used against him now, not in any credible or solid evidence, but as a propaganda campaign and assassination attempts of his character overall. Expect a lot of distorted and generalizing hate towards him with little objectivity in part from the general public. Not sure from the Romanian court. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Is nobody going to bring up the Matrix movies and how they've had a negative impact on today's world? -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I am not a passionate person, nor do I have any attachments to Andrew Tate other than entertainment value of his skits and marketing shorts. I've come to realize that, in my stages of development, cognition, morality, ego development, states of consciousness and life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life, with my many ideologies indoctrinated into me, that I AM A ROBOT. A robot that emotes feelings and artistic visions. I am an artistic emoting ROBOT. As such, I have this insight that I'm inside my mind inside my head space most times, and less inside my body space. So, to space it out evenly Imma have to do tai chi, chi gong and stuff. There are definitely levels to this shit, empathy and understanding and all that. I'm more empathetic and understanding to Tate in that I was scammed, and knew some who had a hellish life experiences and very bad upbringing. Sometimes Andrew Tate's attitude, or values system of stage red/blue values is necessary for some who are in that kind of environment, so do realize that it's still needed in some parts of the world please, don't be naïve and unimaginative. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@lxlichael Dude, you are either drunk or high on some shit, come back to earth please. Also Greta is a teen. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Jodistrict So, what's the alternative? Cap capitalism? Ditch capitalism and embrace communism? -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@KH2 The great lesson here regarding this situation, is that fame and high success are traps. Nothing new here, most of human history is full of successful people getting trapped more and more into their successes. Only takeaway that I view as positive to modal from Andrew Tate, is ambition and drive, because at the end of the day in Andrew Tate's life, factoring in all the other forms of development, he ultimately decided, with intent, to pursue a kind of life that he feels himself would be fulfilling for him, and in making that choice he had to put will power into that decision. In the face of many obstacles in his way, he had to apply his will and drive and ambition into the journey he wants for himself, even if in his life's story it would land him here, in this situation of GRETA pursuing a criminal case against him on alleged claims of human trafficking, which is rich considering that Romania and it's neighboring countries have black markets for this types of dealings somewhere out there that we don't fully know about. So! Choose carefully where you go, what decision you make, and will power you invest, because life is also all about trade offs. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hoodrow trillson Alleged to have committed some serious crimes such as human trafficking, which is yet to be solidly proven in court, yet. Honestly we still have to wait and see, because it's very tempting to claim this and that when slander and defamation is thrown around the room about a person's downfall. Let's wait and see if they actually have hard evidences and lists of witnesses to attest to his crimes. The cult of human personality at work, nothing new here other than the internet allowing this to proliferate far quicker than in the past. Again, alleged to have scammed people as well, as those link affiliation programs may not be fully scams in of themselves, because if that's the case, then you can also claim that all networking and attempts to collaborate and reach out to people of merit is a scam as well. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@lxlichael In an ideal society, part of the blame wouldn't be solely on Andrew Tate or people similar in mind and kind to him in the lower ends of society, they would extend to the people that made the Matrix movies for showcasing a fictional world that fabricates reality as well for coining this term we call THE MATRIX, So what? I can fight and win against Andrew Tate /=/ I can win against anyone and win, because I don't know, and I also can lose and also can be a draw as well. How is Greta a role modal? To be an environmentalist activist, in exchange for dropping out of education? I don't know if that's enough to justify dropping out of education for being some activist. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Socrates Yes, it all boils down to bias, as well as stages of development, cognition, morality, personality typing, ego development, states of consciousness which is equal to life experiences, and other lines of development in different areas of life. Grooming, gas lighting, and all kinds of ideologies indoctrinated into your psyche from to uprising in one's culture. Plus sunk cost fallacy as it is uncomfortable to admit that you have supported a person of evil character, whatever the evil identification you label said person as, in direct proportion to the time and energy invested into believing and defending this person from their respective ideological oppositions. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard The traffic police that could've been nicer. Sorry. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Globalcollective Andrew Tate serves as just another form of entertainment and distraction, albeit a controversial one that some ideologically driven groups find distasteful, and other ideologically driven groups find exciting. His polarizing behavior arouses human emotions in us, which in a way still reminds us that we humans are still fundamentally relatively animals, -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 While it's a bit ridiculous, there's some truth to that claim. Society is not only here for others to inspire other people, but societies exists to domesticate human beings into being civil, with morals and ethical codes enforced via education, and information ecologies of mainstream tv, radio, news outlets, social media websites that have algorithms catering to every biases and preferences of every user. This is why there's stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in each area of life. This is also why every mind is similar and different, with different mental representations of the world around it, with all the ideologies it is indoctrinated growing up. These contrasts and differences in development exists because of many limitations and constraints in our reality that we have to abide by to some degree. This is the great cost of being not just human, but a finite thing, in a finite world. -
Danioover9000 replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Karmadhi Both, and much more. But really, Andrew Tata is his own worst enemy.